November 12, 1981
Chairman Millard called the Public Hearing of the Board of Adjustment
to order at 7:10PM in the City Hall conference room.
Members present: Chairman Millard, Mr. Roush, Mrs. Martin, Mrs.
Walker, Mr. Newell.
Also present: Mr. Vanzin, Mr. Ogden, Mr. Warren (Mr. Ogden's business
partner) .
Chairman Millard opened the hearing by explaining the purpose of the
Board. They are required by law to listen to the applicant and weigh
the rights of the applicant with the rights of the community.
Mr. Vanzin is requesting a five foot rear setback variance for a
residence at 107 Carlson Cove.
Chairman Millard verified that the property wasposted'r the legal
ad and certified letters were mailed out to adjoining property owners.
The secretary read a letter from an adjoining property owner, Mr.
Sch~ck. It stated that he had no adversion to the variance on Mr.
Vanzin's house.
Mr. Vanzin described the map of the proposed house. He explained
that because he has to raise the floor elevation of the house up
to the eight foot flood level, his driveway would be too steep and
there would be a problem with water run off. By moving the house
back five feet, it would lessen the steepness of the driveway. It
would also prevent water run off into the adjoining property. He
explained that the stakes on the property now were the original
layout and that he had since changed his mind.
At this time, Chairman Millard placed the applicant under oath.
Mr. Roush noted that the new layout would put the house 20 feet from
the utility pole on the west side, rather than 10 feet on the origi-
nal plan. This would be an additional positive feature to the
variance. There was some discussion of high tides, the elevation
of the house, and water run off from the property. Mr. Newell
wondered if a culvert wouldn't be necessary.
Chairman Millard said he saw no objection to granting the variance
since the house would not be blocking anyone's view.
Upon roll call vote, it CARRIED 5-0 to grant the variance.
Mr. Ogden is requesting a special exception to conduct a transmission
business at 1947 West Park Avenue, which is zoned 1-1.
Chairman Millard placed the applicant under oath. He verified that
the property was posted, the legal ad and certified letters were mailed
Chairman Millard asked the applicant if the residents of the wildwood
Subdivision were aware of this application. Mr. Ogden replied that
he had the notice up and that several people had corne over to him
for service. He said that he had been in operation almost a month.
The secretary read the letter from the Zoning and Planning Board
recommending that the Board of Adjustment grant a special exception
to Mr. Ogden.
The Board discussed special exceptions to the 1-1 zoning. It was
pointed out that anything listed as a permitted use in zones B-2
through B-6 could be a special exception for 1-1. Under B-3 zoning
automotive service centers, and automotive electrical repairs are
allowed. Under B-2 zoning, automobile tune-ups are allowed.
Chairman Millard asked Mr. Ogden if he had a business license. Mr.
Ogden replied that he did not.
Chairman Millard stated he thought there was enough wording in the
zoning ordinances to justify their acceptance of the Zoning and Planning
Board's recommendation. He said that he felt this fell under Article
IX, Sec. 900 (c), that calls for the Board to interpret the zoning
There were some further questions from the Board members, and Mr.
Ogden descrlbed basically what his business does. The Board deter-
mined that cars are not worked on in front of the business, and that
there will not be any unusual hazardous work going on, such as welding.
Mr. Ogden explained that the only thing sitting outside would be
an occasional garbage truck, but that they womld be parked in the
Mr. Newell moved to grant the special exception to Mr. Ogden, seconded
by Chairman Millard.
Chairman Millard explained that this Board does not usua~ly make
motions; he would prefer it stated differently. He also wanted to
make two conditions. The first condition was that Mr. Ogden plant
a buffer zone in front of the entire business between it and the
Wildwood Subdivision. The second condition would be that any cars
left there to be worked on would be either inside or parked in the
rear of the business.
Board of Adjustment Public Hearing 11/12/81
Mr. Ogden agreed with both conditions. He said that he was pillanning
some landscaping anyway. Chairman Millard said the Building Official,
Charlie Murphy, would advise him as to what to plant as a buffer strip.
Chairman Millard stated that he should be granted the special excep-
tion with the two conditions as stated; further, that he will have
planted the buffer strip within a month. Upon roll call vote, the
motion CARRIED 5-0.
Chairman Millard closed the Public Hearing.
There were no objections or corrections to the minutes. Minutes adopted.
Chairman Millard asked the secretary to check with the City Attorney
on the revisions of the ordinances concerning the Board of Adjustment.
There was no further business. Meeting adjourned. 7:55PM.
Minutes submitted by:
Cecelia Moore
Debbie Sigler
Board of Adjustment Public Hearing/Regular Meeting 11/12/81