75T p v ! a .AAS 0 R D I N A N C E '10. 75. S U M M A R. Y ti 2"_'ICIE I. mown Co<mcil II. Ya; or AI TICI.n III. Tcvm Clerk ARTICLE IV. Marohal ARTICLE V. Municipal Court ARTICLE VI. Streets and Public '.forks ARTICLE VII. Ordinances ARTICLE VIII. Registrations , ARTICLE IX. elections ARTICLE X. Fire Department ARTICLE XI. Buildinga ARTICLE XII., Police Regulations ARTICLE XIII. Drivers Licenses ARTICLE XIV Nuisances, Lot Cleaning, animals running at -Large, Sanitary and I:ealth Nuisances. ARTICLE XV.' Business Licenses Beverage Licenses Liquor Licenses Coin P:achine Licenses ARTICLE XVI. Repealing Clause Page. 1. o. 8. 10. 13. 15. 19. 22. 24. 27. 30. 31. 40. 44. 51. 63. T e3LE OF __CONTE11T S 0r 0 R 1,I U :L N C A N 0 7 5. Ai TICLS I. TO'dN COUIXIL. Section 1. Number of Councilmen Term of. When elected 1. Section 2. Time of Or3anization 1. Saection of Mayor 2. Section 3. Mayor and Vice -Mayor 2. Power to enforce Rules 2. Section 4. Judge of qualifications 2. Rules of procedure 2. Section 5. 4uorum Meetings General Special Notice of Special Meetings 2. Section 6. Vacancies in Torn Offices 3. Section 7. Torm attorney 3. Section S. Other officers 3. Section 9. Bonds J. Section 10. Powers of Council 3. ADrrovai of Bills 4. Section 11. '„ualification of Councilmen Contracts with Town forbidden 4. Section 12. Forfeiture of Office 4. Sec'cion 13. Vacancies in Council Hoer filled and 7ilien 4. Recall 4. occti.on 14. Tao or more v,cancies Zlect'Lon to fill 5. oection 15.,.Ia.yor and Vice Mayor Selection of. 5. Oti.er officers Selection of 5. Section 16. Meetings to be nn',lic S. :section 17. Order of Business 5. :section 18. Compensation. 6. 1 6 .RTICLS II. MAYOR. Section 1. Duties of Mayor Presidin- at meetings Rule on questions of order Vice -Mayor 'rihen to preside Vote of Councilmen '..he:i by "aye" and °nay" Section 2. Duties of cort'd. Judge of Municipal Court Compensation as Judge Section 3. Power of Appointment Marshall Deputy Marshall Confirmation of Appointments Section 4. Committee Appointments Reports of Committees Section 5. Veto Power Section 6. Town Physician Appointment by Mayor Section 7. Vice -Mayor -Jhen to act. section 8. Ponds in Municipal Court Power to fix Limit of Por;er ARTICU III. NOW4 CLERK. Section 1. Election of Term of Section 2. Duties of As Town Clerk As Tax Collector As Assessor As Clerk of Municipal Court Compensation. of Section 3. Duties of, cont'd. Keeping minutes Custodian of records Account Hooks Reports Recording Ordinances Resconsibility for -roperty Office Hours *4 6. 6. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 8. 8. • 8. • A'1TICLE III. TO,R7 CI.6RK, Conttd. Section 4. Duties of Deposit of Funds Bank Statement 9. Section 5. Duties of Fund Accounts Warrants for Payments 9. Section 6. Payment of ''Warrants Order of Designation, of Fund 10. Section 7. Duties of As Registration Officer 10. Section 8. Powers Vey Administer Oaths 10. ARTICLE IV. MARSHAL. Section 1. Duties of Custodian of property Receipt for prgerty Responsibility for property 10. Presence required at. Fires Riots Disorderly Condbct Elections Public GatheriaZs Meetings of Council Suppressing Disorder Personal Reports 11. Section 2. Powers of Arre at Accepting Bonds Amount of Bonds 11. Section 3. Dunes of As Health. Officer. Violation of Health Regulations Duty to Report Tuicances Duty to Report Diseases quarantines 11. State Board of Health Rules Enforcement of Abatement of huisancea Porter to abate 12. Section 4. General Ponders 12. ARTICLE N. M,,R. ',iA . Cont'd. Section 5. Deputy Marshal Duties of Compensation Appointment of section 6. Marshall Compensation of ARTICU: V. MU:?ICI?AL COURT. Section 1. Creation of Court Jurisdiction of Judge of Section 2. Clerk of Court Duties of Sedtion 3. Porters of Judge Issue Warrants Subpoenaes Service of Process Marshalls Duties Returr, of Process Taking Bail Conduct of Trial Judgment Fine or Imprisonment Section 4. Form of Charges. By Affidavit Taken before Mayor Advancment of Costs in certain cases Refunding of same Section 5. Conviction and Sentence. Terms for Payment Remission of Penalties by Mayor Sstreating Bonds Section 6. Revenues of Court Disposition of same Section 7. ditnesses' Fees Section S. Anpreals Procedure AP.TICLE VI. STREETS A4:D PLr3LIC 'WORKS. Section 1. Jurisdiction of Council Control of Streets, Alleys, 6idevalks, Public Grounds, Bridges, Drains, Docks, etc. Opening of Nuisances on Delegation of ,,'ork on 12. 12. 13. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 15. 15. 15. 15. ARTICLE VI. STRELTS AND PUBLIC -dORKS Cont'd Section 2. Changing Streets is. Section 3. Dedication and Acceptance. 16. Section 4. Vacating Changing Name. Procedure ' Notice Objections 16. Section 5. Plats 17. Recording Acceptance of Requirements of Dedication Release of Damages 17. Section. 6. Plats Vacation. of Consent of Council 17. ecord of 18. Section 7. Streets Paving Curbind Sidmlks Assessment of Cost 18. Section 8. Plats Liability of Town iiork in Subdivisions 18. Section 9. Streets Width of 18. ARTICLE VII. ORDINA17=0 Section 1. Passage of 19. Method of First Reading Reference to Committee Second Reading Final Passage Approval by Mayor Attestation by Clerk Waiver of Rules Passage at One Meeting 19. Section 2. Passage of Cont'd. Vote on Record of Vote Certification to :mayor Approval by Mayor Time of Veto Reasons for Veto Passage over Veto 19. Failure of Mayor to Approve or Veto. Action by Council 20. ARTICL3 VII. O:lDINisNCES Cont'd Section 3. Posting and Publication of. Where Posted Time of Posting Publication of When to be published 20. Section 4. Recording 20. Section A. Certificate of Posting 20. Form of 21. Affidavit of Publisher 21. iu,TICLE VIIL REGISTRATIONS. Section 1. Registration Officer Registration Book 22, Section 2. Time for Registration. 22. Section 3. Re -Registration Official List 22. Section 4. :qualification of Electors Age State Residence Town residence 22. Section 5. Oath of Elector Form of 23. Section 6. Revision of Registration List. Time of -Striking of names on Posting, of List of Names stricken 23 Publication of 23. Section 7. Restoring Name on List. Meti_.od 24. Section 8. Right to Vote 241 Section 9. Poll Tax Abolished - 24. Section 10. Registration List at dlections Copy for Election Board Return of 24. Section 11. Refusal by Clerk to Register Elector Penalty for 24. ARTICLE IX. ELECTIONS. Section 1. Official Call 24. Aotice 25 Time of Notice ProofofNotice 25. 1 ARTICLE IX. ELECTIONS Cont'd Section 2. General or Annual Elections Non -partisan Time of Resolution for Requirements of Place of 25. special Elections Call for Time of Law Applicaule 25. Section 3. Election Board Number of Inspectors Clerk 25. Supervision of Council over 26. Section 4. Canvassers Board of 26. Section 5. Ballots Form of Printing of 26. Section 6. Candidates, Names on Ballot Petition of Plumber of Signers Filing of Time of filing Notice of refusal to Accept 26. Section 7. Law Governing Elections 26. ARTICLE X. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. Creation of 27. Section 2. Personnel of 27. Section 2-A.Chief Appointment of Term of Control over Equipment 27. Section 2-B.Assistant Chief Duties and Powers Appointment of 27. Section 2-C.Firemen Selection of Number of Term of Duties of Fire Drills and Practice Compensation 27. Who to receive compensation .28. F Section 3. Compensation Amount of 28. Section 4. Fire Drills Call for 28. Section 5. Rules and Regulations 28. Power to adopt 29. Approval of Council Meetings Recommendations 29. Section 6. Right -of -Way on -Streets 29. Obstruction of Firemen erection 7. Driving Tlirough Streets 29. In case of fire Blocked off Streets Violation of Ordinance 29. erection 8. Safety Zones Establishment of Violation of Ordinance 30. Section 9. Police Powers of Firemen 30. Section 10. Penalties 30. WS#-*x#)P "4F BUILDII\GS. Section 1. Permits 30. When riquired Application for 31. Requirements of Fee of Clerk Recording of Permit Issuance by Clerk 31. Section 2. Boat Houses & Fish Houses Prohibition of Permit for Issuance by Council 31. Section 3. Fishing Boats c'- Other Crafts. 31. Prohibition of Permit from property owner Power of Council 31. ARTICLE XII. POLICE RGGULATICI3 31. Section 1. Penalty 32. Fine Imprisonment g2, Section 2. ssault and Battery 32. Section 3. Petty Larceny 32. erection 4. Malicious Mischief 32. ::RTICLE %LL. (Con't.) 70LICE REGULATIONS Section 5. Disturbing :.ee8ings 33. Disturbing Occupants of Hotels and Residences Section 6. -False Pretense 33. Section 7. Conspiracy 33. Section S. Disturbing the Peace 33. Disorderly Conduct Section 9. Disturbing tl:e Peace 34. Disorderly Conduct Section 10. Obstructing :rt reets 35. Dumping Refuse section 11. I:'otor Vehicles 35. Speed Limits Section 12. IIeckless Driving 35. Section 13. Blocking Fire Equipment :,mbulances, Police cars, etc. 36. Section 14. Hight -of --ray of Fire Ecuipment, ambulances, Police cars, etc. 36. Section 15. Nuisances Forbidden 36. Section 16. Nuisances Definition of 36. Section 17. School Busses 37. Passing of Duty to Stop Section 18. School Busses 37. Marking same Signs on Lettering on Duty of -.us Driver 37. Section 19. Motor Vehicles 389 Spot Lights Section 20. Rotor Vehicles Driving while Intoxicated 38. Section 21-A.Resistiag an Officer ,"ith violence 38. Section 21-B�Resisting an Officer 38. Penalty Section 21-C.tesisting an Officer 38. -,lithout violence Penalty erection 21-D.Resis�tting an Officer 39. Penalty to �ssist Orficers ARTICLE XII. POLICE F.EGJL.TICbIS (Con't.) Section 22. Disposal of Filth 39. Penalty Section 23. Bicycle Lights 39. Penalty ARTICLE XIII. DRIVERS' LICEIe SES 40. Section.l. License Required 40. Section 2. Issuance of 40. Duty of Clerk ..r:plication for Fee for License Section 3. :=registration of Car 40. Police Department Examination of applicant 41. Section 4. ^ualification of Driver 41. pee Limit Ability to Drive Examination Section 5. Unlicensed Drivers 41. Driving Prohibited ,section 6. License Feriod 41. .Iho required to take same Persona Exempt 42. Lose of Certificate Issuance of Duplicate Fee for Duplicate Section 7. Display of License 42. Section 8. Revocation of License 42. Section 9. Suspension of License 43. Section 10. Inspection of Car 43. Prior to License 3y qualified Garage 1Iorn, Lights, Breaks Certificate of Inspection Where and when filed Inspection free of charge 43. Section 11. Penalty 43. Fine Imprisonment i RTICLE XIV. NUIS,,'1XES. Section 1. Definition of 44. Stagnant 'dater Trash, Filth, etc. .ieeds, 7ioxious plants, etc. 44. Section 2. yotice to Abate 44. when required Time limit Council may abate Duty of Town Marshal erection 3. Report of 1%rshal 'alien report required Lotice to Property Owner Clerks Duties Cost of Work 44. Section 4. Lien for cost of /ork 45. "orm of Duty of Clerk Filing iiecording Service of copy of Lien Time of filing and Serving 46. section 5. Notices Service of Ketl-.od of Time of Posting of 46. Section 6.-nimals Running at urge 46. Rorses Cattle Swine Sheep Goats Penalty 46. erection 7. Animals Impounding -When declared to be Nuisances Duty of L"arshal To seize and impound 47. File sworn Complaint Mayor's Court Dgty and Powers I;otice to owner if known if unknown Leering on complaint Judgment 47. �J 0 oection 8. Animals Cont. Sale of condemned animal Notice of 'requirement of Costs and e::pensea Proceeds Disposal of Proceeds Redemption by owner Section 9. Animals Fees of Officers in impounding proceedings Expenses uection 10. Animals Interfering with Officer in impoindingj etc. Penalty Section 11.-nimals 47. 48. 48. _9. Seizure by irivate Citizens 49. When authorized Duty to report of 1,[arshal Time to report Procedure Section 12. Animals Custody of after seizure Fee for feeding Section 13. Sanitary Nuisances Definition of Section 14. Health Nuisances Definition of Penalty ARTICLE Xv. LI12ENSES Section 1. "action 2. section 3. Business Licenses ',Then required Issued by Clerk Application for Filed with Clerk Form of Oath of Filing Fee Duty of Clerk Application) when returned Issuance of License Display of License 49. 50. 50. 50. 151. 51. 52. r s3TICLE XV. LICENSES (Con't..) Section 4. Term of License 52. Renewal of Licenses Application for Renewal notice to Delinquents 53. Failure to renew Filing fee Licenses for less than a year. Section 5. Statement of Value of Stock 53. Oath Contents of Statement erection 6. Schedule of License Costs 54. Section 7. "Store" defined 55. Section 8. Penalty 55. Fine Imprisonment Layor may refuse to Iasu4 56. License Revoking License i Refund of Fee Section 9. Beverage Licenses. ',Vines & Beer 56. -:'hen required Amount of Oection 10. Beverage Licenses 56. revenue from Section 11. Penalty 56. Fine Imprisonment 57. Section 12. Liquor License 67. 4hen required Amount of Penalty Section 13. Coin machines 57. License 'Ihen required 58. Section 14. Coin Lachines 58. Definitions (a) Automatic vending & amusement machines (b) Skill Yackines (a) Trade —achines (d) Other-�achines 59. U.S. Stamp 2achines Section 15. Coin IL.achines 59. "Operator" defir_ed #Location Operator" defined i ARTICL: XV. LIC3NSE (Con't. erection 16. Coin Lachinea 59. Term of License '.When issued 60. ,action 17. Coin ;,achines 60. Fees "action 18. Coin P:achines Gene i•al :regulations (a) L'inors forbidden (b) Orderly Operation 61 (c) "Plugcing" forbidden Nection 19. Coin Liachines Application for License Filing Duty of Clerk Issuance Limit of number licensed 61. erection 20. Coin Macl-ines Identifice:tion Plates Display of Section 21. Coin Pdachines 62. Penalty Section 22. Coin Machines 62. Revenues from Disposition of Section 23. Coin Lachines 62. Gambling devices excluded .Section 24. Coin Macb.ines 62. ;:here may be operated erection 25. Coin Iiac.aines 63. Saving Clause Section 26. General Licenses 63. _refund of Fees 'Shen permitted £ot to apply to Deverage, Liquor or Coin Itachine Licenses ARTICLE XVI. REPEALING CLAUSE 63. Nection 1. 