05-28-2014 - Special CITY OF EDGEWATER GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES City Half Council Chambers Wednesday May 28, 2014 at 9:OOAM TRUSTEES PRESENT: Brenda Dewees Tim Spoko John Brackin John McKinney Tyna Hilton Bobby Laramore TRUSTEES ABSENT: Gigi Bennington OTHERS PRESENT: H. Lee Dehner, Board Attorney Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator 1. Call to Order Brenda Dewees called the meeting to order at 9:03 AM. 2. Roll Call As reflected above. 3. No Public Comments 4. Old Business a. Finalize operating rules and procedures document. i. .John McKinney asks if the City Clerk is the RMLO or Ferrell as the Plan Administrator. Lee Dehner states that it makes sense for the City Clerk to be the Plan's RMLO. Board votes to adopt a resolution designating the City Clerk as the Plan's RMLO according State Statue 257.36[5](a) upon motion matte by John McKinney and second by Tyna Hilton, motion carried 6-0. ii. The Board discussed how many benefit calculations each active member should receive at the Plan's expense. Lee Dehner states that the current document draft allows two benefit calculations. iii. The Board discussed "Attachment X 1. Lee Dehner states that the Board transition from seven members to five members will happen after the Ordinance has passed and the initial terms will be staggered as determined by the board of trustees. 2. Board discussed the language in section (b) (2) under membership. Board instructs Lee Dehner to add the language "still employed by the city" so it reads "One of whom is a current or retired member of the plan who is currently employed by the City elected by a majority of current and retired members of the Plan who are currently employed by the City." Board votes to change the Ian ua a in Attachment A section b 2 as reflected above upon motion made by John McKinn2y and second by Tim S oko motion carried 6-0. iv. The Board discussed adding the language, if a Board member missed more than two consecutive meetings in a twelve month period without good cause, it would result in being removed from the Board as a Trustee. 1. The Board discussed what justifies an unexcused absence and decided to add the language that the Board decides what constitutes an unexcused absence. 1 Board votes to add language to Attachment A section [b] [6] that states if a Board member has two unexcused absences as determined by the Board in a twelve month period would result in removal from the Board upon motion made bit John McKinne and second by Tim Spoko, motion carried 6-0. v. The Board discussed rule 16, section 16.1 `Procedure"section A., regarding a disability affidavit be filed with the Board at least once each year. 1. Lee Dehner will provide the forms to the Plan Administrator, who will send the affidavit to the member(s), and then the Board will review the affidavit(s) and make the determination if the member(s)will continue with the disability benefit. vi. The Board discussed "Attachment A" section (g) order of business. The Board directs Lee Dehner to put "public comments" before the "approval of minutes" in the order of business. Board votes to make all changes to the operating rules and procedures document as discussed by Lee Dehner upon motion made by Tim Spoko and second by John McKinney, motion carried 6-0. 5, New Business a. The Board readdressed how many benefit calculations each active member should receive at the Plan's expense. The Board agrees to change the policy to allow each member three benefit calculations at the Plan's expense before the member is charged on an individual basis. b. John McKinney makes the recommendation that both the HR director and finance director be included on all Board notices. Board votes to direct the Plan Administrator to include the HR director and finance director on all pertinent pension board material upon motion made by Tyna Hilton and second by Hobby Laramore, motion carried 6-0 c. Lee Dehner provides a legislative update to the Board. To date, no bills have passed that will affect the Plan. d. Lee Dehner reminds the Board to file their Form 1F by July 14 and also states that these will need to be re-filed once the Board transitions from seven members to five members. 6. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10:20 AM. 7. Next Meeting June 16, 2014 at 11:OOAM. ' -Z ectfull shibm'tted by: Approved by: me: �rrejJenne Name: Title: Plan Administrator Title: A iR bU L IPA-Im"K Date Approved By the Pension Boa rd: y_ 2