March 28, 1979
Chairman Millard called the regular meeting of the Edgewater Board
of Adjustment. to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall.
Mr. Millard
Mr. Lupinek
Mr. Poland
Mr. Gnau
Mr. Glaser
Also Present:
Mr. Loveland
Mr. Fredericks
Mr. and ~1 r s. L 0 e s c her
Mr. and Mrs. Shaeffer
Mr. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Stuppy
Mr. Canfield
M r s. ~1 u r p h y
Mr. Loeffler
Chairman Millard asked the Board if there were any corrections
or additions to the Minutes of the February 28, 1979 meeting. He
asked the secretary to make an addition to the minutes stating that
Mr. Cameron had been informed that a buffer would be necessary on
the West line of his property where it borders Mr. Weisenberger~s
property and that on the North line of Mr. Weisenberger's property
the Board of Adjustment said that Mr. Weisenberger could request
a buffer if a building goes up there. This should be called to
the attention of the Building Inspector. Also, in the part of the
minutes referring to Mr. Brown, Mr. Millard said that he would like
to poll the members of the Board and ask them one question only.
"Did we secure Mr. Bro\'Jn's agreement to the conditions before"we
voted for the Special Exception?
Mr. Lupinek: Yes
~1 r. Pol and : Yes
Mr. Gnau: Yes
Mr. Millard: Yes
Mr. Millard added that Mr. Glaser has already spoken at the Council
Meeting where he confirmed that so we will show that he also ~aid
that. Mr. Brown's agreement to the conditions should be part of
the minutes. It is not directly stated in the minutes. The Board':
has just confirmed that that is what transpired and this should be
added to the minutes.
Mr. Millard then asked the Board members when they might be able to
reconvene to hear Mr. Brown's protest about the placement of his
b u i 1 din g . ~1 r. B row n 's not i fie a t ion , '. . t hat hew a sin v i 0 1 a t ion 0 f the
Special Exception, was on March 21, 1979. The 880 Ordinance states
that the enforcement official shall give the permittee notice of
intention to revoke such permit at least ten (10) days prJor to a
Board of Adjustment review. He asked the Board members ,f they
would be able to attend a Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 4, 1979,
to discuss this case. The members agreed on this date for a
Special Meeting.
The Board discussed the variance granted to Mr. Wright by Resolution
No. 759 on December 19, 1977. The Zoning Ordinance (904.06) states
that a "variance applies for an indefinite period of time unless
otherwise specified at the time the variance is granted, except
when a variance has not been used within one (1) year after the
date it was granted, the variance shall be cancelled by the
enforcement official and written notice given to the property owner.
Mr. Millard directed the secretary to notify the building official
so that he can take the necessary action.
Chairman Millard called the Public Hearing portion of the meeting
to order.
The secretary stated that all property had been posted. The Public
Hearing had been duly advertised and the abutting property owners
notified by certified mail. There were no written objections from
abutting property owners.
The first application was from Mr. Robert Stuppy for a variance
to build a single family dwelling on the east side of Riverside Drive
at the end of Orange Ave.
Mr. Canfield, Indian River Real Estate, spoke as a representative
of Mr. Stuppy. The property is being transferred from Mr. Meyers
to Mr. Stuppy. The property has been owned by Mr. Meyers since
1957 and it is a single non-conforming lot of record. The particular
hardship arises because Orange Ave is a platted street on the south
property line, any builder is subject to a 30' setback on the side
which makes it difficult to construct a residence of any sort of
dimension. Orange Ave. is not cut through east of Riverside Drive.
Mr. Millard asked Mrs. Blazi if the Council had discussed this area
recently and if it appeared that the City had any plans to use this
street east of Riverside.
Mrs. Blazi said that the Council had been requested to deed this
particular strip of land back to adjacent property owners. However,
upon the advice of the City Attorney, the Council had denied this
request stating that there were already too few public places of
access to the river and if this was turned back to private property
owners it would continue a trend to inhibit public access to the river.
Mr. Canfield showed the Board a drawing showing the location of the
proposed dwelling.