'What Ordinances Repealed I ORDINANCE NO. 75. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE GOVERN19KNT OF THE MET OF EDGLWAT4R, FLORIDA, PRESCRIBING TIE PO'WERB AND DUTIES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL AND OF''TZ CFFICERS THEREOF, ESTABLIShING A L'JN- ICIPAL COURT, REGULATING STIi:;r','_'S AND ALLEYS, SUBDIVISIONS AP,D PLATS, 2a:LATING TO THE PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES, REGISTRATION OF ELECTORS, CO'IIDUCT OF ELECTIONS, ESTABLISMYNT OF A FI:W DE PA?.TfisNT� ERECTION OF BUILDINGS, PER;_I'fd n`:D LICL'NSES, MOTOR VEHICLES nND DRIVv:�S LICS;—iZS, POLICE REGULATION'S AND PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATI01: TInLIPOF,.REGULATION OF NUISANCES, AhD REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES INCOHSISTEb?T HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAILED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLCRIDAt- ARTICLE I. TOWN COUN CIL "umber and Section 1. The Town Councilshall terms of Councilmen. consist of three members, each of whom shall be elected for a term of three years, or until their sucessors are duly elected and qualified. One Councilman shall be elected at the general town election in the year 19382 and one at the general town election in each successive year thereafter. The three year term herein designated shall commence on the day of the general town election and shall terminate on the day of the general town election three years thereafter. Time of Section 2. Upon the installation Organizing. of any member of the Town Council, the Town Council composed of the holdover councilmen and of the new councilmen shall without adjournment immediately proceed io organize itself by electing by ballot one of its number to be known and I dssignated Mayor -Councilman, provided that if by ballot no member shall secure a majority vote, such I'ayor shall be selected by lot. The retiring Mayor shall step down and the new one take his place without adjournment of the Town Council. Mayor and section 3. The council shall Vice-?!ayor. elect one of its members as i'ayor-Councilman and he shall have the power to enforce such rules as may be adopted by the Council for its government. The Council shall also elect one of its members as Vice-Layor. Judge of .section 4. The Town Council shall qualifications. Rules of 'ro- be the Judge of the election and qualifications cedure. of its own members and of the officers of the town. It shall choose its rules of procedure. Quorum and election 5. A majority of the D',eetings. members of the council snail be required at a meeting to constitute a quorum. The regular meetings shall be held on the first and third Tuesdays in each month, beginning at the hour of 7;30 o'clock P. M. and shall be held at the Town Fall commonly referred to as the "V. 1. a. ;:all" in said Town. Special meetings shall be called by the iLayor-Councilman, and in the event of iris refusal to call a secial meeting when it shall be deemed necessary, such special meeting :aaybe called by two members of the Council by written notices delivered to each of the members of the Council at least two days prior to the date specified for said s�ecial :meeting, which notice shall contain a statement of the purpose of such special meeting. Vacancy ,,ection 6. If a vacancy shall occur in any office of the Town between the annual elections, then the Council shall fill the vacancy, except as otherwise herein provided. Town Attorney. '..;ection 7. The Council stall appoint a Town Attorney who shall serve for one year, and at the time of such appointment, the retainer fee of said attorney shall be fixed by contract, which contract shall also provide the basis of compensation for said attorney's services, and his duties. Other Cfficers. Jection S. 9aid Council shall have power from time to time, to elect such other officers, excepting Town Clerk, as shall be necessary for the proper government of the said town. Ronde. ;ection 9. The Town Council shall by resolution, fix the a:.iount of the bond of the Town Clerk, and of such other oi'ficers as shall be deemedlhecessary. Powers. .,action 10. All powers of the Town except such as are vested in the jurisdiction of the Eunicipal Court and except such as are other- wise provided in this _.rticle, or otherwise pro- vided by the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida are hereby vested in the Town Council and the Council shall1Ay�`ordinance or resolution when necessary from time to time provide the manner in which such powers shall be exercised. It shall be Approval of the duty of the Council to approve all bills Bf11s. ainst the town by the affirmative mote of a m:�,jority of its members before vouchers in payment of same are drawn. Qualifications Section 11. Members of the Town of Councilmen. Council shall be residents of the Town for one year immediately prior to the election, and shall have the qualifica..tions of electors and shall be freeholders within the town limits. No officer or employee of the town shall be interested in the profits or emoluments of any contract, work or service for the town, and any such contract in which any such officer or employee is or may become interested shall be declared void by the Town Council. Forfeiture of Jection 12. Any councilman, officer, Office. or employee who shall cease to possess any of the qualifications required by this ordinance shall forthwith forfeit his office. Filling of ,Section 13. Any vacancy, or vacancies, Vacancies and Recall. occurring in the office of Councilman from any cause or causes whatsoever must be filled by election by the qualified electors, if said vacancies occur as long as three (3) months before the end of a fiscal yeanj otherwise said vacancy shall be filled by the Town Council at its next meeting after such vacancy occurs, which meeting must he held within ten (10) days after such vacancy occurs. Any business may be transacted by the two Councilmen remainin, pending the filling of such vacancy. any member of the Town Council may be recalled by a majority vote in an election 4 by qualified electors called upon resolution of the other two Councilmen. Two or more Section 14. In case two vacancies Vacancies. in the office of Town Councilman shall exist simultaneously, the remaining Councilman shall have authority to call an election to fill such vacancies and if there be three vacancies simultaneously, the town Clerk shall have the power to call an election to fill the vacancies in the office of Town Councilmen. .selection of Section 15. In case the members of tayor and Vice-L'ayor. the Town Council are unable to agree within two weeks after the time fixed herein for the organ- ization meeting upon the selection of the .:ayor or Vice-T;ayorp or any other employee of the town, then such officers or employees of the town shall be chosen by lot, conducted by the Town Clerk in the presence of the Council who shall certify the result of such lot upon the minutes of the town council. Meetings to be Section 16. all meetings of the public. Executive Town Council shall be public, except tt:at by Sessions. unanimous vote the council may conduct an executive session for the discussion of any particular items of businesswhere deemed necessary. Order of ,section 17. The order of bissiuess Business. at all meetings of the Council si:all be us follows. 1. Call to order. 2. ;eading of the minutes. 3. Reading of Bills and Accounts. 4. iteports of officers. 5. Reports Of scanding committees. 5 6. :jeports of Special committees. 7. Communications. S. Ordinances. 9. Unfinished 'business. 10. Ivew business. 11. Miscellaneous business. This order may be varied at any time by unanimous consent of the members present. Compensation .lection 18. Each councilman shall receive the sum of one ($1.00) dollar as compen- sation for his attendance at each meeting of the Council. nRTICLE II. T H E M A Y 0 R. Duties of the section 1. The Mayor shall preside Mayor. at all meetings of the Town Council, and in his absence, the Vice-Layor shall preside. The Mayor shall decide all questions of order without. debate. Motions, and resolutions may be withdrawn by the mover at any time before the same has been put to vote. In every instance when called for by the members the "ayes" and "nays" shall be taken; except, on the passase of all Ordinances or resolutions, the same shall be put to a roll call vote. Judge of section 2. The Layor shall act as Municipal Court and Judge of the 4.unici�al Court, and as such small Compensation. perform all of the duties prescribed by the general laws of the State of Florida regulating procedure Eel in I'unicipal Courts, as compensation for his services as .:udge,of said Court, he shall receive the sum of two ($2.00) dollars for each case handled, except in case of acquittal no fee shall be paid. Marshall and Section 3. The Mayor -Councilman Deputies. shall appoint the Town biarsY.a 11 and such Deputy Marshalls as shall be necessary, which said appointments shall be subject to confirmation by the Town Council, except tr:at in case of Deputy iiarshalls for a temporary duty, no comfirmation by the Town Council shall be necessary. Committees. .lection 4. The I.':ayor shall ond.is hereby authorized to appoint all standing committees of council, and may appoint special committees at any time it oecomes necessary to investigate any matter involving the welfare of the town, and requiring such committees to -report its findings to the Town Council at the next succeeding meeting. Ordinance Veto. Section 5. The Is'ayor shall approve or veto all ordinances passed by the Town Council subject to the right of the Council to pass ordinances over the veto of the LSayor as herein- after provided. Town Physician. ;action 6. The I:ayor, subject to the a proval of the Council may desi,;nate a Town Physician, when deemed necessary for the welfare of the town. I Vice -Mayor. jection ?. The Vice -Mayor shall perform all of the duties of the Mayor in case of the absence or incapacity of the Mayor to act, except that the Vice-L'ayor shall have no power to arprove or veto ordinances. Bond in ;ection S. The Layor shall have power Criminal cases. to fix the amount of bond in all cases in his Court, which bond shall not be less than ten ($10.00) dollars. .,2TICLE III T 0 W N C L E R K Election and .ection 1. One Town Clerk shall be Term. duly elected at the general town election in each year and his term of office shall be for one year or until his successor is duly elected and qualified. Duties. .section 2. He shall act as and perform all of the duties Of ;own Clerk, Town Tax Collector, ' Town Assessor, and Town Treasurer as perscribed by ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, Plorida, and the laws of the State of Florida. =e shall also act as Clerk of the Iunicipal Court, when called upon so to do, by the Mayor. He shall receive as his compensation, the sum of fifty ($50.00) dollars per. month and in addition thereto such fees as may be prescribed by the ordinances of. the Town of Edgewater, Florida. 'then acting as Clerk of the k Municipal Court, he shall likewise be allowed a fee of two ($2.00) dollars for each case handled by him, except in case of acquittal no fee to be . if, paid, such sum to be taxed as part of the costs of the suit. Duties. iection 3. Town Clerk stall keep accurate minutes of all of the I:eetin„s of the Council and shall be the custoaian of the Town's seal and of all the b,_oks, records and archives of the town. I:e shall also keep books of account of all the money received by him and si.all make a monthly rej.ort to the Council of the financial status of all of theaccounts of the town and an annual report to said Council of such financial status. He small be res_onsible for the safe keepin;; of all of sL;id books, records and archives. FIe shall record all ordinances in the Ordinance Book as soon as they become a law. He shall be in his office at such pro.er time for transacting business during such days and hours as the Town Council may by resolution prescribe. Financial - 3ection 4. He shall deposit all moneys Duties. coming _; into his hanas in such Bank or :Banks as may be. , designated by the 'Town Council. `uch deposit shall be in the name of the Town of 3dgewater, Florida, c,na he shall present to the Town Council at the first regular meeting of each month, a statement from the lank where such money is deposited setting forth the balance standing to the credit of the Town. Accounts. Section 5. He shall keep separate and destinct account of the different funds in his hands and of the moneys appropriated therefor respectively, and shall not pay money out of any fund except on warrants drawn thereon. ME Warrants. - - Section 6. All warrants shall be paid by the Town Clerk, in the order in w::ich they are presented, and shall designate the fund upon %which they are drawn. Registration. Section 7. He shall act as town Officer. registration officer and si:all perform the duties of such officer as the same are prescrioed by the ordinances of tLe Sown. Duties. .section 8. T;,e said 'Town Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to administer oaths to all persons applyin� before 'Lim for exemption of :own Taxas and Licences, and in any and ail ether,cases •ra`lien by law it is ;:.ecessary --or an oath to be I aken to an ai;plication for a i'own of lds;ewater Licence or Tax, and to all .witnesses in any and all cases in �..ich the said Town Clerk shall be acting as Clerk of ti:e L'ayor Is Court of said Town, A21TICLE IV. TOWN MARSHALL Duties. Section 1. The Marshall shall be the custodian of all the personal property of the town except that contained in and comprising a part of the furnishings of any town building, and at the beginning of his term of o1£ice3 or when the Council shall so direct he shall receipt for such property as well as any addition that may from time to time be made thereto, and shall be res- ponsible for its proper care until relieved by the Council of such care and responsibility. In case of an alarm of Sire or riot, or disorderly conduct, he shall rromptly repair to such place for the discharge of his duties and shall be present at all elections and at any gathering of persons where disturbances or violations of the law may occur, to suppress the same. i;e shall report in person • to the Mayor at least once each aay and when required by tr.e rlayor or Council. to give an account of `,is official doings. he si,all attend all meetings of the Town Council. Arrests. .section 2. He shall have authority to make arrests for the violation of ordinances of said town and in the event of any arrest by him he shall acce.