WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following
WHEREAS, in June 2005, City Council approved restating the existing Personnel Policies
and Procedures Manual into three (3) separate manuals which would cover the (1) GenerallNon-
Management Personnel; (2) Supervisory Personnel; and (3) Management Personnel- Department
DirectorslDeputy Directors.
WHEREAS, upon review of the current policies, it has been determined that there is a need
to modify Section 7.04 (Pay) in the GenerallNon-Management, Supervisory, and Management
Policies and Procedures Manuals. Section 8.07 (Sick Leave) would be modified in the GenerallNon-
Management and Supervisors Policies and Procedures Manuals.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Edgewater, Florida:
Section 1.
Section 7.04 (Pay) has been modified to reflect paychecks will be distributed
weekly, not bi-weekly in the Personnel Policies and Procedures for GenerallNon-Management
Personnel; for Supervisory Personnel and for Management Personnel dated August 2006, attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibits "A", "B" and "c" (respectively), are hereby
Section 2.
Section 8.07 (Sick Leave) has been modified to reflect that with a minimum
of seven (7) years of service, not ten (10), an employee may exchange one (1) hour sick leave for one
(1) hour of pay and that an employee with less than seven (7) years of service, not five (5) may
exchange sick leave at a rate of two (2) hours (not three (3)) sick leave for one (1) hour of pay in the
Personnel Policies and Procedures for General/Non-Management Personnel and for Supervisory
Personnel dated August 2006, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibits "D"
and "E" (respectively), are hereby approved.
Section 3.
The Interim City Manager is directed and authorized to make certain that the
aforesaid Personnel Policies and Procedures Manuals are included as part of the City of Edge water' s
personnel system, Administrative Code and Personnel Policy and Procedures Manuals.
Section 4.
hereby repealed.
Section 5.
All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are
This resolution shall take effect upon adoption.
After Motion to approve by
Councilwoman Rhodes
and Second by
Councilwoman Lichter
, the vote on this resolution was as follows:
Mayor Mike Thomas
Councilman Debra 1. Rogers
Councilman Dennis A. Vincenzi
Councilwoman Harriet B. Rhodes
Councilwoman Judy Lichter
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 21 at day of August, 2006.
For the use and reliance only by the City of
Edgewater, Florida. Approved as to form and
legality by: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esquire
City Attorney
Foley & Lardner, LLP
Mike Thomas
Robin L. Matusick
Approved by the City Council of the City of
Edgewater at a meeting held on this 21 st day
of August, 2006 under Agenda Item No.
6 M.
The Management Personnel Policies and Procedures apply to Department Director
positions, Deputy Director positions, Assistant City Manager and Fire Captain. In the
event an employment agreement has been entered into with the City, and a conflict exists
between these policies and the agreement, the contents of the agreement prevails.
The Supervisory Personnel Policies and Procedures apply to the following positions:
Public Works Superintendent, Stormwater Superintendent, Field Operations
Superintendent, Wastewater Collections Superintendent, Wastewater Plant
Superintendent, Water Plant Superintendent, Community Services Supervisor,
Fire/Rescue Lieutenant, and Fire Marshall.
The General Non-Management Personnel Policies and Procedures apply to the
following positions: Personnel Administrative Assistant, Deputy City Clerk, CRNGrant
Administrator, Management Information Specialist, Para Lega~ Accountant, Firefighters
EMT/Paramedics, FirefRescue Driver Operators.
These provisions also apply to all general/ non-management employees. In the event
there is a conflict between these policies and their respective collective bargaining
agreements, the contents of the agreements prevail.
