JUNE 2,1993 7:00 P.M.
The Chairman, Larry Lanchoney, called the meeting to order at 7:02
P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were: Larry Lanchoney, Thomas Tipton, John Cory,
and Charlene Dennis. Board member George Childs was absent. Also
present was Jack Corder, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Mr. Tipton moved to approve the minutes of the April 7, 1993
minutes and Mr. Cory seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Lanchoney asked about the bids on the fence for the tennis
court at Kennedy Park and Mr. Corder stated the low bid went to Jim
William Fence Company. He noted this company had also done the
fence for Rotary Park. Mr. Lanchoney asked about the bids on the
resurfacing at Whistle Stop and Mr. Corder replied he still had
some checking to do on the company with low bid and still hadn't
made a recommendation yet.
Introduction of New Members
Charlene Dennis was introduced as one of the new members. She
stated she was very happy to be here. Mr. Childs was not present.
Mr. Corder said he was one of the baseball coaches and works for
the railroad and therefore travels a lot.
1993 Summer Recreation Program
Mr. Lanchoney asked how the recreation program was corning along.
He stated he read the schedule and booklet and felt it was a very
reasonable price. Mr. Corder stated we still get complaints on our
registration fees being $70.00 when the County program is only
$25.00. The problem is that the area cities end up subsidizing the
County programs with city taxes which should be going to help the
cities run their programs. He said he is looking into this issue
further, to see what can be done to get the City's fair share of
the County taxes. On a per-capita population basis, the City
should be receiving about $80,000 and is now only getting $10,500.
Mrs. Dennis said her son is a counselor for the New Smyrna
Recreation Program and thought it may be a good idea to get the two
cities and counselors together for a day. Mr. Tipton stated it was
really good to see the morning sessions include the DARE officer
and the Fire Dept. Mr. Lanchoney agreed the City should be real
proud of this program.
Mr. Cory asked if there will be a summer tennis program this year,
and Mr. Corder replied he was still unable to find an instructor.
Mr. Lanchoney asked what was happening with those few residents who
have been opposed to the Riverwalk, now that construction is
underway. Mr. Corder replied most of the problems are being worked
out as they crop up and there are still maybe two areas of concern.
Mr. Tipton asked if he had a projection date for completion and Mr.
Corder replied in August. Mr. Lanchoney asked if we will do
landscaping and Mr. Corder replied in some areas of the parks this
year, but most of the rest will be done next year. He noted the
gazebo for Highlands Park should be in soon.
Parks Monthlv Report
Mr. Corder stated administrative wise, most of his time has been
spent on the Riverwalk project and the various bids for the tennis
courts and beautification grant. Recreation wise, we had a
successful Easter Egg Hunt with a couple hundred kids showing up
and also the Memorial Day Services went really well, with a few
hundred people there. He stated the baseball season went really
well this year.
Mr. Cory asked if we were hosting any tournaments and Mr. Corder
replied only 4 garnes, as the fields need some work this year before
the weeds take over.
Mr. Lanchoney asked about the bandstand at Rotary Park and Mr.
Corder replied they are in the process of building it right now.
Mr. Tipton asked if the problem with security and vandalism has
improved and Mr. Corder replied most of the vandalism lately has
been at Whistle Stop Park and now with school getting out, it will
probably increase even more.
The Board had a lengthy discussion on the year round school
proposal and how it will affect the recreation programs.
Impact Fee Report
Mr. Corder stated the economy is still not picking up and about all
we're collecting each month is $2,000. Mr. Lanchoney asked about
the City being able to spend any of this money and Mr. Corder
replied it is only for new equipment, new parks, etc. and cannot be
used for anything else, even maintenance.
Mr. Lanchoney stated this is his sixth year on the Parks and
Recreation Board and although he has seen a lot of progress corne to
pass, he feels it is time to step down and stated this will be his
last meeting. He expressed the enjoyment he's had over the past
six years and gave best wishes to the remaining members.
The Board discussed possible funding suggestions for a gymnasium
for the 26 acres and Mr. Corder stated the City Attorney is
checking into one idea right now.
There being no further
seconded by Mr. Tipton.
business, Mr. Cory moved
The meeting ended at 8:25.
Minutes submitted by
Barb Kowall
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Parks & Recreation Board
June 2, 1993 - Minutes