12-01-2014 - Regular CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER
December 1,2014
6:00 P.M.
Mayor Thomas called to order the regular City Council meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Present Mayor Michael Thomas
Councilwoman Christine Power
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Mike Ignasiak
Councilman Gene Emter
City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel
City Manager Tracey Barlow
City Attorney Aaron Wolfe
Pastor Glenn Freshour,Edgewater House of Prayer to do the invocation.
a. 2014-R-24 Resolution No.2014-R-24: A Resolution accepting and adopting the
November 4,2014 General and Special Election results.
City Attorney Wolfe read Resolution No. 2014-R-24 into the record.
Legislation "Text 4'
2014 election Certification 2.!7_'
Councilman Emter moved to approve Resolution No.2014-R-24,second by Councilwoman Power.
Yes Mayor Thomas, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington Councilman Ignasiak,
Councilman Emter
No None
Abstain None
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned 6:05 p.m.
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
Seventh Judicial Circuit Court Judge Shirley A.Green administered the Oath of Office for Mayor to
Michael Ignasiak, Council District 1 to Christine Power,Council District 3 to Dan Blazi, and Council
District 4 to Gary Conroy.
Mayor Ignasiak called to order the regular City Council meeting.
Present Mayor Mke Ignasiak
Councilwoman Christine Power
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Dan Blazi
Councilman Gary T. Conroy
City Clerk Bonnie Wenzel
City Manager Tracey Barlow
City Attorney Aaron Wolfe
Absent None
Election of Vice-Mayor
Legislation Text
Councilman Conroy moved to approve Councilwoman Bennin2ton as lice-Mayor,second by
Councilwoman Bennin2ton.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,Councilman Conroy
No Councilwoman Power
Abstain None
Mayor Ignasiak stated that two (2) board positions have been vacated due to the election; one on the
Southeast YMCA board and the other on the River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization(TPO)
board. Councilman Conroy volunteered to be on both boards and Councilman Blazi volunteered to be on
the Southeast YMCA board. After discussion,the Council concurred that Councilman Conroy would fill
the vacant seat on the TPO board and Councilman Blazi would fill the vacant seat on the Southeast
YMCA board.
a. AR-2014-448 Regular Meeting -November 10, 2014
Legislation Text ._.�
11-10-2014 Minutes
Councilman Blazi moved to approve the minutes of November 10,2014,second by Councilwoman
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
a. AR-2014-438 Proclamation Blue Way Community
Proclamation 0-
Mayor Ignasiak read the Florida Paddling Blueway Community Proclamation into the record,
commending the Florida Paddling Trail Association for its work in developing and maintaining Florida's
paddling trails and further encouraging all residents of and visitors to Edgewater to paddle its Blueways
and water trails.
Michael Visconti, 31 Pine Breeze Drive congratulated the newly elected officials, thanked the City of
Edgewater for their support of the Pearl Harbor Remembrance day,asked the Council to add the event to
Edgewater's annual schedule,and invited everyone to attend Edgewater'Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
next Sunday, December 7th at Hawks Park, starting at 1:00 p.m. After discussion,the Council concurred
to put Pearl Harbor Remembrance day on the next Council agenda for discussion.
Liz Cameron, Executive Director for the Southeast YMCA, welcomed and congratulated the newly
elected Council members, invited the Council to stop by to take a tour of the recent renovations of the
YMCA,and thanked the Council for their help and support of the project.
Thomas Cavendish, 1914 Fern Palm Drive discussed the need for some of the handicap parking spaces
closest to the end of the dock at the George R. Kennedy Memorial Park to be designated for shoreline
fisherman only.
City Manager Barlow stated that the realtor representing the potential property owner requested to pull
Agenda item 10-a; and he requested to put Agenda item 10-e before Agenda item 10-d.
Mayor Ignasiak reported that he had the opportunity to speak at the Veterans Day service at Sea Pines
which was a well-attended service that made the front page of the News Journal; attended the Southeast
YMCA Open House event; the YMCA board meeting; the Edgewater CRA presentation in DeLand,
which was approved and gave kudos to the City Manager and his staff for their CRA efforts. He also was
a guest reader at Edgewater Elementary School along with Councilwoman Power, he stated that it was
very heartwarming not only to participate but to see all of the other agencies and City staff in attendance
encouraging kids to read,and encouraged others to get involved in the guest reader program.