Genera~ ~on Management Personnel
'-'" ....,
b. Operational
When a demotion is initiated due to operational requirements or for the
convenience of the City, the rate of pay may be reduced, and cannot exceed the
maximum pay rate of the new classification.
c. Reduction in Force
When a position is abolished and the employee accepts a position In a lower
classification, the rate of pay may be reduced.
d. Performance
When an employee is demoted due to an inability to meet performance
requirements, the employee's salary will have to be adjusted to fit within the
salary range of the pay classification.
e. Disciplinary
An employee may be demoted as a disciplinary measure. The rate of pay shall be
D. Transfer:
1 . When employee is transferred from one position to another in the same classification or
to a position in another classification with the same pay range he may continue to be
paid at the same pay rate and shall retain his anniversary date.
2. The transferred employee shall serve a six (6) months probationary period upon entering
a new position.
2. The promoted employee may be required to take a drug test. A physical will be required
if the new position warrants.
E. Reclassification
When a job changes significantly in terms of job content and responsibilities, a reclassification
may be considered and may result in a higher or lower classification:
1. If the position is downgraded, the new rate of pay shall be determined by the policy
described in Section C above: Demotions - Operational.
2. When an occupied position is upgraded, the new rate of pay shall be determined by the
policy described in Section B above: Promotions.
7.04 flAY
A. Payday
Effeotive Januory 2006, Paychecks will be distributed bi-weekly.
B. Pay Advances
The City of Edgewater does not make advances on any employee's pay except in the case of
C. Pay Period
The pay period runs bi-weekly from Sunday through Saturday
D. Separation from Employment
Persons leaving the employment of the City between regular paydays will receive their
paychecks at the next regular payday. All City property must be turned in at the time of
separation and prior to receiving final payor the c.ost of such property will be reimbursed to
the City before the release of a final paycheck. Because the City may pay insurance premiums
one month in advance, the prorated cost of the coverage for the remainder of the month will
be deducted from the employee's final paycheck.
August 2006
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'-' .....,
8. The City has the right to require a doctor's certificate supporting a request for a leave
due to a serious illness of the employee or the serious illness of a child, spouse or parent
of the employee. The City has the right to require the employee, at the City's expense,
to. obtain the opinion of a second doctor as to his condition or the condition of a
seriously ill parent, spouse or child.
9. At the conclusion of any leave taken under this section, the employee shall be restored
to his previous position, or an equivalent position with equivalent employment benefits,
pay and other terms and conditions of employment. The employee shall not be entitled
to the accrual of seniority or other benefits during any unpaid term of the leave.
10. The employee's health insurance benefits will be continued during the leave of absence
at the same level and conditions as if the employee had continued to work. If however
the employee fails to return to work at the completion of the leave, the City has the right
to recover from the employee the premiums paid for maintaining medical insurance
11. Any employee taking leave under this section shall be required to periodically report to
the City on the status and intention of the employee to return to work.
12. Any employee paid among the top 10% and considered by the City as a "key employee"
may not be entitled to reinstatement upon expiration of leave if reinstatement would
cause substantial and grievous economic injury to the City's operation.
13. Prior to returning to work, in cases of serious illness of the employee, the City has the
right to require of the employee a doctor's certificate stating that the employee is able to
return to work.
All Family and Medical Leave will be arranged through the Personnel Director.
All employees of the City shall be entitled to sick leave and compensation therefore under the following
terms and conditions:
A. In order to receive pay for sick leave an employee must notify the Supervisor, Department
Director or designee of the specific employee's department, at the start of the work day which
he will miss.
B. Sick leave will be earned at the rate of eight (8) hours for each month of service for general
employees and shall accumulate up to a maximum of five hundred (500) hours. Sick leave will
be earned at the rate of twelve (12) hours for each month of service for Fire/Rescue employees
and shall accumulate up to a maximum of seven hundred twenty (720) hours. In order for a
general employee to exchange sick leave for cash, they must maintain one hundred sixty (160)
hours accumulated sick leave. In order for Fire/Rescue employees to exchange sick leave for
cash, they must maintain two hundred forty (240) hours accumulated sick leave.
1. Any employee covered under these policies and procedures with a minimum of ten (10)
seven (7) years of service with the City may exchange one (1) hour sick leave for one (1)
hour of pay.
