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P.O. BOX 100, EDGEWATER, FL 32132
NOVEMBER 3, 1994
6:30 P.M.
Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:40
p.m., Thursday, November 3, 1994 in the Conference Room of City Hall.
Members present were Chairman Fong, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Porta and Dr. Gebelein. Mr.
Browning, Mr. Jones and Mr. Kowalewski were recorded absent. Also present were Charlene
Thomas of the News Journal and Liz McBride, Recording Secretary.
The minutes of October 6, 1994 were approved as corrected by Chairman Fong.
1. Right Associates Proposal #1
a) Council Approval
Chairman Fong informed the Board that the Council did approve Right Associates, formerly The
Clark Development Group, Inc., Proposal #1: Business Climate Analysis and Natural Linkages
b) Commencement Schedule
Chairman Fong referred to the Schedule of dates and times for company interviews, which will
begin the week of December 5th. Chairman Fong stated that additional companies had been
added to the list for interviewing.
Dr. Gebelein questioned whether there were only twelve (12) companies to be interviewed.
Chairman Fong explained that some companies will be met one-on-one, while at the Focus Group
Sessions there will be perhaps three or four companies participating.
Economic Development Board
Minutes - November 3, 1994
Page -2-
Continued Business:
c) Participation
Chairman Fong asked the Board to set some time aside to participate in meeting with some of
the companies. He asked within the next week or two, for the Board to indicate which session
they would like to attend, and relay the information to the Board Secretary. Dr. Gebelein said
it would be more appropriate to make the decision after the companies were selected and
scheduled for a specific date and time. Although Chairman Fong thought this was a good idea,
he wanted the members to make a commitment so that an assessment could be made as to what
time slots needed to be filled.
2. Work Scope for 1995
Chairman Fong refreshed the Board on what was discussed at the last meeting regarding the work
scope for 1995, i.e. attracting businesses, researching criteria for franchises/chains, procedural,
establishing a vision and seeing the "big picture". He also mentioned that Mr. Jones was going
to talk with Bill Todd about his interest in establishing a bowling alley in Edgewater, but no
report was available due to Mr. Jones' absence.
In regard to site inventory, Chairman Fong said he met with representatives of the Board of
Realtors who said the idea is to have a systematic, comprehensive, organized manor in which to
track vacant commercial land as well as improved sites within the City limits and beyond. To
handle the issue of fairness to all realtors dealing with potential prospects, Chairman Fong
suggested that the EDB establish guidelines of qualifications. He said he would then send a letter
to the Board of Realtors requesting that all interested realtors submit their "statement of
qualification" to the City.
Chairman Fong asked the EDB what else should be included in the 1995 work scope. Dr.
Gebelein said that the EDB could recommend that annexation "Go West". Chairman Fong agreed
because of the 1-95 interchange. He felt it was a critical factor to have control over the highway
interchange. Regional shopping areas along the 1-95 corridor were also discussed.
Chairman Fong called a brief recess at 7:27 p.m. so that the Board could reassemble in the
Community Development office. The meeting resumed at 7:30 p.m. The Board then studied the
color-coded zoning map. Chairman Fong pointed out that businesses in Edgewater were
fragmented and inconvenient to consumers, and the area needed to be centralized. He
recommended long-term planning, including hiring consultants when necessary.
Chairman Fong said sewer hookup along Park Avenue, beautification along U.S. 1, and the PID
are key strategic areas which remain EDB goals.
Chairman Fong called a brief recess at 116 p.m. so the Board could return to the City Hall
conference room. The meeting resumed at 123 p.m.
Econom~evelopment Board
Minutes - November 3, 1994
Page -3-
Continued Business:
Chairman Fong reported that the Overall Economic Development Plan (OEDP) had been
approved by the State, and now the City can take advantage of, on a competitive basis, funds
available from the State.
Discussion followed on tax increment financing (TIP) and developing a Community
Redevelopment Agency (CRA) similar to the one in New Smyrna Beach.
Chairman Fong summarized the work scope for 1995. He told the Board that he would outline
the work scope so that at the next meeting, the Board could schedule when each issue should be
None at this time.
1. American Maglev Technology, Inc. Ground-Breaking
Chairman Fong stated that the Maglev ground-breaking went very smoothly and that a number
of high officials attended, e.g. Governor Chiles, John Mica, Locke Burt, Jack Ascherl.
2. Site Inventory Proposal - Statement of Qualification
Covered under Continued Business.
There being no further business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth 1. McBride, Recording Secretary
Economic Development Board