-t a bond or other security for the appearanpe of any person so arrested, which app- earance bond shall not be less than ten ($10.00) dollars. Health Officer. section 3. He shall act as Town Health C£ficer, and shall report to the Town Council ary and all violations of the: health ordinances or regulations of the town and any and all nuisances and conditions which threaten the health of the citizens of the town. If any contagious or in- fectious disease is found to exist in any building or property within the limits of the town, he shall upon recei;.t of a physician's certificate that such contagious or infectious disease exists, place a quarantine u:on such building or premises and shall be authorized to enforce such quarantine in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida pertaining thereto. Fie shalt also as town health JUL I officer, enforce all rules and regulations of the State Board of Health of the State of Florida, relative to the preservation of the public health of the town and shall take such action as he may deem necessary for. the prevention, abatement, and suppression of nuisances and for the preservation of the life and health of the inhabitants of the Town of Edgewater, Florida. Other Duties. 4ection 4. The Town Marshall shall - discharge Bach other duties as shall be prescribed by law or shall from time to time be prescribed by the Town Council. Deputy ?'arshall Section.5. In the case of the absence and Compensation of the Town Earsliall or his inability to perform 'his duties, a vice-marshall shall be desi--nated by the Mayor who shall perform the duties of the I+:arshall during his absence or inability and on the basis of the same compensation as is allowed to the 'own Marshall, and shall 'us paid out of the said L;arshall's salary, unless such disability be caused by injury sustained in the performance of his duties as such Marshall. Deputy L:arshalls shall be appointed as herein provided when necessary from time to time, who shall have the power of police officers and whose compensation shall be fixed by the Council by proper resolution. Compensation. ;ection 6. The Town Marshall shaX receive as :As compensation the sum of forty ($40.00) dollars per month and such additional fees as are allowed to him by the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, also in all cases in the L:unicipal Court, he shall receive the sum of three 12 ($3.00) dollars for each arrest which am shall be taxed as part of the costs of such suit, except in case of acquittal the same shall not be paid. MUNIC I P.,L COURT Creation of Section 1. There shall be and there Mayor's Court. is hereby estL.olished in the Town of c'dgewater, Florida, a Mayor's Court,to be known as "The Mayor's Court of the Town of 3d-�ewater, Florida", w'dch Court shall have jurisdiction to try all offenders against the municipal ordinances. Such Court shall ue rresided over by the Layer, or in his absence or disqualification to act, then by the Vice- L'.ayor, and in the event of tP,e absence or disability to act of both the Layer and Vice-L:ayor, then the other member of the Council shall preside over said Court. Clerk of Court. Jection 2. The Town Clerk shall keep the records of the Liayor's Court and stall keep a docket of all cases tried in said Court. I.owever, said Court may in the discretion of the Mayor proceed with the trial of offenders without the personal presence of the Town Clerk. Oaths shall be administered to witnesses by either the L;ayor or Town Clerk. • Powers of Judge. ..ection 3. The Mayor, acting, as Judge of ti.e Layer's Court, shall have power by !:is warrants to have brou„ht before him any person or persons cl.arged with the violation of -'own Ordinances; and shall have power to issue and cause to be served any and all writs and processes necessary r 4 l for the proper exercise of the functions of the Liayor's Court, such as are issued and used by Justices of the Peace in the State of Florida; and it shall be the duty of. the Town Marshall or his deputies to execute and serve such writs and processes and to make proper return thereon. The Mayor as such Judge shall have power to t.ke bail for the appearance of the accused person, to inquire into the truth or falsity of all charges preferred, to decide on the guilt or innocence of the accused and to fix and impose such penalties by fine or imprisonment as are prescribed by the ordinances of the Towne and to have all powers incidental and usual to the due enforcement of such Town ordinances. Form of Charges. Section 4. All charges for the violation of a Town Crdinance shall be preferred by affidavit made and taken before the L:ayor of the Town. In case affidavit is preferred by a person other than an officer of the Town, the L',ayor shall have power to require such person to advance the costs of prosecution. Such sum so advanced to be refunded only in case of conviction of the defendant and payment of the costs by such uefendant. Convictions and Section S. All persons convicted Sentences. in said Court shall forthwith pay all fines and costs aa,sessed against them and in default of payments thereof may be committed to prison. The Mayor however, shall have power to prescribe terms for the payments of any fine or to remit in whole or in part any fine or penalty. The Mayor shall have authority to declare any bond in said Court 14 I ' 1 1 f� estreated to the use of the Town. Finds and 3cnds. Section 6. Ail fines, costs, estreated bonds or other =neys collected by the :.:a;;or's Court si:all be paid into the fine and forfeiture fund of the Town and all costs due the officers of said Court shall be paid to such officers from said Fine and Forfeiture fund on warrants as other bills of the 'Town are paid; the balance remaining shall be transferred to such other fund as the Town Council may designate. Fees. Section 7. Witnesses shall receive one ($1.00) dollar per day for attendance in Court and five cents (50) per mile for any witness attending from outside the Town limits. Appeals. -:action 8. The procedure in cases of appeal from the ::ayor's Court shall be by writ of error as is provided by the laws of the State of Florida. :TICLE VI. S T REETSANDPUBL I C d OAKS Jurisdiction of section. 1. The Town Council shall Council. have exclusive jurisdiction over the care, super- vision, control and improvement of streets, alleys, siaewalks, public grounds, bridges, aqueducts, draining ditches, public docks and viaducts within the Town and shall cause them to be kept open, in repair and free from nuisances. The performance of such wcrk as shall from time to time be necessary in connection with the exercise of this authority shall be performed by such committees of Council and employes of the Town as shall from time to 15 time be designated by the Town Council in open session. Changing streets, Section 2. Whenever it may be deemed etc. necessary the Town Council may cause any street, alley or public highway to be openedt straightened, diverted, narrowed, widened or vacated. .,cceptance of Section 3. No street or alley hereafter Streets. dedicated to public use by the owner of any land within the Town shall be deemed a public street or alley or under the care and control of the Town, unless such dedication be accepted and confirmed by ordinance passed for such purpose. Vacating and action 4. The .Town Council in vacating Changing names of Streets. any street or part of a street or changing the name of any street may include in one ordinance the change of name or vacation of more than one street, avenue or alley, but before vacating any street or part thereof, the Town Council shall first pass a resolution declaring its intention to do so. !votive in writing shall 'ue served upon all persons whose property abuts upon the street or part thereof affected by the proposed vacation, such notice to be delivered in person by the Town Pdarshall, or in case of a non-resident., by registered mail and "In cases where the residence of the owner is unknown, then by posting such notice on the premises. Such notice shall be served 10 days at least uefore the passage of the ordinance providing for the proposed vacation by Council. Said notice shall sate the time and place at which objections shall as iieerd by the Town Copncil, which such time shall be not less than five days from the date of such notice. �16 Plats. Record Jection 5. The Town Clerk shall keep of, form of, Acproval, etc. / a book in which shall be pasted or recorded all plats of land or sub -divisions within the Town of Edgewater, Florida. Before any such plats shall be effective the same shall be presented to the Town Council and shall show t.-ereon all proposed streets or alleys and lots, and all bridges. Scch plats shall be duly acknowledged by the owner or owners of the lands pl_�tted and likewise shall be certified as true and correct by a civil engineer duly registered under the Laws of the State of Florida. If such plats shall be found to be in proper form and according to the Laws of the State of Florida and in conformity with the ordinances of the Town of Jdgewater, Florida, regarding the width of streets and alleys and the construction of bridges, the same shall be approved and accepted by the Town Council by proper ordinance to that effect, which such a}.proval and acceptance shall constitute a dedication of such streets and alleys as shall be shown on said platq providing however, that before any such plat shall be approved and accepted by the Town Council the owner of the property so platted shall submit a proper release of damages to the Town Council and likewise proper releases of damages from any abutting landowners whose property shall be affected by such plat. Vacation of Plats. jection 6. iio plat adopted in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance shall be vacated without the consent of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, by proper ordinance to that effect. In the event any such recorded plat shall be vacated such fact shall 17 J be noted by the 'town Clerk on the recorded plat, such notation to refer to the ordinance so vacating such 1:lat and no such vacation shall be effective until the same shall be duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Volusia County, Florida, and until such procedure shall have been taken by the owner of said lands as is provided by the laws of the State of Florida for the vacation of plats. Paving and Section 7. The Town Council shall Curbing of Streets. provide by ordinance for the paving and curbing of any street or aiiey in the Town and for the cons- truction of sidewalks thereon and for the construction of sewers and drains thereon and to assess the cost thereof against the abutting property owners in the manner prescribed by the Laws of the State of ,Florida.. Liability of section B. In approving sub -division Town in Approv- ing Plats. plats the Town shall not thereby assume any obligation or expenses of grubbing or paving the streets shown thereon and all such work must be done by the owners or developers of such sub -divisions under the approval of the Town Council or its duly designated co:imittee. Width of Section 9. All streets si:all be not Streets. less than 50 feet in width, except when they make connection with streets of narrower width or otherwise authorized by Cbuncii by proper ordinance. ARTICLE VII. O R D I N A N C E S 18 J Passage. Section 1. Every ordinance shall be in writing, and u;.on being introduced shall be read entire, and, if ar majority vote shall so order, shall be passed for the first time, and may be referred to the. Committee on Crdinances, who shall examine it and report whether it is within the scope of the powers conferred upon the Town. At any subsequent regular or adjourned meeting the ordinance may be called up by any member, whereupon it shall be again read entire and may then, by a majority vote be finally passed, whereupon it shall be signed by the 2Cayor and members of the Council and attested by the Clerk. No ordinance shall become a law without having been read and passed at two separate meetings as herein required; provided however, that by unanimous consent, ordinances may be passed upon their first and final readings at one meeting of the Council. vote on same. Section 2. The vote upon the questioh Veto. of the passage of an ordinance, whether upon the first or second reading, shall be taken by "Yeas" and"Kaye", and shall be recorded by the Clerk in the proceedings of the meeting. ns soon as practicable after the final passage of an ordinance by the Council, the Clerk shall certify the same to the 'Iayor, who, if he approve the same, shall sign and return it to the Clerk. If the L:ayor does not a;;prove the Ordinance, he shall return the same to the Council not later than its next regular meeting, jiving his reason in writing for not approving the same. The ordinance so disapproved by the Mayor shall be z;gain put before the Council for a vote, and if' two thirds of the members of the Council 19 vote for its re -passage, it shall become effective as an ordinance, the Mayor's disapproval to the contrary notwithstanding; provided, that if the Payor takes no action and fails to return any ordinance not later than the next regular meeting of the Council, such ordinance shall 'become a law without his approval. Posting. Section 3. revery ordinance shall, before beradng, a law, be posted at the Town hall, or at such other building used as the meting place by the Town Council, and at three public places in said Town of Edgewater, and shall become effective two days after becoming a Law, unless otherwise provided in the ordinance. If the Council deem it necessary, any ordinance before becoming eff-ctive may be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in Volusia County, Florida, andshall likewise be posted at the Town Fall and at three public places in said Town as above required. Recording. "ection 4. The aerk shall record every ordinance that shall become a law, in a book kept for that purpose, and shall impress the seal of the Town thereon, which record shall show the dates of the passage and the approval by the l;ayor, and if any ordinance shall become a law without the I,:ayor's a,proval, the Clerk shall so certify on the record. Certificate Section 5. The Clerk shall post all ordinances, and when he shall record any ordinance he shall enter upon the record immediately following such ordinance, the following certificate. 