01-06-1994 'J .'1". ..." ....., INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD CITY OF EDGEWATER ~ .. .. P.O. BOX 100. EDGEWATER, FL32032 CITY OF EDGEW A TER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 6, 1994 Chairman Martin called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial Development Board at 6:37 p.m., Thursday, January 6, 1994 in the Conference Room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Browning, Mr. Byrd, Mr. Fong, Mr. Porta, Ms. Rymsza and Chairman Martin. Also present was Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None at this time. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1- ) Revised By-Laws Chairman Martin said he discussed Article IV with the City Manager and he suggested minor changes in the wording. After brief discussion Mr. Fong moved to accept the by-laws as amended, seconded by Ms. Rymsza. Motion CARRIED 5-0 2-) Program of Work for 1994 Chairman Martin asked the Board which items, from the list provided on the agenda, would they want to make priority for completion in 1994. The items of priority the Board decided would be; Implement Recommendations of the IDB Report; Work on Industry Appreciation Week with the EAC of the Chamber of Commerce; and Hold "What's Your Beef" meetings for Edgewater Businesses. 3-) Schedule January 13, 1994 Special Meeting to Finalize Comments on Proposed Sign Ordinance The Board members decided to have a special meeting, January 13, 1994 so they can "wrap- up" the proposed Sign Ordinance. At this time Chairman Martin told the Board that he will be resigning from the Board within the next couple of months, and would like to see the proposed Sign Ordinance comments completed before he resigns. y ...." The Board continued to discuss the Program of Work for 1994. Mr. Fong said he thought a public meeting with local businesses would be a good idea. At this time Steve Dennis, Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Sandy Jones, Vice President of Economic Development arrived at the meeting and Chairman Martin introduced them to the Board. Mr. Byrd agreed with Mr. Fong about having a public meeting with local businesses and said he feels the meeting should cover the basics of how various things are done within the City. Ms. Rymsza thought the meeting should let the business people know we are here to help them. She also thought there should be someone representing the City at the meeting. Mr. Dennis and Ms. Jones made various suggestions to the Board, of which they were in agreement. Chairman Martin suggested a joint effort between the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Board as well as the City's cooperation. Mr. Dennis and Ms. Jones said the Chamber staff will work in conjunction with the Board to hold a "What's Your Beef meeting with local businesses. Mr. Fong said a rapport needs to be established with the business community. Mr. Fong also suggested a meeting, something like the meeting VCARD has (called "Ice Breaker") may be something to consider. The Board discussed ways of notifying the business community of meetings. Mr. Porta suggested possibly using the City's newsletter as a means to notify local businesses. NEW BUSINESS: 4-) Florida Inland Navigational District Proposed Use of P.I.D. Chairman Martin explained that the P.I.D. site will be used by FIND for the purpose of a dredged material management site. Chairman Martin said there will be 90:!: acres left for industrial development. A plan of the area was shown to the Board by Chairman Martin. He also showed where paved roads and infrastructure could be placed. Industrial Development Board Regular Meeting January 6, 1994 ..... ....., 5-) Election of Officers Chairman Martin opened the nominations for Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Economic Development Board Ms. Rymsza nominated Mr. Fong as Chairman, seconded by Mr. Browning. There being no additional nominations the motion to elect Mr. Fong CARRIED 6-0. Ms. Rymsza moved to nominate Mr. Browning for Vice Chairman, seconded by Mr. Byrd. Mr. Browning declined stating because of his work responsibilities he wouldn't have the time necessary . Mr. Porta then made a motion to nominate Ms. Rymsza for Vice Chairwoman, seconded by Mr. Byrd. There being no additional nominations the motion to elect Ms. Rymsza CARRIED 6-0. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Mr. Fong informed the Board that VCARD will be meeting again on January 14, 1994 to review the Land Development Regulations. ADJOURNMENT: There being no additional business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Sondra M. Pengov, Secretary Industrial Development Board Regular Meeting January 6, 1994 c: \econdevbd\minutes\1694