City of Edgewater
Construction Regulation Board
Regular Meeting
July 27, 1999
2nd Vice Chairman Howard called to order the regular meeting of the
Construction Regulation Board (CRB) on Tuesday, July 27, 1999 at 7:10 p.m. in
the Planning Department Conference Room.
Members present were 2nd Vice Chairman Bob Howard, Woogy Tindall, Charlie
Cobb and Greg Moore. Chairman Sid Corhern, Vice Chairman Mike Bosse and
Ed Fahey were excused. Also present was Dennis I. Fischer, Building Official;
Fire Chief Tracey Barlow; Lt. Jill S. Landerville, Life Safety Division Supervisor;
and Tonya L. Elliott, Board Coordinator.
2nd Vice Chairman Howard asked for a motion to approve the minutes of July 28,
1998. Mr. Tindall so moved. Seconded by Mr. Cobb. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
2ND Vice Chairman Howard opened the table for nomination of Chairman. Mr.
Moore nominated Mr. Corhern. There being no other nominations, 2nd Vice
Chairman Howard closed the nominations and asked for all those in favor to
signify by saying "I". Motion CARRIED 4-0.
2nd Vice Chairman Howard then opened the table for nomination of Vice
Chairman and highly recommenced Mr. Bosse. Mr. Tindall so moved. There
being no other nominations, 2nd Vice Chairman Howard closed the nominations
and asked all those in favor to signify by saying "I". Motion CARRIED 4-0.
None at this time.
1) Review of the Fire Prevention Ordinance Draft - 2nd Vice Chairman
Howard said the Board was honored to have Chief Barlow and Lt. Landerville
present and turned the meeting over to Lt. Landerville. Lt. Landerville gave a
brief history of the need to change the present Fire Ordinance that has not been
updated since 1963. She said the new Fire Prevention Ordinance is
comprehensive and addresses issues like how the Fire Department exist, starting
a new business, and requirements for new construction. She then briefly
explained each section of the draft highlighting Adoption of Codes. She said they
are recommending adopting the NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code, 1998 Edition,
because it gives them more flexibility than the current Standard Fire Prevention
Code. Also the State is looking at adopting it as the state wide fire prevention
Lt. Landerville said one area that will need to be amended is the section that
addresses a board of appeals. She said they do not want to create a new Board,
they want to amend the section to have the CRB as the board of appeals. 2nd
Vice Chairman Howard asked what jurisdiction the CRB has to hear appeals. He
thought those duties had been taken away from the Board. Lt. Landerville said
those duties are not in the Land Development Regulations (LOR) at this time.
However, she spoke with Lynne Plaskett, Planning & Zoning Director, who said
staff is in the process of updating the LOR and those duties would be put in the
LOR as Article 8. A brief discussion followed. 2nd Vice Chairman Howard asked
if there was a time frame on making a final decision. Lt. Landerville said no that
it could be postponed until the next meeting to get clarification on the Boards
role. She then discussed the remainder of the Fire Prevention Ordinance Draft.
Lt. Landerville said Mr. Bosse who could not attend the meeting, had talked to
Chief Barlow and her about his concerns. Mr. Bosse put his comments in writing,
which she discussed with the Board.
2nd Vice Chairman Howard asked the other Board members if they had questions
for Lt. Landerville. There being none, he said he would like entertain a motion to
approve the Fire Prevention Code with the exception of clarification on the
Boards duties for acting as an appeals Board. Mr. Tindall so moved. Seconded
by Mr. Cobb. Motion CARRIED 4-0
There being no other business to come before the Board a motion to adjourn was
made and seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Tonya L. Elliott, Board Coordinator