08-29-1974 - Workshop '-F ....., KnRKsnnp MfFTTNG HFr:TTL..^ R ",fEFTI Nr. HELD A,TTGUST 29, 1974 The Workshop meetinp of the City Council of the City of Fdgewater, Fla. was called to order by Mayor David C. Severance, Thursday, August 29, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. ~fayor Severance stated that the bills & accounts will be hypassed and that they would go into the Board of Governors from the Community Center to discuss a problem that has arisen in regards to the authority of the Board of Governors. The problem is that they feel that the Council is taking the Community Center and using it without first notifing the Board of Governors. He stated that he appreciated the letter that the Council got from the Board of Governors, although he did dissagree with the letter. Fe stated that he agreeably disagreed with it, because all boards that are appointed hy the Council are appointed with the understanding in all of the resolutions that they serve at the will of the Council, and that the Council has the final authority and the boards are strictly a recommendation type board. This is a minor thing and he stated that there are some fine people working on all of the boards, of the City. He then turned it over to the Community Center Board to get their personal opinion as to what the problem is. One of the members of this board stated tha tthe Chairman was not present at this time. He stated that this board by the Council and do take care of the Community Center. that they have an excellent membership. Mayor Severance stated thatthe Council is not above anyone else in this town, we are at the same level as everybody that is working for this town, however we do have the responsibility. He appreciates the critism. There is just a lack of communication on both parts, the Council and the boards part. It is all of out famlt. Mayor Severance stated that there is an ordinance in the code of brdinances that was writter years ago that said that the Monday meetings because of lack of quorm or special holidaywith the Monday regular Council meeting would be moved to the next day and would be held within the next 24 hours, which would be at 7:30 P.~'. the next evening which would be tuesday nights. He stated that they would like to nhange this to read 4R hours so that it will land on a W~dnesday night. We ~re also advising all of the boards, to schedule their meetings around Tuesday nights. Mayor Severance stated that if in fact that any of the other boards feels that their authority or responsibility is being infringed llpon by the Council, if you will hring it hrfore the City Manager, to his attention, he will have the authority to take care of this problem. of the Board in appointed He stated The member of the Board of r.overnors stated that this seem very fair and stated that if any time that the Council does not agree with the hoard that they recommerld and would like to have their advisement also. Mayor Secrrance announced that there will be an Open House for the new City Manager, ~fr. Bryant, on Sunday the 8th of September. All Board members from 1-2 and all citizens from 2-4, in the Community Center. BILLS & ACCOUNTS General Fund City of Edgewater Petty Cash City Auto Supply Southern Paint Mac Smith Rental Equipemtn 8.25 12.21 43.73 14.48 312.48 -1- '-" ...., Lanier Products New Smyrna Chrysler Plymouth Oasis Car Wash Taylor Brothers Tire Store Edgewater Motors Edgewater Standard Station News Journal Corp. Dwight's New Smyrna Beach News Gasoline Alley Pitney Bowes Robert G. Howard New Sm~rna Builders Supply Magnolia Motors Postal Office Machines Inc. Diversified E1ectrmoics Industrial Office Outfitters Standard Oil Xerox Corp. Snow Paint ~ Glass May, 2ima & Assoc. Harrison Uniform Co. Joseph E. Weaver Robert H. Christy Florida Awning 29.45 118.33 10.50 7.00 3.50 17.04 30.80 8.10 17.70 37.90 30.00 900.45 234.89' 22.80 47.35 72.25 20.41 2,141.85 91. 42 319.00 1,827.00 143.60 402.60 22.10 11.08 7,025.47 Water & Sewer City of Edgewater City Auot Petty Cash Betts Laboratories Sea-Bo Type writer repairs Ace Hardware Florida Awning Dobb's Electric Motors All State Pipe Economy Electric Hall Hachine Works Barnies Pumps Badger Meter 5.50 32.70 17.65 14.00 23.50 5.43 3.24 126.00 1,351.45 41. 