10-07-1993 .~. \.f THE CITY OF EDGE WATER ....,; , POST OFFICE BOX 100-EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32132-0100 CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 7, 1993 6:30 P.M. Chairman Martin called to order the regula.- meeting, of the Industrial Development BO,ard at 6:38 p.m, Thursday, October 7,1993, in the Conference Room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. BroWning, Mr. Fong, Mr. Port~and Chairman Martin. Mr. Byrd, Ms. Rymsza, and Ms. Swineywel'erecotdecl absent. Alsopre$etlt was Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None at this time. Economic Develooment Resources October 4. 1993 Presentation to City Council Chairman ,Martin said,he p"~pa.reda$ummary of the ,comments received from Ms. Rymsza and Mr. Fong and presentecl1;ltt)p1<<> City Council. A synopsis of the comments reflected that the City should not spen~.~~~Qtora~()nsultant to do sQfV~ work for the City. Chairman Martin said the Councilvot.,cl.notto spend the money at this time. Final Mark-ullof Bv- Laws The Board made several comments and recommended revisions to ,the By-laws. The items discussed in length were; thenwnberof ,mem1:)ersrequired fora. quorum, notifying the Board Chairman of any expenditures by a member, and>the Standing and Ad Hoc Committees. It was agreed that the remainder of the Old Business and the items on New Business would be held for the November meeting. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Mr. Fong reported that the VCARn ad hoc committee is progressing with the LDR's. 1 .. ........ ....." , Chairman Martin said he will meet with the City Attorney to discuss some of the questions that came up at tonights meeting. ADJOURNMENT: There being no additional business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary Industrial Development Board /smp c: \inddevbd\minutes\l 0793 2