04-07-1975 - Workshop
Tape 1
15 Min.
Side 2
5 Min.
APR I L 7, 1975
The Regular Session of the Workshop Meeting was called to order
Monday, April 7, 1975 by Mayor David C. Severance.
See attached list.
Councilman Cairnie questioned the bill from Briley, Wild & Assoc.
for $215.83. City Manager Bryant stated that this was for
commission meetin~ attendance regarding the FHA Loan and inspection
of Coronado Paint Factory and Florida Shores.
The Council discussed this in full. Mayor Severance stated that this
hill will he paid and that we also should discuss it further with
Mr. Fernandez.
The City Clerk stated that for a matter of information the add
for the'Building Inspector and the Property and Inventory
Management Clerk will run for a week.
The City Clerk stated that the minutes for the Public (Jearing
March 26, 1975 and the Regular Council Meeting minutes were
The City Clerk read a letter regarding the Public Executive Seminar
under the IPA Human Resorces Management Development Program will
be conducted April 14 & 15. There was much discussion on this.
Mayor Severance stated that we need someone that is going to he
here that would possibily be here when the situation arises,
where we are confromted with a collective bargining problem, to
go to this seminar. Mayor Severance instructed the City Manager
to attend this meeting.
The City Clerk read a letter from the Chief of Police to the City
Manager concerning the wrecker services.
Mayor Severance explained the reason for looking into wrecker
services, that if in fact the wrecker service asked for this
it would be here. These services in the other communities and
in the County wish to be put on a rotating basis in Edgewater.
Mayor Severance stated that this will be placed on the agenda
for Monday night to create a rotating hasis or to leave it as it
is at the present time. City Manager Bryant was instructed to call
New Smyrna's City Manager to find out the feelings of the
administration in New Smyrna in regards to a rotating basis from
Big M and Edgewater Garage.
The City Clerk stated that we got a Revenue Sharing check and
any time that the Council would want to look this over it has
got some pretty good information in it. They are changing the
forms again.
The City Clerk stated that she has a proclamation for Library
Week for the agenda.
Mayor Severance stated that there will be a Proclamation also on
City of Edgewater WW & SS
Florida Power & Light Co.
Southern Bell
City of Edgewater
City Auto Supply-
New Smyrna Auto Parts
Edgewater Electric
Stan's Transmission
Edgewater Motors
Edgewater Manufacturing
New Smyrna Beach News
Taylor.:Brothers Tires
Ropp's Automotive
Magnolia Lawnmower
John R. Caldwell
Southern Paint
Lynn- Loomis
Tom Mitchell Lumber Co.
Fisher's Body Shop
J.J. Vaughn Ford-Mercury
National Chemsearch
News-Journal Corp.
Diversified Electronics
New Smyrna Builders Supply
SouthEastern Products
New Smyrna Plumbing Supplies
Daytona Bch. Com. College
Robert H. Christy
James Nichols
New Smyrna Bch. Police Dpt.
City of Edgewater WW &SS
Florida Power & Light Co.
Edgewater Manufacturing Co.
Southern Bell
City Auto Supply
Dobbs Electric Motor
Public Gas
Ropp's Automotive
Daytona Fire & Safety EQuip.
National Chemsearch
Hall Machine Works
Dewitt Chemical Company
New Smyrna Builders Supply
Badger Meter
Diversified Electronics
Sav-On Utility
All State Pipe Supply
Hughes Supply
New Smyrna Plumbing
Briley, Wild & Associates
Russell Labortories, Inc.
APRIL 10~. 1975
Street, F.D.
Gen.Gov. ,C.C. ,F.D. ,P.& P. ,B.P.
Gen.Gov., B.P., F.D.
Petty Cash
P. D .~,_ Str eet'
Gen. Gov.
Street, P.D.
Gen.Gov.,Street, P.D.
PD 1
Gen. Gov.
P.D. ,F.D., Gen.Gov.
Street, P & P, B.P. ,C.C.
Gen. Gov.
Com. Center
. _ _ ~._60_
"7 ate r
and Sewer
and Sewer
and Sewer
1--;R37 07
t ))g5~.3$
National Realtor Week.
The City Clerk stated that we have had several requests for a
clean up day. The City Manager and Joe Martine are going to
work this out, and it will be in the paper.
The (ity Clerk stated that in the Management Letter they suggested
a bail bond account. It we go to the bail bond account, we are
either going to have to order a new check writer that has
signatures, and if we do that then you are going to have to
make a Charter change.
