03-16-2015 CITY OF EDGEWATER GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES City Hall Council Chambers Monday, March 16, 2015 at 11 :OOAM TRUSTEES PRESENT: Chris Mathewson Brenda Dewees Tyna Hilton TRUSTEES ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: H. Lee Dehner, Board Attorney Doug Lozen, Board Actuary Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator Jack Evatt, Investment Consultant Mark Rhein, Salem Trust Company Brian Bizzell, Salem Trust Company Tracey Barlow, City Manager Julie Christine, HR Department Donna Nichols, City Secretary John McKinney, Finance Director 1. Call to Order Brenda Dewees called the meeting to order at 11:04 AM. 2. Roll Call -As reflected above. 3. Public Comments— None. 4. Approval of Minutes The minutes from the December 15, 2014 quarterly meeting were approved upon motion by Tina Hilton and seconded by Chris Mathewson, motion carried 3-0. 5. New Business a. Discussion of Senate Bill 1128. i. Effective date. 1.The effective date appears to be the date of the collective bargaining agreement since it is later than July 1, 2011. For accrual time, collective bargaining agreement date is September 30, 2013. 1. Tracey Barlow commented that the collective bargaining agreement is silent on this issue. A letter was drafted because this issue affected two (2) members who were retiring and having benefit calculations done. 2. Lee Dehner stated that this needs to be incorporated into the plan document and he will use the letter to draft the ordinance. ii. Replenishment. 1.Discussion if hours can be replenished or not. 1. Lee Dehner commented that the Division allows for replenishment and most plans he works with allow for replenishment. 2. Tracey Barlow commented that there was not a replenishment due to correspondence he had with the Division of Retirement. 1 3. Tyna Hilton stated that she doesn't want to take a benefit away from the members and feels that the Plan should provide for replenishment. 4. Tracy Barlow stated he can have Finance run a report on the cost to allow replenishment. 5. Tyna Hilton stated she would like Finance to run the analysis. 6. Chris Mathewson stated he would like to see replenishment allowed. 7. Tracey Barlow commented that he can check if past members would be affected should replenishment be allowed. 8. Tracey would like to compare a snapshot of all three (3) plans since City Counsel likes to keep plan provisions similar between all plans. The Board voted to allow replenishment, and have Lee Dehner draft the ordinance for the first readinq upon motion by Tyna Hilton and second by Brenda Dewees, motion carried 3- 0. b. Discussion of letters from Julie Christine and Donna Nichols requesting reinstatement into the General Employees Defined Benefit Pension Plan. i. Brenda Dewees asked if this request is allowed. Lee Dehner stated that it is permissible. ii. Tyna Hilton asked if this opens up the option to everyone. Lee Dehner stated that this option would have to be given to all members in a similar position. iii. Tracey Barlow stated that there are the only two (2) members in this scenario. iv. Tyna Hilton asked who pays for the impact statement. Lee Dehner advised the Board that the member should pay the fee for the actuarial impact statement. Doug Lozen commented that if you can go directly to the impact statement, the fee is $1,000. If a cost study is done and then the impact statement, the fee will be $2,000. Lee Dehner stated his fee will be $800 - $1,000 to amend the ordinance. Julie Christine and Donna Nichols agree to pay the fees incurred by the actuary and attorney. V. Tyna Hilton advised Julie and Donna that it's not a guarantee this will be approved. vi. Doug Lozen requested direction from the Board on the two (2) options for calculation. 1.Cost credit savings depending on contribution amount. 1. In a defined benefit plan back to date of hire, rollover member contributions, liability is not matched to the rollover. 2.No impact. 1. Liability is matched up to rollover contributions. Determine what amount of service the defined contribution balance will buy back in the plan. vii. Tyna Hilton commented she is having a hard time moving forward with this request since this has not been an option for other employees. viii. Julie Christine commented that she and Donna Nichols were influenced by the finance director to go into the defined contribution plan, shortly thereafter; new hires were automatically put into the defined contribution plan with no choice for defined benefit plan. ix. Tyna Hilton commented there were other employees who had to make the same decision and they didn't get the option to change their mind years down the road. X. Julie Christine asked the Board to take into consideration the long work history they have with the City. xi. Donna Nichols agreed that she felt misguided and is fine with what the Board decides. 2 xii. Chris Mathewson stated this is a closed plan and he would have sought financial direction from a professional regarding which plan was best. As a union steward he thinks that it is a bad idea to allow reinstatement. xiii. Julie Christine commented that there were only a handful of employees who had to make the decision of choosing between defined benefit and the defined contribution plan. xiv. Brenda Dewees commented that while only two (2) employees working for the City have had an issue with this, there may be others who are no longer working for the City and are in the same situation. Brenda asks if this would open up the option to them as well. Lee Dehner stated it could. xv. Doug Lozen commented that there would/will always be a future cost if they were allowed to enroll in the defined benefit plan. Current plan provisions would be locked and the actuary will determine their date of hire based on the current plan benefit contributions. It would be $1,250 to run options (1) and (2) previously discussed. xvi. Brenda Dewees stated Julie and Donna should make the decision on what information they want since they're paying the fee. Julie and Donna agree to split the fee of$1,250 to run both options. xvii. Lee Dehner commented this is a unique situation and the Board may hear from others that want the same opportunity. xviii. Tracey Barlow commented that Donna Looney indicated these were the only two (2) employees in this same situation. The Board approved to table the discussion of reinstatement until a full board is in place and present upon motion by Tyna Hilton and second by Chris