09-22-1975 - Workshop ,. \. 'llw ...." -. 'WO'RkSROP'" SEPT'EMBEif 22"',' i 9i5'" .' . . '" -,', Mayor David Severance called the workshop session of the City Council of the City of Edgewater to order on September 22, 1975. City Clerk Sue Blackwell read the Bills and accounts. Mr. Davis is taking Mr. Weaver's place as City Attorney while Mr. Weaver is on vacation. There was some discussion on the lighting at the new City Garage. City Manager Dale Bryant stated that this has been held up because they were trying to get underground wiring from Florida Power and Light. Bob Howards bill will be held until Thursday Night. City Manager Dale Bryant stated that there was a.pre1iminary investagation got Indian Harbor Estates for extension of water and sewer lines. Directions were given to Mayor Severance to write a letter to the attorney about the P.B.A requesting that a meeting be set up to discuss the possibilities of an election. Mayor Severance read a letter from Allen Ludwig Attorney for the P.B.A. Mayor Severance stated that this will be places on the Agenda for Thursday nights meeting.Action by the Council can be taken at that time. City Manager Byrant stated that there will be a meeting of, the Vo1usia League of Municipalities Friday September 26, 1975 in the City of Port Orange. Wiues are invited. If you would like to make reservations see City Clerk Sue Blackwell so she can make the arrangements and contact the City Manager of Port Orange to let him know the number that will be attending from our City. City Manager Bryant had a request from Mrs. Rose Denton who lives next door to the park at. Indian River Blvd. she is requesting that a light be replaced in the middle of the park. There was one here but it was removed. Mayor Severance stated that well will place this request on the agenda and take action on it Thursday night. Councilman Carnie stated that while we are on the subject of lights we have a light at the recreation park in Florida Shores that is not working. City Manager Bryant stated that Florida Power and Light will be contacted on this matter. , The light a 430 Perdita Street has been removed This also should be replaced. Mr. John Blank6n is here tonight Mr. Bryant stated. Mr. Blanken has a problem regarding to zoning. Mr. Blanken explained to the Council his problem. He also read a letter he had written to the Council and showed pictures. Mr. Blanken would like a varence. Mayor Severance explained the procuders that Mr. Blanken should take to solve this problem. Mrs. Blackwell City Clerk will give this information to the Zoning Board. ~r. Blanken was also asked to attend the next Zoning Board ~eeting. Mr. Bryant had a request that Mrs. A. Murphy be placed on the agenda, she is requesting zoning information. Mayor Severance stated that this will be placed on the agenda for Thursday Night. There was much discussion on the building set backs. Mrs. Murphy asked many questions. Mayor Severance stated that this will be put on the agenda for Thursday night. City Manager Bryant stated that the Building Code review board would like to have the proposed building code reviewed Councilman Carnie and Mayor Severance were present at there last meeting. At that meeting the Board explained what was in the new Building Code, Ordinance. '-" ,.., This Building Code was brought to the City Council at one time and turned down. The Council decided to stay with the County Code. This has been reconsidered. The Building Code feels that the City should have there own Code. Councilman Carnie gave his opinion on the Building Code Ordinance. He read a letter from Mr. Westbury of the County. This letter Mr. Westbury recommended that the City of Edgewater adopt its own Building Code. There was much discussion on this. Mayor Severance stated that he would like to direct the City Clerk and the City Manager to place this on the Agenda for Thursday Night. Mr. Barnett of Pappys spoke at this time but could not be understood. There was much discussion on the Ordinance concerning desplaying articles on the outside of a business. Mr. Bryant read a letter from Mr. Barnett, making a request the he be allowed to desplay his articles outside of his place of business. Also Mr. Bryant read a letter from Mr. Wm. Pease he also wants to desplay items outside of his business. Mr. Bryant read a letter from Mr. Dave McGinnis concerning drums that are located behind a fence. Mayor Severance stated that this will be placed on the Agenda for Thursday Nights meeting. City Manager read a letter from the Daytona Beach Community Collage. they request a resolution on Law Enforcements. Mayor Severance read a letter and a resolution from the Collage. The letter was signed by Dr. Poke President of Daytona Beach Community Collage. Mayor Severance stated that this be place on the agenda for Thursday Nights meeting. City Manager read three resignations from various boards to be made effective immediately/ Phyllis Woodward Zoning Board of Adjustments, Mrs. Rita Webber Zoning Board and Mr. Louis Rotundo Board of Governors. The reason for there resigiantion is they are running for elections. This will be placed on the agenda for Thursday night Mayor Severance stated. Mayor Severance stated that Mrs. Blackwell City Clerk find out these three time left on the various boards so that new members may be elected to finish~~ there terms. This will be after elections. City Manager Bryant stated tha Mrs. Phillis Woodward requested that she might address the Council. Mrs. Woodward was awarded her request. She stated that she had two things she is quite concerned about. She had a complaint