11-13-1974 - Workshop .... ...." CITY COUNCIL INFnRMATIVE MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 1974 Councilman Lodico called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. He made a statement about getting phone calls from the newspapers implying that the Sunshine Law is beinq broken by these meetin~s. There was discussion as to these meetin~s not being legislative, and they have been announced at previous meetinqs. Councilman Dietz asked if all the meetings were taped. He stated that the minutes were a waste of time because they have so little information in them. Councilman Dietz questioned a couple o~ the Orrlinances which hAve been passed. He stated that he feels that if these Ordinances would have never passed if they had been read before the meetinns. He stated that the boards are actually rllnninn the City instead of the Council. City f1anager Bryant stated that boards are appointed by the City Council and that they only recommend to the Council and they do not make policies. City Manager Bryant spoke to the Councilmen about the p1anninq pronram he was part of in Cocoa. He stated that from his own personal experience boards can be very helpful to the Council. There was much discussion about the Ordinances anrl Resolutions being available to the Councilmen for study before the Council meeting. Councilman Oietz stated that he would not vote on anything that he has not had time to study first. He suonested that if the attorney has a last minute Ordinance typed up, because of the necessary research, that the Chief should deliver a copy of it to each Councilman. Councilman Dietz suggested that the minutes be marked according to tape numbers and-the minutes on the tape be marked. City Manager Bryant suggested that for the Councilmen's personal records that they keep notes on their cooies of the a~enda and keep them. Councilman Cairnie recommended that for the meetinq Thursday, the Councilmen gO out to the City Barn and see about the equip- ment out there and look over the area for the new barn, etc. It was agreed to do this for the next scheduled informative meeting. Councilman Cairnie stated that he ~ot a copy of the water plant treatment program, but not of the sewer plant. City Mana~er Bryant stated that this will be available for tomorrow niqht's meeting. Councilman Dietz asked if Hamel's property has been annexed into the City. He asked where ~r. Hamel qot the permission to burn the wood he has piled up there. The City Clerk answered that this permit comes from the County, and Mr. Mackie stated that he also has to have permission from the local Fire Chief. Councilman Cairnie asked the City Mana~er what is qoinq on at the old Fire Station. The City Manaoer answered that the Civil Defense would like to come in and build a bomb shelter, the Fire Department is usinq some of the building for their hospital equipment and the Police Department is using some of the bui1dinn to store their oil, and pu11 their cars in for chanqinq the oil, etc. He explained that the project has been haulted until further direction can be oiven by the City Council. ~ .."., Councilman Cairnie asked if he could have a copy of the Ordinanc~ in which the town manaqer was hired. rouncilman Oietz staterl that he would also like to have a copy of this Ordinance. Councilman Dietz questioned the City Clerk about wh~t happened to the City Council's decision of the City qoino on a 40 hour week. She stated that she didn't know why they channed their minds. Due to the Fair Lahor Law. the dispatchers were put on the 40 hour week. because they were not sure whether dispatchers were considered part of the Police Department or the City Hall office workers. Councilman Dietz questioned the City Clerk if she didn't feel that with the presend workload in City Hall would be handled easier if the y \'1 e n ton a 40 h 0 u r wee k ? She s tat e d t hat poll sib 1 y t his \'10 u 1 d be true. Councilman Lodico stated that he was under the impression that there will be someone here retiring. and that if we worked on a 40 hour week. maybe no one else would have to he hired. Councilman Dietz stated that he felt that no one should sit at their desk and eat lunch. He thinks everyone should have a break in the morning and in the afternoon. He would like a coffee machine put in and let these girls take a break durin" the day. City Manaoer Bryant explained that he is nlanninn to make a lounl1e out of the little back room in City Hall. He also ex- plained about the coffee maker which he is in the process of purchasing. This was aoreed to by all the members present. CityManaQer Bryant stated that he feels the workers would have a better morale if some of these thinas where done for them. The City Clerk talked about the employees reaction when the insurance was chanqed. and how Much happier most of the employees are now. Councilman Cairnie asked why the police cars don't have an awning type of covering which they could be parked under. The City Manager stated that he and the Chief are lookino into this. City Mana~er brought the Council up to date on some of his recent projects: In accordance with Mr. Christy's first aid program. the Chief has been asked to supply the police cars with emergency equip- ment and first aid equipment. Councilman Dietz asked the City Manager about his experience on other Councils not being heard by the audience, and whether the sound system here is very qood. The City Manager stated that he has looked into thts problem and that a different type of tile on the ceilinq would be the only solution that would not run into a oreat expense. Then it was discussed again that if the Council qat down off the sta~e and nulled the curtain behind them it may be better. Councilman Lodico suggested spendinn some money and build a little stane on the floor. City Manager Bryant stated that he has started a plant nursery at the narage site. This was mostly done on his spare time. Councilman Cairnie complimented the City r'1anaqer on the appear- ance in frontof the library. Chi e f Kat e z s tat e d t hat tl r . Ham e 1 doe s h a ve a 2 4 h n u r !1 e r", i t t 0 burn on his property. and he has requested a 43 hour nermit. -2- . ~ .., Councilman Dietz stated that on Indian Piver Boulevard the first drain has washed out. and if there is Rnother bad rain i t vii 1 1 \11 ash 0 II tin tot h e h i 0, h \'1 a y . Councilman Dietz questioned as to whether a bicycle trail could be put in for the elderly peoole who ride their hikes allover the road. There was some discussion about whether this land beside the road belonns to the City of the County. There was SOMe More discussion ahollt visitinl1 the City barn in the mornin!). Councilman Dietz asked why the shell from the lakes couldn't be used for the bicycle t~ail. There was some discussion with the City Manaqer about this. The City Clerk explained that the alarm on the hall door in the City tall was not installed to keep the public out of meetings. but to keep anyone from'c~min~ into the City Hall and taking off with any equipment. etc. while the dispatcher is not at her desk. Councilman Cairnie asked if the Wage and Hour Commission have an office in Davtona Reach? He suggested that the Council make a visit toVtheir office to see exactly what the law is. Councilman Dietz asked how the change of havin~ Invocation before the meetings came about~.The City Clerk explained that the Council just decided that it would be a nood idea. Councilman Cairnie made a motion to adjourn this meeting.