25 78.50 264.00 700.83 The Council discussed these bills & acoounts in full. COMMUNICATIONS The May~r read a letter from a member of the Merit Board, stating that he is resigning from the Merit Board, this member is Ken Litchfield7 Mayor Severance then asked the City Attorney if there would have to be another elettion of the City employees. He stated that he would rather have another ballot passed rather than the City electing some- one. The Council discussed this in full. The Mayor read a letter from the Building Code Committee regarding the new appointwents to the Board of Adjustments ~ Appeals. Mayor Severance stated that the City Clerk has explained this to the board. Councilman Sikes suggested that the two members tllat were not chosen for thjs board be appointed as alternates. Mayor Severance read a letter form the Circuit Court, stating the proceedures have been extablished which will allow municipalities to abolish its courtt prior to said date if this is the desire of the individull City. Mayor Severance explained that they would like a letter form us stating that we do ordon't want to abolish priop to the deadline date of Jan. 1. - ;:'.,." '-'" .."", Mayor Severance stated that this letter will be put on the agneda for Monday nights meeting. Mayor Severance read aletter from the Humane Socitty expressing their thanks for the increase in their monthly payment. He stated that his should also be onthe agenda to read monday night. The mayor read a letter from one of the citizens of the community statidg that he would like the Council to refrain from ever using the term Mobile Home, as they are residents and should be treated as such. He stated that this is a matter of information. Mayor Severance read a letter Mr. W. A. Swets stating that the City has picked out a lot of boys to do a mans job, the City Barn is a dump. There are a lot of indications in Edgewater that the City does not know how to run itself. He stated that he hoped at the next election, they can get rid of some bf the Councilmen. Mayor Severance stated that this is also a matter of informaiton. Mayor Severance stated that weare going to need an Ordinance that will ~ate the duties of the City Manager. This will be drawn up in a manner in which there is no comflict between his duties0~~~~those of other City Employees. ~'" L. V Mayor Severance announced that MmK.I~ ~~j.~' night there will be a Public Hearing setting the milage~%m~ prior to the meeting at 7:30 P.m. There will be copies on a table of about 10 pages of documents. There will be a cover letter and a certification of milage and taxable values from the County. The Council discussed this matter in full. The Council then talked about petitions for the elettions. Mayor Severance statede that he had some ppecifications on the incoder for the Fire Department. They discussed this incoder and the need for iK~ it. Mayor Severance stated that all bids will be held unopened, and any and all bids can be rejected. The wakie-talkies were $900.00 a piece. We are not going to get them. We are just takling about the pager receivers. Mayor Severance stated that he thought that it would be advisable at the next meeting of the Fire Department to make it very clear that i~ xx K in fact if the City does purchase these tiings they will be handed out to those people that have been on the Fire Department, that have been supporting the Fire Department. Mayor Severance stated that the Council has talked about a new sireen for the Civil Defense system. The Council discussed this matter in full. Mayor Severance stated that if any of the Council members plan to attend the Zoning Seminar in Tomoka Oaks, please turn your name in to the City Clerk so that she can make reservations, this will be the 25th of September. The Council then talked about the Electrical Ordinance that was presented to the Council for them to review. Mayor Severance suggested that the Council members go through it and make recommendations that you think will make it better, then go back to the Building Code Board with a list and ask them their feelings on it and take final action on it. He then had it set up for the next Workshop memeting. The city clerk stated that she gave a copy of this ordinance to the Inspectors to check over and they carne back with a few notations. Mayor Severance stated that he had a total list of 30 street lights. What we have talked about is taking 35 lights out of this budget and installing them, we know we need more in othere areas. But instead of doing 35 now and waiting until this time next year and then doing 35 more, we thought it would be more feasible to get it out of the way to do 35 now and then effective October 1st put in the balance ofwhat we have projected. Mayor Severance stated that he would like to finalize this in discussion wise at the next workshop emeting then take action at the second regular meeting in September, to contact Florida Power & Light -3- . .