05-21-2001 - Workshop , ' JlW' ...., CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER WORKSHOP MAY 21, 2001 6:00 P.M. COHHUNITY CENTER MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Schmidt called the Workshop to order at 6:00 p.m. in the community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor Donald Schmidt Councilman James Brown Councilman Dennis Vincenzi Councilwoman Harriet Rhodes Councilwoman Judith Lichter City Manager Kenneth Hooper City Clerk Susan Wadsworth Legal Assistant Robin Matusick Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present MEETING PURPOSE The purpose of the meeting is to discuss city Council goals for FY 2001-2002. city Manager Hooper made a staff presentation regarding the goals set for FY 2000-2001. He went over the goals that have been accomplished or are being worked on. A copy of the memorandum is attached. City Manager Hooper spoke about Infrastructure. He commented on the FIND project. He commented on the option to purchase from FIND their involvement or their investment in the property and have that become a City owned total project. He has asked Mr. Roach to send a summary of what they bought the property for and their improvements to it. They are looking to get the same amount of money. They aren't looking to earn anything or recoup any interest lost. They would be willing to sell it to the city over a period of time. City Manager Hooper commented on Annexations. Councilwoman Lichter asked if there have been other developers contacting Mr. Howard. City Manager Hooper stated there are four or five fairly small ones in that area. Councilwoman Lichter asked if any of them are for manufactured homes. City Manager Hooper informed her no, the talk that has been surfacing is they are all upper scale houses that find their way to have some water frontage to them. City Manager Hooper went on to speak about Quality of Life. If you have a better quality of life you can entice businesses to want to relocate and you can entice annexations which have to do with some of the amenities the City has to offer such as the YMCA recreational complex, improved public safety, consolidated dispatch, the City Hall Siting process, the Comprehensive Plan, the Land Development Code, streamlined development review process, extending City Hall business hours. city Manager Hooper then went over Financial Improvements. city Manager Hooper further commented on Drainage/Water Resources. '-' ...." city Manager Hooper spoke about complaints this past weekend with regard to reclaimed water. Due to everyone turning the reclaimed water on at once, there isn't enough water to go around during the first four hours. This will be solved when they have the new ground storage and additional water from the lake augmentation and additional pumping through there. councilwoman Lichter asked what the time frame is of the ground storage. city Manager Hooper stated the final plans are in the City's hands to review. They will have that out for construction bids next month and the construction period is six months or so. He is looking to have it in place by January. councilwoman Rhodes asked how big of an impact it would be. She feels it is unfair that people are paying for the water and they don't get it. She wants to tell the people if they aren't getting the water they don't have to pay for it. city Manager Hooper stated they are trying to control it through policies. If the policies work there is sufficient water. councilwoman Rhodes feels if it is going to be a long time before it does occur that they get the water then maybe there needs to be something in place for a year that they make budget adjustments that if these people can't get their water that they don't have to pay for it. City Manager Hooper stated he doesn't know how to determine who can't get the water. Councilwoman Rhodes mentioned pro-rating if they can't get the water. It's wrong to pay for water and not get it. City Manager Hooper agreed to think about it and see what they can come up with. Councilwoman Rhodes suggested giving it a month to see if what they are doing is going to make a difference. If a month from now they still aren't able to get the water, there needs to be something in place that it can be pro-rated. City Manager Hooper stated today is the first day of the new temporary full-time online so they are using the lake augmentation to its full effect now. Mayor Schmidt feels if you just take their word for it, by the time the word gets down the pipeline, out of 2000 customers 1500 will be calling saying they aren't getting it just to save 50 cents. City Manager Hooper commented on someone having to answer all the calls and having to keep track of each account. Mayor Schmidt stated he would wonder how many complaints they get from 25th Street north and 25th Street south. He would bet nine out of ten come from 25th Street south. Councilwoman Lichter commented on getting phone