and tried to call Mayor Severance after she was unable to get in contact with the Mayor she stated that she called the City Manager. She was very upset when she found that Mr. Bryant had been taping there conversation. She went on to say that Mr. Bryant could have told her at the beginnig of the converstation that it was being taped. Mrs. Woodward went on to ask Mr. Bryant some other questions. There was much confusion at this time. Mr. Dietz asked the City Manager if this would be considered City Business or personal. Mr. Davis stated that if this was related to City Business it should be presented. If it is Civil or criminal it willhave to handled at the States Attorney Office. Mrs. Woodward stated it was City Business. There was a lot of discussion on this. Mrs. Woodward went on to read aletter and present a petition to the Mayor and Council. This petition was to abolish the City Manager and his office. there was much discussion on this. Mayor Severance stated that this petition will be placed on the agenda for Thursday Night. Mrs. Nichols asked the question How are prices placed on items that belong to the City? The answer was what the City paid for the items, Mrs. Blackwell stated that there was no actual inventory. The insurance was discussed. This will be put on the agenda for Thursday night meeting. A letter was read from the Board of Adjustments pertaining to a public hearing tbat., was held on September 8, 1975 on Mr. Edsalls garage. Grantinq him his variance. Mrs. Murphy went on to explain what the board and Mr. Edsall wanted. There was much discussion on this. Mayor Severance stated that this will be placed on the agenda for Thursday Nights meeting. For final action. There was some discussion on the meeting concerning the meeting between the City Council and the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Bryant statedt that he called Mr. Briggs for a date to meet with them, it will be on one of '-' ..., three nights, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday after the elections. Mayor Severance stated that he will call and set it up for after the elections. Also on the agenda for Thursday night resolusion on new water and sewer rates. A resolution on the 2 1/2% cost of living raise Second reading on Ordinance 935 and 936 Ordiance 939,940 The resignation of Judson Woods 937 1975-1976 General Fund Budget The City Manager has written to Mr. Kelley about the water and sewer in Indian Haror Estates going out for bids on the Water & Sewer Plant October 16, 1975. Mr. Dietz would like the City Council to have a meeting with Mr. Kelley and whoever is in charge of that for the County to set down and have them explain the facts to the Council. Mayor Severance stated that he would like the City Manger to contact Mr. Kelley and the people he is working with in regards to this matter, also find out when he will be available. When Mr. Bryant does find out when he can meet. Mayor Severance will set up a special meeting. There was some discussion on intrest on certificates of deposit. Mrs. Blackwell stated that she had check with all the banks and Southeastern Bank has given us the best intrest rate. This answered the question of r"'r. Gross. There was some discussion on the bridge behind the Winn Dixie. The question was asked if there could bel anything done about this bridge it is in bad need of repairs. Mayor Severance stated that this bridge was brought up and discussed a number of times. It was just passed recently that an Ordinance accepting the responsibol and assigning an enginner to survey and determine that the bridge belong to the City. last report was that it was in safe condition but need repairs. Mr. lavender on Perdita St. is the person who brought up the question. He also asked if the City was responsible for notifing Fla. Power and light about a light being removed. There was some discussion on varances Mrs. Woodward stated that when a varance was not granted that the person applying for the varance should be refunded there varance fee. Mr. Bryant was instructed to find out what happen to the lights that were moved and disconnected on Perdita. There was some discussion on the ditch next to ~erdita Street Mr. lavender stated that it was a mosquito control ditch. He stated that all it is is a pollution ditch. Mayor Severance stated that he will contact the Mosquit Control on this matter, and have them check the condition of this ditch. There was a question from the auddience does the Council check with the Citezens to see if they have any problems. Mayor Severance stated that the Council was always ready to answer any question that the Citizen may have. Mr. Bryant was also instructed to find out how Perdita Street is zoned. Mr. Armstrong stated that he thought that the City Council should put a hold on any houses being built in the Pointer Subdivision, the reason being that the burdon is being put on the number 4 pumping station. This was not designed for so many houses he believe that this is a danger. This station has given the City more trouble than any of the other stations in Edgewater and it is endangering the rest of the stations. The City Attorney stated that once a permit is issued it is hard to revolk it without a legal investgation. There was much discussion on this and the City Manager was asked to contact Briley Wild on this matter. This will be discussed at Thursday nights meeting There was some discussion that when a motion is on the floor then seconded there is a question time any time during this question time any member of the body can speak and be called on for questions. P,djourn