03-04-1993 ... YJ' CITY OF EDGEWA TER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING MARCH 4, 1993 6:30 P.M. Chairman Martin called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial Development Board at 6:30 p.m., Thursday March 4, 1993 in the Conference Room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Porta (arrived at 6:45 p.m.), Ms. Swiney (arrived 6:53 p.m.), Ms. Rymsza, Mr. Fong and Chairman Martin. Mr. Moonen was reported absent. A letter of resignation from Richard Kowalewski, effective immediately, was received March 1, 1993 by the Board secretary. Also present were Mr. Hellsten (ex- officio member) and Sondra M. pengov, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Fong moved to approve the minutes of February 4, 1993, seconded by Ms. Rymsza. Motion CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Porta and Ms. Swiney did not vote as they had not yet arrived. CONTINUED BUSINESS: Chairman Martin moved to item 1-b. 1) Improvement of B-2 Incubator Area b) Limit of three employees per shift Chairman Martin briefly reviewed with the Board, a discussion he had with Mr. Karet, Director of Community Development, relating to changing the three employee limit in the B-2 District. Mr. Hellsten suggested waiting on this discussion, because the City has retained someone to work on the Land Development Regulations and the three employee limit will be addressed in the Land Development Regulations. a) Paving of Guava and Hibiscus Drives Chairman Martin stated that Guava and Hibiscus Drives unpaved roads are not desirable for attracting additional businesses in that area. Chairman Martin also '-" ..." discussed tax increment financing for the paving of roads. Mr. Porta suggested contacting the property owners along Guava and Hibiscus Drives to obtain their input on the paving of the mentioned streets. The Board decided to work on compiling figures and put together a financial package to present to Council in the near future. The Board secretary agreed to provide the parcel numbers of the owners of property on Guava and Hibiscus Drives so that Morgan Gilreath can provide the other information needed to put together a financial package. 2) Industry Appreciation Banner a) Report by Richard Kowalewski Chairman Martin said Mr. Kowalewski had sent a letter of resignation to the Board, explaining, do his job commitments he won't be able to attend the meetings. No report was given. 3) Industry Appreciation Week Chairman Martin stated he would like to do some follow-up work and report back to the Board. 4) Draft of Final Report to City Council Mr. Hellsten suggested meeting again with a small group. Ms. Swiney said her office (State Farm Insurance) would be available March 8, 1993 at 5:00 pm. NEW BUSINESS: 1) Budaet and Expenditure Plans and Controls a) Amend By-Laws Chairman Martin discussed how much money would be required for the Board's budget and suggested other items that should be included. Chairman Martin also said he would like something stated in the by-laws that says any expenditure of funds must go through the Chairman. 2) Report on VCARD Transportation Seminar a) Report bY Philip Fona Industrial Development Board March 4, 1993 Regular Meeting 2 .., ~ Mr. Fong gave a synopsis of the topics covered at the seminar. Some of the major issues discussed were; transportation improvement and funds being made available, the "ice tea program", and a possible projected "high speed rail". Mr. Fong also said some of current projects mentioned where; the Sea Breeze Bridge, the north bridge in New Smyrna Beach, and highway monitoring that are being funded by a 70 to 80 million dollar allocation. 3) Economic Development Line Item in Council Budaet Chairman Martin said he had spoken to Council at a meeting stating he felt they should have an Economic Development Line Item on the Council budget. Chairman Martin said he would like this item included on the next regular meeting agenda so the Board can discuss this further and be able to take some suggestions to Council. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBER REPORTS ADJOURNMENT 'There being no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary Industrial Development Board ISMP c:\inddevbd\m inutes\3493 3