10-02-1974 - Workshop
OCTOBFR 2, 1974
The Regular Meeting of the Workshop of the City Council of
the City of Edgewater was called to order by Mayor David C.
Mayor Severance read a letter from Fairchild Products Inc.
of West Palm Beach, Fla. stating that they are enclosing a
decal of a similar nature to the one that we sent them. The
costs are rather high and they may wish to order one of
their samples. The City Clerk then showed the Council the
samples that were sent.
Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Bryant ( City Manager) knows
someone in Titusville that is in the printing business. He
suggested that they take no action on this right now until
Mr. Bryant contacts this gentelman. Mayor Severance stated
that we should be able to get this done a lot cheaper than
$55.00 per color.
Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Deloach is building a house
beside Reverand Hollowell and is utilizing the same utility
trailer. He is reauesting a permit to use it. He stated
that the permit should be worded up to 90 days or upon
occupancy of the home which ever is sooner, then decided
on final inspection.
The City Clerk read a letter from the Halifax Chapter of the
American Hibisuas Society extending their thanks for the
proclamation for the Hibiscuas Week.
The City Clerk read a letter requesting a street light on
3129 Willow Oak Drive.
Mayor Severance stated that we are closed out on our street
lights right now, but will send her a letter telling her.
The City Clerk stated that the Primary will be coming up the
22nd of October. She stated that we need precinct workers.
She asked if the Council wanted to appoint people or use the
same ones that the County used. It will cost the City mare
iF they appoint people. Mayor Severance sta~ed that the
Councilman whould think this ober for Monday nights meeting.
Mr. Bryant stated that he has a letter from Briley, Wild
from Rick Fernandez concerning the sanitary land fill. He stated
that what they are trying to do is come up with some alternatives
to the land fill problem. He highly recommended that the land
fill in Oak JIill not be considered at this time, because of the'
lease agreement that they have with the poeple that own the land.
With this 100 acre sipht at this time is out of the financial
possibility for tiS at'this time. Another alternative would be to
haul it to tomoka. But this would be an expensive proposition.
1- .~
The third alternative would be to bring our present sanitary land
fill sight in compliance with standards. It is nearby and we
would have control of it. He highly recommended that we authorize
Mr. rernandez to proceed in findin? the cost of it. re stated
that the same thinps that we will have to do with out present
land fill area we will have to do th the new sight if we buy it.
Mayor Severance stated that there is some indication that monies
are avaliable through the Farm Home Administration for the
purchase of eouipment and land. Mr. Bryant stated that we are
looking at a possible 10 years ~se or posibly more. 'layor
Severance stated that this will be placed on the agenda for
appropriate action Monday night.
Mr. Bryantstated that he did write a letter to Florida Power &
Light, Mr. Broddle and as results, he called and he xx has a meeting
with him Firday morning.
Mr. Bryant stated that Mr. Coffee came in to see him today concering
City Hall telephone system. He recommended that we go with a
console type telephone with four rotating numbers. The main
console will be the Police Dispatchers, the other two will act
as back up units for the main one. Each of the instruments will
have all of the rotater numbers on it. The present telephone
system is costin? the City about $85.23 and the new one will
cost $143.61 a month. Mayor Severance stated that this will
be put on the agenda for approval at the Council meeting Honday
Mr. Bryant stated that he received a letter from Magnaaum Corp.
concerning the apparentmislocation of Guava Drive between 19th
and 20th Streets in Florida Shores. He recommended that the
City do nothing and at best allow them to move it, after they
get approval from us.
Mr. Br"nt stated that he did some limited research on the
American Flag. He then read to the Council about this. Mayor
Severance stated that action would be taken Monday night on
taking the flag down each night and who will do it.
Mr. Bryant stated x that all bids were rejected on the Barn
because of the inahility to valilate the funds necessary.
As a result Mr. Howard ahdn Mr. Bryant have met regarding this
matter. He stated that he is waiting for indication from
the rouncil as to what they should do.
Mayor SEverance stated that the first thing that we are going
to have to do is to amend the budget and include a category
of construction for City Parn and put these modies in that we
have left over that is not designated as surplus. He felt that
the Council could amend this under an emergency because of the
way that the conditions are.
City Attorney Weaver stated
have an emergency reading.
go through 2 readings. The
City Barn in full.
that he doesn't beleive that we should
Which would mean that it will have to
Council discussed this matter of the
Mayor Severance suggested that they discontinue discussion on
this until we have the full council here and then discuss it. In
the mean time Monday night we can give authorization to Mr. Bayant
tocontinue with his project with the City Barn, and prepare all of
the necessary paper work between him and the architect.
Mr. Brvant stated that he felt that it would be good to have a
City wide pick up of anything and everything. East of UsS. 1
on the 16th and lVest of tJ. S. 1 on the 23rd.
.. - " .-.
Mr. Bryant stated that a Mr. Jack Dunkle with the United Way
Campaign, he wanted the~ approval of the Council to approach
employees on what their option WOl1ld he onthis, if they want to
patticipate. They will N not be opligated in any way.
He asked the Council to~~r~pare some bid specifications for a
new garbage truck. Mayor Severance and the Council did not
Mayor S~verance announced that we are trying to obtain a loan
from the Farmers Home Administeration on our new water & sewer
expansion project, to triple its capacity. The FHA people will
be here in the Mayors Office for a hearing with them, at 1:30 P.M.
This is the hearing where the end result will come out of it,
whether we get the loan or not.
Couicilman Clinton asked about the insurance in case anyone of
our employees get hutt on the job. Chief Kates stated that the
insurance compa~y will pay for it but nnt for the keeping of
their family.
Councilman Clinton asked about motels, if the City could make
any arrangement that while they are not having any business, will
their rates go down.
Mayor Severance stated that there is apsolutly no way that we
can give them a break an the rates, if we did it for them we
would have to do it for every resident, mobile home and etc.
Mayor Severance stated that he has heard some talk about people
trying to put some pressure on the County Council to put an item
on the agenda neNt year of doing away with the County Manager
system. The Council discussed this matter.
Councilman Bevel stated that the Edgewater Volunteer Fire Department
doesn't have a XiH~ sign, and that we need to get one there and
in fro.nt of the R City Hall.
Councilman Bevel also stated that the City Hall needs an exhaust
fan because the building smells.
Mr. Christy then talked to he Council about the radio for Civil
Defnence. They went into disucssion about the encessity of CD
having a 2 channel radio.
The City Clerk stated that the Zoning &~lanning Board would
like to meet witlh the City Council and the City Attorney to
iron out what the duties of the Xoning Board of Adjustments and
the Zoning & Planning Board's duties are. Mayor Severance
asked the City Clerk to get in touch with Mr. Wolfe sometime
tomorrow to set up a date that they can meet.
Councilman Clinton talked to the Councol about recreation.
This meeting was adjourned by Mayor Severance.