Councilwoman Power reported that she attended the YMCA Open House event which had the best
hotdogs and that it was very exciting to see the new facility;the Edgewater CRA presentation in DeLand,
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
thanked Economic Development Coordinator Samantha Bishop for her work on the CRA,and stated that
it was good to see the Volusia County Council so on board with Edgewater's CRA request, stating that it
was exciting to see the change in the Councils CRA opinions and vote. She also attended Edgewater
Elementary Schools Guest Reader program and stated that it was something magical about seeing the
looks on children's faces and seeing that they are imagining the characters from the book in their head as
you are reading to them.
Councilwoman Bennington congratulated the new Council members on a job well done stating that she is
looking forward to working with them over the next two(2)years;and asked who would be attending the
Citizens Assisting Police(CAP)dinner.
Councilman Blazi thanked those citizens who voted for him; stated that he is humbled as accepts the seat;
he takes the seat deadly seriously; will do everything possible to help the City continue to progress
forward in a balanced way, and a way that is mutually beneficial to everyone in Edgewater; and stated
that he will attend the CAP's dinner to help give recognition to the City's many volunteers.
Councilman Conroy thanked everyone who voted for him; stated that it was a family decision to run for
elected office;and recognized and thanked family,friends,neighbors,and family in attendance to see him
accept the seat He attended the Volusia County Economic Development board 2rd Quarter meeting;
networked with a lot of people.
Councilman Conroy then discussed joining the Team Volusia Economic Development Committee
(TVEDC). Councilwoman Power stated for the record that she would Ike to be a part of TVEDC. The
Council discussed having a voice at the table; whether or not Edgewater is ready to join TVEDC; the
previous Council members voting for the last four (4) years not to be part of TVEDC; TVEDC not
showing enough progress; joining various entities and being a part of a team; endorsements from the
Edgewater Economic Development board and the Southeast Volusia Chamber to join TVEDC; there
being new Edgewater Council members; County tax dollars that are paid to TVEDC; questioning if
TVEDC is the best organization for bringing businesses to Edgewater; TVEDC needing to show results
and deliver products; and having access and visibility with the right economic development businesses,
people and groups.
Mayor Ignasiak opened the discussion for citizen comments.
Gene Emter,513 Portside Lane,is for joining TVEDC at the $10,000 membership level
Agnes Witter, 223 Flagler Avenue,is against joining TVEDC.
Mayor Ignasiak closed the discussion for citizen comments.
The Council discussed trying to find out what draws businesses to Volusia County; membership in
TVEDC not being a guarantee of increased economic development for the City of Edgewater;
membership funds already being in the City's FY 2015 budget; global economic development; perhaps
joining TVEDC at the $10,000 level; investments and being willing to take risks to improve Edgewater's
commercial tax base;and investing in the future.
Councilman Conroy moved to take the money that is already budgeted and join Team Volusia,second
by Councilman Blav:
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
Councilwoman Bennington moved to amend the motion to include Councilman Conroy as their
representative,second by Christine Power.
Yes Councilwoman Power, Councilman Blazi,Councilman Conroy
No Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Bennington
Abstain None
a. A R-2014-455 December"EdgeFest"Parking Event Agreements
Legislation Text ,_.
EventL,icensel ndemnification-BAPTISTCHURCH-EdgeFest-Decernberl32014
EventLicenseIndemnification-METHODI STCHU RCH-EdgeFest-December 132014
Councilman Blazi requested to pull Consent agenda item 7-a.
The Council discussed possible parking areas to support Edgewater events;the safety aspects of people
not crossing US 1 to attend events;and event logistics.
Councilman Blazi moved to Approve itemAR-2014-455,second btu Councilwoman Power.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
b. AR-2014-442 Memorandum of Understanding Between Florida Paddling Trails
Association and the City of Edgewater,Florida
Legislation Text "`-
Councilwoman Bennington moved to Approve that we accept it,second by Councilwoman Power.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
a. 2014-0-26 1st Reading-Ordinance No.2014-0-26; an Ordinance of the City of
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
' I
Edgewater amending and restating Article VIII(Administration) of the Land
Development Code.
Legislation Text
20140-26 '
Article VIII
Attorney Wolfe read Ordinance No.2014-0-26 into the record.
