09-02-2015 _ City of Edgewater 104 N.Riverside Drive ° Edgewater,FL 32132 i cc—r -EIDGEWATER Meeting Minutes Economic Development Board Wednesday,September 2,2015 8:00 AM Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Jamison called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present 8- Jeff Berner,Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Oscar Zeller,Donna Snow,William Wetherell, Brandon Beck and Laura Smith Excused I- Cecil Selman Also Present I- Mitch Honaker 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. AR-2015-108 Approval of Minutes: Regular meeting of July 1,2015. 0 Chair Jamison called for a motion to approve the Economic Development Board meeting minutes of July 1, 2015. A motion was made by member Wetherell, second by member Berner,to approve the Minutes. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote: Yes: 8- Jeff Berner,Bliss Jamison,Marcia Barnett,Oscar Zeller,Donna Snow,William Wetherell, Brandon Beck,and Laura Smith Excused: I- Cecil Selman 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Cardboard Boat Race -Councilman Dan Blazi Councilman Blazi gave a presentation on Edgewater holding a cardboard boat race. This presentation was received and filed. During, and after the presentation, the Economic Development Board and Councilman Blazi discussed.- what a cardboard boat race regatta is; the event being held during the next Expo; time and event specifics not being firm yet; getting the word out to local businesses and organizations; providing a copy of Councilman Blazi's presentation to EDB members; coordinating with local schools; sending out a challenge to local boat manufacturers to compete against each other; having categories of race entrants, and nothing being etched in stone; liability, the age of riders, and working out those types of details at a later date; there being no entrance fee for the race; utilizing the knowledge of other cities that have held the event in the past; prizes and trophies, such as a 'Mayor's Cup'; and they discussed some of the categories that could be used for the Regatta. City of Edgewater Page I Printed on 911012015 Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 2,2015 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None at this time. 6. REPORTS a. Planning and Zoning Board Update Planning and Zoning board member Paul Wright reported: the City's zoning changes and future land use map changes have all been approved for the business that used to be known as Chaps, so now they can begin to do their upgrades and make it a useful restaurant for Edgewater. He also stated that several board members noted there was a very large number of kayaks and canoes throughout the area on the day of the last Bluewater trail event; he feels the event came off real well; and he suggested one of the things Edgewater should do in promoting itself is to market how easy a walk it is from Kennedy park to local businesses, such as food stores, and the hardware store. b. SEVCC Update EDB member Donna Snow provided a Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce (SEVCC) report. She discussed.- the September 3, 2015 SEVCC luncheon, and having a guest speaker from Kennedy Space Center to speak on current and future space programs; the SEVCC golf tournament on October 2, 2015 at the Sugar Mill golf course; the SEVCC membership drive kicked off on September 1, 2015, and their goal is to recruit 60 new members over the next 60 days; she encouraged everyone to provide leads to the SEVCC; and discussed the next Business Boot Camp, which starts on September 16, 2015, in the Edgewater Council Chambers. c. City Manager/Economic Development/Redevelopment Coordinator Economic Development/Redevelopment Coordinator Samantha Bishop reported: it being a very busy couple of months for economic development; she, as a part of a team, along with IT GIS Technician, Frank Vignati, will be making a presentation at the September 14, 2015 Council meeting about a new web page tool. Mr. Vignati has created a searchable map where you can find available vacant lots; every registered business in Edgewater; and she discussed the type of information that can be found on each business. She gave a demonstration of how to use the Commercial Property program; discussed several of it's features; and how the program can be used in new business recruiting. She and EDB member Oscar Zeller reported: on the progress being made by the Technical Subcommittee to bring manufacturer specific training to Edgewater; their meeting with Tom LoBasso, the new Daytona State College President, and local manufacturers; Daytona State College holding a Certified Production Technician class, starting in January, at the DSC-South campus; the business community promoting the class to help fill it; building an awareness in the area about the manufacturing career field,- holding a job fair, not just for the Southeast Volusia area, but for regional recruiting too; and Ms. Bishop thanked Mr. Zeller for all of his hard work in bringing manufacturer specific training to the area. Member Beck stated that he, along with Frank Mercer, took a tour of the Daytona State College, Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing facilities at the Advanced Technology Center; they had wondered about possibly holding a manufacturers course there, but logistically he was not sure how City of Edgewater Page 2 Printed on 911012015 Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 2,2015 that would work. However, they did discuss: in the