10-17-1974 - Workshop '-" n'PKSH0P ~TrTINr, q:(;lTLPJ' \1fTTH1r. TTLD nrTnBrp 17, 1074 ....., The regular rneetinr of tIle Fodsrop was called to order hy Mayor David r. Severance nwrsday {'.ctoher 17, 1974 at 7:00 in the cormnmity center. rILLS f. !\rr0wns Soutllern ne11 . rity of fclgewater nClS is rar l':ash ~]orida rower fLight ()cean JIve \Turs erv 'fC f'rory' s Pratt's Padiator Service Dwipht's nfficeSupplies ropeland Brothers raving "opn's f\uto~otive Am e r i can l! a r (1\., [) r e fdgewater }fotors Spees Chemical roo ~ac Smith r~uip~ent Scotty's ~Tew Smyrna 'fotors City fluto Goodyear Gasoline A]ley St a te Ch end ca 1 nanu factur ing Standard Oil Lanier Business Products ~1agno1 i a U"vn ~"10wers Industrial Office ()utfitters ~ew Smyrna Beach Police Department Xerox R. B. ~1orris nrlando Advertising County of Vo]usia Diversified flectronics Scars PI Roenuck City of Fdgewater Petty CAsh Joseph F. Weaver WATFR Ci SFWFR City of Fdgewater Florida Power ~ bight Fdgewater Manufacturing l'!ew Smyrna P] umning !1u1tigraphics nobn' 5 F]ectric ~fotors Ropp 's P.utomot i ve American Hardware Liapo1e Badger 'feter AllState Pipe 31.40 0,,1 .20 S. 2 S 2,n2n.50 7.00 ,1 .04 ] 6 . 5 n 5. ] 5 ~6n.(lO 5 1 .00 13.77 25. (13 14.09 38.91 10:;.22 25.52 54.90 21 .4(1 112.97 135.27 1,140.90 224.4] 61.10 ]04.20 162.00 113.68 41.50 34.21 1,308.26 241.20 12.00 6.36 177.50 .6,768.43 11.00 1,436.42 11.52 :;.67 :;0.50 81.00 24.00 26.69 400.50 455.39 207.9] p 'r , . .. ,.., ,..., Sav-on Utility Supply Petty Cash 326.57 20.00 3,035.19 FFDFHAL REVENUF SHARING Danial W. Cory Joseph E. Weaver J. F. Tumhlin 165.00 192.50 150.00 507.50 The Council discussed these Rills R Accounts in full. COMMUNICATI0NS Mayor Severance stated that he received a letter that he would like to read from the Volusia Council of Governments regarding the VCOG. He stated that we have already taken action to hecome members of this organization. Pe is going to coreespond with them and explain to them why they feel that the meetings should he held in the evening hours. The Council discussed the letter sent to them from ~Ir. Scovell. City Attorney Weaver will be reporting to the Council on the discussion with the Zoning & Planning Roard. tlr. Bryant (City nanager) discussed the traffic light at U.S.l and Park Ave. He stated that the mechanical trevials on the west side of U.S.I presentlv reouire rework. Fe tl,en recommendecl that we expend moneY. to do 3yaV with the present svstCPI and put in a nelV concluctor systeJ11.' he stated'that you' could l'ropahl y repair the present systme for ~2nO.OO. tlayor Severance stated that this should he on the agenda to make t]ds public, in letting the publ ic know what "'e arc f'oinf to authorize you to do. C i tv nanarrer Pn'?nt s t a ted t]l at there was another prahl e]11 wi tl'J tlw'lirht', _ the 1 iollt is too Iov fa n'eet tIle Pot stanc1ards. Fe recoJ1lJ11endec1 tllat tI1cv red se the I io:ht to l5fect (. inc]ws to 1'e on tI,e safe side, for a price of "'160.00. Councilman Pevel stated that Uonday nirht l1e is roinr to mat:e a motion that the Citv send these 1)il15 for the trafficE~light to the County as ~ Park Ave. in a County !'1aintained road. City Manager Pryant stated that he has asked the Chief to do some research for us on some of the equipment that is not carried in our nolice cars. So that we can be prepared to act and respond to emergencies that we JIlight be faced with. He had made a list of all the equipment needed and the Council went over this with him. City ~fanager Bryant discussed the Police Unit 304, there" are