Vice Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial Development Board at
6:38 p.m., Thursday, July 8, 1993 in the Conference Room of City Hall.
Members present were Mr. Browning, Mr. Porta, Ms. Rymsza and Vice Chairman Fong. Mr.
Byrd, Ms. Swiney and Chairman Martin were recorded absent. Also present were C. Peter
Hellsten, ex officio member, Steve Dennis, Chamber of Commerce and Sondra M. Pengov,
None at this time.
Vice Chairman Fong asked that items 2 and 3 under New Business be reported under
Chairman and Board Member Reports, he then proceeded with Continued Business.
1-) WorkshoD With City Council
Vice Chairman Fong said he was present at the first workshop between the Council and the
Industrial Development Board, but was not able to be at the second meeting in its entirety.
He asked the Board members that were present at the workshop to give their comments as to
how the workshop went.
Mr. Hellsten said he felt the first workshop was atrocious because the Council never got to
any substance. Ms. Rymsza said the second meeting consisted mainly of Chairman Martin's
report. She said the Council didn't have a lot to say about it. Ms. Rymsza said there was
considerable discussion on having a consultant (an intern from the University of Florida) to
do research for the Industrial Development Board. The Council felt a volunteer group would
be the best way to have the work done. Vice-Chairman Fong said he would like to address
this topic further at the next regular meeting when more members are present.
2-) Mark P. Karet's Memo to Mr. McMahon
Vice-Chairman Fong asked the Board what their feelings were regarding the memo from Mr.
Karet referencing" The Engine to Drive Edgewater's Future Economic Growth". Mr.
Browning felt the tone of the memo was rather adversarial. Mr. Hellsten thought Mr. Karet
sees the Board going out and doing something good and doesn't appreciate what is going on
yet. Ms. Rymsza stated she feels Mr. Karet thinks that the Industrial Development Board
report is a critici~m of the staff and it wasn't meant to be. Ms. Rymsza also said she thought 4--~
\lOJ'-~ ~ ~s remarks were somewhat condescending. Mr. Hellsten thought more
~- diplomacy and communication was needed between all parties involved so everyone is
working toward the same goal.
Vice-Chairman Fong said he had spoken with Mr. Karet and asked him to explain the areas
that should be looked into.
Vice-Chairman Fong welcomed guests Steve Dennis of the Chamber of Commerce and Kurt
Hayman (owner of a sign company).
1-) Si!!:n Ordinance
Mr. Hayman state he felt the "draft" Sign Ordinance, as it stands, is injurious to the City as
presently worded.
Mr. Hellsten briefly explained the background of the sign ad hoc committee and the creation
of the "draft" Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Browning asked Mr. Hayman what area(s) of the "draft Sign Ordinance he had a problem
with. Mr. Hayman said illuminated signs and signs of businesses that require their standard
logos. Mr. Hayman made additional comments to the Board.
Considerable discussion was had between Board members and Mr. Hayman.
Mr. Hayman stated his dissatisfaction with the result of the "draft" Sign Ordinance and Mr.
Hellsten reminded the Board that Mr. Hayman was asked to participate in the development of
the ordinance. He also said Mr. Hayman, during the creation of the ordinance, came with a
very negative attitude, as he is doing tonight.
The Vice-Chairman asked Mr. Hayman if he would put his specific concerns on paper so the
Board can address them. Mr. Hayman agreed to provide his concerns in writing.
The Board continued by reviewing pages 1 - 6 of the ordinance.
Vice-Chairman Fong said he feels the Board should prioritized the ordinance so as to be able
to determine a projected completion date.
Industrial Development Board
Regular Meeting
July 8, 1993
2-) Pro!!ress of Land Develooment Re!!ulations with VCARD
Vice-Chairman Fong reported that the committee is reviewing Landscape, Environmental,
Building and Permitting. He also said Mr. Karet will provide further information by mid-
3-) Reoort bv Charles Bvrd Re!!ardin!! SBA Loans
Due to Mr. Byrd's absence, Vice-Chairman Fong asked Mr. Browning if he would report what
he could on SBA loans.
Mr. Browning gave a brief report on the various types of loans and how and who may apply
for them.
There being no additional business to come before the Board a motion was made and
approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by,
Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary
Industrial Development Board
c: \inddevbd\minutes\ 7893