2. Any employee covered under these polioies and procedufCS .....ith at least fi'./o (6) yeors of
servioe and less than ten (10) '(ears of service with the City may exohonge sick leave at
o rote of two (2) hours sick lemf(} for one (1) hour of pay.
~ 2. Any employee covered under these policies and procedures with less than fivo (6) $even
ill years of service with the City may exchange sick leave at a rate of three (3) two (2)
hours sick leave for one (1) hour of pay.
1\.1}gus t 2006 24
Supervisory Personnel
c. Red~n in Force ....,
When a position is abolished and the Supervisor accepts a position in a lower
classification, the rate of pay may be reduced.
d. Performance
When a Supervisor is demoted due to an inability to meet performance
requirements, the Supervisor's salary will have to be adjusted to fit within the
salary range of the pay classification.
e. Disciplinary
A Supervisor may be demoted as a disciplinary measure. The rate of pay shall be
D. Transfer
1 . When a Supervisor is transferred from one position to another in the same classification
or to a position in another classification with the same pay range he shall continue to be
paid at the same pay rate and shall retain his anniversary date.
2. The transferred (40-hour week) Supervisor shall serve a six (6) months probationary
period upon entering a new position. The transferred (53-hour week) Fire Supervisor
shall serve a one (1) year probationary period upon entering a new position.
3. The promoted Supervisor may be required to take a drug test. A physical will be
required if the new position warrants.
E. Reclassification
When a job changes significantly in terms of job content and responsibilities, a reclassification
may be considered and may result in a higher or lower classification.
1. If the position is downgraded, the new rate of pay shall be determined by the policy
described in Section C above: Demotions - Operational.
2. When an occupied position is upgraded, the new rate of pay shall be determined by the
policy described in Section 8 above: Promotions.
7.04 PAY
A. Payday
Effective January 2006, Paychecks will be distributed bi--weekly.
B. Pay Advances
The City of Edgewater does not make advances on any Supervisor's pay except in the case of
C. Pay Period
The pay period runs from Sunday through Saturday.
D. Separation from Employment
Persons leaving the employment of the City between regular paydays will receive their
paychecks at the next regular payday. All City property must be turned in at the time of
separation and prior to receiving final payor the cost of such property will be reimbursed to
the City before the release of the final paycheck. Because the City may pay insurance
premiums one month in advance, the prorated cost of the coverage for the remainder of the
month will be deducted from the Supervisor's final paycheck.
August 2006
U\..Aor.....~ V..........,..........J
8. The City ~he right to require a doctor's certificate ~orting a request for a leave
due to a serious illness of the employee or the serious illness of a child, spouse or parent
of the employee. The City has the right to require the employee, at the City's expense,
to obtain the opinion of a second doctor as to his condition or the condition of a
seriously ill parent, spouse or child.
9. At the conclusion of any leave taken under this section, the employee shall be restored
to his previous position, or an equivalent position with equivalent employment benefits,
pay and other terms and conditions of employment. The employee shall not be entitled
to the accrual of seniority or other benefits during any unpaid term of the leave.
10. The employee's health insurance benefits will be continued during the leave of absence
at the same level and conditions as if the employee had continued to work. If however
the employee fails to return to work at the completion of the leave, the City has the right
to recover from the employee the premiums paid for maintaining medical insurance
11. Any employee taking leave under this section shall be required to periodically report to
the City on the status and intention of the employee to return to work.
12. Any employee paid among the top 10% and considered by the City as a "key employee"
may not be entitled to reinstatement upon expiration of leave if reinstatement would
cause substantial and grievous economic injury to the City's operation.
13. Prior to returnir1g to work, in cases of serious illness of the employee, the City has the
right to require of the employee a doctor's certificate stating that the employee is able to
return to work.
All Family and Medical Leave will be arranged through the Personnel Director.