City Manager Barlow made a staff presentation.
Mayor Ignasiak opened and closed the public hearing.
The Council discussed the proposed changes being located in another City Ordinance,thus the changes
eliminating redundancy; the changes making the language more specific to the Code Enforcement
Compliance board; if any of the language regarding the City Attorney needs to be modified; and that
approving the Ordinance at first reading does not preclude making changes to the Ordinance before the
second reading. The Council and staff discussed fading a Special Magistrate for the City of Edgewater;
staff recently advertising a Request for Qualifications for a Citizen Code Enforcement Board Attorney
and a Special Magistrate, with only one (1) person interested in the Citizen Code Enforcement Board
Attorney position ; there not being a large interest in either position; being comfortable with the current
Code Enforcement board and lien processes; it not being an emergency situation, however, staff still
looking for a special magistrate; and the legal tenants of Chapter 62 in regards to the City Attorney and
the Code Enforcement board having to have their own attorney.
Councilwoman Power moved to adopt Ordinance No.2014-0-26,second by Councilwoman
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
b. 2014-0-27 1st Reading- Ordinance No.2014-0-27; Ronald and Tanury Hayward,
applicants, requesting annexation of.40± acres of land located at 116 Godfrey
Legislation Text
Godfrey subject map
20140-27-haywa rd-anx
City Attorney Wolfe read Ordinance No.2014-0-27 into the record.
City Manager Barlow made a staff presentation.
Mayor Ignasiak opened and closed the public hearing.
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
The Council and staff discussed the boundaries of the annexation; the possibility of other area parcel
owners desiring to annex into the City in the future; septic and who is responsible for the costs of
installing sewer systems; various methods for and partnerships for funding sewer systems; current
Edgewater sewer system lines and service areas;the annexation process when several property owners do,
or do not want to annex into the City; annexation requirements and not being allowed to create an
enclave;and the federal grant process and the County having more leverage to obtain Federal grants than
a City.
City Manager Barlow stated that on Thursday, December 4, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in DeLand is a Volusia
delegation meeting where cities get the opportunity to discuss issues that are germane to their community
with their State and District elected representatives to take back to Tallahassee for possible funding.
The Council and staff discussed Volusia County being in the lead as far as having the highest number of
septic tanks in Florida,not having the highest number of septic tanks as previously reported, but certainly
being in the top 10; the expense of retrofitting from septic tanks as compared to sewer systems being
installed along with new development; cities converting to sewer systems requiring Federal funding
assistance;and the Council not having to approve a voluntary annexation request.
Councilman Blazi moved to approve 1st Reading of Ordinance No.2014-0-27,second by
Councilwoman Power.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
c. 2014-0-28 1st Reading-Ordinance No.20140-28; an amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map(FL.,UM)to include .40± acres of
land located at 116 Godfrey Road as Medium Density Residential.
Legislation Text
20140-28-hayward cpa
City Attorney Wolfe read Ordinance No.2014-0-28 into the record.
City Manager Barlow made a staff presentation.
Mayor Ignasiak opened and closed the public hearing.
Councilman Blazi stated that the referenced property is .40 plus or minus; acres, not 40 acres;and asked
staff to define Medium Density Residential. Development Services Director Darren Lear replied it is
defined as residential property allowing up to 8 units per acre;currently there is a single family home on
the property and that the entire neighborhood is single family homes.
Councilwoman Bennington moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2014-0-28,second by Councilwoman
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
d. 2014-0-29 1st Reading- Ordinance No.2014-0-29; Ronald and Tammy Hayward,
applicants, requesting an amendment to the Official Zoning Map to include .40±
acres of land located at 116 Godfrey Road as R-3(Single-Family Residential)
Legislation Text
116 Godfrey subject map
2014-0-29 hayward rz
City Attorney Wolfe read Ordinance No.2014-0-29 into the record.
City Manager Barlow made a staff presentation.
Mayor Ignasiak opened and closed the public hearing.
Councilman Blazi moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2014-0-29,second by Councilwoman Power.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
a. AR-2014-447 Planning and Zoning Board-Mayor Igmasiak's appointment due to the
resignation of Jean Kayat whose term expires on May 21, 2016.
Legislation Text
Advisory Board applications
Mayor Ignasiak recommended Robert Andrelkovics to the Planning and Zoning board to fulfill the
remainder of a term ending May 21, 2016.