There was a discussion about riparian rights and the difficulty of
building any kind of bulkhead to protect the property.
Mrs. Alice Murphy spoke from the audience concerning the problem
of continued building on the east side of Riverside Dr.
Mr. Canfield said that his client was asking for relief on the south
side of the property from the side setback from 30' to a 141 side setback.
Also a. 21 reduction from the setback on Riverside Dr. reducing it from
40' to 38'. On the north line they have no problem.
The Board discussed the total area of the property. They are proposing
a house of 60lx 341, a little over 1800 sq. ft.
Mrs. Murphy asked to have the legal description of the property read.
The secretary read the legal description.
Mrs. Murphy asked if this was filled land is it really a lot of record?
The Board determined that this was a lot of record.
Mr. Millard said that the property to the north, owned by Mr. Akeley,
had received a variance but that nothing had been done on the land
for over a year and the variance had been revoked.
Mr. Stuppy said that he was not planning to build on this land for
at least four or five years.
Mr. Millard said that he did not feel that this application had been
well prepared. The Board needs a better drawing that shows the
Mr. Poland spoke about the problem of erosion and protecting the
property east of Riverside Dr. The courts say you can build if
you own the land (riparian rights) but the Environmental Protection
Agency will not grant permits to build into the river.
Mr. Millard said that he did not believe they could consider a
front setback on Riverside. The area of the lot is over 2500' short
of the required area. There is actually 9300 sq. ft. the requirement
is 12,000. It is the practice of this Board to deal only in the dry
land not land in the river. The Board has never granted front setbacks
because of the possible widening of the road and the parklike atmosphere
of Riverside Dr. It would be detrimental to the neighborhood.
Mr. Poland asked if the variance request was for five years from now?
Mr. Canfield said that they had been led to believe that a building
variance once granted would run with the property.
Mr. Millard said that the ordinance states unless otherwise specified
the variance runs with the property and unless otherwise specified
the variance runs for one year. The Board has an option. He asked
Mr. Stuppy how long it would take to make a more careful plat plan
of the house? He would like to suggest that the Board recess this
application and give the applicant more time to prepare his information.
Mr. Poland read from Ordinance 880 concerning the cancellation of
variances not used within one year.
The Board of Adjustment voted to recess this application until
April 25, 1979. The vote was 4-0.
Chairman Millard called a brief recess.
Public Hearing called back to order.
The next application was from Mr. Thomas Loveland for a variance to
extend a wall of his house 41- to enlarge a bathroom.
There were no objections from adjacent property owners.
Mr. Loveland stated that the change would be in conformity with the
rest of his house.
The Board discussed the change and if it would effect the property
in any major way.
The Board of Adjustment voted to grant this variance. The vote
was 4-0.
The n e x tap p 1 i cat ion was fro m Mr. J. I :Swa rt for a va ria n c e to b u i 1 d
a single family residence on the West side of Riverside Dr. at the
corner of Parkwood and Riverside. Mr. Michael Fredericks appeared
as a representative for Mr. Swart.
The Board discussed this building lot with Mr. Fredericks and studied
the plans and drawings that had been submitted to the Board showing
the location of the house on the land.
Mr. Millard said that he was concerned about the rear setback. The
front setback seems to be in line with the rest of the houses on
the street.
The Board discussed the rear setback and it was the consensus of
opinion that this setback was also in line with the rest of the houses.
Mr. Millard said that the Board would need a copy of the deed showing
ownership of the land.
Mr. Fredericks said that he could bring the deed to City Hall tomorrow.
Mr. Millard said that this pre-1974 lot requires a 5 ft. variance
on the front yard and an 8 ft. variance for the back. The Board
agrees that the building lines are in conformity with other homes
on the street. There were no objections from any neighbors.
The Board voted to grant this variance~ subject to the Chairman
reviewing the deed of ownership. The vote was 4-0.
The final"application was from Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loescher for
a Special Exception to operate a used car lot at 1515 S. Ridgewood.
