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JULY 6,1995
6:30 p.M.
Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:30 p.m.,
Thursday, July 6, 1995 in the Conference Room of the Department of Community Development.
Members present were Chairman Fong, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Jones, Mr. Gerwe, and Dr. Gebelein.
Also present were Steve Dennis, Executive Vice President, Southeast V olusia Chamber of
Commerce; Sandy Jones, Vice President of Economic Development, also of the Chamber; and Liz
McBride, Board Coordinator. Mr. Browning arrived at 6:42 p.m. Mr. Porta was recorded absent.
There being no changes or corrections, Chairman Fong approved the minutes of June 1, 1995 as
None at this time.
1. Budget Request for Fiscal Year 1996
Chairman F ong referred to an outline of the proposed fiscal year 1996 budget. He proceeded to
discuss each item and the amounts allocated to each. He discussed "Studies: Tourism & Business
Linkage Right Associates". Chairman Fong said the proposed study was initially for $7,500, but he
was budgeting $2,000 because the EDB is looking to co-op with someone else (Chamber, SBAA).
Mr. Jones expressed some concern (financial) if no one joined us. Chairman Fong said the EDB
could go back to the Council and ask for additional funds, because tourism is so important.
Chairman Fong said going to the trade show (Miami Boat Show) had been very successful. He said
perhaps this year two trade shows could be scheduled, one being the computer industry. Dr. Gebelein
said the EDB has an opportunity to look into the chemical industry. He said the American Chemical
Society will be holding an exposition in Orlando sometime in 1996, which should be visited by
between 14,000 to 20,000 chemists. Dr. Gebelein said the EDB could set up a booth to provide
information of what Edgewater had to offer chemists, and money should be budgeted for this. He
also said the EDB could possibly team up with Coronado Paint. Chairman Fong then discussed the
importance of the marine industry.
Economic Development Board
Minutes - June 1, 1995
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New Business:
When Steve Dennis and Sandy Jones of the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce arrived, Dr.
Gebelein told them about the Chemical Expo and the desire to set up a booth. When asked what the
cost would be, Dr. Gebelein said he would find out. Mr. Dennis said a booth at a show of that size
would probably run around $3,000 to $10,000. Discussion followed on costs associated with trade
shows. Chairman F ong said the chemical industry would be included in the proposed budget.
Chairman Fong asked Mr. Dennis to discuss "Community Familiarity Tours" since he is experienced.
Mr. Dennis said, basically you are showing your community in a limited amount of time. He said a
series of activities are generally planned, e.g. dinners; industry, site, and river tours; overflights, etc.,
specifically designed for the visiting clientele. Mr. Dennis discussed costs associated with such tours,
and told of one tour conducted by the Chamber. Chairman Fong said the EDB would work with the
Chamber when conducting the tours.
Mr. Jones felt the Council would not necessarily give this their blessing because they would be
looking for a return on investment. Chairman Fong said this is a logical step because the City had
been preparing itself, starting with Dick Clark's Business Climate Study. He said the next step would
be to bring prospects in to show them our community. Mr. Jones still felt there would be a problem
selling this to the Council.
Dr. Gebelein mentioned the necessity of having written material, but it was not budgeted for.
Chairman Fong said the EDB would be relying on materials provided by VCBDC and the Chamber,
and that this is an area where we are weak. A lengthy discussion followed on producing/distributing
materials and information, and the cost. The Board then changed the Trade Shows and Community
Familiarity Tours allocated amounts on the proposed budget.
Discussion followed on producing a Business Newsletter, what area would be targeted, and the cost.
The proposed amount was then adjusted.
Chairman Fong referred to the Celebration & Recognition of Coronado Paint's Expansion draft
memo to be sent to the Council. He said it could be reviewed later, but asked if the proposed amount
was in line. The Board did not object. Chairman Fong went on to discuss the remaining items on the
proposed budget.
Mr. Gerwe moved to accept the proposed budget as amended, seconded by Mr. Churchill. Motion
Economic Development Board
Minutes - June 1, 1995
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Board Members Reports:
Due to a business issued, Mr. Gerwe asked if another member would contact Boston Whaler for the
follow-up interview. Mr. Jones accepted.
Chairman F ong informed the Board, the Intern issue had been cut by the City Manager due to the
Chairman F ong referred to draft # 1, Celebration & Recognition of Coronado Paint's Expansion. Mr.
Browning asked for Chamber comments. Ms. Jones responded she thought it was a good idea. The
Board discussed the memo, and made some corrections. Mr. Gerwe moved to accept the memo as
amended, seconded by Mr. Browning. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Chairman Fong then referred to draft #2, Tax Increment Financing which was a request to staff The
Board proceeded to review the memo. Mr. Gerwe move to accept the memo as amended, seconded
by Mr. Browning. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth 1. McBride, Board Coordinator
Economic Development Board