Councilwoman Bennington moved to appoint the Mayors recommendation of Robert Andrejkovics,
second by Councilwoman Power.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
b. AR-2014-446 Citizen Code Enforcement Board -Councilman Conroy's appointment due
to the expired term of Alice Haldeman, who is seeking reappointment.
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
Legislation Text
Haldeman reappt letter
Councilman Conroy moved to appoint Alice Haldeman,second by Councilwoman Bennington.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
c. AR-2014-450 Citizen Code Enforcement Board-Mayor Ignasiak's appointment due to
the expired term of Nikki Hughart.who is seeking reappointment.
Legislation Text
Hughart reappt letter
Mayor Ignasiak recommended reappointing Nikki Hughart to the board.
Councilwoman Bennington moved to approve the Mayor's nomination of Nikki HuR hart,second by
Councilman Conroy.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
a. AR-2014437 City Council interpretation of the Julington Oaks Planned Unit
Development Agreement
This item was pulled from the agenda.
b. AR-2014441 Approval to Utilize Police Impact Fees to Purchase Body Worn Cameras
and Associated Software Licenses
Legislation Text
Axon Flex Camera System
Body Worn Cameras Halve Complaints Against Law Enforcement
Draft Policy Body Worn Cameras
City Manager Barlow made a staff presentation.
The Council and staff discussed costs of purchasing body worn cameras and the associated software;
equipping all of the current officers with a camera; the process of equipping any newly hired officers in
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
the future;the funding coming out of impact fees;the revenue savings associated with officers using body
worn cameras; officer training; body worn camera videos being instrumental in litigation cases; the
cameras being essential and beneficial to the officers and during case investigations; how the Taser
company was selected;the Taser company body worn camera system being the industry standard with no
moving parts; various scenarios for using the camera; liability protection; tracking dollars saved by using
the body worn camera system; cameras being beneficial to both the officer and citizens; and the
Edgewater Police Chief using the industry standard in developing the City's body camera policy.
Councilman Conroy moved to approve AR-2014-441 amending the budget and to purchase the Body
Worn Cameras and associated Software Licenses using police impact fees,second by Councilwoman
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
c. AR-2014-443 Deem a portion of vacant Lot#165. Wildwood Subdivision (#7432-09-00-
1650) which is more commonly known as 25 Wildw.00d Drive as surplus property and
approve sale.
Legislation Text
25 Wildwood Drive Lot Purchase
Mayor Ignasiak amended the Agenda item to read"which is commonly known as 125 Wildwood
Drive"as surplus property and approve sale."
City Manager Barlow made a staff presentation.
Councilwoman Power moved to approve AR-2014-443,second by Councilman Conroy.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
Mrs. Corrine Sapp,Sapp Realty,US1 asked for clarity on what kind of cameras were being purchased for
the Edgewater Police officers and if the police impact fee were derived from Ordinance violation tickets.
City Manager Barlow defined body worn cameras;and stated that police impact fees are not associated
with ordinance violation fines.
e. AR-2014-451 Presentation of the Public Works Facility and Transfer Station Feasbility
by Quentin L. Hampton Associates.
Legislation Text
City Manager Barlow introduced Brad Blais from Quentin L. Hampton Associates to discuss public
works facility special needs and feasibility study.
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
Mr. Blais made a presentation on the 40 year planning window; the master plan for the Public Works
facility; identifying a 40 acre parcel that is suitable for relocating the Public Works facility to; the
possibility of selling off portions of the 40 acres for commercial use to offset the City's costs of relocating
public works; on the plans to expand and improve the Transfer Station at existing Public Works site.
Council and staff discussed leasing compared to selling off sites for commercial use; not moving, but
expanding and improving the existing Transfer Station; possibly lessening the environmental impact on
the lagoon; security and access control of the future Public Works facility; what happens if the City does
not pass inspection and receive a permit to use the current antiquated transfer station; restrictions to
raising utility rates and setting aside funds for future projects;not affecting the future plans and use of the
City's waste water facility; ways to offset costs;construction costs are not going down and the importance
of implementing the Public Works plan now; the possibility of connecting the Public Works facility into
10th Street; and that the purchase of the property buys the City out of the prior obligation of the original
2003 ParkTowne development agreement.
d. AR-2014-119 Authorization to execute the Vacant Land Contract for purchase of the
Morgan Property located in Parktowne Industrial Center
Legislation Text
Morgan Pei Dale St-Appraisal Rpt Final 8 8 2014 A.