past DSC had a finishing, and a lamination class at the main campus; due to the economic downturn the classes were discontinued and the equipment was sold to someone in New Smyrna Beach; the equipment is sitting outside and not being used; and that Mr. Mercer was going to see if the college can get the equipment back to use for a DSC-South campus finishing school. Ms. Bishop also reported: attending the Florida Economic Development conference in Orlando, which was a great event; a lady from NASA presented their Advanced Technology program; a program where they provide a scientist to a requesting business to assist them with a particular problem; and she asked her to make a presentation at the next Southeast Volusia Economic Development summit, which will be held in the Edgewater Council Chambers, on November 14, 2015. She stated November 7, 2015, is the tentative date for the grand opening of Edgewater's portion of the Rail Trail, to include the trail head, and the trail; and Leisure Services has the lead on the grand opening event, and is working with Volusia County's Parks and Recreation. She also attended a round table discussion on attracting new business, where they discussed the steps to take when trying to attract new businesses. Ms. Bishop discussed: receiving really good leads from Team Volusia, and having several confidential projects in the pipeline; working with Space Florida, Enterprise Florida, and the CEO Business Alliance, which has some very exciting things coming up; she hopes she will be able to share more details with the EDB in the future; Retail Strategies has a potential business prospect as well, which is also confidential at this time; Retail Strategies also attended the International Shopping Centers conference in Orlando; and she is looking forward to Retail Strategies report. Chair Jamison asked Ms. Bishop to share the report with the EDB members when she receives it. She provided the following information from the Special events calendar: September 18, 2015 is the City's American Heart Association Lunch in the Park; September 19, 2015 is Movie in the Park; October 3, 2015 is the Battle of the Badges BBQ cook off at the Rotary CLub; October 31, 2015 is the Haunted Forest and the Trunk or Treat; November 21, 2015 is the Christmas craft show; light up City Hall is November 30 2105; Edgewater's Christmas parade is December 12, 2015; and the parade theme this year is "Sounds of Christmas". She discussed the City launching a new mobile app (application) to the City's web page, where people can scan in a QR code to load the web page on their phone, and it works really well. Mr. Zeller asked about the Restorations project, and Ms. Bishop replied.- the City is working with them on getting water under 195; assisting them in getting marketing materials; and stated that Swallowtail has just joined Team Volusia, and attended their first TVEDC meeting. At this months Council meeting there was a presentation by two representatives from the Northwest Lineman College; their main campus is in Idaho; they have two other campuses, one in California, and one in Texas; and they are looking at establishing a campus in the ParkTowne Industrial Park. City of Edgewater Page 3 Printed on 911012015 Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 2,2015 The college teaches electricians how to be lineman, and how to do the corresponding lineman electrical work; they not not only came to give a presentation, but arrived early so they could get a feel for the community, and the Council; they felt very well received,- they are looking at what incentives are available, and a time frame; and she hopes to be able to make an announcement soon. Chair Jamison asked if the City had any idea what attracted them to this area, and Ms. Bishop replied that the Lineman college works with Duke Energv, FPL, and other large utilities; they discussed their desire to establish another campus, and she believes FPL, one of their biggest customers, asked them to look at establishing a college in this area. Mr. Wetherell stated. they approached Daytona State College; he has worked with them before; DSC college gave them some locations to consider; he has been to their main campus just outside of Boise, Idaho on several occasions; they train people on high tension, high wire, main transmission type lines, which he feels is probably one of, if not the most, dangerous profession in the country; they wanted to use a part of one of the DSC campuses, either DeLand, or New Smyrna Beach, which got the plan kicked off in this area; and that he will be out to their main campus next week. Councilwoman Power stated that one part that interested them at the ParkTowne Industrial Park is they would be right next to DSC-South; Mr. Wetherell stated that the Lineman college would teach them the high wire, and DSC-S would teach their required academic things they need to learn; and Mrs. Bishop stated that they would be able to teach 256 students every 15 weeks. Mr. Beck asked, in a one (1) to 10 scenario, what are the chances the Lineman college would come to Edgewater, and Ms. Bishop stated it was very strong that they would come to the area; and Mr. Whetherell stated that it was better than 50 percent. Ms. Bishop stated that the next Business Expo is March 19, 2016; they were looking at holding it for just one (1)day; and they are considering moving the carnival to another City event venue. Chair Jamison asked if the City was doing any promoting, or having any events for the Rail to Trail grand opening, similar to what was done when the City had the Blueway community paddling event. Ms. Bishop replied the City would probably be coordinating the event between Mr. Corder, Director of Leisure Services, and the City's new event coordinator; and it is technically a County event, since it is a County trail, so the City has to coordinate with the County as well. Chair Jamison mentioned partnering, and her concern of not having a break down in collaboration between boards. The EDB members discussed how far the trail has gone towards Maytown; and the trail having to cross Cow Creek. Mr. Berner volunteered to contact Leisure Services concerning the trail's grand opening event planning, and report back to the EDB at the next meeting. Mrs. Bishop reported.