Mathewson, motion carried 3-0. c. Discussion of the two (2) council appointed trustee positions. i. Ferrell Jenne informed the Board that no applications have been submitted. ii. Tracey Barlow stated he would reach out to Council for help in finding applicants. iii. Lee Dehner advised the Board that they can recruit applicants as long as they do not discuss issues outside a public board meeting. d. Discussion of Salem Trust fee proposal. i. Jack Evatt presented a fee proposal evaluation of Salem Trust and other custodians. He briefly discussed each custodian, their services, and associated fees. ii. Jack stated that the list contains providers their current clients are using and are happy with. He asks the Board to take into consideration their level of satisfaction with the service they've been receiving from Salem Trust. iii. Jack's recommendation is to consider Salem Trust and Regions Bank. iv. John McKinney stated there are no issues with Salem other than the conversion problems previously experienced, and Salem worked with the finance department to get them information during this time. V. Jack Evatt commented that both Regions and Salem use the same system so there will be consistency in the statements. Jack also commented that there are cities that use different custodians for each of their pension plans. vi. Lee Dehner informed the Board that the fee for him to produce a new contract would be approximately $700-$800. vii. Jack Evatt reviewed the process for changing custodians. Both the existing and new custodian coordinate the conversion with little involvement from the Board. The process would take approximately three (3) months or less. viii. Lee Dehner commented that there is no termination fee. 3 ix. Mark Rhein stated the contract goes back to 2010. Funding did not happen until July 2013. He commented that Salem has a deep staff presence in Florida. If a conversion occurs, retirees will receive two (2) 1099s, making tax preparation more complicated. Mark informed the Board of their contract agreement which provides an automatic discount if they are not satisfied with Salem's service. X. Jack Evatt commented that Key Bank and Comerica are larger firms but do not have the presence in Florida like Salem. The Board voted to retain Salem Trust as their custodian upon motion by Chris Mathewson and second by Tvna Hilton, motion carried 3-0. xi. Mark Rhein stated they will give the Board a three (3) year fee guarantee of$8,500. 6. Reports a. Bogdahn Group, Performance Evaluator, Jack Evatt. a. Quarterly Report as of December 31, 2014. 1. Net earnings for the quarter were 2.93%, outperforming the policy benchmark of 2.48% by 0.45% points. 2. Since inception, the fund is at 4.80%, underperforming the policy benchmark of 5.65% by -0.85% points. 3. Jack Evatt commented the domestic equity portfolio did well, but fixed income managers got caught in over-weighted corporate bonds. 4. Jack stated it was an overall good quarter. 5. The Board had no questions. b. Change of internal control memo. 1. Joe Bogdahn sold the majority of his shares to Mike Welker. No change in operations, moving from a family owned business to an employee owned company. SEC requires that Bogdahn notifies the Board via consent form. 2. Lee Dehner stated that he reviewed the memo and has no issues with the Board executing the document. The Board approved the execution of the Bogdahn consent form upon motion by Tvna Hilton and second by Chris Mathewson, motion carried 3-0. b. Foster and Foster, Board Actuary, Doug Lozen. a. Presentation of the October 1, 2014 Actuarial Valuation Report. 1. The contribution amounts of the October 1, 2014 report are applicable for plan/fiscal year ended September 30, 2016. 2. The Plan experienced a gain, meaning all actuarial assumptions were exceeded in total. The primary sources of favorable experience included an investment return of 11.0%, exceeding the 7.5% assumption, and lower than expected increases in salaries. 3. The total required contribution reduced from $734,663 down to $667,550. 4. The balance due from the City reduced from $719,882 down to $657,825. 5. There are prior investment gains that haven't been realized yet due to the four (4) year asset smoothing. Unfunded liability is decreasing at a good rate. 6. Doug commented that the Plan's funded ratio increased from 65% to 72% on the new GASB basis with the October 1, 2014 valuation. This explains the decrease in the City's funding obligation. 4 The Board voted to approve the October 1, 2014 Valuation Report as presented, upon motion made by Tvna Hilton and second by Chris Mathewson, motion carried 3-0. The Board voted the declaration of returns for the Plan shall be 7.5%, based on the recommendation of their consultant, for the next year, the next several years, and the long-term thereafter net of investment related expenses, upon motion made by Tvna Hilton and second by Chris Mathewson, motion carried 3-0. c. Christiansen and Dehner, Board Attorney, Lee Dehner. a. Legislative Update. 1. Lee Dehner discussed current bills that will be considered at the spring legislative session. a. Senate Bill 534, the State will only post calculations on their website that are required by the statute. Mr. Dehner reminded the Board that they can post additional calculations on the City's website which must be done within 60 days of valuation approval. b. Senate Bill 242, if passed, would require all local law plans to use the same mortality table as the FRS. The FRS table is more conservative than the current table being used. c. Senate Bill 224 pertains to public records notification when doing contracts with vendors. 7. Disbursements Disbursements were approved as stated on the agenda upon motion made by Tvna Hilton and second by Chris Mathewson, carried 3-0. 8. Staff Reports, Discussion, and Action a. The Board directs Ferrell Jenne to reach out to Mr. Robert Graham regarding overpayment. An interest rate of 7.5% should be assessed if a payment plan is not set up. b. The Board directs Ferrell Jenne to handle the Polizzi and Bosse retirement processing by sending all salary requests to Donna Looney and all benefit calculations to members. Donna should be copied on the benefit calculations in case these members have any questions. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 1:10pm. 10. Next Meetinq June 15, 2015 at 11:OOAM. Respectfully submitted by: Approved by: Name: Ferrell Jenne Name: Title: Plan Administrator Title: Date Approved By the Pension Board: 5