20 which shall be signed by him% I, Town Clerk of the Town of 3dgewater, hereby certify that on the _day of A. D. 19_, I posted four copies of the foregoing ordinance at the Town Fall and at three Public places in the Town of ddgewater. Dated at Edgewater, Florida, this _ day of A. D. 19_ Town Clerk. When the Clerk shall record any ordinance required by the Council to be published in a newspaper, in addition to ilia certificate of posting the same, given above, he shall enter upon or attach to the record, ir.;mediately following such ordinance, an affidavit substantially in the following form: STATE OF FLORIDA COIINTY OF VCLUSIA. being duly sworn, says that he is the publisher of the , a newspaper published in said County and State, and that the foregoing ordinance was published once in said newspaper, a+hich date of publication visa on the day of A. D. sworn to and subscribed to before me this day of A. D. 19_ Such affidavit shall be subscribed on the record by the publisher of such paper, and may be taken before any officer authorized to administer oaths. ARTICLE VIII. R E G I S T a A 'T I O N S 21 Registration Section 1. The Town Clerk shall be of Electors. the Registration Officer of the Town, and shall keep a book in which shall be entered the names of all qualified voters who shall in person make application for registration. ' Time of Registration. Section 2. The Clerk:.shall keep the registration book open for the registration of voters on each day during the hours he is at the Town Office up to six o'clock Y. 11. of the Saturday immediately preceding the 7th day prior to any general or special election, at which time it shall be closed. Re-_egistrationt ,ection 3. The Town Council may by ordinance at any time provide for the re -registration of all of the qualified electors in said Town. The registration book as now exists shall continue to be the official list of the registered voters until such time as a re -registration shall be ordered by the Town Council. qualification Section 4. Every person entitled to of Electors. vote in general State elections according to the laws of the State of Florida, who is or will be twenty-one years of age, and will have resided in the State of Florida for twelve months and within the corporate limits of the Town of Rdoewater for six months last prior to any Town election, for which such registration book is open, shall be entitled to register. Nothing herein diall be construed to require State and County registration as a pre -requisite to registration in the town. 22 i 1 Oath of Section 5. Every person applying Elector. for registration shall take and subscribe to the following oath, which may be administered by the registration officer, to -wits "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida, that I have been a resident of the State of Florida for twelve months; that I am twenty-one years of age, or will be prior to the day of election to be held on the day of __A. D. , and prior to said day of election I will have been a resident of the 'Town of Edgewater for six months, and am otherwise q qualified to vote under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, so help me God." Revision of section 6. That it shall be the Registration list. duty of the Town Council at their first regular meeting in September of each and every yer to revise the registration book and cause to be stricken therefrom the names of such persons as are known or shall be known to the satisaction of the Council to be deceased, to have ceased to reside in the Town of Edewater, or to be otherwise disqualified, and a list of these names so striken shall, before the time for opening the registration book for the next election thereafter, be posted at three (3) public places in the 'Town of ddgewater, Lsia County, Florida, one of which places shall, .he door of the V. I. A. Hall, also known as the i Hall, or may be published in a newspaper in County of Volusia and State of r'lorida on or 'ore the first day of October of each year. 23 C Restoration of jection 7. If any person whose name Names. has been improperly stricken from the registration book shall appear before the registration officer at any time when he shall have the registration book open and shall take the oath required of persons desiring to registers his name shall be restored to the registration book. Right to vote. . :section S. Only registered voters shall be entitled and permitted to vote at any Town election. Poll Tax. Section 9. The payment of poll taxes as a pre -requisite to the right to vote in Town elections be and the same is hereby abolished. Registration List section 10. At each general or at Elections. special election the Clerk shall furnish the Judges of Election with the registration book, or a certified copy thereof$ for the care and custody of which the Judges receiving the same shall be res- ponsible, and shall return the same to the Clerk at the close of the election. Refusal to :section 11. If the registration Register. officer shall willfully refuse to register any person qualified to register under the provisions of this ordinance, he shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty -figs ($25.00) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding ten (10) days. A3TICLE IX. E L E C T I O N S Calling of Section 1. That all annual and Elections. special elections shall be called by the Town Council. Such elections shall be called by 24 ;posting notice thereof in three different public places in acid Town, one of which shall be at the front door of the Town Hall of said of said Town, otherwise known as the V. 1. A. Hall, at least fifteen (15) days F.rior to the date set for such election. Proof of the posting of such three i, notices shall be made by the certificate of the Clerk of the Town of &d�;ewaterj Florida. - Time of Same. Section 2. The elections for officers Place of Same. of the Town Council shall be non -partisan and all such elections shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first .�:onday in tvovember of each year. At the meeting calling the annual election the Town Council shall specify ig the resolution calling such election the date thereof. All Town elections shall be held at the Town Hall unless otherwise ordered by resolution or ordinance of the Town. Special elections may be called at any time the same shall be deemed necessary by the Town Council, except that special elections to fill a vacancy or vacancies in the offices of the Town Council or Town Clerk shall be called at the next regular meeting of the Town Council after such vacancy or vacancies shall have occurred. All special elections shall be governed by the provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida pertaining to municipal elections. Election Soard. Section 3. That the Town Council shall appoint four persons from the qualified electors of said Town7 three to act as inspectors and one to act as Clerk at said election, who shall conduct 25 i all elections in conformity with the laws of the State of Florida, governing general elections in said State, provided that such Inspectors and Clerk of such election shall in the performance of their duties be at all time subject to the super- vision of the Town Council. Canvassers. jection 4. That the Inspectors and • Clerk of the election shall constitute the Board of Canvassers. Ballots. Section 5. That all ballots for use in annual and special elections shall be in sub- stantially the same form as that prescribed by law for general elections intheState of Florida. Form of Ballots. Section 6. That the Town Council shall cause to be printed upon said ballots the name of any qualified elector of said Town who has been requested to be a candidate for any municipal o:fice by written petition signed by at least twenty-five (25) electors qualified to vote in the election to fill said office, when such petition has been filed with said Town Council not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days previous to the election; provided that the name of no person shall be printed on the ballot who shall not less than twenty (20) days before the election notify the Town Council in writing Ack- nowledged before an officer authorized by law to take acknowledgments that he will not accept the nomination specified in said petition. General State section 7. As to all matters not Laws. herein otherwise provided the Lams of the ata£e of Florida governing general elections and 26 municipal elections shall apply to all Town Elections of the Town of Edgewater, Florida. .,RTICLE X. 014"a'ge a �/,,• � 9V F I RE DE PART ME Id T Creation :eotion 1. That a volunteer fire department of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, is hereby created. Personnel. Section 2. That the fire department of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, shall consist oft Chief Powers of. A. A Fire Chief of the Fire Department who shall have full charge of the fires, Fire Department, and all fire equipment owned by said Town, and said Fire Chief shall be appointed by the Town muncil and shall hold office at their pleasure. Assistant Chief. B. An Assistant Fire Powers of. Chief who shall, in the absence of the Chief and until the Chief shall arrive at a fire, act as Chief of the Fire Department, whose power and authority shall at all times be subordinate to t;iat of the Fire Chief; said Assistant Fire Chief to be appointed by the Town Council and shall 'cold office at its pleasure. Firemen. C. Twelve (12) volunteer Selection of. firemen or callmen who shall be selected by the Fire Chief subject to the approval of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, and who shall hold membership as members of the Volunteer Fire Department subject to the pleasure of the Town Duties. Council, and whose duty it shall be to respond to every fire, alarm of fire, and to every call for 27 the fire drill or practice; as volunteer firemen they shall at each and every alarm of fire or call to drill or practice. immediately report to the Fire Chief, if he be present, and in his absence to the Assistant Fire Chief; the Fire Chief, or in his absence the Acsist,.nt Fire Chief, is hereby granted theauthority to select the personnel and nmber of volunteer firemen who re_.ort for each fire, fire drill or practice that are actually used in said fire, fire drill or practice and only those volunteer firemen selected by the Chief or Assistant Chief to actually serve in the extinguishment of any fire or to take part in any fire drill or practice shall receive the compensation here- inafter provided for. Compensation. Section 3. '.'hat the Chief, AssistanA Chief ande.ach Volunteer Fireman or callman who is actually selected by the Fire Chief or the Assistant ;ire Chief in the absence of the: Chief to participate in the extinguishment of any fire or to take part in any fire drill or ractice shall receive as compensation therefore the sum of One ($1.00) dollar for each such actual fire cnll or i'ire drill or practice in :;:.ich the said Volunteer Fireman or Callman, if selected by the Fire Chief or assistant c'ire Chief, may take. Fire Drill. Section 4. Fire drill for the Fire Department shall be called by the order of the Fire Chief only, "out no one volunteer fireman or callman s;:all be called or paid for a fire drill or practice more often than once in two weeks. Rules and Regulations. Section 5. That the Fire Department 0 ♦1 1 A of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, may adopt such rules and regulations for the government of said Fire Department as may be deemed for the best interest of said Fire Department, subject however, to the aiproval of the Town Council; the said Fire Depart- ment shall from time to time meet and make such recommendations to the said Town Council with regard to the betterment of said Fire Department and fire protection of the Town of Ed;ewater, as they deem necessary. Section 6. That in the event of any Right of Way for Firemen. alarm of fire or fire drill or practice being given that the apparatus of the fire department shall be liven the ri;;ht of way in and w_:on the streets, -lanes, alleys, squares