01-05-2016 Cit of Edgewater 104 N. Riverside Drive
Y g Edgewater, FL 32132
EDGEWATER Meeting Agenda
School Scholarship Committee
Tuesday,January 5, 2016 5:00 PM Council Chambers
We respectfully request that all electronic devices are set for no audible notification.
a. Regular Meeting - December 8, 2015
Attachments: 12-08-15
a Princess Ball-Planning Update
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In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,persons needing assistance to participate in
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City of Edgewater tog N. ter,,FFL re Drive
Edgewater, 32132
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-EUGEWA.TER Meeting Minutes
School Scholarship Committee
Tuesday,December 8,2015 5:00 PM Council Chambers
Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.
Present 4- Justin Kennedy,Mike Kelly,Rebecca Porter and Christine Power
Absent 1- Vance Smith
Also Present: 3 -Finance Director John McKinney,Fire&Rescue Lieutenant Jill Danigel, and
Deputy City Clerk Mitch Honaker.
Member Porter arrived at 5:11 p.m.
AR2015-1206 Regular Meeting-April 7, 2015
A motion was made by member Power, second by member Kennedy, to approve the
minutes of April 7,2015.The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 4- Justin Kennedy,Mike Kelly,Rebecca Porter,and Christine Power
Absent: 1- Vance Smith
4. OLD BUSINESS-None at this time.
Chair Kelly recognized the City's new Event Coordinator, Jill Danigel, and discussed the purpose of
each "New Business" agenda item; and his intent for the board to establish a maximum amount to
spend on the upcoming, 2016 Princess Ball.
a. Discussion of Princess Ball 2016
Finance Director John McKinney made a staff presentation; and introduced the City's new Event
Coordinator, Jill Danigel.
During the presentation, SSC members, and staff discussed.- the SSC setting the budget for the
Princess Ball each year, with staff running the event for them; staffs promise to meet, or exceed all
expectations set by the SSC for the Princess Ball; effective January 1, 2016, all City special events
going back under the Leisure Services umbrella; Jill Danigel's experience in running other City
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School Scholarship Committee Meeting Minutes December 8,2015
events, and her now being the City's Event Coordinator; scaling back on events until the City hired a
new event coordinator, and not holding Light Up City Hall,with Santa, or the planned Senior Dance;
several 2016 Edgefest events being designated to earn money for the scholarship fund, Councilman
Blazi continuing as the Decorating Chair for the Princess Ball, and ideas for decorating the YMCA
gym; the SSC letting staff know what their operating budget is for the Princess Ball, and letting staff
coordinate the event.
SSC members and staff discussed.- making money for the City to award scholarships to students; the
dollar amount to set for the Princess Ball operating budget; getting sponsorships to defray costs; the
SSC members helping with decorating the gym, and attending the Princess Ball; setting $1,200 as the
maximum amount to spend on the Princess Ball; vendors setting up at the event contributing to the
SSC fund, by donating 10% of their proceeds, buying a ticket to enter the ball and set up their table,
or establishing a table fee; and they discussed other methods for vendors to support the SSC fund.
A motion was made by member Kennedy, second by member Power, to allow the
Finance Department to take over the details of holding the Princess Ball, with the
board just giving them an annual budget,with a budget of$1,200 for 2016.
Yes: 4- Justin Kennedy,Mike Kelly,Rebecca Porter,and Christine Power
Absent: 1- Vance Smith
b. Scholarship funds, and Other City events
The SSC members, staff, and contracted event planner, Kim Yaney, also discussed.- types of items
sold by vendors, and competition; inviting vendors that typically support City events; staff providing
a list of everything that is going on for the Princess Ball to SSC members, two (2) weeks prior to the
event; the Princess Ball being the only City event that has a costs for people to attend, because it
funds student scholarships; Ms. Danigel reviewing the draft tickets and flyers, and running with what
she wants to use; SSC members supporting the January 2, 2016 Edgefest; various types of event
marketing; establishing a time schedule for SSC members to support the January 2016 Edgefest;
benefits of using the same DJ for the Edgefest Car Show, and the Princess Ball; reaching more
residents with digital marketing; and member Porter volunteered to coordinate with New Smyrna
Beach High School to provide students to dress up as princesses at the ball.
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Kelly adjourned the meeting at 8:41 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Mitch Honaker, Deputy City Clerk
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