5903D I27AI; Ci'. 1C0. 59. CPLR;sTED T,- i CC 3 .^.ICI It -i-- to =1. fL1 ."ci Cc _.t — � � ��, cr distribute "or .._ . _ c, ,. t=,t, _ry coin o .-.tx. Svc_ _. Sc:. ,._ .. cf ordir- C',t__ 2 c • - Un ., ._ C.. _. . Z. :.GrNW and ___ - ._"a. (c.i t .,:.r;Lic �_c.-:. ts� -, •.. .a_ _. _...�,:_.,_t ..:,.cl. i.:cs ndurd L.rt'c-:: .: el_a:die. ri_. t-:. t1i. tC_,_.. -.:: -' ta ":n-d t;; a auto:,.etic V,Lara. A Ti�is Ordinance sl,c-1 not apply to coin-ojerated United States Step ,.:e:cli_nes. i Saction C. .'.r.y ,,ersor., firm or eorpora.tion •.:i:c 1-,-aces cr : ents oat, or ;laces, unQer any .--r- o rrr ^.fie-•-nt w1iatscever, with i awy other per:.on, c. _ locc.t'ier. a,_-r,.zor, ,.ny coin-oper.:ted de- vice or=-evices, hcre::n defir: :, wi occu o.tionz,l tax, an- shall be :::o'.a: ua "Cperator^. .,:y .)erscn, firr.. P co:-c •nt ior., „s any coin-oycr_ted device cr devices, reir: defir.eGs t� G.e _ublic, to be or o,,erated by the ,ubl.7c, be L - "loca',.ion o, orator" an4 cr-11 �..; :ed in Saction 5 hare - of. Section 4. :.11 lice_.ses s__._1 be dl,e payaple on c: before the first da, of October of _acL e_.r, -nd .,o license .,...,11 be issued ...r any frL.ctional _ crt :... _. yeas , exce_,t as otherwise , rovid- eiIn this Ordiia.nce au:G arc ,t thLt iC, license far a location tax may be issued after the Ga„ c. ..rrii r-. to on ' .,Otn ti: cf Ce,aember cf tip :. r.,,Qi ti:e jayment of one-hL1i of t::c .L:ount ;:i::cd rs t;_a ,.rice c.uch license for one Year. r Cection 5. The _sus LoiLucia licerssc si:ell be follows. Each Ogerator of automatic re-a>rg,or skill A _: es, c oti:•.or - c.:-:��:., ,:.s uefi,.ad is t-is Crc:i,.;,;Lee, s...11 :by 5R sixty days, c_ to both such fire -.t_d ic,�riso tune nt, for such z,nd every violtimi _:t the discretic-. of tho "Ur,ici,? l Juc4;e. Ssetionl0. Ll1 nu rats collected h_.•e um_er arc hero bg app ropriat8d t� -c �enarui L'c.ILC, of .,,,.id To'e::. Fj Section i.1. "0 "r din,:rces o ,.arts c. arc-_�,�.t:ces .:-icki have far -�._. _..,c;,e t•.,: .rohdLition oS „.::.:b":i;l, _'suites sh;:11 be con- e etiu d t„ c.i;_1y to iic e::sad stir,-o,. ei..a•cd :.:;.,c.: i..: �_s, as defined end J tLis Orcii."'re. a_etion 12. yo c,�cr.ted ,in -ter t:;; y,rcvisicaas e£ t_is Ordi -,_cc a_.Lil be !.wit --id c: c,,m:. �.d ritLit ._:ae hundred feet ci' any r:uLliu school or cLurah, ��rovided, however, Ch::t t_.is s-"' r.ct 1,1y to ;:;; .,C_._.,, or <r..aed or m-intuin;d in any hotel. Section la. If -ny aection, ,_:orticn or clauae of t::is Ordinance for uny reason s..all be he_d void, ino;erative or unconstitutional Such invalidity or unconstitutiotie:lity s:.all not affect or in- valid-te the rec,c.'_.n _.r:,; seetiej,. er a ro visie:a thereof. i ` 1-� Section 1-_. A,11 Ordin�noes, or parts o. Ordi-,-,ces, L. cotSlict herevit".. be t::e ,. _...., _.r_ h,_eby 2epsalod. Section IS. T'..�t t!. is Ordi,.at_ee s.r.i1 or. t1:;; da, .cllcrt i;; its passage be _osted for :. period of fire (L;days.in-four XQ public effect i;..II di�tely upon ita -u- 59 ,. :-,.. ..,, •. .,- Teen: _ v( ns ( r Town C12rL- yr i.11.,icvcd .._nd d by t-. ll'-,,e: _.o•I n.:bere A. D. 1C-5. ' 1) Z. H. LoU;ivay Torn 1e-!: : �t.e Tow.i o' --a cr F c .-4 hereby certify t'.. .wt ct..e^ -V: �:; ci Foverbei , ... �. i:L-, y I posted four CO.ias o:" t7ie foregoin; ordi.,a:cey oi:e at tha 1 Town `Tall e::i.. at t'nroe public ,__aces n t: ,: Towii o cd,�ew "r. Date.; at 1d,; e'.; c.t ry Flcri this�a may of TYloveiabery .. D. 1SOE. S. Lohme n, Torai Clerk. -7-