and railroad crossings in going to any fire ¢_,on such streets, lanes, alleys, squares and railroad crossings, and it shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct or neglect or refuse to make way for any such apparatus being thus in or u;.on any of said streets, lanes, alleys, squares or railroad crossings. Driving through section 7. It shall be unlawful for Streets in cases of Fire. any person or persons whomsoever to ride or drive a vehicle through any part or section of a street or lane blocked off as provided in Section 9 here- of, or in w.Lich the fire department is assembled for the purpose of extinguishing a fire, and should any person or persons attempt. to ride or drive a vehicle through the streets and lanes in which the fire department is assembled for the purpose afore- said, he or they shall be liable to arrest. Presence in Section 8. That no person or persons, Safety Zones. except firemen, police, owners of perperty, their agents or a-ents of insurance companies small be 29 allowed within the limits of any safety zone that. may be established by the fire department at any time without being ordered thereby by the officer in command of the fire department. Police Powers. Section 9. That all members of the fire department of said 'Town are vested with the power of a police oi.ficer of the Town tO the extent that they may while in the actual discharge of their duties at any fire or while going to the same may order such tr::ffic as may be necessary halted, may block such streets, highways or lands as necessary to the proper conduct of their duties and may eniorde the rules and regulations and provisions of jection 6, 7 and S of this Ordinance. Violations and Section 10. That any person or persons Penalties. violating any of the provisions of election 6, 7 or 8 of this article shall be liable to arrestby any police of the said iown or by any authorized member of the Fire Department and on conviction by the Municipal Court of the said Town shall be subject to a fine not to exceed one hundred ($1CO.00) dollars or to imprisonment in the Town jail not to exceed thirty (30) days or by both fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE XI. D U I L D I Tel G S. Permits. dection.l. That from and after the date of this Ordinance any person or persons, firm or corporation seeking to erect or repair a building of any ttha`aeter within the corporate limits of the 'Town of Edgewater, Florida) shall prior to such construction or repair apply for a permit to con- struct such building or a permit to repair such building provided the cost or value of such Cl Applicationfor. Contents of. Fee. Permits for :oat and Fish louses. Fishing "oats and other'raft. building or repairs shall be Fifty ($50.00) dollars or more; that application shall be made in writing addressed to and delivered to the Town Clerk. Such application shall describe ,fully the building or structure to be erected or to be added to, required or removed; and, if approved by said Town Clerk, said Town Clerk shall issue a permit therefor in such form as may be prescribed by him. Such permit when issued shall be recorded by the Town Clerk in a book to be kept for that purpose and the original issued to the applicant. For such building permit a fee of fifty cents (500) shall be charged. Section 2. That no boat house, fish house or other b-ilding or buildings of any description shall be erected on the river front or along the Strand between the road and river within the corporate limits of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, unless a proper permit has been issued by the 'Town Council of Edewater, Florida. Section 3. That no house boat, fish boat, or cre.ft, of a:1y kind w}:ich shall be objection- a -lie to the citizens of the said Town shall be anchored or otherwise stationed anywhere along the said water font within the corporate -iiuits of the as ^own of <;d.:w t er, r'lorida, without a permit from the porperty owner, and not then if the said Town Council shall deem such a craft or boat objectionable. ARTICLE XII. POLICE RE GULAT IONS Penalty. .Section 1. If any person shall be -1:ilty of disturbing the }public peace and morals and good order and government of the Town of Ed_ewater, J 31 by commiitting any of the acts hereinafter prohibited within the cor_orate lin;its of the ',.'own of Ld-ewater, he or sl-e, shall u,on the conviction thereof, before the kiaycrh Court, be fined not more than One hundred (w100.00) dollars or imprisoned not more than sixty clays, except as hereinafter otl.erwise provided. Assault and Section 2. _;ny person convicted of a Bcttery. assault and batter 1\u_on any of the streets, si,-ares or ot:ner public plz:ce or places of resort within the town limits of :he Town of _d_ewater, or within any dwelling or other private place wl.en such assault or assault and Jittery therein coiamitted shall tend to disturb any eroon or pa: sons residing in or ti,en being in the vicinity of Bach private house, or bailding, shall be punished as ;. rovided in election 1. Petty Larceny. action 3. .1hoever within the li.r.its of the Town of 3dgewater, 21oriaa, shall be guilty of petty 'larceny, with or without violence, to another peroon wl.ere the value of the property ta''cen sh„il not be more than Ten dollars, sh:,ll be liable by a f_ne not exceeding Fifty Dollars and imprisonment not exceeding tliirty days. In staging the o�fense in the complaint, it shall be sufficient to designate the same as "Petty Larceny contrary to Section 3, .,rticle :lit of Ordinance No. 75 of the :own of Sd,�ewater, Florida.° Xa24@ious Section 4. vihoever witi.in tl:e lain "11SAehief. - �'�.` limits of the Town of „doewater, Florida small :,e guilty of malicious mishhief, when the injury to public or private property shall not exceed twenty ` ($20.00) dollars, in actual dama es, sh._;11 Je i liable to the fine and imprisonment of Sectioa 1 _S 7 a � f` of this article. Disturbing Public Meet- - Section 5. 'Whoever shall disturb any public moor- ings, etc. - ship or public meeting, secular or religious, or disturb the occupants of any hotel, or private residence, or wil- fully and maliciously interfere with the privacy or com- fort of the persons then in such place, shall be subject to a fine according to Section 1 of this Article. False Pre- Section 6. Whoever shall obtain money or prop - tense. erty within the Town limits of the Town of Edgewater, under any pretension of religious or charitable object or fraud- ulently obtain credit at any store by false representations or fraudulent promise of payment shall be liable to the same punishment as }rodided in Section 1 of this Article. Conspiracy to Section 7. ':!here two or more persons shall band Violate Town Ordinances. together or mutually conspire to set at naught one or more ordinances of the Town of Ldgewater, or unite to break the same, or resist their enforcement, all shall be liable upon conviction to be fined as provided in Section 1 of this Article. Disturbing X Section 8. Any person convicted of injuring or the Peace and Disorderly Con- disturbing the public peace, or using any abusive, obscene duct. or profane language, or making any threats of violence to anyone, or being drunk, or being noisy and disorderly in or, apon any street, square or other publicplacewithin the Town limits of 3dgewater, or by racing or otherwise driving or riding in a furious manner on any street of the Town of Edgewater any horse or horses or fast driving of any automobile or automobiles, or kehicles, or any other machine propelled by gaabline, or driving the same faster than herein provided in Section 11 of this Article, or by carrying any arms, such as pistols, knives, (except pocket knives), sword canes, razors or any 33 other deadly .weapon, concealed about his person, or by making any indecent exposure of his or her person in any street, square or public place or by discharg- ing any gun or pistol or other fire arms or dangerous use of sling shots within the town limits, except in the protection of life or property, or by throwing stones or other missiles endangering person or persons or property, or lc�eping a disorderly house or by any noisy or riotous conduct to the disturbance of the public tranquility shall be punished as provided by Section 1, of this :,rticle. Disorderly Section 9. No person shall endanger Conduct. or disturb the public peace or use any abusive, obscene or profane language in violation of public decency, or make any threats of violence to or u-;cinst any other person or persons, or be drunk, or \ by noisy and disorderly in or upon any street or other public place within the town limits, or race or otherwise drive or ride in a furious manner any horse, or horses or cattle or any animal or animals or vehicles or carry any arms, such as pistols, knives (except pocket knives), sword canes, razors, or any other deadly weapons concealed about their person, or make any indecent exposure of his or l.er person in any street or public place, or discharge any ;;un or pistol or other firearms, except in the protection of life or property, or endanger any person or property by the reckless and dangerous use of sling shots or throwing stones or other missiles within the town limits, or keeping a disorderly house, or by any noise or riotous conduct disturb the public tranquility. Obstructing Section 10.110 person shall obstruct the Streets. Dumping Refuse, streets or public ways, nor shall they dump refuse, etc. litter, offal, filth or juuk,thereon or therein, in . the Town of Bd ewater, Florida. .,peed of-P,otor Section 11. :hat it small be unlawful -vehicles. for any motor vehicle to be operated on thepublic thoroughfares within the corporate limits of the �. :own of Edgewater, Florida, at a speed in excess of twenty-five (25) miles per hour in the residential section and a speed. in excess of fifteen (15)- miles r\y� .per hour in the business section;for the .purposes ` of this section, the business section of the Town of Edgewater, Florida is hereby defined to be that portion of Ridgewood :wenue,known as the Dixie ilighway Florida Route 4, beginning at the inter- section of said tidl,ewood avenue with WjlkX4gQn_ Street and terminating at the intersection of said :eidgewood :venue with fine 81nff Street,, and the residential section is hereby defined to be and include all of the other streets, avenues and public thorou-hfares of said Town. -:�:eckleae Driving. section 12. lio person shall operate a motor ve:Acle on t.Le public highways of the Town of Ld,�ew•ater) Florida,recklessly, or at a rate of speed greeter than reasonable and proper, having regard to the width, traffic and use of the high- ways so as to endanger the property or life orlimb of any person. If the rate of speed of a motor vehicleoperated on a.public highway of the Town of Ek ewater exceeds the speed limit set forth in Section 11 of this article for a dist<ince of one-half of a mile, such rate of speed shall be prima facie evidence that the person operating such rotor vehicle is operating the same at a r rsite of speed greater than is reasonable and proper and in violation of the provisions of this Section. Blocking Fire Section 13. It shall be unlawful for equipment, Am- bulances, etc, any o,,erator of any motor vehicle, carriage, buggy on Public Streets. or wagon, or any person or persons to 'clock, con,est or in any way interfere with progress of any fire fioht.ing equipment, such as fire trucks, hook and ladder yrucks, and or any ambulances, police care or any other so-called er..ergency equipment, or in any wise hinder or delay such emergency equipment , upon any and all of the streets and hi�hwzys of the mown of Edgewater. Right of Way of Section 14. That all fire fighting Fire Equipment, Ambulances, etc. equipment, motorized or otherwise and all ambulances and all police cars and all hearses stall be given the right-of-way upon the streets and hithways within the corporate limits of the Town of Edgewater. Nuisances. Section 15. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, partnership, co -partnership, a::sociation or incorporation to manage, operate, maintain, conduct or carry on any trade, procession, basiness and or occupation, or permit any building or structure or any other matter or thing which shall be a public nuisance or which shall endanger the public health and safety, or materially inter- fere with the public comfort within the corporate limits of the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida. Definition of Section 16. The term "public nuisance" Nuisances. as used in Section 15, of this Article, shall be construed to mean anything which annoys or Lives trouble or vexation and wl ch is offensive or noxious and ! ich is offensive or noxious, or dives inconvenience to the community, and �,,j.:ich infringes upon the rights of the citizens of this community. Passing School Section 17. That every person using, Bus. operating or driving a motor vehicle upon or over the roads, streets or highways in the Town of Edgewater, Florida, upon approaching any school bus or other motor vehicle used in transporting school children 1 to 'end from school, while such bus or other motor rvh `� is stopped and en;uLed in taking on or discharging such school children therefrom, upon "he roads, streets or highways in the Town of Ed,ewater, Florida, be and they are hereby x•e;uired to 'bring such motor vei:icle to a full stop before passing such school bus or motor vehicle, provided such school 'bus or motor vehicle used in transporting school children is Marked for identific,:.tion as provided in Section 18 of this Aeticle. dchool Buses to Section 18. That all motor vehicles be !harked. used in transporting school children to and from school over the roads, streets and highways in the \ Town of-Sd,-et;acer, Florida, be and they are hereby 4\� required to be distinctly marked "School Bus" on both 9ront, rear and sides thereof, in letters of `;�} not less than five inches in length and so plainly 0 written or printed and so arranged,as to be legible to persons approaching such school bus whether traveling in the same or opposit direction, and that such school b6us driver be required to stop such school bus on the right hand side of such .c,,d� :37 street or highway as close to ti:e curb or edge of the road as is practical. Spot -Lights. Section 19. It shall be unlawful for anyone to operate any motor vehicle, or buggy or other conveyance on the streets of Edbewater with a lighted spot li--ht or moveable light between sun -down and sunrise. Driving while Section 20. That it shall be unlawful Intoxicated. for any person, wl-.ile in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of intoxicating liquors to such an extent as to deprive him of full possession of his normal faculties, to drive or operate over the. streets or hi,;hways of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, any automobile, truck, or vehicle or motor- cycle, or any other vehicle propelled by Gasoline, gas vapor, electricity, steam or other power. _iesisting an Section 21-A. WO one shall knowingly Cfficer, by Violence. and willfully resist, obstruct or oppose any tarshall, Deputy Larsy.all or other person legally authorized to Penalty. L g an writh- ence. execute process by the Town of :]d_ew4ter, Florida, in the execution of legal process or in the execution of any legal duty imposed upon such :Tarshall, Deputy or other person by offering or doing violence to the person of such officer or legally authorized person. Section 21-B. Anyone viola`oin- the provisions of section. 