calls from the people on the south end of town. She feels they should give the enforcement a month to see if that kicks in. City Manager Hooper spoke about the new water going to the new reclaimed system starting today and they are asking the new water restrictions go into effect June 1st. Between the two by July 1st they will be able to get back if it has made a difference or not. Councilwoman Rhodes feels there needs to be some way to address that if this does not work. City Manager Hooper continued his presentation regarding Drainage/Water Resources with regard to our participation with the Volusia Water Alliance. They are trying to adopt system wide or regional wide resource plan. Councilwoman Lichter stated she brought it for the Council to look at. She stated city Manager Hooper feels it is very general in the recommendations and suggestions. The Technical Advisory Group versus the political group recommended in the beginning that it be general. So you have two sides to this issue. There are a few individuals that want it to be very specific and very definite. city Manager Hooper agreed to get copies for the Council. Page -2- Council Workshop May 21, 2001 ~ ..." City Manager Hooper went on to speak about regional partnerships with Volusia County and expanding the agreement with New Smyrna about interconnecting some water to us. City Manager Hooper went over the outline he came up with for goals for FY 2001/2002. (Attached) He is seeking Council's input on his list as a set of goals or anything Council wants to add to it. Mayor Schmidt asked the County's timetable on Mission and Park Avenue to widen. city Manager Hooper stated Park Avenue is in the fifth year of the road plan. He stated Mission is in but he thinks that is not included in the work plan. It is in outer years but not in the five years. Mayor Schmidt feels it won't be long before someone goes off the road on Mission Road. City Manager Hooper stated he thinks the pressure there is the County. They should focus on the MPO but put pressure on the County and they could use some of the CRA if that becomes an objective. City Manager Hooper continued his presentation regarding the goals for FY 2001/2002 with implementing a franchise service agreement for commercial solid waste service. Right now the City picks up residential. We do not pick up commercial. He would like to propose that they enter into a franchise area so that they award that franchise to a particular firm. He spoke about reducing the number of trucks coming up and down the roads and controlling the aesthetics part of it. He spoke about this being a three year process. Councilwoman Lichter asked what the business attitude is towards this type of thing being imposed on them. City Manager Hooper stated businesses generally like it because they have to shop for service. It doesn't really impact their rates. Councilwoman Rhodes stated if it is one firm shouldn't they get a better rate. city Manager Hooper stated it can. He spoke of doing an RFP. He spoke about either lowering the rates to the industries that are using it or maximizing the City's return on that. Councilwoman Lichter would like to get input from the businesses. City Manager Hooper agreed to do this and stated the businesses have thought of it and the City has been asked. Mayor Schmidt asked if the City has ever thought of getting into that business. City Manager Hooper stated yes, he is sure they have. Mr. Wadsworth stated not to his knowledge. city Manager Hooper stated it is usually not good for government to try and get into commercial. City Manager Hooper continued his presentation with regard to siting new wells along I-95 and expanding the resurfacing program. Councilwoman Rhodes asked how many feet it would be to repave the whole City. city Manager Hooper stated 12,000 is your current $300,000 budget. Mr. Wadsworth stated when they looked at doing them before they figured it would be half a million to do the streets in ten year cycles. City Manager Hooper estimated approximately 200,000 feet of road. There was a brief discussion regarding the streets in Florida Shores. Councilwoman Rhodes feels maybe they need to be more realistic than ten years, possibly seven. City Manager Hooper explained it comes down to money. If they do it over seven, you are talking probably 3/4 to a million dollars per year on resurfacing. Page -3- Council Workshop May 21, 2001 .... .."", Councilwoman Rhodes stated before this Council took office there was money set aside for resurfacing of the roads and that money was used for the gym. city Manager Hooper explained there was money put aside that was in when the streets were paved. What occurred was the residents on each side of the street would pay 1/3 and the City bonded them out to do its 1/3. That 1/3 had some additional savings left over. Councilwoman Rhodes explained there was a fund of money that was not allocated. It was understood that a portion