02-26-1992 - Workshop
February 26, 1992
Mayor Wessler called the workshop to order at 2:00 p.m. in the
Community Center. The purpose of this workshop is to review the
proposed City Charter.
Mayor Tanya Wessler Present
Councilman Kirk Jones (Mayor Wessler stated he will be late)
Councilperson Louise Martin Present
Councilperson NoraJane Gillespie Present
CouncIlman Michael Hays Present
City Attornev Krista Storey Present
City Manager George McMahon (not present at this time)
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth Present
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker ExcuGed
Mayor Wessler called a recess to wait for Councilman Jones.
Reconvene 2:10 p.m.
Mayor Tanya Wessler
Councilman KIrk Jones
Councilperson Louise Martin
Councilperson NoraJane Gillespie
Councilman Michael Hays
CIty Attorney Krista Storey
City Manager George McMahon
Citv Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Lieutenant William Britain
Arrived at 2:19
Mayor Wessler asked the City Attorney to begin going over the
suggested agenda the City Manager gave them.
Attorney Storey explained the process she and the City Manager
followed in preparing this document. The major document they
utilized to make the recommended changes was the model city
charter that is put out by the National Civic League. They also
looked over the city charters for the City of Maitland. the City
of Gainesville; trying to get a look at charters that have come
about since the Home Rule Powers Act. She explained that Mr.
McMahon's suggested calendar from this point be: two public
meetings and one final public hearing to take place at a time and
date convenient to Council. In order to put this on the ballot
an ordinance is required with a first reading and a public
hearing. This would mean three publiC sessions before it would
go to referendum. It is recognized there are some controversial
issues that may be segregated as separate questions to go on the
ballot, where there are other provisions that are fairly
standard. Attorney Storey explained that because of the Home
Rule Powers Act, cities basically have any powers, except those
specifically prohibited by statute. The charter now becomes a
skeleton Or an outline type document, however, some of the
specifics may be addressed in ordinance form. She asked the
Council and the community to recognize that today in city
government there are two functions, a political body and a
business to run. She began going over the specific changes in
the document.
City Manager McMahon added explanation about the changes when
The Council reserved
reviewed all changes
their comments until Attorney Storey
in the entire document.
Mayor Wessler called for a recess 3:07 p.m.
Reconvene 3:12 p.m.
Mayor Wessler suggested each section be considered and when a
Council member has a question they will stop and discuss it.
She began at the first section~ General Powers and continued.
Section 3.01 - Composition (sinqle member district)
Councilman Hays suggested this be a separate option; asking the
citizens if they want single member districting7 Councilman
Jones agreed~ adding the wording on the referendum should be made
clear. Councilperson Martin, Councilperson Gillespie and Mayor
Wessler did not want this option presented to the citizens.
Section 3.04 ~ Elections and Terms
Councilman Jones agreed with staggered terms to maintain
cont i nu i ty. He suggested 4-year- staggered and 2-year fOl- the
Mayor- .
Councilperson Martin does not agree with staggered terms.
in favor of the 3-year straight terms.
She IS
Councilperson Gillespie agreed with the 3-year straight terms.
Councilman Hays agreed to give the voters an option.
preference would be the 2-year staggered terms, with
term of three years for two of the members.
Mayor Wessler suggested a compromise due to the opInIons stated
during this discussion; that we have the 3-year straight terms or
the 3-year staggered terms offered as options. This was agreed
It was also agreed that the City Attorney prepare the appropriate
wording of these options and present it to the Council.
At Councilman Hays request Mayor- l..Jes':51er called a recess at 3:38
Reconvene 3:44 p.m.
Section 3.05 - Compensation
Councilperson Gillespie suggested this be done by ordinance and
not in the charter. Councilman Jones initiated discussion about
the consumer index and automatic wording regarding increases in
the compensation rather than each Council having to address their
own pay. This was not agreed on. Councilperson Martin and
Councilman Hays agreed it should be done by ordinance and each
Council should deal with it. It was agreed to leave the amounts
as thev are now, from hereafter it will be decided bv ordinance.
Section 3.09 - Vacancies; Forfeiture of Office; Fillinq of
It was agreed that the filling of vacancies should be handled by
o r-d i nance.
Section 3.11 - Procedur~
a. Meetinqs It was the concensus not to specifically spell out
what dates meetings would be held. The wording in this entire
section is to be left as it is in the draft.
