53i-. ORDINAATCE # ✓�:'. AH CRDIN.A TOE PRCHIBITI_'.'G THE XYDU".TINS �. OR CARRYIYG CET AITY TRADE, PRCFES" IOII, BUSII'ESS, AFD/OR CCCUPATIOA, OR PER'..'IT AVY BUILDI,TG OR °TRU7TT"R2: OR AI'Y OTHER ?MATTER OR THIYG WHICH SHALL BE A PUBLIC TUISA:TCE, OR SHALL Ei'DA:'.G's'R THE PUBLIC HEALTH OR SAFETY, OR rAT RIALLY 1:7TER- FERE WITH THE PUBLIC COMFORT AIiD CONVEY- IENOE *STRIA' THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWIT OF Z7G77ATER, VC'LUSIA JUTTY, 'LA. BE IT ORDAL'ED 3Y THE TOWI? COU3CIL OF THE TOWIT, OF EDGEWA=R, VOLUSIA COUPTTY, BLC3I1DA: SEv"TIlk 1. It shall be unla,"f,l for any ,erson or persons, partner^hip, co-pa.rtners-.io, ascociation or ir_cornora.tion to many e, oaere.te, maintain, conduct or carry on any, tr=.de, -profession, basines� and/or occupation, or hermit any buildin. or structure or any other matter or thing r,hich shall be a public nuisance or >`iich shall tndanger the �ulo- lic health -n'. safety, or materially interfere Pith the public co•nfort rithin the corpor_.te -Li-its of the Tom of Rd-:e*atsr, Volusia County, Florida. S=IOH 2. The term 11public nuisance', e.s used in section 1, ofthis ordinance, shill be corstrued_ tl,at >hich annoys or a ;rives trouble or vexation and which is offensive or noxious, or .rives inconvenience to the co7munity, an:rhich irfrin;es upon ri -hts e t'r.e citizens of tY!is co-rrunity. SECTICY 3. Any -_person,-)ersons, a.scocia.tion, •oartnershin, co-oartnerehip or incorooration found nilty of vtolatim, this ordinance s'iall be runty of a mis.le--ieanor an9. fined not in excess o£ one hundred dollars (i'P1C0-.CC) and costs, and�^imnsrisoned for not over sixty (60) days, and/or bbth fined and,i,)rlsored, et the discretion of the Court. This ordinance rill take effect u-_>o•--. bein,7 gassed by the To+ Oouncil and a�oroved by its ffiayor, and. if not so ap- -roved, shall take effect upon bein,_ posted in three public ,laces in the cor,orate limits for a period of tPo days. All lays and nzrts if lays in conflict here,ith z.re hereby repealed. This ordinance bei_n_:_, ��resented by Co .mcil ian 'V seconded by pazncilrran �Cr. , ,nd the vote of the =mol bein 'oU_oddrs; 1:2ay or ' C0�:nc an di 1 A -:)proved by me this the 27 dc.y of 0etober, A. J., 19 =. Mayor of the ToPn of Sd;_:era.ter, 'Is- lusia County, Florid.,. i