The Board discussed the plans submitted by the Loeschers and the
written answers to questions concerning use of the area~ adjacent
businesses~ parking~ hours of operation~ etc.
The conditions set by the Board were:
1. Those stated by the owners on attached sheet. One night light
for security.
2. No junk cars - operative cars only to be displayed.
3. Area in rear will be completely cleared of debris within 30 days.
4. Screening in rear (east) side of entire buildino.
5. Minor auto repairs within the buildinq. -
6. Outside area to comply with attached drawing.
Mr. Paul Loeffler, owner of the building that the Loeschers will
rent for the used car busines~ agreed to comply with the clearing
of the junk and debris behind the building.
Mr. and Mrs. Loescher agreed with the conditions set by the Board.
There were no objections from adjacent property owners.
The Board voted 3-0 to grant this Special Exceptions with the above
conditions. Mr. Poland abstained from voting for general reasons
and without prejudice to applicant. Mr. Poland said that he did
not believe he could vote on a Special Exception without more definite
guidelines from the Council (governing body).
Mr. Millard informed the Loeschers that the Board imposed conditions
on Special Exceptions according to the power given the Board in the
Zoning Ordinance and also because Special Exceptions are created
because of the desire of the City to control certain types of businesses
and/or building within the City. He also informed the applicants
that failure.to comply with the conditions would mean revocation of
the Special Exception.
New application forms for Board of Adjustment variance and special
exception applications were given to the Board members. Mr. Millard
ask the members to study this form and make any changes or additions
they feel would be helpful. The Board will discuss new application
forms at their next regular meeting.
Mr. Gnau said that he and Mr. Lupinek had checked out Mr. Rickelman's
used car business and the conditions set in the Special Exception
for that business have not been met. There is still no buffer along
the back line of the property.
Mr. Lupinek said that he had noticed what appeared to be major repairs
being done at the used car lot.
The Board agreed that the general appearance of the used car lot was
not neat or orderly.
The Board was informed that the Zoning Enforcement Official has begun
notifying various businesses in the city in regards to buffer zones.
There was no further business before the Board.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi
March 28, 1979
Chairman Millard called the regular meeting of the Edgewater Board
of Adjustment. to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall.
Mr. Millard
Mr. Lupinek
Mr. Poland
Mr. Gnau
Mr. Glaser
Also Present:
Mr. Loveland
Mr. Fredericks
Mr. and Mrs. Loescher
Mr. and Mrs. Shaeffer
Mr. Meyers
Mr. and Mrs. Stuppy
Mr. Canfield
M r s. ~1 u r p h y
Mr. Loeffler
Chairman Millard asked the Board if there were any corrections
or additions to the Minutes of the February 28, 1979 meeting. He
asked the secretary to make an addition to the minutes stating that
Mr. Cameron had been informed that a buffer would be necessary on
the West line of his property where it borders Mr. Weisenberger~s
property and that on the North line of Mr. Weisenberger's property
the Board of .Adjustment said that Mr. Weisenberger could request
a buffer if a building goes up there. This should be called to
the attention of the Building Inspector. Also, in the part of the
minutes referring to Mr. Brown, Mr. Millard said that he would like
to poll the members of the Board and ask them one question only.
"Did we secure Mr. Brown's agreement to the conditions before'.we
voted for the Special Exception?
Mr. Lupinek: Yes
~1r. Poland: Yes
Mr. Gnau: Yes
Mr. Millard: Yes
Mr. Millard added that Mr. Glaser has already spoken at the Council
Meeting where he confirmed that so we will show that he also said
that. Mr. Brown's agreement to the conditions should be part of
the minutes. It is not directly stated in the minutes. The Board"
has just confirmed that that is what transpired and this should be
added to the minutes.
Mr. Millard then asked the Board members when they might be able to
reconvene to hear Mr. Brown's protest about the placement of his
building. Mr. Brown1s n6tification,'.that he was in violation of the
Special Exception, was on March 21, 1979. The 880 Ordinance states
that the enforcement of.ficial shall give the permittee notice of
intention to revoke such permit at least ten (10) days prior to a
Board of Adjustment review. He asked the Board members if they
would be able to attend a Special Meeting on Wednesday, April 4, 1979,
to discuss this case. The members agreed on this date for a
Special Meeting.