of that money was going to be used for resurfacing the roads. She spoke about the streets falling apart and they are basing it on a ten year life span and maybe that is not realistic and what is going to happen is they are going to have streets falling apart again if they don't be realistic. City Manager Hooper stated and it may be that they have to up the amount but right now looking at the roads the $400,000 to $500,000 appears to be an adequate amount. He spoke about reviewing past budgets and there being nothing to hint that there was ever a plan to take money and direct it to resurfacing. Councilwoman Lichter stated it was called the Contingency Fund and it was just there for emergencies. Former City Manager George McMahon believed in having a big reserve fund in case a hurricane or tornado hit. City Manager Hooper spoke about some of the projects that were done with the Contingency Fund. Councilwoman Rhodes mentioned the road resurfacing being mentioned years ago and then it was neglected. City Manager Hooper stated this Council is the first Council to put a line item in the budget that says resurfacing. Councilwoman Lichter feels if the roads are resurfaced properly then maybe a ten year plan can kick in. City Manager Hooper stated they are proposing a $400,000 amount for next year for resurfacing. City Manager Hooper continued his presentation by discussing expanding the park system. He also spoke about maximizing funding opportunities of Volusia Forever and ECHO programs, review and update revenue sources for increased financial opportunity, develop Joint Planning Area Agreement with Volusia County, New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill and initiating the purchase of property, develop funding, design and construction plan for the proposed City Hall Complex. He is going to prepare a list of five or six offsite property acquisitions, get a proposal from an architect to what it would take to make this building into a two story and bring it back to Council. Councilwoman Rhodes asked if there is any possibility of purchasing any other land around here. City Manager Hooper stated yes. Councilwoman Rhodes would like to, as one of their goals, identify a downtown section and make a plan. She thinks it would be helpful as far as economic development goes to be specific about it and at some point in the future it can be identified as a CRA. Councilwoman Lichter spoke about one of her goals being to first look into where they are. She can see potential with this building up, over and back and still utilizing part of it. This is such a unique piece of property. There isn't another City Hall that looks out over the river. Councilwoman Lichter feels transportation for the elderly is a problem. She feels in the near future they could look into that need in terms of a small bus. Mayor Schmidt stated New Smyrna has their own city bus that is not part of Votran that runs downtown and asked if that could be one of the possibilities that they bring up to bring it into the bigger communities. He doesn't foresee that bus doing just in New Smyrna. Councilwoman Lichter feels that would be excellent. When they did the survey of the seniors, she found out the greatest need was friends. Page -4- Council Workshop May 21, 2001 ~ w Councilwoman Lichter feels it is very important to get Hawks Park done. She further spoke about culture and historical. She also feels they need to put some teeth in the litter program. Since she has been on the Council a lot of her goals have been accomplished. She commented on resurfacing and paving roads that are not paved. Councilman Brown questioned where they could build a downtown. He suggested putting a name on the FIND project other than FIND. Ms. Plaskett stated it has been named Waterway Industrial Park by FIND. There was a brief discussion regarding having Waterway Subdivision south of us and Edgewater Lakes. She feels they need to go away from those two names. She feels Waterway Industrial Park is going to be confusing. City Manager Hooper spoke about having Waterway Park. He feels with time and effort he thinks there is a major difference that would be seen. He stated you will never have a resident in that industrial park. Councilwoman Rhodes feels it might be confusing if you are trying to give somebody directions. She gets confused with the name of every mobile home park south of Edgewater. Councilwoman Lichter would like to give it some thought. City Manager Hooper stated currently FIND owns it and are calling it Waterway Industrial Park. City Manager Hooper agreed to put naming the FIND project on a future agenda. City Manager Hooper agreed to put this on the next agenda for the Council to vote on. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Councilwoman Rhodes moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:45 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Bloomer Page -5- Council Workshop May 21, 2001