- providing an Edgewater overview presentation at the last Team Volusia meeting on what was going on in the City; the City's strengths, and what opportunities the City is City of Edgewater Page 4 Printed on 911012015 Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 2,2015 looking for; and stated she used a lot of information out of the CEDS. Chair Jamison stated.- she attended the TVEDC meeting, and Ms. Bishop did a fantastic, outstanding job; six cities presented, and when Ms. Bishop was finished presenting on Edgewater, you could feel the pulse of everything Edgewater has going on; other people gave some very nice reports about their City, but she is sure there were people sitting in the audience, thinking "wow, I had no idea that was going on in Edgewater'; and it made her very proud. Vice Chair Barnett asked to have a copy of Ms. Bishop's presentation provided to EDB members. Sue Williams, Executive Vice President, Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce reported.- the SEVCC is pushing hard to try and fill the upcoming Business Boot Camp; they currently have six (6) attendees; the Boot Camp will run September through October for two hours each Wednesday evening; if they do not get 10 attendees scheduled for the Boot Camp they will have to cancel the course, which they do not want to do; she covered some of the course topics; and asked the EDB to let the SEVCC know if they know of anyone interested or who needs to attend. She discussed the Southeast Advertising Authority (SVAA) reducing their budget; their budget not being approved yet; the SVAA budget reduction could affect Edgewater; the SEVCC is willing and ready to assist Edgewater; the need to partner is important, and the time to start partnering is now; and that the SVAA budget is scheduled to come before the County Council sometime in September. Chair Jamison asked Ms. Williams to keep EDB members apprised of the date when the SVAA budget comes up before the County Council. Mr. Wetherell asked what the costs of the Boot Camp is, and Ms. Williams replied that it is very reasonable; it is $79.00 if they are not a member of the SEVCC; $59.00 if they are SEVCC members; and they are running a special for those that join the SEVCC; if they are a member of any other chamber, they deduct $100.00 off the membership fee; the $79.00 costs for the course is invaluable; businesses that have previously attended are showing improvement; it is a five (5) week course; it is limited to a specific number because it is an interactive course; she stated they have obtained quality instructors; and asked EDB members to reach out to businesses and encourage them to attend. 7. CONTINUED BUSINESS None at this time. 8. NEW BUSINESS Chair Jamison discussed: pursuing CEDS Action Item 1.2.7, which is the economic development joint marketing initiative, which they have talked about for a couple of years now; trying to do joint marketing with New Smyrna Beach, and Oak Hill, for the Southeast Volusia area; they have been working to come up with some dates to meet in the Council chambers with NSB, Oak Hill, and the SEVCC; the meeting is for the Economic Development Boards of all of those entities to come together and have a joint meeting; they are trying to establish a meeting date at the end of October; and as soon as they agree on a date, they will let everybody know. City of Edgewater Page 5 Printed on 911012015 Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 2,2015 Chair Jamison stated that they have a huge calendar of events this fall; and thanked everyone for their participation and dedication to the board. Mr. Wetherell asked about the P&Z board presentation; stated that he is not sure how his idea would fit in to the sign ordinance, but maybe the SEVCC or someone should think about what was mentioned earlier about the boat ramp, and signs indicating where businesses are located within walking distance. He discussed putting up a sign pole similar to the one from the old M.A.S.H. TV show; and that maybe the SEVCC, or someone, could take on the project of putting up some kind of nautical post, and sell space to the local business owners so people know where they are; and EDB members concurred that it sounded like a good idea. Chair Jamison asked Councilwoman Power if she had any comments. Councilwoman Power discussed the Northwest Lineman College presentation given to the City Council; and stated that she was very impressed with the amount of research they had done on Edgewater, and with their presentation. 9. BOARD REPORTS None at this time. 10. ADJOURN There being no further business to discuss, Chair Jamison adjourned the meeting at 8:53 a.m. Minutes Submitted by: Mitch Honaker,Deputy City Clerk City of Edgewater Page 6 Printed on 911012015