~ tACt, /C)7)L '-" "'wIll to give us a workup on these particular places. ~1ayor Severance then gave ~he City Attorney, Joseph Weaver the floor. He stated that the only thIng that he is going to report on tonight is the matter of the.carpe~ in City Hall. It is a matter of $500.00. He recommended that In trYIng to expodite this matter and figure up the most eco~omical way of handleing it. Me stated that we should go ahedd and pay It for the most economical way. Mayro SEverance stated that it will be up to the Counicl as to what the decision is. Mr. Weaver stated that if the Council wants to go ahead and sort this out, we will, but the most economical way is to go ahead and pay it. The Council discussed this in full. Mr. Weaver stated that there were all sorts ?f conflicting. statements and conflicting reports, that actually yo~ ~ouldn t s?rt out t~nngs. He stated that we could possibly do some plImInary sortIng and fInd out khat is going on then if. we determine that we are in the right we will set back and say ha~e at it. Mayor SEverance stated that once we get all of the information together and are notified to that, then we will contact the people involved and request that they come to a Workshop arnd disucss this. Mayor Severance stated thatthere will be a Special Meeting MOnday, September 30, 1974, to settle all business before the close of the fiscal year, and to certify the candidates for zone II and IV elections. The Council then discussed the specifications for the City Barn. Mayor seuerance stated that he was going to have the City Clerk call Mr. Howard and tell him, using the page out of the minutes ~nd include 16' doors and we would like the alterations on these plans as soon as possible ~x so that we can get the specifications out. - Mr. Christy then talked with the Council about his trip ~ to Starke. He stated that he bought 2 cabinets, a briefcase, first aid equipment. The Council duscussed this with i>> him. Chief Katez had some questions on the Christmas lights. Mayor Severance asked him to contact Florida Power & Light and a workup on what it will cost to put a double switch on these lights. 'x-D~ .-f':J\t:- Mr. Cameron asked the, Council waat the outcome of the Hearing regarding ~t"\4- FHA application. ;l>-(t \>- I~ Mayor Severance stated that they have not had the hearing yet. Mr. Fernandez )' "i'- has not gotten back wi th us vet this week, in re'gards to this. ~0'. , c~~~Mr. Cameron asked if they qualified and how much he would owe the City. ~.~~.Mayor Severance stated that it was siscussed by the Coucnil about your ~~' check for 5,000 dollars. He stated that it was his understanding through the discussion that we were going to table and return to Mr. Cameronthe check for $5,000.00 because of the fact that we could not a~~ocate the water and w sewer for your proposed park at this time. But by doing so the Coucnil was going to turn around and after the tabeling and returning of your check, was going to make a motion that if and when we could allocate that you would receive the qualifications for a single hook up. However we did have a motion to that effect but there was no second. Therefore the motion died. For reasons of the Council they voted in that manner. Mayor Severance stated that the property of the Mobile Horne Owner belongs to the Mobile Horne Owner, it is prmvate property, it is not City property. Until such time ~kx~ as he wished to dedicate said right of ways to the City, the City can not force him to do so. . . W' 'W City Attorney Weaver stated that this whole situation can be clarified >>1 to the point for the Council's benifet and for Mr. Camerons, by a couple of appropriate metions Monday night. There was a motion to table the matter and return the check mntil( this is on the allocation part) we hear from the FHA. There was another motion made regarding the one hook up and he stated that he feels that we should clarify this and go forth and have a motion to the effect that he would be given one hook up charge. The CouncilxmiKx discussed this matter in full. Mayor Severance stated that the whole thing boiles down to what Mr. Weaver touched on it, that in fact that Tuesday night we will have one of two types of motions I-A motion that Mr. Cameron will be granted a single hook up when 1mK he requests a hook up forgetting the allocations they can not be given until FHA comes through or 2-Doee the Council desire to have a motion that he must have 160 hook ups. That is the question for Tuesday night. The Council discussed this in full. Mayor ~everance adjourned this meeting.