47AN OkMnAliCE REUULA'TING THE PAY- MENT OF POLL TAX r'OR THE TOWN OF EDG ATER, vOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORI- DA, THE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE NINETEENTH DAY OF SE-TEMBER, A.D., 1933 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA, CCTrTY, FLORIDA' Section 1. That immediately after the close of the registration book preceding the election to be held on the nineteenth day of September, A.D., 1933, the Clerk shall transmit the same to the "County super- visor of registration and have noted thereon the names of the registered electors who hve paid their poll taxes for two years immediately preceding the year at which this election is to be held on or before the second Saturday in September, A.D., 1933. Section Z. That no person shall be allowed to vote at the Said election rno is not properly registered I and otherwise qualified to vote and who has not I shown by the registration book or a certixied copy thereof to have paid his or her noll tapBes, unless he or she shall procure and exhibit to the Judge of the election his or her poll tax receipt snowing payment thereof on or before the second Saturday of September, A.D., 1933, or anal'_ exr.ibit a certificate from the County Supervisor of Registration snowing i exemption from the payment of poll taxes. If any person shall be permitted on the exhibition or poll tax re- ceipt or exemption certificates notation t:iereox shall be made opposite such persons name on the poll list and kept bV the Clerk of the election. Section 3. All laws or parts of lams in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon being passed by the Town Council, ap;roved by the Mayor, or upon becoming a law without such approval,aflter having been posted for two days at the V. I. A. Hall and in two other public places in the 'Town or Idgewater, Volu- sia County, Florida. )i Mayor oun n lman G 0ouncilmin ATTEST: TOVa/AudlTor ancL QlerK 22 Approved by me this �d day of , A.D. 1933. (j jR - �yor Councilman or of theTown of Edgewater, Volusia County Florida. �Yr,