12-01-1994 .~' U ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD .-- .. CITY OF EDGEWATER u c..,\>~"''''~<u' cc..........t...J,. .Q...,,\.. ~~ ~. ~ ",0. ..~ . . P.O. BOX 100, EDGEWATER, FL 32132 CITY OF EDGEWATER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1994 6:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, December 1, 1994 in the Conference Room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman Fong, Mr. Churchill, and Mr. Jones. Also present was Liz McBride, Recording Secretary. Mr. Browning, Mr. Porta, Mr. Kowalewski, and Dr. Gebelein were recorded absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of November 3, 1994 were approved as corrected by Chairman Fong. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Business Climate & Supplier Linkage Study a) Schedule b) Participation Chairman Fong reviewed the Schedule of Events for the week of December 5, 1994. He informed the Board that the "overview of week's events", scheduled for 8:30 a.m., December 5, 1994 in City Hall, was posted so all members could attend. Since the remaining scheduled meeting dates and times were not going to be posted, Chairman Fong asked the Board to select which meeting they would be able to attend. The Board members present indicated their preferences. Chairman Fong then instructed the Recording Secretary to contact the absent members to inform them of the schedule. It was hoped that one Board member, Council member, or staff member would accompany Dick Clark to each company site to conduct the interviews. Chairman Fong also reviewed the Business/Corporate Profile which will be used in the interview process. He said the profile forms would be useful when new businesses apply for occupational licenses because they request such information as the type of service/product data, who the end-users are, who their suppliers are, etc. " o o -fJ ;-- ~A. Economic Development Board Minutes - December 1, 1994 Page -2- Continued Business: 2. Work Scope / Meeting Scheduling for 1995 Chairman Fong distributed an outline of the "Program of Work 1995" and asked the Board to review it, recommend any changes, and to formulate a time line. Chairman Fong proceeded to discuss each item; Business Climate & Supplier Linkage Study, Business Prospect Management, Edgewater Commercial Site Inventory, Attract National Business Enterprises, Communications & Networking: Internal & External Government/Community/Other Agencies & Organizations, OEDP Redevelopment of Key Strategic Locations, Monitor Current Issues, and Define Vision Edgewater 2010. It was determined that approximately 215 hours will be required in 1995 to complete the program. Chairman Fong determined that additional meetings/workshops would be needed. The Board members agreed, and the scheduling would be decided at a later date. Chairman Fong shared information with the Board from the Economic Development Division of the Southeast Volusia Chamber's quarterly meeting. He referred to their program of work for 1995, and pointed out similarities between their program and the EDB's work scope. 3. Statement of Qualification - Site Inventory Chairman Fong referred to an outline of the Site Inventory Service Plan. He stated the approach would be to find a service company or companies to provide this service, such as: (1) to provide a computerized database containing records of all commercial zoned sites (inventory) within the City limits of Edgewater, which could expand out, (2) to maintain and update records in the database as changes occur, and (3) to provide analyses and reports of various aspects pertaining to the site inventory. Chairman Fong discussed the qualification categories and asked the Board if they had any additional suggestions in the selection process. Mr. Jones argued that there would be few companies willing to provide this service without being paid. Chairman Fong disagreed, and responded that some companies had already expressed their interest. He felt those companies would want the leads that this could provide. The plan was further discussed. Chairman Fong said the EDB needed to draft a request letter for the Statement of Qualification for submittal, after talking first with the City Attorney for the legality, and then getting the Council's approval. NEW BUSINESS: None at this time. . ,,;P o o 1-'" .. Economic Development Board Minutes - December 1, 1994 Page -3- CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Mr. Jones reported that Bill Todd, owner of New Smyrna Bowling Lanes, had withdrawn his initial interest in setting up X bowling alIi in Edgewater at this time. - ( ~U> ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth 1. McBride, Recording Secretary Economic Development Board :eJm c:\edb\minutes\120 194