All Supervisors of the City shall be entitled to sick leave and compensation therefore under the following
terms and conditions:
A. In order to receive pay for sick leave a Supervisor must notify the Department Director or
designee of the specific Supervisor's department, at the start of the work day, which he will
B. Sick leave will be earned at the rate of eight (8) hours for each month of service for general
Supervisors and shall accumulate up to a maximum of five hundred (500) hours. Sick leave
will be earned at the rate of twelve (12) hours for each month of service for Fire/Rescue
Supervisor and shall accumulate up to a maximum of seven hundred twenty (720) hours. In
order for a general Supervisor to exchange sick leave for cash, they must maintain one
hundred sixty (160) hours accumulated sick leave. In order for Fire/Rescue Supervisor to
exchange sick leave for cash, they must maintain two hundred forty (240) hours
accumulated sick leave.
1. Any Supervisor covered under these policies and procedures with a minimum of tefl
{-1-G} seven (7) years of service with the City may exchange one (1) hour sick leave
for one (1) hour of pay.
2. Any Suporvisor oovorod undor thoso polioies and prooedures .....ith at loast fiva (5)
yoors of santioo and loss than ton (10) '(oars of sen.'ioe .....ith the City may exohange
sick loave at a rato of two (2) hours siok loave for ono (1) hour of poy.
3. 2. Any Supervisor covered under these policies and procedures with less than five (5)
seven (7) years of service with the City may exchange sick leave at a rate of #tree
~ two (2) hours sick leave for one (1) hour of pay.
The Supervisor exchanging sick leave for pay must submit the appropriate form to the
Department Director no later than June 1 of each fiscal year. Failure to submit this form prior to
June 1 will result in an employee's accrued sick leave being "banked" for future use of pay-off as
provided herein. Any sick leave taken after the filing of such form shall first be deducted from
accrued sick leave "in the bank" and, secondly, from those days for which payment is sought but
not yet paid. The payments made hereunder shall be issued by the City on or about the first
Thursday of December.
August 2006
flaUtlgemen~ rerSOnnel
B. Demotion '-" ...""
A demotion occurs when a Director/Deputy Director is reassigned to a position in a lower
classification than the position from which the assignment is made. The new rate of pay is
determined by the type of demotion. When demoted a Director/Deputy Director retains his
original anniversary/benefit dates.
1. Policy and Guidelines:
a. Requested Demotions
When a Director/Deputy Director requests a demotion due to inability to perform
the work due to health or other reasons, the Director/Deputy Director may be
moved to a lower job classification upon the approval of the Personnel Director
and the City Manager. When a demotion of this nature occurs, there shall
normally be a reduction in pay, however, with the City Manager's approval the
Director/Deputy Director's salary may remain the same, as long as said salary fits
within the pay range of the classification they are being moved to.
b. Operational
When a demotion is initiated due to operational requirements or for the
convenience of the City, the rate of pay may be reduced, and cannot exceed the
maximum pay rate of the new classification.
c. Reduction in Force
When a Directors/Deputy Directors position is abolished and the Director/Deputy
Director accepts a position in a lower classification, the rate of pay may be
d. Performance
When a Director/Deputy Director is demoted due to an inability to meet
performance requirements, the Director's/Deputy Director's salary will have to be
adjusted to fit within the salary range of the pay classification.
e. Disciplinary
A Director/Deputy Director may be demoted as a disciplinary measure. The rate of
pay shall be reduced.
7.04 PAY
A. Payday
Effective January 2006. Paychecks will be distributed bi-weekly.
B. Pay Advances
The City of Edgewater does not make advances on any Director's/Deputy Director's pay
except in the case of vacation.
C. Pay Period
The pay period runs from Sunday through Saturday.
D. Separation from Employment
Persons leaving the employment of the City between regular paydays will receive their
paychecks at the next regular payday. All City property must be turned in at the time of
separation and prior to receiving final payor the cost of such property will be reimbursed to
the City before the release of the final paycheck. Because the City may pay insurance
premiums one month in advance, the prorated cost of the coverage for the remainder of the
month will be deducted from the employee's final paycheck.
August 2006