Council Worl--:shoo
February 26~ 1992
Section 4.01 - Appointment and Qualifications of the City t1anaQel-
Mayor Wessler suggested the Council discuss the residency subject
at this time. She asked the Council to consider whether they
t!lough t Mr. f'1c Mahon wou I d no t be as good a City Manager as he i ~>
if he lived a few miles up the road outside the City limits. She
does not feel we should tie our hands by having this restriction
in the char tel-.
Councilman Jones stated he feels this should be negotiated in the
contract when considering the individual. He made the point that
if the Federal Government had such a requirement the people who
work at the Cape would not be able to live in Florida Shores.
Councilman Hays agreed this should be negotiable, an important
Issue IS we don't have a right to impose on someone's ciVIl
rights. We should be concerned about the job they are doing.
There was discussion regarding the residency requirement applying
to the department heads. Mr. Mc Mahon suggested rather than have
the residency requirement a response time be established.
Councilperson Martin stated it should be up to the City Manager
whether a department head has to live within the city limits.
Councilperson Gillespie
master charter and pull
stated this should be pulled out of the
it over to let the citizens vote on it
It l.-.Jas
to be
agreed to pull this out at this time,
open for public discussion agaIn.
since this
Section 4.02 - Removal of the City ManaQer
Councilman Jones commented this would be included In the contract
and does not need to be in the charter. It was agreed to remove
this from the charter draft.
Section 4.03 - City Clerk
Councilperson Gillespie spoke in favor of keeping
Clerk's position on an equal status with the City
City Attorney. The City Clerk w~ll be answerable
Council and not to a City Manager. It was agreed
the charter draft.
the City
Manager and the
to the City
to keep this in
P'1r. Mc r1ahon pointed out the preference in the quality of the
clerk we have compared to what some get with elected clerks.
Section 4.08 - Personnel System
Councilperson Gillespie was impressed with Mr.
presentatIon regarding the personnel system.
leave this as drafted.
i"lc Mahon's
It ItJas agreed to
Section 4.09 - Financial and PurchasinQ Procedures and
City Attorney Storey explained this section had a lot of specific
language in it. This is not an intention to eliminate proce-
dures, but you have a separate finanCIal document that you can
adjust without having this in the charter.
Mr. Mc Mahon explained the financial, purchasing, budgetary, etc.
regulations are all handled through ordinances.
Section 4.06 - Screeninq Board
It was agreed to eliminate this from the charter.
Section 4.08 - Standards of Conduct
Councilperson Gillespie pointed out this has to be explained to
the public. Mayor Wessler stated it is the Council's job to
educate the public on these issues.
Council Workshop
February 26, 1992
Alternate to Section 5.03 - Qualification
City Attorney Storey informed the Council
determine whether this needs to be in the
of Candidates
that they should
charter or handled by
It was agreed to handle this by ordinance.
Councilman Hays informed the Council there is a very informative
article in the Florida League magazine addressing conduct of
people running for office.
City Attorney Stor-ey suggested the Council may want to discuss
time of elections, referring to the Attachment A submitted by the
City Clerk. She explained the election will have to be in
November this year and then perhaps a different date next year.
Councilperson Gillespie stated she wants this thrown out to the
public. Councilman Jones aoreed to make it an option.
Councilman Hays pointed out this might be an ideal time to change
the election date, depending on how the terms of office are
decided. He does not want this to be an option for the citizens.
He wants it changed to March.
Councilperson Martin agreed to change the election date to March,
not be an option. Mayor Wessler agreed. The majority agreed not
to pull this out as an option at this time.
City Attorney Storey told Council she will prepare the ballot
question and have this document ready for the public meeting.
Comments were made regarding informing the public of these
changes. Mr. Mc Mahon spoke to the Council about publishing the
newsletter with this information.
Mayor Wessler summarized the three issues needing to be
emphasized for the public are: terms, election date, and the
residency requirement.
The concensus was to try to have this election before the
November election and as soon as possible.
A special meeting date was scheduled for 7:00 p.m.
March 9, 1992, to have public input only regarding
the charter
Another special meeting date was scheduled for 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 14, 1992.
The first and second readings of the actual ordinance will take
place at the regular Council meetings.
Mayor Wessler was asked to make the following announcement:
Mr. Lou Redmond from the Salvation Army is forming a group to
help citizens in the surrounding area. He wants the Council to
elect one Council member to belong to this committee. They will
meet the third Wednesday of every month at 12:00 noon. Council-
person Martin volunteered.
Councilman Jones moved to adjourn.
the motion. Meeting adjourned 4:50
Councilperson Martin seconded
Minutes Submitted By:
Debb ie S ig 1 el-
Counc i 1 ~.Jorkshop
February 26, 1992