Morgan ST City of Edgewater .
City Manager Barlow made a staff presentation.
Councilman Blazi moved to approve AR-2014-449 with the budget amendment,second by
Councilwoman Bennington.
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
f AR-2014-456 Public Works Complex Land Acquisition Series 2015 - Bank Selection
Legislation Text
TD Bank-Term Sheet- 10-30-2014
City Manager Barlow made a staff presentation.
The Council and staff discussed loan rates offered to the City by various lending institutions; utility rate
fee study requirements;and revenue sources for paying off the loan.
Councilwoman Power moved to approve AR-2014-456 with the budget amendment,second by
Councilman Conroy.
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
Yes Mayor Ignasiak, Councilwoman Power, Councilwoman Bennington, Councilman Blazi,
Councilman Conroy
a. City Clerk
City Clerk Wenzel distributed and reviewed the 2015 meeting schedule, which included next year's
budget workshop dates with Council members. Afler discussion, the Council approved the 2015 meeting
schedule, and discussed changing the focus of the next Town Hall meeting to be more of a
business/resident Town Hall meeting.
City Clerk Wenzel distributed information to Council members for the upcoming Institute for Elected
Municipal Officials (IEMO) 2015 conference and asked Council members desiring to attend to let her
know within the next few days so she can make the necessary arrangements.
The Council and City Clerk Wenzel discussed scheduling for a photographer to do the new Council
individual and group photos. After discussion, the Council concurred to schedule the photo shoot for
Wednesday,January 7, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
b. City Attorney
Nothing at this time.
c. City Manage r
City Manager Barlow informed Council of the following upcoming events; the Volusia delegation
meeting on January 3`d,at 10:00 a.m. in Deland;the New Smyrna Beach CRA hearing on December 11,
2014;the Edgewater Christmas parade on December 13,2014,with the Edgefest at City Hall and the boat
parade being moved from the first Saturday in December to December 13,2014 as well.
City Manager Barlow discussed a new Council orientation seminar and distributed and reviewed a"draft"
agenda with the Council, asking those interested in attending to coordinate with City Clerk Wenzel.
City Manager Barlow also discussed the January 5, 2015 City Council meeting, which will include a
Closed Session scheduled for 5:00 p.m.; reviewing and updating the 2015 project goals and a Resolution
pertaining to the Council's policy for City Council meetings; the Volusia Elected Officials roundtable
meeting and the need for Mayor Ignasiak to appoint his alternate just in case he cannot attend one of the
meetings, and to appoint members to the sub-committees.
He discussed the on-going Titusville Sea Loop,which has been commissioned though the Department of
Transportation (DOT); discussed DOTs original planned route and the City/County's objections and
Resolution suggesting an alternate route; DOTs alternate route proposed by their consultant; and asked
for Council consensus on the proposed alternate route. After discussion, the Council concurred on the
final proposed alternate for the Titusville Sea Loop.
City Manager Barlow asked if Council wanted Keith Norden, President and CEO of Team Volusia
Economic Development(TVEDC)to provide a status report during the January 5,2015 Council meeting.
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014
After discussion,the Council concurred for the City Manager to invite Mr.Norden to the January 5,2015
At City Manager Barlow's request Council approved Employee Appreciation days for Friday, December
26, 2014, and Friday,January 2,2015.
Robert Andrejkovics, 331 Admiralty Court thanked the Council for their vote of confidence in him to
become a member of the Planning and Zoning board; and stated that he looked forward to working
diligently with the board to take Edgewater into the 21st century, Councilman Conroy thanked Mr.
Mr. Andrejkovics shared his experiences with Edgewater's TRACEZ system,stating how convenient it is
for asking staff questions,the quick response times to his request,that it is an incredibly useful tool for
residents and that he talks up the system every opportunity he gets.
There being no further business to discuss,Mayor Ignasiak adjourned the meeting at 9:06 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Mitch Honaker,Deputy City Clerk
City of Edgewater,Florida
G�1rn ,b..).QJ\1-
Bonnie `JVenzl, City Clerk Michael Ignasiak Mayor
Council Regular Meeting
December 1, 2014