21rA. of this ;*rticla shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Fifty ($50.00)dollars dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days, or both as the L'ayor may determine. .;action 21-C. Whoever shall obstruct or oppose any officer of the Town of Ed"ewater, Florida or any other person legally authorized to execute M process by the Town of Edgewater in the execution of paid legal process or in the lawful execution of any legal duty imposed upon such officer or legally authorized p-=rson, without offering or doin,; violence to the person of the said officer or legally authorized person, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Twenty-five ($25.00) dollars or by im- prisonment not exceeding ti:irty (30) days, or both as the :.:ayor may determine. Refusal to Section 21-D. Whoever refuses or Assist an Officer. neglects to render the said L:arshall, deputy L;arshall or other legally authorized person all assistance in the execution of -aid process or in the perfor- mance of said duty, when called on, not being physically incompetent, shall be onnished by fine not exceeding ten ($10.00) dollars or by imprison- ment not exceeding ten (10) days, or both, as the 'aayor may determine. Disposal of Section 22. That nay person or Filth. persons who shall be found guilty of throwing or causing to be thrown any dead animal matter, or filth of any kind into any of the eater courses, or vacant. lots within the corporate limits of the said Town of Edgewater, Florida, without the permission from the a•:ner or owners of said vacant lots, or permission from the L:ayor and Council, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty ($50.00) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding ten (10) days, or both, as the ;Layor may determine. Bicycle Lights. Section 23. Every bicycle operated or driven upc# the streets of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, shall during the period from one half hour after sunset to one half hour before sunrise 39 display at least one lighted.lamp thereon. Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten ($10.00 ) dollars or by imprison- ment not exceeding five (5) days, or both, as the Kayor may determine. dRTICLE XIII. D R I V E R' 3 L I C E N S E S License aequired. erection 1. That each and every driver of any motor vehicle operating on the streets Of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, who shall be classified with- in the hea,einafter set forth classifications of persons who operate motor vehcles on the streets of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, shall obtain, hold and own a drivers license. Issuance of, erection 2. That said driver's license and Fee for same. shall be issued by the Town Clerk on application of the driver seeking the same and said Clerk shall be paid by each and every perosn applying for such driver's license in the Town of Edgewater the amount of $1.00; providing however that no tee shall be payable where another fee or fees are paid to the Town in the amount of $1.00 or more wrich pertain to the operation of motor vehicles over the streets of the Town of Edgewater,. Florida. Car to be section 3. That before issuing any Registered. _ driver's license the Town Clerk through the iolice Depart:::ent may require the applicant to register the motor vehicle he owns or intends to drive with the Police Department of the Town of Fdgewa.,er, if the same has not previously been registered, and Lus i to comply with any and all kinds of ordinances of the •own relative to the use of its streets, and the police -ay .require Department may require an examination to be Laken to stgamination. determine the qualifications of such applicant to operate a motor vehicle on the streets of the gown of �agewater, riorida. (juallrieation oection 4. No such driver s license of ..river. shall be issued to any person who is under the age of 15 years, or who fails to csmonstrate to the satis- faction of the .olive Department of the mown of "dgewater, rlorlda, his ability to drive the vehicle propesea to be operated by him, together with his ramiliarity of the yaws of the State of rlorida and the ordinances and police regulations of the rown govern- ing the use of the .own btreets and traffic thereon, or who shall fail to pass such examination as to his qualifications as the .olive Department may require. Dnlicensed "river rro- oection b. net from after the effective nibited. date or this ordinance no person shall engage in the driving of an automobile, truck motorcycle, or other motor vehicle upon the streets of the +own of magewater, rlorida, if such person is within the classifications Of persons hereinafter set forth in this ordinance, without having first paid for and received the driver s license hereby required. gicense .erioa. uectlbn 6. Driver a licenses shall be issued annually for the period ending January let in each year,, every resident of the +own or magewater ono east naae who drives an automobile, truck, motorcycle or other —1cense. motor vehicle or conveyance over and upon the streets of the •own of magewater, and anyone who conducts a business, practices a profession, or is in anywise employed within the Town limits of the Town of Edgewater, who drives an automobile, truck, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle or conveyance over and ulon the streets of the Town of Edgewater, and every person who drives an automobile, truck, motorcycle or other motor Vehicle or conveyance on ninety (90) days or more of any ysar over and upon the streets of the Town of Lagewater, Florida, shall be required to ob- tain such driver's license and to pay the lice -se fee p.•ovided herein. L'o license shall be required of any non-resident who holds a driver's license issued by any other State, County or Municipality. Jo license shall be required of any bona -fide non-resident of the State of Florida residing in the'Town of Edgewater for a period of less than ,six months. In the event Loss of Certificate the holder should lose said drivers certificate license of License. onapplication-ads, the Town Clerk shall issue a dup- licate thereof on satisfactory proof being made of the loss or destruction thereof, together with the pay- ment of a fee of twenty-five cents for such duplicate license. Display of Section 7. The driver of said automobile License. vehicle herein specified shall be required to keep said driver's license on his person or in the vehicle which he is driving to be produced for inspection at any time while iperating said vehicle, upon request of any oliceman or other official of said Town. Revocation of erection S. Any driver's license loaned License. to another or released from the possession of the holder thereof whereby the purpose of this article :night be avoided or de'-eated shall be subject to immediate revocation by the officer or official inspecting the M 1 Suspension of License. Inspection of Car. same, and where said license is not in possession of the licenseenamed therin, the same shall betaken by the officer and delivered to the Town Clerk of said -own and marked cancelled. Section 9. That the driver's license issued to any gpplicant may be suspended for a period of thirty (30) days by the 6layor's Court of the Town of Edgewater on conviction of any licensed driver, in. or before the L'ayor's Court of said Town, of a violation of any of the provisions of this Article or police regulations governing traffic or the use of the Town's streets. :section 10. That before any driver's License shall be issued under the provisions of this Article, the applicant for such license shall first have his or her motor vehicle ins,)ected by a duly qualified garage located within a radius of three (3) miles from the Town of Edgew,ter, Florida.3uch inspection to cover lights, horn and brakes, and shall file with his or her application a certificate from such garage, that said lights, horn and brakes as,e in a satisfactory condition. Such inspection however shall be made only by such garage as shah_ have a.7reed with the Town of Edgewater to make such inspection free of charge. Penalty. oection 11. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall upon conviction of such violation be punished by a fine of not exceeding $50.00 or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days, or both, in the discretion of the Judge of the Mayor's Court. 43 ..BTICL& XIV. N U I 3 A N C S S Definition. oection 1. That the accumulation of pools of stagnant water, or water which is likely to become stagnant, on any lands lying within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, shall be and constitute a public nuisance in said Town; that any accumulation of trash, filth or other matter, on or within the lands in said Town of Edgewater, and the streets adjacent thereto which may cause disease or affect the health of said ."own, and all extra growth of weeds or other noxious plants upon the same, be and the same are hereby declared to be public nuisances within the said Town. Section 2. Where any of the conditions Notice to Abate Nuisance. enumerated in section 1, hereof exist or may be threatened to exist, the Town Council shall immediately notify the owner or owners of the said land upon w:iich said conditions exist, to abate said nuisance within ten days from the date of such notice, and if said Abatement of owner or oviners of such property fail to remove Same. such conditions within said ten (10) days period, then said Town Council shall direct the Town Marshall to proceed immediately to abate said nuisance, and the !,:arshall shall forthwith abate the same. ?.otice of Cost Section 3. When the said Marshall shall of Abatement. have completed the work of abating such nuisances he shall report to the Town Clerk the cost of the work done and performed by him upon said lands whereupon the said Town Clerk shall forthwith notify the owner . or owners of said lands in writing of the costs of said work, and require the said a.,ner or owners to pay the same within ten days from the date of said notice. EI Lien for cost Section 4. In case the owner or of Abatement. owners shall fail to pay the costs of said abate- ment, the Town Clerk shall then proceed to file a notice of Lien against the said lands in the following manner: :?e shall prepare in triplic-te, a notice signed by the Sdayor-Councilman of said Town, bearing the seal of said 'own Attested by the Town Clerk in the following forms Form of Lien. "I;otice of Lien'' To You are hereby notified that the Town of Edgewater, Florida, has and holds a Lien a,;ainst the following described property, located in the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida, To -wits SAID LIEA IS CL::L'._:D LUZ 7C3E: JCi,E A_:D P3315C.i`i3D on said property in the abatement of nuisances thereon, and which said workwas done and peri'or:ed on the _day of _19_. Following is an item- ized statement of the sums for which said lien is Claimed: Coat of Abatement of Nuisance $ Cost of ecordin;r Lien in Circ..it Court._ dotal amount of Lien $ ATTE STs •+:ayor-C. -ancilman. 