02-10-1975 - Workshop "." ...." WORKSHOP REGULAR MEETING HEW FEBRUARY 10, 1975 Tape 1 Side A o min. The Regular Session of the Workshop Meeting was called to order Monday, February 10, 1975, at 7: 30 P.M., by Mayor David C. Severance. Mayor Severance stated that before reading the Bills and Accounts he would like to read to the Council from the Code of Ordinances in regard to the manner in which the meetings will be conducted henceforth. He read about the orderly process in regard to questions and answers during a rreeting, and that when one person is recognized and given the floor, that person is not to be interrupted. Personal or slanderous remarks are not to be made by any member of the Council. In regard to the audience, any person recognized and given the floor is to step up to the Council table and give his or her narre and address and they shall be limited to three minutes. Mayor Severance explained that this is for the Council meetings, and this form is to be followed as much as possible at the workshops. BIILS AND ACCOUNTS The bills were read by City Manager Bryant. (see attached) 5 min. Councilman Lodico questioned the bill from Edgewater Motors. Mr. Bryant read the bill in full to him. Councilman Lodico questioned the bill from Jefferson W. Clark. Mr. Bryant explained that this is for a public defenders fee. Councilman Lodico questioned the bill from Design House. Mr. Bryant explained that this is for the City seals. 10 min. Councilman Cairnie questioned the bill from Pantry Pride. Mr. Bryant explained that part of this was for the food bought for the Ci vil Defense Drill on Saturday, and the other part was for supplies Vito bought for the Comnunity Center. Councilman Cairnie questioned the bill from Jack Cocke and Company. Mr. Bryant explained that this was for signs and sign posts. (Stop signs, etc.) Councilman Sikes questioned the bill from Taylor Brothers. Mr. Bryant explained that this is tires for the Street Departrrent. Councilman Sikes questioned the bills from City Auto, SmYrna Auto Parts, etc. Mr. Bryant explained that this is for repairs our mechanic is doing on the trucks. (Fire Dept. and Street Dept.) Councilman Sikes questioned the bill from R. E. Morris. Mr. Bryant explained that he is the sales representative for Standard Oil fran which quite a few oil filters were purchased. Councilman Sikes questioned the bill from Volusia County Council. Mr. Bryant explained that this is the cost of two elections for the City. Councilman Dietz made a recommendation that each departrrent be typed with the bills again. 15 min. Councilman Dietz questioned the three different bills from printers, Dwights, New Smyrna Corrmercial Printing and Barons. Mr. Bryant explained that New SmYrna Corrmercial Printing was for some forms for the Police Department, Barons was for the extra copies of the Code of Ordinances and Dwights was for office supplies. ...,.. ...." Councilman Dietz questioned the bill for Rotundo Maintenance. Mr. Bryant explained that this was for the concrete curbing in front of the recreation complex and the slab poured for the utility building in back of the City Hall. 20 min. Councilman Dietz questioned the bill from William Bussinger. Mr. Bryant explained that this is a police officer from New Smyrna who performed a breathalizer test when none of our officers were available. Councilman Dietz questioned the bill from Consolidated Diesel Electric Company. Mr. Bryant explained that this is for the operational manual we had purchased for the diesel engine which we got through Civil Defense. Mayor Severance questioned the bill from Garrison-Younder-Sheftall & Ryan. This is the insurance carrier for the Civil Defense exercise. COlYMJNICATIONS The City Clerk stated that she has a noficication from the State of Florida Department of Revenue, in regard to Changing Revenue Sharing Distributions. The State Revenue Sharing will be decreased and prorated over the next five months. llie City Clerk read a notice that a special meeting of the Volusia League of Municipalities will be held at the Islander, New Smyrna Beach, on February 27, at 6:30. 