09-08-1975 - Workshop '-" .., WORKSHOP SEPTEMBER 8, 1975 The regular workshop session of the City of Edgewater Florida, was called to order by Mayor David Severance. Mr. Bryant, City Manager introduced ~1r. Ted Strycharz from Time Insurance. Mr. Strcharz discussed the rate increase raise individual Class 1 from $21.64 to $26.65, Class 2 $46.53 to $60.25, Class 3 $17.99 to $23.00, Class 4 from $42.88 to 56.60, Class 7 from $16.16 to $21.17, Class 8 $41.05 to $54.77. Life and accidental death will remain the same. Basica;;y there is a charge $14.34 for individually health to $19.35. $5.01 charge per individual. On the family rate it went from $39.23 to $52.95. This was discussed a length. Mayor Severance asked City Clerk Sue Blackwell if she can get this all together by Thursday nights meeting if not it can be brought to the following Council Meeting, also get estimates from other insurance companies, for Thursday night's meeting. Or we may go ahead and renew our policy or we may go out on bid. Mayor Severance stated. Mrs. Blackwell, City Clerk read the Bills and Accounts. A notice from the Vo1usia County Solid Waste Manaqement Meetina. Mr. Carnie and Mr. Brvant will attend. The City Council asked them to attend September 23, 1975 at 2:00 P.M. at the City Island Court House Annex Room 307. Daytona Beach. City Manaaer Dale Bryant stated that Mavor Severance received a letter of resionation from Mr. ,lohn Bolt Municinal ,ludnp Protpm. Mavor Spvprnar.p gave Mr. Bryant the task of appointing a Judge within the next week or so. If you can think of anyone between now and Thursday we can put it on the agenda for Thursday night. Mayor Severance stated. Mr. Bryant, City Manager stated that Mr. James Davis is here takinq City Attornev Weavers place while he is on vacation. Mr. Bryant, City Manaqer stated that all members of the City Council received copies of the tax roll certification. There was much discussioD on this. This should be placed on the aqenda for Thursday niqht for consideration bv the City Council. Mrs. Blackwell. City CLerk was asked to explain to the Council about a seminar she is to attend on Friday September 19. 1975. beainnina at 10:00 A.M. at Bali Steak House there will be no charae for this seminar the luncheon is $5.00. Mrs. Wilson from TnllnhnSSPP the director of the division of elections will be there as well as Mr. Gonzales Executive Director of the Florida ethics commitee. Mrs. Blackwell stated that she has informed all persons that have picked up a petition to attend this meeting. Also any Board member that would like to go, please let her know bv Thursday of this week so she can send in the necessary forms. Mr. Bryant stated that he has anothe item. the aentleman that owns A-l Rent all. The qentleman Mr. Pease has been sent to two boards, there opinions are that theY really don't have the jurisdiction to qrant Mr. Pease the request he is askinq for. The property is zoned B-5 which is shoppinq center district. Mr. Pease is requesting adding another building to his present building for storage. There was much discussion on this. Mayor Severance stated that what we need to do is at this point return the correspondence with a cover letter to the Zoning Board explaining that it is their responsibility to determine whether or not the addition can be permitted in that type zoning and we wish their recommadations alon with the I)"ot plan before the City Council can consider it. Until then we can do nothing. We can take action the 25th of September. Mr. Bryant stated that Mr. Van Edsall wishes to place on the agenda for Thursday his varance concerning a two car garage he would like to build. Recommendations coming from the Board of Adjustments. The council will have something on this for Thursday nights meeting. ~ ~ , The City Employees held a election for a City Employee to be placed on the Merit Board. Mr. Terry Wadsworth was elected to replace Steve ~elley. Mr. Wadsworth was elected to represent them in connection with this a resolution be passed appointing him to the Merit Board. P.B.A Issue came up at the last meeting Mr. Bryant stated to the Council to aske City Attorney for his opinion on the procedure to follow in reference to the petition. Mr. Bryant read the letter to the council and the citizens so that they may know what it contains. Mayor Severance stated that this be placed on the adgenda for Thursdays meeting. Mr. Bryant made a announcement that the Building Code is to have a Special Meeting, and they request that the Council be present at this meeting. There will be no action taken at this meeting it will just be a discussion. Mr. Carnie stated that the accident that we had on U.S. 1 the other night with Mr. Crigger and Mr. Wallace. Mr. Carnie said that the man was taken to Fish Memorial Hospital and he had to be transferred to Halafax Hospital Beacon Ambulance would not take Mr. Crigger to Halafax until he would pay them $250.00. He fianally had to be taken up there in a camper. Mr. Carnie stated that this should be brought to the County Council attention. Mayor Severance stated that Mr. Bryant write a letter to the County Council , and state that we would like to have some response from them also send a carbon copv of the letter to Beacon Ambulance. Ms. Blackwell stated that she talked to Mr. Deitz .s daughter this morning and he was out of surgery and they had transferred him to his room. Mr. Taylor stated that the other day he brought up a question on suspending the Chief. This was discussed. Mr. Severance stated that he will research this himself and get back to him. There was discussion on the taking around of petitions. Mayor Severance stated that you do not need a permit to do this as the door to door salesman do.. There was a discussion from the audience. One person asked why the garbage men can't report the pot hole in the road they drive the roads and they could report this.. Mr. Montesano stated that he has seen the Police cars sitting for hours at a time he asked the Council if these cars were checked to see how many miles they cover a day? Mayor Severance stated no.this was discussed a length. Mayor Severance asked the City Manager if he limited the police officers any particular milage a day. Mr. Bryant stated he did not limit them to any particular milage per day. He asked the Chief if we could reduce some of the driving around He suggested we might park on a average of fifteen minutes per hour. Mayor Severance stated that he feels there should be no limatation on per day. This was discussed a length. ADJOURN