'Down Clerk. M Filing and One copy of said Notice of Lien shall be fled in Recording. the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Volusia County, Floridan and one copy shall be filed in a well bound book, to be provided by the Town Council of said Town, to be designated "Lien Book", and another shall be served on the owner or owners of said lands in the manner hereinafter provided. Said Notice shall be filed within six months from the date when said work was done and performed. Service of :section 5. Said notice to Abate said Notice. nuisance and said l;otice of Lien shall be directed to the owner or owners of said lands as his or her names appear on the last preceding assessment roll of the said Town of Edgewater, Florida, and shall be served by mailing the same to the last known Yost Office address of said owner or owners. In the event the owner or owners of said lands are unknown, then the copy of said _iotices shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the lands upon which said nuisances exist. Animals running Section 6. It shall be unlawful at Large. for any person to surfer to permit his or her horses, cattle, swine, sheep or goats to run at large with- in the limits of the 'Town of nd;,ewater, Florida. Penalty. :anyone violating the provisions of this Section shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days�or both, as the Liayor may determine. Impounding. section 7. Sash and every one of said animals so found running at large shall be deemed a \ r_ 1 public or common nuisance, and it shall be the duty of the Town 1.1arshall of the Town of ,idgewater, Florida, either upon his own view, or upon the complaint to him in writing of any citizen of said Town, to seize and impound every one of said animals so found Notice and running at large. ;:nd immediately after impounding Complaint. such animal the E.tarshall shall lodge sworn complaint in the 2ayor's Court of said Town against the owner of said animal, if such owner shall be known, and the said aayor shall at once cause notice to be served on such owner, if known, that such animal Hearing. has been seized and im;,ounded, and that the owner will Le accorded a hearing before the said Layor at a time .fixed, if the said owner shall desire such hearing. e:nd if at such hearing, the Layor shall find that such animal was running at large Judgment. within the limits of said Town, he shall condemn the same as a public or common nuisance. If the owner of such animal be not known the t;ayor shall, upon information that such animal has been im- pounded, at once proceed against the animal itself and, if upon hearing, it be found that such animal was running at iar;;e within the limits of said Towm, it stall us condemned as a public or common nuisance. Sale of Condemned animal. section 8. If the owner of the animal condemned shall not, after said hearing, pay the fine imposed under the provisions of Section 1, hereof, the Marshall shall at once proceed to ive public notice by ;posting not less than four written or printed hand bills in four public places in said Town, one of which shall be in front of the 1 47 V. I. A. Hall, setting forth the seizure, impounding of said animal, the description thereof, and that the animal will be sold at public sale at a time and place in said Town, which notice shall beosted four days before the sale, and if before the time fixed for said s,:.le, the owner of the animal shall act pay the fine, costs and expenses herein provided, said animal shall be sold according to said notioe, Disposal of by said Marshall, who shall retain out of the proceeds Proceeds. of the sale the amount of said fine, costs and expenses and nay the same to the Town Clerk, and shall then pay the balance remaining if any to the owi,ar of said animal, if known, and if the owner be not _.nown, then said balance shall be likewise paid to said Town Clerk. Said n;oney so paid to the Town Clerk shall be by him deposited in the Treasury of said Town. Fees. jection 9. The person seizing and impounding said animal shall receive the sum of one ($1.00) dollar for each and every animal so seized and impounded; the 1-ayor shall receive the sum of two dollars ('$2.00) for each information or notice and condemnation proceeding, and the Marshall shall receive the sum of two ($2.00) dollars for ea_.ch advertisement and sale or the sum of one ($1.00) dollar for each advertisement. without sale; the person keeping the animal from the time of its seizure to the time of its sale or redemption shall receive the sum of twenty-five cents (250) for each clay or _.art of a day in which said animal is kept by him; the ♦.:arshall shall likewise receive fifty cents (500) for serving the notice herein provided up,.n the owner of said animal. All the above 48 fees shall form the costs above referred to, and shall be paid by the owner, or retained out of the proceeds of the sale, and shall after being paid into the Town Treasury be disbursed upon order as all other bills against said Town are paid. Interfering baction 10. If any person shall with Officer. interfere with, or shall attempt to interfere with, any officer endeavoring to seize or impound any of the above named animals found running at large within the limits of said Town, or if any person shall rescue or attempt to rescue such animal after Penalty. it has been impounded, every such person shall be liable to a fine of not more than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, or both, as the I..r.yur may determineo eizure by section 11. It shall be lawful for private Citizays. any person other than the �:arshall, to seize and impound any of the animals above mentioned found running at large within the limits of the Town Report to of r',dgewater, provided, however, that the act of so 4arshall. seizing and impounding the said animal shall ue reported to the said ILarshall within twelve (12) hours after the said animal has been so seized by said person making said seizure, whereu-on the proceeding shall be had as provided in erection 2, hereof. Custody pending .section 12. UnAl such time as a Hearing. public pound shall be constructed and maintained by said Town of Edgewater, all animals .seized under the provisions of this :article may be placed I y the t:arshall in the care and custody of such person or persons as he may deem fit, or may be 49 retained in his own custody, pending hearing and disposal of said animal as.. herein provided, and the fee of twenty-five cents (250) per day for keeping said animal as provided in Section 9 hereof shall be paid to the said Marshall or person so keeping said animal. Sanitary Section 13. A sanitary nuisance is Nuisances. Definition. hereby declared to be the commission of e.ny act by an individual, organization or corporation, or the keeping, maintaining, propagation, existence or permission of anything by an individual, organ- ization or corporation by which the life or health of an individual or the health or lives of in- dividuals may be threatened or impaired, or by which or through which, directly or indirectly, disease may be caused. Nuisances to Section 14. Nuisances injurious Health. Definition, to health are d:cL red to be filth, the contents of cesspools, offal, garbage, foul water, dye water, refuse from manufactories, urine, stable manure, decayed animal mr vegetable matter, or other offensive substance detrimental to health, thrown, placed or allowed to remain in or upon any private premises, street,: avenue, alley,sidewalk, gutter, public reservation or Open lot within the corporate limits Penalty. of the Town of Edgewater; and any person who shall commit, create or maintain any of the nuisances in this Gection or in Section 13 of this Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than five ($5.00) dollars, nor more than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days, or both, as may be determined by the I^ayor. 50 ARTICLE xv. C J A C� L 2 C d N G 3 3. Licenses V Section 1. That it shall be un- Required. lawful for any person, firm, corporation, association or co -partnership, whether foreign or domestic, to operate, mairtain., enga:;e in, manage, carry on or conduct any business, profession, occupation or calling hereinafter mentioned or generally described, :without first procuring a town license therefor from the Town auditor and clerk and having paid the amount hereinafter provided in the Town of Edgewater, Volusia County, Florida. Application Section 2. Thatany person, firm , for Linense. corporation, association or co -partnership desiring to engage in, manage, carry on or conduct any business, profession, occupation or calling in the said Town of &dgewaper shall apply to the Town Auditor and Clerk of the said Town for a license so to do. The application for license shall be made on a form which shall be prescribed_ and furnished by the Town Clerk and shall set forth the name of the owner, manager, trustee, lesseep. receiver or other person desiring such license and the name ofsuchbusiness or profession, the location, including the street number of such business or office, and the actual value of the store of goods, wares, merchandise and commodities for which sales are to be made, in- cluding =.11 goods, wares and merchandise and commodities owned by the applicant and held in storage to be sold in or through such store or business and and such other facts as the Town Clerk may require. Filing fee. Application shall be made under oath and each such application shn,l1 be accoigpained by a filing fee of twenty-five cei.ta (250) and by a license fee as 1_areinafter prescribed in the Article. Action on election 3. As soon as practicable Application. after the receipt of such application the Clerk shall examine such application to ascertain whether it is in proper form and cont,;ins the :iecessary, requisite information. If, upon examination, the Town Clerk shall find that such application is not in proper Return of form and does not contain the necessary requisite Application. information he shall return such application for correction. If the application is found to be satisfactory and if the filing and license fees, Issuance of as herein prescribed, shall have been paid, the Town License Clerk shall deliver to the applicant a license for such business or profession for which application for a license shall have been paid. Each licensesshall Displayofdisplay the license so issued in a conspicuous place License. in the business or profession for which such license is issued. Term of Section 4. A11licenses shall be License. issued so as to expire on the thirtieth of September of each Calendar year. Cn or before the first day of October of each year, every person, firm,corporation, association or co -partnership having a license shall Renewal of apply to the Town Clerk for a new license for the Linenses. twe;ve calendar months next ensuing. All applications for renewal licenses shall be made on forms which shall be preseribed and furnished by the Town Clerk. 110 license shall 1ppse prior to the 31st day. of 52 October of the year next following the year such license was issued and if by such 31st day %f October application for ,ezewal of license has not been filed the Town Clerk shall notify such delinquent license holder thereof, by registered mail, and if application is not made for rei:ewal license on or before the tenth day of Sovember next ensuing the Town Clerk, as the case may be, ,,:ust collect, in addition to the license fee hereinafter provided, twenty-five per cent of the license tax provided in ti,is Article, before issuing the license. Tl:e continuation of the business, after the expiration of the time limited in ttie previous lic-,;ise shall constitute a binding agree- ment on the licensee to pay such penalty, if such application for a renewal license shall be accompanied by a filin_, fee of twenty-five cents (250) and by the Licenses for less Lice rse fee as prescribed herein; provided however, than a year. that the license may be issued for a six (6) months period, for one half of the license fee, in the event that the business or profession requiring a license is opened for business on or after the first day of ..eril of the sai& year. Oath required jection 5. fhat it shall be the duty in certain cases. of the Town Clerk, before issuing a license based on property valuation, amount of capital stock, capacity of production or other contingency, to require any party applying i-or said license to file, under oath, duly authenticated, a state^entof the value of the property or amount of the capital etock, capacity of production or the b.�siness or profession for which the licenses shall .e issued, or other contingency. "he Town Auditor and Clerk may admin- ister the oath as required herein. f��.a Cricce G. C_ AMENDED f3Y .✓EC. 19. 1939. of q����� ._cl. C71Z�IHNNC[ (✓o.�b / o.� o.,.__ --_..� � c�a:_s`_o:.. '. z Lica:.Ae ...d _ aP1iIL 11941 AND ORD�.tO'I-,0,4-. ................. ....;C ................................ ................. .....: :......................... ................... ........ ..,..9........................................... i.... vcor.; _ .. ._._.. .._... .... ..... �.00 ................... _�... .. ._,._.7.................... ._..'.7e, ................. Fruit or vegetable stands, retail, not licensed z,s merchant, were the dealer does not grow his own fruit .................. y2.50 µ (4rhere farmer or ;;rower sells fruit from own grove or farm there shall 44 be no license fee.h Peddlers, tr.veling dealers, who shall bargain to sell any goods, wares or i5�����?, merchandise by sample or other manner p r,,-., �l for the presant or future ielivery, to any person, whomsoever for himself or went following after to deliver and collect, same shall be deemed a peddler under this section and shall nay a license tax of ................................ 25.00 Provided, however, this license tax sin,11 not acply to drummers and salesmen employed by wholesale ",ealem or manufacturers selling to local license dealers the goods of thdir principles nor to newsboys, nor to dealers of ice, nor to dealers of dairy products, not to the dealers of water for drin._in• purposes or otherwise and same shall not apply to retail dealers of gasoline or lubricating oils or illuminating. oils as such gasoline or lubricating or illuminating oil dealer shall pay the license fee as a retail dealer. estaruant or lunch room ....................... 2.50 btores........................................ --C .iny other business or occupatiop not man- tioned herein, or in following Sections of tics Article ................... °.............. :afinitlon of Section 7. :he term store s:_.