The City Clerk ;stated that she has looked into a payroll account
and stated that as large as the payroll is now it might be well
to look into a peg board system where you post the card for
each person when you write the check. The Council had no objections
and Mayor Severance instructed the City Clerk to look into this
11 Min.
The council then discussed underground vaults and microfilm.
Councilman Sikes stated that we ~hould look into the cost of this.
15 Min.
The City Clerk stated that she is not so much interested in the
tapes as she is in'the minutes, ordinances, resolutions, and the
(harter and ect.
20 Min.
Mayor Severance stated that we were going to have to have a
break down as to exactly how many pieces of documents we have
got, how many tapes we have got so that we can come up with
something from the figures that they have as to how much it is
going to cost us.
Mr. Bryant stated that we have two (2) meetings set up with
microfilm companies, both representatives from 3M.
Tape 2
Side A
The City Clerk stated that there will be aommunications from
the Board of Adjustments Meeting for the Council Meeting. The
Council discussed this matter of an automous vote for the Board
of Adjustments.
5 Min. A gentleman in the audience questioned the Council on how many
yards of compost a person can have on their garden. Mayor Severance
stated that there was nothing on the books that regulates compost
piles. Mayor Severance stated that we do need something so
we could send the POlice Officers down without having to go to
the Board of Health. Mavor Severance stated that he would have
this checked out. He then instructed the City Manager to contact
N.S.B to see if they have any ordinances pertaining to compost
piles that could use as a model.
10 Min. Mayor Severance then read a letter from the Fire Department
requesting a pager system.
Mayor Severance then asked the Fire Chief James Blackwell to
go into a little detail about this pager system.
Mr. Blackwell stated that the present system that they have is that
the Police Department Dispatcher calles the Firemen at their
homes, sometimes they can not get in touch with them due to the
fact that they might be out of town or etc. The pager system is
a tone system, you can put it on your belt or in your pocket
and it can stay with you at all times. It has a rechargable
battery, with an incoder that will go in the dispatchers office.
It will elert each fireman individually. They are in the price
range of $8,000.00 for thirty of them.
Mr. Blackwell stated that with the Bingo Funds and some of the
other Fire Department Funds that they will be able to go half
on this system with the City. So the City is roughly thinking about
L5 Hin.
Mayor Severance stated that this will be a hid item that we
will have to go out for specifications on. The Council discussed
this system in full with Mr. Blackwell.
Councilman Cairnie stated that as far as he was concerned he
would recommend that we get bids on the equipment and see if
the Fire Department can com~ up with matching funds.
Mayor Severance stated that he agrees with this pager system
and that it would not hurt anything right now to go ahead and
have the Fire Department draw up with the City Manager the
specifications of what they are looking for.
Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Blackwell brought another item
to our attention and that is the mutual fire fighting aid interlocal
agreement in Volusia County.
Mr. Blackwell stated that this is an agreement that the Volusia
County Fire Chiefs Association is getting together. So that if
there is a need for something such as a tanker, that it will be
made available for use. This is basically information for the
20 Min. Hayor Severance stated that the Council had asked the City Manager
to work up a cost estimate of putting a basketball court out on
the concrete slab that currently exists on the Park & Pier, adding
10 more feet.
Tape 2
Side B
5 ~1 in.
City Manager Bryant stated that he has thought about also putting
a barheque pit on the Park ~ Pier also. This work will be done
by the Ceta People.
The Council discussed the lighting system that would have to be
put on this complex. Mayor Severance instructed the City Clerk
to put this on the agenda for the Council meeting.
The Council then got into a deep discussion on the parking problem
around the City Hall-Park & Pier area.
Councilman Sikes questioned why there would be two (2) half
basketball courts instead of a full court. The ~1ayor and the
City Manager explained this to him.
Councilman Cairnie then discussed Ordinance 148 with the Council.
He stated that section 1 has got to be changed because of the
regular meetings. Then under B section 1 all regular meeting of
the City Council will be held in the Communcity Center or the
Shuffle Board Court Club House. Section 2 needs to be changed
and to who has the authority to call meetings. The Council discussed
15 Min. this in full.
Tape 3
ide A
6 Min.
The council went through this ordinance making changes and corrections
so that it will be updated.
Mayor Severance stated that if you have a special remark that
you want to make and would like to have it word by word in the
minutes, you have got the right to request that it be word for
word, you could make this in with your motion.
The Council then discussed the proceedure of drawing up ordinances.