problems with the engine. He recommended that we go with the expense of rebuilc1inp the engine and at the same overhaul the transmission. City Manager Bryant requested authorization to prepare bids to advertise for bids for a new '74 police cruiser. The Council discussed this in full. Mayor Severance stated that Monday night action will he taken to rive Mr. Bryant authorization for going out for bids on a new car. Ci ty ~fanager Bryant read a letter from Brown-l"oocls Law Offi ce - 2- '-' "'wI regarding relocating the Police Department stating that their building in for sale. Mayor Severance stated that he would recommend that the City Manager correspond with them thanking them for their offer.' City ~fanager Bryant stated that the old Police uniforms could be used for work clothes for the Garbage & Street Department. These will be modified so that they will not look like old police uniforms. . Councilman Bevel suggested that the Garbage ~ Stteet Deparmment x>> have a dress code. ~ Ci ty Manager Bryant read {a letter concerning the work being done to the Park Fr Pier>'i~mangroves. destroying them. ~ ~'aYor Severance stated that we will continue to work on the Park & Pier an the seawall. He stated that we should direct the City Manager that when Mr. Gri~es in ready just to go out and he is to put the seawall in and we weill take action Monday night to this effect. We will continue the seawall project regardless of what the Internal Trust Fund says.xN This will go on the agenda. tlayor Severance read a I etter from ~fr. Wi 11 ard Vi rby rerre s en t ing t}1e ~!erit pay Boaro recomJ11enc1inp: t1Htt the City Council ~ivc a]] City rmployees a S~cost of living raise effective Xovel1:herl, 197<1. T11e Council discussed this in full. ~1<1vor Severance instructe(} tl,e City Clerk and the City ',hmarrer to COITIC un witl1 <1 dollar figure of w'hat it would co~t forthis. This ~'ill be on the <1Mfencla ~fayor SFverance read another 1 et ter from ~~r. l')Ula rd 1\i rhy repre sent ing the Merit Board reauesti'ng that nrdinance 874 Page R Paragraph C be chan,o:ed. ~\fayor Severance explained this to the Council. ~ff1yor Sevpnmce state(l tl1C1t we 11ec(1 a resol11.tion concerning this islcmd that Fclrewater ,,,oulel I De to purc113se for a parl. City r'Htornv Weaver stpted t11at they ,,!ere not ooin(T to (Tive tiS t11e land olltripht, they wil1 rive lIS some use'of 1:11e l~ncl, for stnnctly recrcat ional nurposes, c8p'pi nC?' and so+orth. The Council then discussedtl1e publishing of the Charter. ~,layor Severance stateo that he did not feel thpt we needed any more than 50 conies of this. Honelxy nirrht action ,viII be taken to advertise for hIels for tne publ isning or' the Charter. City Attorney Wraver reael a letter from Pic} fernanBej in regard to our water ~ sewer connection fee. The Council discussed getting indivjdual ~ettrs for mobile homes. City Attorney Weaver stated tnat the City manager and himself wnet to see Max ~fassey. He stated that he nas a set pri~c and will be sending him a contract on this. '1ayor Severance stated thatthe P.TA. is going to have a carnival the 26th of nctoher, XN~ at tne Community Center and the Park Fr Pier. Mayor Severance then gave Mr. Christy the floor to discuss this Civil Defence Project. Councilman Clinton asked ahout the chanpinp of Fvergreen Street's name. The Council discussed this in full. -3- . -- '-' ...., Mayor Severance stated that we got a letter from an individual in .Japan the requests our City Fmblem, he is collecting them for school. "ayor Severance adjourned this Workshop Meeting. -4-