09-20-2013 - Seminar - Roberts Rules , A T ER CITY OF EDGEWATER Meeting Minutes Roberts Rules of Order Seminar Friday, September 20, 2013 7:30 A.M. Council Chambers 1. PRESENTATION -ROBERT RULES OF ORDER a. Kenneth Bohannon, Esq., Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce (SEVCC) board member, and Samantha Bishop, SEVCC Executive Director, gave a presentation on Roberts Rules of Order. This presentation was received and filed. b. After the presentation, the seminar group discussed: calling for a point of order; the Chair is the only one who can call for a "recess"; the Sunshine Law only applying to public organizations; a board member giving another board member their proxy, and board by-laws; knowing when to close a debate, and techniques to close a debate; the Sunshine Law not allowing an individual who is a"member elect" to meet with current board members; home owners associations not having to comply with the Sunshine Law; when to use privileged motions; always needing a second on a motion before having a debate; allowing the public to speak, and establishing time limits under board policies and procedures; limiting debates by limiting the number of allowed questions; and the correct way to "call the question". 2. ADOURN There being no further business to discuss,Mr. Bohannon adjourned the meeting at 8:35 a.m. Minutes submitted by: Mitch Honaker, Deputy City Clerk