25 min. Mayor Severance stated that he feels that some very important things will be discussed at this meeting, and as many as can attend should, however, we have a regular meeting scheduled for the same evening. lliere was much discussion as to whether the regular meeting could be changed to another night. Tape 1 Side B o min. lliis is to be placed on the agenda to be decided at the regular Council meeting. The City Clerk read a carbon copy of a letter from the :D:=partment of Pollution Control to Mr. Bill Eldridge who is the State Director of the F.H.A. stating approval of the expansion of the Edgewater Waterworks and Sewer System. The City Clerk read a letter from the Edgewater School Patrol requesting a contribution for their trip to Tallahassee. The City Clerk read a letter from the Board of Governors stating that they are pleased with the new members who were appointed to the board, and they would like to recommend that Mr. Alex Thompson be added to the board in regards to the Recreation Department. 5 min. The City Clerk read a letter from Margie and Lauri Perkins asking for the City's permission to go door to door to ask for discarded aluminam which they are collecting for recycling with all the money going to the Jerry Lewis Muscular Distrophy Telethon. The City Clerk read a carbon copy of a letter from the Chamber of Commerce in regard to Mr. Christy, stating that Civil Defense using their meeting room is conflicting with their meeting night, and requesting that Civil Defense find another office. 10 rn.m. Mayor Severance asked Mr. Christy if he could possible work out something to leave the room empty on that one night a month for the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Severance called order to the discussion and stated that he would get with Mr. Brown himself and see if something can be worked out. -2- 15 min. 15 min. 20 min. 25 min. Tape 2 Side A o min. 5 min. 10 min. 15 min. 'lW' ...., Councilman Cairnie asked what happened to the plans for fixing up the old fire station. Mr. Bryant explained that the old fire station is at present being used to store Boy Scout equipment, and he has hesitated to kick them out, and as soon as something can be done with this equipment, this station will be cleaned up and part of it will be for Civil Defense and part of it for Volunteer Fire Dept. The City Clerk read a carbon copy of a letter from Mr. Knock to Mr. Boregerson in regard to his request for a building permit. At this time Mayor Severance read a letter from the Board of Adjustment in regard to the variance that they granted at the Public Hearing, February 3, 1975. He also read the minutes from that Public Hearing to the Council. This is to be put on the agenda for the regular meeting. Mr. Weaver was asked to give a statement on clarifying the Board of Adj ustment' s jurisdiction. He explained that the meaning is not clear as to whether the variances have to go throught the Council after the board has granted them, or if only an adverse decision by the board can be repealed to the council. Mayor Severance stated that he was under the impression that this was added in the Ordinance with the understanding that any final decision was to be made by the Council. City Manager Bryant stated that an adverse decision could be looked at two ways. If the applicant was granted the variance and someone opposed it, that opposing individual has received an adverse decision, and this should be stated more clearly in the Ordinance. Mayor Severance asked Mr. Weaver to have a statement for the Council meeting in regard to this. The City Clerk read a letter from Magnuson Corporation in regard to individual sewage disposal facilities. She also read some correspondence which Magnuson Corporation has done on their end. Councilman Dietz spoke on this situation stating that after January 1, 1977, there will be no more septic tank permits issued in Florida Shores, which means a decrease in the property values in that area. He stated that Magnuson really has nothing to do with this, it is the City's property. Councilman Dietz questioned the current plans for expansion and whether this could be expanded further in the future. Mayor Severance stated that yes, this new expansion could be added to, but he feels that this expansion planned now will be appropriate for such development in Florida Shores. He also stated that he would like this to be discussed at the first workshop in March. There was discussion with City Attorney Weaver in regard to this. Mr. Bryant stated that he spoke with Mr. Fernandez in regard to this and Mr. Rernandez wondered if he was authorized to proceed in working on a plan to answer this, in regard to future density allocations. This