12-02-2015 City Of Edgewater 104 N.Riverside Drive
rm 1 1. Edgewater,FL 32132
cuy or
UGEWATL'aMeeting Minutes
In 1951
Economic Development Board
Wednesday,December 2,2015 8:00 ANI Council Chambers
Chair Jamison called the meeting to order at 8:01 a.m.
Present 6- Brandon Beck,Jeff Berner,Bliss Jamison,Laura Smith,William Wetherell and Oscar
Excused 3- Cecil Selman,Donna Snow and Marcia Barnett
Also Present 1- Mitch Honaker
a. AR2015-1329 Regular meeting -November 4,2015
A motion was made by member Wetherell, second by Chair Jamison, to approve the
minutes of November 4,2015.The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 6- Brandon Beck,Jeff Berner,Bliss Jamison,Laura Smith,William Wetherell,and Oscar
Absent: 3- Cecil Selman,Donna Snow,and Marcia Barnett
4. PRESENTATIONS-None at this time.
5. PUBLIC COMMENT-None at this time.
a. Planning and Zoning
Planning and Zoning board member, Paul Wright, discussed: the P & Z board petitioning City
Council to approve a change to the future Land Use Map for Reflections, which was approved by the
City Council; they are looking forward to the Economic Development/Redevelopment Coordinator,
Samantha Bishop, attending next week's Planning and Zoning board meeting; and he wished
everyone a safe, happy, and healthy holiday.
b. SEVCC -Nothing at this time.
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes December 2,2015
c. City Manager/Economic Development/Redevelopment Coordinator
Economic Development/Redevelopment Coordinator, Samantha Bishop, stated that November was a
very busy month; congratulated Boston Whaler for being awarded as "Manufacturer of the Year", by
the Volusia Manufacturers Association (VMA), and discussed the upcoming VMA dinner.
She stated: at the Council meeting on December 7, 2015, the Mayor is presenting a Proclamation
declaring it "Boston Whaler Day" in the City of Edgewater; the City Council will consider
Resolution 2015-R-39 in support of Governor Scott's legislative request to develop the Florida
Enterprise Fund, thus making Florida more competitive with other States as it relates to attracting
businesses to Florida; and that the Northwest Lineman College (NLC) representatives are coming
back for their tax abatement from the City, and the City's memorandum of understanding to honor
the tax abatement if the NLC locates their campus in Edgewater.
She also discussed: the Volusia Growth Management Commission (VGMC), and the Council
approving Resolution 2015-R-36, which request the Volusia County Charter Committee consider
eliminating the VGMC; and discussed other events that occurred in Edgewater during the month of
EDB members, and staff, discussed. adding safety features to Edgewater's portion of the Volusia
County Rail-Trail; adding bike lane markings to the sidewalks leading to the Rail-Trail; connecting
trails throughout the State; the last Economic Development summit that was held in Edgewater; and
the Veterans cemetery that will be going in at SR 5A, down in the Mims area.
Member Berner stated: one of the things he has been looking at, is Edgewater's ecotourism; the
City's ecotourism hyperlink taking users to the Volusia County, (Ecology, Cultural, Heritage, and
Outdoors) ECHOtourism website; the Volusia County (VC) ECHOtourism map not having any
Edgewater ecotourism locations, or information on it; and the EDB considering to request that the
VC ECHOtourism website include Edgewater ecotourism trail information.
EDB members and staff, discussed: coordinating with Volusia County to add Edgewater ecotourism
information to their webpage; current coordination efforts with VC by City staff; duties of the Public
Information Officer as they relate to ecotourism; extending the Rail-Trail from Dale Street to 10th
Street; the intent, purpose, and funding of Volusia County's(Ecology, Cultural, Heritage, and
Outdoors) ECHOtourism website; ways to improve the City's ecotourism webpage; economic
development business drivers; and promoting Edgewater businesses.
A motion was made by member Berner, second by member Wetherell, to modify the
City's website to clarify the ecotourism component.
Yes: 6- Brandon Beck,Jeff Berner,Bliss Jamison,Laura Smith,William Wetherell,and Oscar
Excused: 3- Cecil Selman,Donna Snow,and Marcia Barnett
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes December 2,2015
Chair Jamison discussed.- an article in the News Journal, titled "Hands On" about a new
manufacturing program at Pine Ridge High School; and revisiting efforts to establish a
manufacturing program in Southeast Volusia County, after the first of the year.
Member Smith discussed attending the Rail-Trail opening, and how great the attendance was.
Member Zeller discussed visitors coming to Edgewater, and asked member Beck how Boston Whaler
handled lodging for visitors. Member Beck replied, they typically put visitors in the Hampton Inn, on
Flagler Avenue.
EDB members reviewed the handout on proposed 2016 EDB meeting dates, and and discussed.- the
best month to hold the EDB budget workshop to coincide with the City Council's first budget review
meeting; amending the schedule to hold the EDB budget workshop in April, instead of May; and
possible holiday scheduling conflicts.
A motion was made by member Wetherell, second by member Berner, to accept the 2016
meeting dates,but, as amended for April and May.
EDB members discussed the time allotted for meetings; and concurred that meetings would still be
scheduled for one and a half hours.
Chair Jamison thanked EDB members for all of their hard work throughout the year, and wished
them a happy holiday.
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Jamison adjourned the meeting at 8:42 a.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Mitch Honaker, Deputy City Clerk
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January 6 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
February 3 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
March 2 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
April 6 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
May 4 EDB Budget Workshop 8:00 am
June 1 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
July 6 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
August 3 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
September 7 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
October 5 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
November 2 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
December 7 EDB Meeting 8:00 am
(Council-Miscel laneous-2016CityCounci lMeetingDates-Council-FINAL)