10-09-2012 - Evaluation Process CommitteeEVALUATION PROCESS COMMITTEE
OCTOBER 9, 2012
1:00 P.M.
The meeting started at 1:00 p.m.
Committee members present were: City Manager Tracey Barlow, City
Clerk Bonnie Wenzel, Personnel Director Donna Looney, Councilwoman
Gigi Bennington, and Councilman Gene Emter.
1) Approval of Minutes
ar Meetinq of October 2, 2012
City Clerk Wenzel moved to approve the October 2, 2012 minutes, second
by Councilman Emter.
2) Review Evaluation Forms for the Same Position
Councilman Emter felt the minutes were excellent but felt there was no
reason for them to be verbatim. He felt it was great but that it was
overkill. Councilwoman Bennington agreed.
It was the consensus of the Committee to have shorter minutes.
Councilman Emter mentioned the task today being to come up with some
specifics. He and City Manager Barlow constructed a sample draft for
the City Manager and City Clerk.
City Manager Barlow described how he constructed his sample with
regard to the format.
There was a discussion amongst the Committee regarding which samples
they liked and why. City Manager Barlow felt they needed to decide
which format they were going to use and then look at the content.
There was a discussion regarding whether comments should be included
on the evaluation form.
Personnel Director Looney commented on the cover letter she created,
which Councilman Emter felt would be needed.
Evaluation Process Committee
October 9, 2012
There was a discussion with regard to incorporating goals into the
evaluation with the goals being discussed at a workshop and not at a
regular Council meeting.
Councilman Emter commented on using a different format for his draft
but the content being similar to City Manager Barlow. He identified
he would prefer to see comments included. He then commented on the
difference between the two drafts with regard to his including Goal
Identification and Major Accomplishments, which there was further
discussion regarding.
The Committee further discussed these items being put on a separate
sheet and given to Council ahead of time.
There was further discussion regarding comments being included on the
evaluation form.
There was also discussion regarding the evaluation forms that were
given to Council in previous years not always being returned.
There was a brief discussion regarding comments being received for low
scores in order to justify the low scores and also helping with
providing direction.
Councilwoman Bennington and City Clerk Wenzel commented on what they
liked or didn't like about the evaluation form samples.
3) Identify Specific Evaluation Criteria
There was then a discussion regarding the evaluation forms being
specific to the position. Councilman Emter felt the specifics needed
to be gone over in terms of the differences with regard to content.
There was then a discussion regarding agenda preparation and execution
being in the City Clerk evaluation instead of providing agendas and
minutes in a timely manner due to her not having control of when
agenda requests are turned in.
Councilwoman Bennington would rather get the agenda packet late than
get an amended agenda. There was further discussion regarding
something not getting on the agenda unless it is critical.
There was then a discussion regarding elections being held every other
year and identifying the item on the evaluation form as only being
applicable in the years elections are held.
City Manager Barlow suggested the language be changed in the City
Clerk evaluation form to be applicable to her position and then
massage whatever additional language to finalize it. Councilman Emter
Evaluation Process Committee
October 9, 2012
suggested he take some of these others and work them out in this
format and then they could be added and put out at one time.
City Clerk Wenzel agreed to have Deputy City Clerk Bloomer send the
format to Councilman Emter.
There was then a discussion regarding adding the goals to the
evaluation forms as well as adding the achieving of the goals.
There was a brief discussion amongst the Committee regarding the
evaluation process for the City Manager and City Clerk.
Councilman Emter felt the goals identified should reappear the
following year.
The Committee then discussed when they should do the evaluations and
when they should be given to the City Manager and City Clerk as well
as the City Council. The City Clerk and City Manager would fill out
their goals in August and it would go to Council in September for them
to complete by October with a workshop in between the October and
November Council meetings.
Councilman Emter suggested on #3 under Process that the "compilation
would be an average score" be put in there. City Manager Barlow
identified "for each category."
There was a brief discussion regarding having an overall average to
include all of the categories as well as within each category.
Councilman Emter and Councilwoman Bennington liked the idea of listing
the process by what events would occur on what dates. Councilwoman
Bennington expressed concern with dragging out the process for four
months and how the process would affect the budget with regard to
City Manager Barlow suggested if they weren't hung up on having a
workshop that they make it a regular meeting agenda item.
Councilwoman Bennington suggested holding a workshop, if necessary.
There was then a discussion regarding doing this in September and
October because of wanting an existing Councilmember to be able to do
an evaluation as opposed to a new Councilmember and because the City
Manager and City Clerk contracts say fiscal year.
City Manager Barlow confirmed he would send the electronic version of
the format to Deputy City Clerk Bloomer to send out to the rest of the
Committee. Councilman Emter would go through the electronic format in
terms of the City Clerk evaluation and translate some of those and get
those back to Deputy City Clerk Bloomer.
Evaluation Process Committee
October 9, 2012
The Committee decided the next meeting would be held on Tuesday,
October 30, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room.
There was a brief discussion regarding Council being provided with an
update of the Committee at their regular meeting.
4) Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Bloomer, CMC
Deputy City Clerk
Evaluation Process Committee
October 9, 2012