The Board discussed the variance granted to Mr. Wright by Resolution
No. 759 on December 19, 1977. The Zoning Ordinance (904.06) states
that a IIvariance applies for an indefinite period of time unless
otherwise specified at the time the variance is granted, except
when a variance has not been used within one (1) year after the
date it was granted, the variance shall be cancelled by the
enforcement official and written notice given to the property owner.
Mr. Millard directed the secretary to notify the building official
so that he can take the necessary action.
Chairman Millard called the Public Hearing portion of the meeting
to order.
The secretary stated that all property had been posted. The Public
Hearing had been duly adverti.sed and the abutting property owners
notified by certified mai.l. There were no written objections from
abutting property owners.
The first application was from Mr. Robert Stuppy for a variance
to build a single family dwelling on the east side of Riverside Drive
at the end of Orange Ave.
Mr. Canfield, Indian River Real Estate, spoke as a representative
of Mr. Stuppy. The property is being transferred from Mr. Meyers
to Mr. Stuppy. The property has been owned by Mr. Meyers since
1957 and it is a single non-conforming lot of record. The particular
hardship arises because Orange Ave is a.platted street on the south
property line, any builder is subject to a 30' setback on the side
which makes it difficult to construct a residence of any sort of
dimension. Orange Ave. is not cut through east of Riverside Drive.
Mr. Millard asked Mrs. Blazi if the Council had discussed this area
recently and if it appeared that the City had any plans to use this
street east of Riverside.
Mrs. Blazi said that the Council had been requested to deed this
particular strip of land back to adjacent property owners. However,
upon-the advice of the City Attorney, the Council had denied this
request stating that there were already too few public places of
access to the river and if this was turned back to private property
owners it would continue a trend to inhibit public access to the river.
Mr. Canfield showed the Board a drawing showing the location of the
proposed dwelling.
There was a discussion about riparian rights and the difficulty of
building any kind of bulkhead to protect the property.
Mrs. Alice Murphy spoke from the audience concerning the problem
of continued building on the east side of Riverside Dr.
Mr. Canfield said that his client was asking for relief on the south
side of the property from the side setback from 30' to a 14' side setback.
Also a. 2' reduction from the setback on Riverside Dr. reducing it from
40' to 381. On the north line they have no problem.
The Board discussed the total area of the property. They are proposing
a house of 60'x 34', a little over 1800 sq. ft.
Mrs. Murphy asked to have the legal description of the property read.
The secretary read the legal description.
Mrs. Murphy asked if this was filled land is it really a lot of record?
The Board determined that this was a lot of record.
Mr. Millard said that the property to the north, owned by Mr. Akeley,
had received a variance but that nothing had been done on the land
for over a year and the variance had been revoked.
Mr. Stuppy said that he was not planning to build on this land for
at least four or five years.
? .
Mr. Millard said that he did not feel that this application had been
well prepared. The Board needs a better drawing that shows the
Mr. Poland spoke about the problem of erosion and protecting the
property east of Riverside Dr. The courts say you can build if
you own the land (riparian rights) but the Environmental Protection
Agency will not grant permits to build into the river.
Mr. Millard said that he did not believe they could consider a
front setback on Riverside. The area of the lot is over 2500' short
of the required area. There is actually 9300 sq. ft. the requirement
is 12,000. It is the practice of this Board to deal only in the dry
land not land in the river. The Board has never granted front setbacks
because of the possible widening of the road and the parklike atmosphere
of Riverside Dr. It would be detrimental to the neighborhood.
Mr. Poland asked if the variance request was for five years from now?
Mr. Canfield said that they had been led to believe that a building
variance once granted would run wit,h the property.
Mr. Millard said that the ordinance states unless otherwise specified
the variance runs with the property and unless otherwise specified
the variance runs for one year. The Board has an option. He asked
Mr. Stuppy how long it would take to make a more careful plat plan
of the house? He would like to suggest that the Board recess this
application and give the applicant more, time to prepare his information.