Ordinances must be drawn up by the City Attorney, resolutions may
be drawn up by teh City Clerk or the City Manager.
Councilman Sikes asked if the City had a back up for the City
Attorney, in case of an emergency. This was discussed in full.
10 Min.
20 Min.
fape 3
The City Clerk stated that on page 1, she stated that she
has been called so many times for signing a special meeting
notice, and requested that this be changed to read, when
ever a special meeting is called a summons or a notice in
writing signed by the mayor or the City Clerk shall be served
upon each member of the Council. Mayor Severance read and
explained this to the Councilmen.
Mayor Severance stated that he received a letter in the mail
along with a photograph of the City of Edgewater. This is
from the Volusia Council of Governments. The photographs can be
purchased at the County Court House Annex in Daytona Beach.
He stated that it takes 2 9x9's to cover the entire City.
This would cost for the color $21.00. This is for the Council's
information if anyone wanted a copy of these photos. He then
instructed the City Manager to make a note to check with Mr.
Wolfe on the ariel photos of the City and let him give you a complete
run down.
Councilman Lodico asked if it was necessary to have the Chief
of Police at the Workshop Meetings. Then asked if we could go
ahead and pour the cement before this thing goes through. Then
asked why we can't call a special meeting to accept the
ordinance that was already read once on the City Garage.
Mayor Severance stated that there has to be adequate notification.
Mayor Severance stated that if we pour the cement on clay then
the company turns around and wants the bill paid right away, then
Councilman Sikes stated that New Smyrna is recommending that the
new bridge be put in Fdgewater, sometime back we approached the
state with trying to get them to put this island in line with the
Citv li~its. He stated that this could be a big benefit to the
City now with a bridge coming in.
Mayor Severance instructed the City Clerk to get the City Attorney's
folder on this island and give it to the City Manager to review.
Mavor Severance statedthat he had 2 items that he would like to
bring out. 1) pertaining to the bridge, we received a letter and
there was an article in the newspaper about this. He stated that
he has asked the City Manager to draft up a letter to send to all
of the State Officials and also Representative Chappell and Senator
Stone, and the Federal Level, stating that it is felt that the
state would not have sufficient funds and so on and so forth, but
in a way sort of mentioning that the bridge could be in Mr. Chappells
name. If we do it in the right way it might work and might not.
Using this approach might help us to get a bridge here.
2) ~layor Severance stated that he had a suggestion pertaining
to the National Labor Standards Act. What he would like seen
done is to have a Police Officer at least one assigned as a
investigating officer, but have him put on salary instead of an
hourly so he could be assigned to a shift. If he is not investigating
he would be out patroling. This would be a detective.
10 Min. Police Chief George Katez stated that it wouldn't be necessary
to have to call t~is man out a 2:00 in the morning, until the
officer that answered the call made the report.
5 Min.
Councilman Cairnie stated that he thought that the Chief of Police
was the investigating officer, he was the one that was called out
he was the one that made the investigations, he was the one that made
the report, he got that from his men or he got it himself either
*ay. He felt that that should be the proceedure in small towns.
Councilman Sikes asked if this would take away from the normal
Police Force in Edgewater. Mayor Severance stated that we have a
Ceta 2 man on the force now that could he replaced for a
15 Min. Mayor Severance stated that he would like to get with Mr.
Bryant and the Chief and see if we can't set up some type
of schedule for an investigator.
Councilman Lodico asked ahout a talk that the Mayor had with
the City Manager and the Chief.
Mayor Severance stated that it was just a matter of communications
getting all confused between the Polcie Department and the City
Manager. Just little things that have heen building up. He
stated that he is going to type up a memo that wil be handed out
in all of the pay checks, that is the topic of rumors. He
stated that he is going to bring this to the Council also
and request that the Council support him in the fact that
any person that is found guilty through investigating process
hy the Mayor and the Councilmen who has started a rumor that
is employed hy the City will he hereby suspended from his
employment. Rumors are killing us in this City in every
20 ~1in. Councilman Sikes stated that as part of the Merit Board's
recommendation for future pay raises afud all doesn't necessarily
depend on their ahility to do their job, it also depends on
their way and working with each other to get the work accomplished.
This should be reported to the Merit Board.
Councilman Lodico stated that Rny department, sometimes their
boss will not do thing that they are suppose to when someone
is complaining and they don't know who to go to, they should
bring them to the City Manager and he will iron them out, and
if the City Manager is not paying attention, being the
complaint to he Council.
Mayor Severance adjourned this workshop meeting.