will be put on the agenda for the Council meeting. -3- 20 min. Tape 2 Side B o min. 5 min. 10 min. 15 min. 20 min. 25 min. ,..... ...., The City Clerk read two applications for variances from Atlantic Machines and Proto Mold. City Attorney Weaver stated that he has looked over these applications and the letters attached to them. He stated that these would not simply be variances, and that it would not be within the jurisdiction of the Zoning Board to handle. The City Clerk read the affidavits of Mr. John Arnette and Mr. Norman King, describing their businesses, and requesting a variance for non- conforming use in a B-3 District. Mayor Severance suggested that this be referred to the Attorney for an opinion and recommendation in regard to this. This is to be put on the agenda for the Council meeting. The City Clerk stated that she needs some clarification on Occupational Licenses for a mailing business. She read a letter from Mr. W.B. Glaser requesting a license for an Aikido school and that this would only be used for a mailing address, the school will be in New Smyrna. Mr. Bryant spoke to the Council about this. 'The City Clerk reminded the Council of the Public Hearing at 7:00 on the Discontinuance of Water and Sewer cut offs. The Council requested some figures on a six months period in regard to this. The City Clerk stated that a Merit Board appointment is still needed. Councilman Dietz asked the City Attorney what he found out about the financial disclosure law in regard to the Merit Board. Mr. Weaver made a statement to the Council to the effect that the Merit Board would not have to have financial disclosure. Mayor Severance suggested that we have some names to discuss at the meeting on Thursday. 'The City Clerk stated that she needs some clarification as to whether the unused portion of the filing fee for a Public Hearing is to be returned to the applicant or not. 'The Ordinance states that there is a fee, however the applications state that the unused portion will be returned. The City Clerk read three very high water bills which were caused by bad leaks, and she stated that she has no authorization to adjust these bills. Councilman Dietz suggested that if they should supply the City with statements that the leaks have been repaired and come in and let Mr. Bryant make an adjustment on the bills. Action will be taken on this at the regular meeting. 'The City Clerk stated to the audience that no business is being con- ducted at this workshop, everything that has been discussed tonight will be placed on the agenda and action will be taken at the regular meeting. The City Manager stated that there is a request for sewer connection at the corner of Snider and Old County Rd. He stated that due to the nature of this connection, part of the pavement of a street will have to be torn up and he would suggest that the City go out for bids for installation of the pipe and replacement of the pavement. As it is understood from the Ordinance, this expense will be incurred by the individual wanting the connection, not the City. -4- ...... ..",., Tape 3 Side A o min. 'Ihe Fire Department requests additional hoses, and Mr. Bryant recommends that this also be put out for bids. The Fire Lepartment request that a new vehicle be purchased for them for various uses. This is to be put on the agenda for the regular meeting. The City Clerk stated that she was asked to remind the Council about the changes in the agenda format, the voting order, etc. Mayor Severance stated that this could wait until the next workshop. Mr. Bryant stated to the Council that in regards to the Block Grant Program which was passed into law, Briley Wild is in the process of verifying the funding. 5 min. Mr. Bryant stated that in answer to the Council's request for him to look into purchasing a portable building for the Sanitary landfill, he wrote a mermrandum to the Council. The approximate cost of the one Mr. Bryant has looked at would be $775.00, but the CETA VI employees could be used to do the labor involved and save quite a bit of money. Mr. Bryant briefly described the appearance of the building. Mr. Bryant spoke on the paving of the City's streets, and he needs some instruction about raising some of the manholes involved. 