-1 "Store". be construed to peen and include any store c: stores or any mercL.atile establishment or establishments wi.ich a=^e owned, maintained, opera-:c:,_ or controlled by any person, firm, co -partnership or association, either domestic or voluntary, in ,.`icli foods or merchandise of any kind are sold L- .1, provided, however, the term "store" shall not include filling stations engaged in the sale of gasoline crother petroleum products. .malty. Section 8. Any person, firm, nership, corporation, co -partnership or assoc.a�-ci. who shc1 l violate any of the provisions of dec_ 1, ,, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 of this .,rticle s,all ?70 n; on co.-aic t'cn. _ _of, ,'_ a ''y fina riot escae:.' ty-live (,�::5.00) collars und.eosts or by i -rise :mint not encee4_n;: tLirty (3o) aays,cr 'o;,i both pine wad ir_.nrisonmant in t!-a aiscretion of - .... Cm-.rt. '2: e ?'-.;vor chill .._.ve ti.e ua'r,:,crity to _.erase tie issav-,ce of se-ch license or 1_c.; �:ses and may o_ f_ar t- sa :e 'ana of ..ny _t or ::11 cf :-a non- _id 2o-r Duel:I-c..aes .ii_en is revoked, ,no a_ ;_rson conGvcting w suoh ,,,.,.er -cl; action L," 'l,e :ayor 3--ii :e liable to :::malty or ;:e;:altios us Lie -rise for section 9. _hat from _iid after the Malt or Vinous 3evera_:=o. -._:ye of t - ..rticle :: iy p rson, co- part:,ership or corporation en_a,.ed in t,e b�a'_ness Oi ^LQii: Ct_.ri nip 'Gii1n 5 .,2R't ter- �, or - or in _ .._ ._..elfin;; in or ,..,cs ink or L_in_ co __. ,., m�:iz act-cre� ..,lay ., �,. ,..., or a_,e of ...ny, molt or vinaous oevera_,es, cocur.oniy kao,m as baer, port, elegyfruit j _._� co_:., ,;in. .,ny ilcl olic content; end such si:::il_s Levera_es as a,e not ohiuitsd by the laws cf the hate of Floridan within ''he corpor:ae limits of the :own of Bdgewater, County of Polusia, :'lorida� st:_:11 pay to Ll,c "Ic', Moan, for he privilege of co_-auctin the said busi:iess, an occupational license tax e;.ual in mount to rit:r par ..�--c of licaa.se p a::cri i;ed L„ ...... 'laws of the state of Florida, i'or the privilege of eng:.ging in the respective busi.esses al,o-ve .;et forth. Disc_: iticn of election l0. :hit the revenue derived Revenue. hcaefvom small be creaited and paid into-,.,-:e veneral fund of the _aid ^own. Penalty. :ection 11. That any person, 56 . iA- C y 1_ r 14 violatin; ti.e provisiens of �ection.9 of this rrticle by failing to pay such tax, upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars or by imprison- ment for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Liquor License •section 12. That from and after the date of this ordinance any person, partnership, co- partnership or. corpo_::cia: ;;..^.ti <_., t!:e business of manufacturing, .ellinS, bartering, or exchanging Coin operated Machines. or in a..ywise dealin in or causing or being concerned with the manufacturing, at11ing, bartering or exchange of a::y liquors, :r;:i shays, gins, rams, brandys, or similiar bave.aLes, containing more than t'nirty per cent alebhal, xithin the corporate limits of the Town of mdv:e,aater, Volusia County, Florida, shall pay to the said Toein for the privilege of conducting the said '';:siress, an occupational license tax in the amount of °'wo Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per year. That any person, partnership, co -partnership or corporation violating the provisions of t!.is orai::ance by failing to pay such tax shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished oy a fine net exceeding; Cne Lundred Dollars ($1CO.00) or by imprisonment for a term of not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Court. Section 13. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, corporation or corporations, to set up for operation, operate, lease, or distribute 57 for the purpose of operating, any. coin -operated device ac defined in Section 132 of this Article without first having obtained a license therefor as herein- after provided. This Article, however, does not apply to machines or divices being displayed or demonstrated by manufacturers, distributors, sales- men and agents, for sales purposes. Definition. Section 14. For the purpose Of this Article, coin -operated devices are.defined and classified as follows: Automatic (a) Automatic coin -operated vending and amuse - Vendors. ment machines with premium features,•,:hich may or may not vend for each coin deposited a standard article of merchandise having a recognished ret,J1 value, and which at intervals vend checks, tokens, coins or order, which may or may not be exchanged for additional merchandise. Hereinafter this type will be referred to as automatic vendors. Skill Machines. (b) Coin -operated skill machines (commonly referred to as Pin- Games, Larble Tables, and similar devices of this type which may have a skill feature), wiJoh may or may not pay a reward for skillful operation, or upon which operation, premiums may or may not be.-,iven for high score or making certain combinations. Such premiums may be awarded either automatically by the machine in the form of checks, tokens or orders, or premiums or may be indicated by a score card attached to the machine. Hereinafter this type will be referred to as skill machines. Trade Machines. (c) Trade machines. These machines have not automatic vending features, althougi: at intervals 58 they indic_.te that patron is e:.titled to--eceive premiums. Hereinafter t�_is type will be referred to as trade machines. Nothing herein contained sl.all be construed to apply to, any coin -operated machine or device which ret.:r:� amusement, entertainment or some service or article of Value or a combination of the above, uniformly as to quantity and quality, upon each insertion of a coin into the sFme, nor to any coin -operated telephone . Other Machines. (d) "Other Lachines". All other coin -operated machines or. slot machines not covered by any of the above definitions, classifications or dis- criptions, shall be classified as "other machines", and shall be subject to an occupational license tax as hereinafter provided. Postage Stamp This ,article shall not apply to coin -operated Machinest United at ates Stamp <:achines. Operator. Section 15. Any person, firm or corporation who leases or rents out, or places, under any kind of contract or arrangement whatso- ever, with any other person, or a location operator, any coin -operated devices, as herein aeiined, shall pay an occupational tax, and shall be known as an "Operator". Any person, firm or corporation, who displays any Location Operator. coin -operated divice or devices, ay herein defined, to the public, to be played or operated by the public, shall be known as a "location operator" and shall pay an occupational tax, as provided in Section 17 hereof. Term of License. Section 16. .;11 licenses shall be due and payable on or before the first day of 59 October of each year, and no license shall be issued for any fractional portion of a year, except as otherwise provided in this Article and except that any license for a location tax may be issued after the first day of April and to expire on the 30th day of September of the same year, upon the payment of one-half of the amount fixed as the price of such license for one year. Fees. Section 17. The fees for such licenses sha11 be as follows: Each Operator of automatic vendgrs, or skill machines, or trade machines, or other machines, as defined in this article, shall pay to the Town Clerk an occupational tax of $75.00, and in addition thereto the following occupational tax on each machine as set forth in this Section, and each "location operator" as, efined in Section 15, shall pay an occupational license tax on each machine to the said Town Clerk, as follows: Automatic Vendors ............ $ 15.00 Skill .:[achines............... 5.00 Trade Machines .............. 5.00 Other Lachines............... 250.00 Operation of erection 18. Any and all machines Machines. licensed unaer this .article shell be subject to the following provisions: Age of Patrons. (a) No person in direct charge or supervision of such raachihe shall knowingly permit any person ander twenty-one years of age to engage in the play of such machines. kanner of (b) All machines licensed by this article must Operating. be operated and maintained at all times in an 60 gl "Plugging". Application for License. Issuance., orderly manner, and the operation thereof shall be conducted with the same dignity an any other well regulated besiness. (c) Provided that no automatic vending machine shall at any time be "plugged" or changed in any manner so as to alter its ratio of premiums. Section 19. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to operate any of the machines heretofore described in this Article within the City limits of the Town of Edgewater shall first make up application for a license for the privilege of operating any such machines as are herein described in the Town of Edgewater to the Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, and, upon the filing of such application with the Town Clerk, the said Town Clerk shall thereupon, upon payment of the license charges, as provided by this Article, issue to the said applicant the license as applied for in said appl-cation, and applications received by the Town Clerk shall be numbered in the order in wl.ich such applications are filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and the said Town Clerk shall issue licenses in the same order in which applications are filed with the said Clerk, and no license shall be issued by said Clerk without having first �eceived in cash the amounts of money provided in this .article for license fees on the machine or machines described in such application, and the Town Clerk shall not grant the application of any person, persons, firm or corporation to operate any of the Limitation of m:-,chines described in this Article in excess of one Number of Pachines. such macr.ine to each one hundred (100) persons in zhe Town of Edgewater, according to the last QL t State or Federal census. 61 Identification Section 20. Concurrently with the Plates. issuance of the licenses for each machine, the Town Clerk shall issue a metal plate or other device upon which shall a,pear the serial number of the machine, and the manufacturer's serial number of the machine, for which he or she shall receive a fee of Two Dollars7 which shall be in lieu of any other compensation, and vik.ich shall be in full for services required by this Article; which plates mgst be firmly attached and prominently displayed thereon. Penalty. section 21. Any person, firm or corporation eagaged in the operation of coin -operated machines as herein defined, violating any of the provisions of Sections 12 to 19 inclusive of this Article, shall be subject to a fine of not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or to imprison- ment for not more than sixty (60) days, or to both such fine and imprisonment, for each and every violation at the discretion of the Layor. Disposition of Section 22. All moneys collected here- Lioneys. under are hereby appropriated to the General Fund of said Town. Gambling Devices erection 23. 110 Article or parts of excluded. Articles which have for their purpose the pro- hibition of Uambling uevices shall be construed to apply to licensed coin -operated machines, as defined and permitted under this Article. Where I%chines section 24. 1To machines operated may be Cperated. under the provisions of this Article stall be maintained or operated within three hundred feet of any public school or church; provided, ho•aever, that this shall not apply to any machine operated 62 or maintained in any hotel. Saving Clause. Section 25. If any section, portion or clause of this ..rticle for any reason shall be held void, inoperative or unconstitutional such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect or invalidate the remaining section or provisions thereof. Termination of Jection 26. Where the business License Refund. covered by any license is terminated prior to the first day of July in any year the Town Clerk ba and he is hereby authorized on application of the owner or holder of said license to cancel said license and refund to said licensee one-half of the anount originally paid for said license, unless otherwise herein provided. The application herein referred to shall be under oath setting forth the termination of the licensed business and accompanied with a Tender of a license certificate. This section stall not apply to any beveraLe license, nor any coin - operated machine license. ARTICLE 7NI. R L P E A L Section 1. That the following ordinances of the Town of Edgewater be and the same are hereby repealedi Ordinance numbers - 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 19, 24, 26, 28, :i9, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 63 59, 60& 62, 63, 64& 65& 66& 67& 68, 69& 72, 73, 742 that all parts and portions of ordinances numbers 11& 12& 18 and 21 be a,.d the same are hereby repealed insofar as the same are incon- sistent herewith. This Ordinance was read a first time in full and passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida? at a regular meeting of said Town Council, on the 2nd day of August& 1938. upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried& the requirement of reading this Ordinance upon second reading was waived and this Ordinance was ordered put upon its final passage at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of 7dgewaterj held the 2nd day of August 1938. Said Ordinance was passed at said regular meeting upon its final passage with the unanimous vote of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, and approved as provided by law this 2nd day of August& 1938& the vote of the Council being as follows& �O ayorr� ounc an U �`. Cou cilman Counci man Approved this day of 06t)S A. D. 1938. or