Mr. Poland read from Ordinance 880 concerning the cancellation of
variances not used within one year.
The Board of Adjustment voted to recess this application until
April 25, 1979. The vote was 4-0.
Chairman Millard called a brief recess.
Public Hearing called back to order.
The next application was from Mr. Thomas Loveland for a variance to
extend a wall of his house 41- to enlarge a bathroom.
There were no objections from adjacent property owners.
Mr. Loveland stated that the change would be in conformity with the
rest of his house.
The Board discussed the change and if it would effect the property
in any major way.
The Board of Adjustment voted to grant this variance. The vote
was 4-0.
The n ex tap p 1 i cat ion was fro m Mr. J. I :Swa rt for a va ria n c e to b u i 1 d
a single family residence on the West side of Riverside Dr. at the
corner of Parkwood and Riverside. Mr. Michael Fredericks appeared
as a representative for Mr. Swart.
The Board discussed this building lot with Mr. Fredericks and studied
the plans and drawings that had been submitted to the Board showing
the location of the house on the land.
Mr. Millard said that he was concerned about the rear setback. The
front setback seems to be in line with the rest of the houses on
the street.
The Board discussed the rear setback and it was the consensus of
opinion that this setback was also in line with the rest of the houses.
Mr. Millard said that the Board would need a copy of the deed showing
ownership of the land.
Mr. Fredericks said that he could bring the deed to City Hall tomorrow.
~ .
Mr. Millard said that this pre-1974 lot requires a 5 ft. variance
on the front yard and an 8 ft. variance for the back. The Board
agrees that the building lines are in conformitv with other homes
on the street. There were no objections from any neighbors.
The Board voted to grant this variance, subject to the Chairman
reviewing the deed of ownership. The vote was 4-0.
The fin~l""application was from Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loescher for
a Special Exception to operate a used car lot at 1515 S. Ridgewood.
The Board discussed the plans submitted by the Loeschers and the
written answers to questions concerning use of the area, adjacent
businesses, parking, hours of operation, etc.
The conditions set by the Board were:
1. Those stated by the owners on attached sheet. One night light
for security.
2. No junk cars - operative cars only to be displayed.
3. Area in rear will be completely cleared of debris within 30 days.
4. Screening in rear (east) side of entire building.
5. Minor auto repairs within the building.
6. Outside area to comply with attached drawing.
Mr. Paul Loeffler, owner of the building that the Loeschers will
rent for the used car busines~ agreed to comply with the clearing
of the junk and debris behind the building.
Mr. and Mrs. Loescher agreed with the conditions set by the Board.
There were no objections from adjacent property owners.
The Board voted 3-0 to grant this Special Exceptions with the above
conditions. Mr. Poland abstained from voting for general reasons
and without prejudice to applicant. Mr. Poland said that he did
not believe he could vote on a Special Exception without more definite
guidelines from the Council (governing body).
Mr. Millard informed the Loeschers that the Board imposed conditions
on Special Exceptions according to the power given the Board in the
Zoning Ordinance and also because Special Exceptions are created
because of the desire of the City to control certain types of businesses
and/or building within the City. He also informed the applicants
that failure.to comply with the conditions would mean revocation of
the Special Exception.
New "application forms for Board of Adjustment variance and special
exception applications were given to the Board members. Mr. Millard
ask the members to study this form and make any changes or additions
they feel would be helpful. The Board will discuss new application
forms at their next regular meeting.
Mr. Gnau said that he and Mr. Lupinek had checked out Mr. Rickelman's
used car business and the conditions set in the Special Exception
for that business have not been met. There is still no buffer along
the back line of the property.
Mr. Lupinek said that he had noticed what appeared to be major repairs
being done at the used car lot.
The Board agreed that the general appearance of the used car lot was
not neat or orderly.
The Board was informed that the Zoning Enforcement Official has begun
notifying various businesses in the city in regards to buffer zones.
There was no further business before the Board.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi