03-10-1975 - Workshop ..." ...., WORKSHOP MARCH 10, 1975 Tape 1 Side A o min. The regular workshop meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater was called to order, March 10, 1975 at 7:30, by Mayor David C. Severance. The City Clerk read the bills and accounts. Councilman Cairnie questioned the bill to Southern Bell for the Fire Department, Ballpark. It was explained that this was for the telephone. Mayor Severance explained that the phone for the ballpark is kept in the Police Station and only plugged in at the ballpark when something is going on out there. Councilman Cairnie questioned the bill from Mac Smith Rental. City Manager Bryant read the items on the invoice. Councilman Sikes questioned the bill from R. E. Morris. City Manager Bryant read the items on the invoice. Councilman Dietz questioned the bill from Linda LeClair. 5 min. City Manager Bryant stated that Linda hemmed the placards for the Police Department. Councilman Dietz stated that the bill from Brown's Airconditioning was paid last month. Councilman Dietz questioned the Baron's Printers bill in the Water and Sewer Department. The City Clerk explained that this is for the individual ledger cards. Councilman Dietz questioned the bill from A-I Rent All. City Manager Bryant stated that this was to rent a roto rotter. Councilman Dietz stated that wouldn't it be s.art to buy one of these. At this time Rick Fernandez was given the floor, who spoke on what is going to happen in Florida Shores come January 1, 1977. 10 min. He showed the Council a chart in regards to this. Mr. Fernandez stated that this will take a great deal of con- tingency planning, because as the density comes about that is when the service will become required. Councilman Dietz questioned if this situation is going to lower 15 min. the value of the land in that area as far as taxes and assessment. City Attorney Weaver stated that this might be the effect. Councilman Sikes questioned if within even ten years of time based on normal growth that the City will be required to extend water and sewer out there. 20 min. Councilman Dietz stated that the people in Florida Shores want their roads paved. He stated that we certainly shouldn't pave the streets before the sewer lines are put in and have to dig up the streets again. Why don't we do it all at once. ...... ...., Councilman Dietz questioned the Federal Money which was released to Florida, would this apply in this case? Mr. Fernandez stated that this money is already spent. Councilman Dietz questioned if this could be handled on a front foot assessment? Mr. Fernandez stated that this would be the only practicable way to handle this. The cost would probably be about $35.00 a front foot, paving water and sewer. 25 min. Councilman Dietz stated that if this is not done, the value of the property in Florida Shores will fall tremendously, there will be no buyers. If this property goes to pot, the people in Edge- water are going to pay higher taxes to subsidize for this. 'rape 1 Side B o min. Mayor Severance stated that a plan should be set up, and he suggests that at the Council Meeting, direction be given to the City Manager and Mr. Fernandez to work on this and bring a report to the Council. Councilman Dietz spoke that a front foot assessment is the only way to go, because these people certainly don't want their property value to decrease. Councilman Sikes asked Mr. Fernandez how much more exp~nsive it would be to put in the sewer than the water. Mr. Fernandez answered that the sewer will be about twice as much as the water. 10 min. Councilman Dietz stated that this is something that isgoing to have to be done so we shouldn't hide from it, we have to go ahead with it.' The floor was given to Mr. Jones from Telepropter T.V. stating that they are tyring to give goob service in this area, and they do want to expand. They are asking for a rate increase, which they have to get permission from the City before doing. There was much discussion in regards to this, and Mayor Severance stated that this will be placed on the agenda for 25 min. the next Councilmeeting. At this time the City Clerk began on the communications. A letter was read from the residents on Hardin Place, thanking the City Council for extending their road. A letter was read from the City of Port Orange in regard to the usage of a helicopter by the City of Edgewater Police. Tape 2 Side A o min. Councilman Dietz stated that he feels this would be an asset to the City. The City Clerk was instructed to place this on the agenda. 5 min. A letter was read from the Board of Adjustments asking for some clarification on Section 904.03 of the Zoning Ordinance. This is in regards to a residence being built above a business in a B-3 Zoning District. -2- '-" ..., City Attorney Weaver stated that the question at hand is do we amend the Ordinance to this effect. Councilman Sikes questioned that isn't a residence upgrading a business district. City Attorney Weaver stated that our Ordinance does not make that value judgment. City Manager Bryant spoke on what the City of Cocoa had set up in regards to their Zoning Ordinance. He suggested that 10 min. since the Ordinance is set as it is now, it would be practi- cally impossible to go to the pyramid type of zoning now. This situation could be made allowable by some type of amending Ordinance, like conditional uses, which would have to come before the Council, but certain things could be allowed. There was much discussion in regards to this, and most of the Council agreed that this will come up more than once and there should be an amendment. 15 min. Mrs. Harris asked if the fact that she owned the property for some time, doesn't this have Rome basis on the situation. City Attorney Weaver stated that it doesn't. There was more discussion in regards to upgrading a district. 20 min. Mayor Severance read from the Zonin~ Ordinance in regard to amendments and how they should be made. City Attorney Weaver stated that this is the only way to handle this situation. 25 min. There was discussion as to when this should come up for Public Hearing. Tape 2 Side B o min. At this time there was discussion about the lots in Pointer Subdivision with lots 55 feet wide. City Attorney Weaver stated that a house can be built on these lots, because you can not conviscate someone property. Councilman Dietz stated that this is defeating our density control program if we let a man build ten houses on 55 feet lots. Mrs. Webber questioned if there is any difference if the people cannot get a clear title. Mr. Weaver answered that this has nothing to do with the variance. 5 min. Councilman Sikes stated that if you do this in one place you will just about have to do it in another place, there are some lots in Florida Shores that are even smaller than this. A letter was read from the Library Board requesting a Proclamation setting National Library Week on April 13th. A letter was read from the Library Board extending an invitation to a tea being held Saturday, April 12, 1975 in the Community Center. A letter from the Chief of Police was read, stating that he found a camera to be used for investigative purposes, which would cost $15.00. Mayor Severance stated that this should be added to the bills. There are some lots on Rhode Island which a realtor called and offered them to the City for $2500.00 each. The lots adjoin the firehouse property. Mayor -3- 15 min. 20 min. 25 min. Tape 3 Side A o min. 5 min. 10 min. --.. ..." Mayor Severance questioned if anyone is interested in this property for the City to purchase. The City Clerk stated that on the agenda will have to pe put a motion on the Auditor's letter. City Manager Bryant stated that we will need a motion to authorize the Mayor to signas a representative for the City any paperwork on the Block Grant Program. Mayor Severance stated that in regards to this a new board will have to be formed. City Manager water meter. to put in the be put in the and a regular Bryant stated that Mr. Cameron was in to get a There is some confusion as to what type of meter park due to the fire hydrants that are going to park. There is what is called a by-pass meter meter. City Manager Bryant stated that the only reason he brought this to the Council is that he is under the understanding that the fire department encouraged Mr. Cameron to put these fire hydrants in his plans. At this time Robert Christy spoke to the Council stated that this was discussed previously at a meeting, and it was dis- cussed that Mr. Cameron should have these hydrants. Councilman Sikes stated that Mr. Cameron's trailer park is entitled to fire protection. Mayor Severance stated that this should be placed on the agenda for a vote. Councilman Sikes asked if some research could be made on the sensitivity of a by-pass meter. City Manager Bryant spoke to Property Manager's position. to take the applications and can he have some instruction the Council in reference to the He asked if the Council wants do the hiring for this position, on this? Councilman Dietz stated that he feels the Council should sit down and discuss exactly what is going to be done by this position. He recommended that the City Manager write a job description and recommend a salary rate, then the Council will sit down and decide who to hire for this job. There was a question about whether there is adequate funds available for the hiring of this position. Councilman Dietz stated that when this man is hired, it should be with the understanding that this is only a tempDrary job. City Manager Bryant stated that if you are Imoking at this as a temporary job, you are only fooling yourself. As Mr. Cun- ningham stated the other night there is a lot more that goes along with this job. -4- ~ """'" Councilman Cairnie questioned what happened in regards to Coronado Paint's water situation. Mr. Bryant stated that Mr. May has been charged for the number of employees he has for each month. 15 min. Councilman Cairnie stated that as he remembers the Council took no action on this to be done. City Manager Bryant stated that he handled it as an administrative function. There was some discussion on this, and Councilman Cairnie stated that he feels that something should have been presented to the Council authorizing this to be done. 20 min. Councilman Dietz stated that this changed the rates doesn't it? City Attorney Weaver stated that this is not covered under the Ordinance, and action should be taken on it. City Manager Bryant spoke to the Council in regards to the bids on the City Garage. He stated that they could award the contract at the next Council meeting for the whole project, they could award the contract just for the slab at the next meeting, or 25 min. then at the following meeting the contract for the building and the electrical work could be awarded. Mayor Severance told the Council that Mr. Cunningham said it would be o.k. to award the bids for the entire project as long as no money is expended until after the Public Hearing in regard to the budget. Tape 3 Side B o min. City Attorney Weaver stated that if the council awards the con- tracts at the next meeting, there should be a term added to the contracts stating that no work was to begin until after the Public Hearing. After much discussion Mayor Severance stated that the bids could be accepted at the meeting Thursday night with the commencing date of construction of April 1. There was discussion in regards to the bids being awarded an maybe something happen that this does not pass, what could be done to keep the City from being sued for this equipment the contracter. might purchase for this particular job. 5 min. City Attorney Weaver stated that this is why there should be a commencing date added to the contract, or a Resolution to such effect. Mayor Severance stated that the Volusia League of Municipalities meeting is now scheduled for Thursday the 27th day of April, which is the night of our meeting. Since we are co-hosts with Oak Hill our meeting night should be changed, perferably to Wednesday April 26, right after the Public Hearing. Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Christy had a Resolution written up, and he is now questioning the insurance required for a 10 min. Junior Civil Defense program. Mr. Christy looked up some written information in regards to this, which more or less states that the City will be respon- sible for insurance, etc. Mr. Christy spoke on how important it is to form this program. -5- . . ...... ..., Councilman Dietz suggested that the insurance factors be looked into before any decision is made about this program. Mayor Severance stated that the Zoning Board's recommendation about fences should be put on the agenda for the Public Hearing. 20 min. Mr. Christy stated that he is interested in becoming incorporated and would like some legal advice. This could be put on the agenda for the next meeting to authorize 25 min. the City Attorney to handle this. A letter was read in regard to no County funds for the radio warning receivers. Mayor Severance explained to the Council what these receivers are for, and how they work. Tape 4 Side A o min. Councilman Dietz stated that if we were to hire a regular fire department it would cost a lot more money that the $10,000.00 that these receivers are costing and he feels thRt anything that can be done to keep these volunteers should be done. Meeting adjourned. -6-