10 min. At this time Mr. Charles Hall spoke to the Council on behalf of Mr. Hamel, requesting a clarification on the City's position on whether Mr. Hamel is going to be allowed one hookup. Mayor Severance stated that this should be answered by the City Attorney. Mr. Weaver stated that the decision was up to the Council as to whether this would come under Ordinance #878 or Ordinance #904. Mr. Hall stated that it would be very des criminatory against Mr. Hamel if every other rmbile home park comes in under this one hOOkup Ordinance and not let him do the same. Mayor Severance instructed the City Clerk to put this on the agenda to select a date and time for a special workshop in regard to this problem. 15 min. Councilman Dietz stated that a precedent was ~sed in the other case (Cameron), where the man made the request prior to the July 1st deadline. This is the case where the man made the request prior to the passing of this second Ordinance. He also stated that he feels that the original Ordinance is still in effect. There was much discussion about this 20 min. This is to be put on the agenda for the regular meeting. Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Christy is going to have a film on the Ci viI Defense exercise, and he would like this put up earlier on the agenda for the Council meeting. Mayor Severance stated that on page 6 of the minutes to be approved at the Council meeting there should be an explanation that the Council was speaking about the Kemp property on Flagler Avenue. Councilman Sikes stated that someone had come to him about there being no information in the library on the early founders of the City, etc. They were told that somewhere in the City Hall this could be found. -5- Tape 3 Side A o nUn. 5 nUn. ..... ....., Councilman Cairnie stated that a long t:ime ago this infonnation was in the City Hall and this was taken to the library, and he would be glad to check on this. Councilman Lodico questioned whether a vote could be changed after voting one way. Mayor Severance explained that no vote could be changed, however if a Councilman votes verbally one way, and writes on the Ordinance the wrong thing, he can change it to the correct vote. The City Clerk was asked to write a letter to May Z:ima and find out when the auditors report can be expected and ask for an explanation to why the delay. At this time there was IIDre discussion about JV.tr. Hamel's request for water to his property. The meeting adj ourned. -6- '-' BILlS AND ACCOUNTS FEBRUARY 13, 1975 GENERAL FUND City of Edgewater Florida Power & Light Southern Bell Edgewater IVbtors, Inc. Oasis Car Wash New Srrwrna Co~rcial Printing City Auto Supply Jefferson W. Clark Magnolia Lawnmower Service IMight's Taylor Brothers C & C Tractor, Inc. Daytona Fire & Safety Equipment Co. Design House, Inc. New srrwrna Builders Supply Danie 1 W. Cory Pantry Pride New Srrwrna Beach News Burns Janitor Service Ropp's Automotive Electric Garrison-Younder-Sheftall & Ryan Magnolia Motor Corrpany Rotundo Maintenance Baron Printers Gasoline Alley Burroughs Corporation Williams Welding S1T\Yrna Auto Parts Industrial Office Outfitters Standard Oil Corrpany Maule Industries, Inc. B. Burdette T. O'Rourke Jack Cocke and Co., Inc. Florida East Coast Railway Co. State Tractor & Equipment Co. William J. Bussinger Consolidated Diesel Electric Co. American National Red Cross Diversified Electronics County Council, Volusia County Lanier Business Products Scotty's R.E. IVbrris NSB Police Department Volusia County NSB-Edgewater Hwnane Society Joseph E. Weaver Petty Cash Volusia League of Municipalities Vito Castellano . ..""", 14.30 . . 320 . 52 32.54 138.99 21. 00 87.50 203.34 50.00 33.50 34.58 381.92 31. 20 66.18 475.00 32.18 5.00 57.55 20.20 32.28 56.50 25.00 117.67 394.60' 43.00 83.70 27.60 4.53 76.59 13.81 820.22 197.96 5.00 5.00 453.50 10.00 6,630.36 13.38 71.12 7.80 408.93 531.05 233.31 6.37 97.89 78.00 669.54 150.00 315.00 6.60 24.00 9.38 13,625.19 'W WATER AND SEWER City of Edgewater Diversified Electronics Southern Bell Florida Power & Light Public Gas J. J. Vaughn Ford-Mercury, Inc. Dobbs Electric Special Service Office New Smyrna Builders Supply Southern Paint & Wallpaper Taylor Brothers C & J Supply Co. Big M. Used Auto Parts & Salvage Hall Machine Works Smyrna Auto Parts Standard Oil Co. City Auto Supply Allied Chlorine Montgomery Wards All State Pipe Supply Co. Utility Supply Co. Petty Cash Hughes Supply _.~ 7.70 88.75 26.79 387.71 23.92 14.33 181.00 20.00 21.13 10.65 152.00 74.19 15.00 70.79 13.63 8.30 30.45 767.00 16.44 87.35 65.65 6.24 277.38 2,366.40