10-06-1994 <.> U THE CITY OF EDGE WATER POST OFFICE BOX 1 OO-EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32132-0100 c..,?~"''l.:~ 6..h c.CI'\.J'\..""<..~~\ CITY OF EDGEW A TER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1994 6:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:32 p.m., Thursday, October 6, 1994 in the Conference Room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman Fong, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Jones, Mr. Porta and Dr. Gebelein. Mr. Browning arrived at 6:39 p.m. Mr. Kowalewski was recorded absent. Also present were Charlene Thomas of the News Journal and Liz McBride, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of September 1, 1994 were approved as corrected by Chairman Fong. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. The Clark Development Group, Inc. Proposal a. Presentation to City Council Chairman Fong disappointedly reported that since the submittal of the proposal to the Council, the Board's recommendation had become confusing. Chairman Fong said the Council had requested Mr. Clark's presence at the Council meeting to explain the proposals before acting on it. Chairman Fong stated that at a previous Council meeting the Major was not present when the Council unanimously approved the proposal. The next day the Council wanted to reconsider because there was some confusion about cost of the proposal, therefore, rescinded their approval. Chairman Fong referred to a letter with attached information from Dick Clark stating his plan to contact businesses starting October 17th. Chairman Fong indicated this issue was now at a standstill. Chairman Fong said Mr. Clark was thinking about withdrawing his proposal because he had joined a new firm and is not as flexible with his time, and that the price quoted was as inexpensive as possible at the proposal time. Chairman Fong said he spoke briefly to the Mayor in hopes of resolving this issue. Chairman Fong stated he intended to ask the Council to read the proposals and indicate what specific questions they need answered to clear up any confusion. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT-I02 NORTH RIVERSIDE DRIVE (904)-424-2412 FAX-(904)-424-2409 SUNCOM 383-2412 BUILDING DlVISION-(904)424-241 J CODE ENFORCEMENT-(904)424-2414 SAFETY DIVISION-(904)424-2414 (.) () Economic Development Board Minutes - October 6, 1994 Page -2- Continued Business: Chairman Fong read a memorandum that he sent to the Mayor/Council dated September 16, 1994, clarifying that there are two (2) proposals and the cost for each. This memo was included in the Council's agenda request packet for their September 19, 1994 meeting. Discussion continued as to why there was confusion over the proposals. Chairman Fong stated this item will be on the Council's October 17, 1994 agenda for reconsideration, and asked for the Board's support by attending the meeting. Dr. Gebelein stated for the record, that item 1.c. (The Clark Development Group, Inc. Proposal, Review & Select Businesses for Interview) on the current agenda, had been completed and was transcribed in the minutes of September 1, 1994 meeting. 3. Work Scope for 1995 a) Review 1994 Chairman Fong thought it would make more sense if item #3 of the agenda was discussed before item #2, and asked the Board's consensus. The Board was in agreement. Chairman Fong asked the Board's perception of accomplishment during 1994. He questioned the Board if they thought they had achieved anything in 1994, and if there was anything that needed to be changed. Mr. Jones observed that with the Board member turnover and the induction of a new chairman in January, he felt the Board had done a good job of getting the direction started and established. Dr. Gebelein recalled that FIND (Florida Inland Navigation District) really got off the ground in 1994. Discussion followed on status of FIND. Chairman Fong read through the "Economic Development Vision: 1994 and Beyond" to refresh the Boards' memory of what they wanted to accomplish in 1994. Chairman Fong stressed that one of the short term goals was to improve communications and relations between the Board, staff, Council and the business community. He feels that communications still need improvement and gave the Clark Group proposal as an example of failed communication. Chairman Fong also stated that the Board should be kept abreast of what's going on with the golf course study, and had asked Jack Corder, Director of Parks and Recreation, to copy the Board with any information on the study. Since nothing had been received, Chairman Fong said he would like to invite Mr. Corder to attend an Economic Development Board (EDB) meeting to explain the progress. The Board was in agreement. u u Economic Development Board Minutes - October 6, 1994 Page -3- Continued Business: The Board continued to review the 1994 goals and Chairman Fong felt they did fairly well in most areas. He indicated the Board should look at communicating to the businesses through the City's bi-monthly newsletter. Chairman Fong also reported he will meet again with the Board of Realtors concerning marketing site inventory tracking and will keep the Board informed. b. Planning for 1995 Chairman Fong asked the Board what they wanted to work on for 1995. Mr. Jones answered he would like to work on attracting businesses to Edgewater such as a Sears, Home Depot or Builders Square. Chairman Fong said he would like to know just what the criteria is for companies to locate in the City. Mr. Browning suggested finding out where the home offices are and making calls. Mr. Porta asked if progress had been made in streamlining the permitting process. Chairman Fong answered yes, he thought so. Although a new building inspector had not been approved for hire, Bob Dunn, Building Official, had begun making procedural changes which should help in reducing the time it takes to receive permits. Dr. Gebelein inquired about the possibility of a bowling alley coming to Edgewater. Mr. Jones said that this item was on the Council's agenda for October 3, 1994 but Bill Todd, owner of New Smyrna Lanes, did not show, so they did not address the topic. Mr. Jones thought that the Board should contact Mr. Todd and offer the Board's assistance. Mr. Jones said he would contact Mr. Todd. Mr. Browning asked if the marina concept had been dropped. Chairman Fong replied that it is still something we need to think through. Mr. Porta added it would be an extremely expensive project. At this point, item #2 of the agenda, Community Redevelopment (CRA), was discussed when Mr. Jones said he believed that creating a CRA would be a project that the Board should get moving. Chairman Fong said this all goes back to our planning, how it fits into our long range plans. He said it will take a great deal of expertise in planning and engineering and sees the Board's role as having the vision, and then determining how to start moving toward that vision. Mr. Jones referred to the length of time the New Smyrna Beach CRA had been in operation and that they would be an excellent resource. Chairman Fong said that there are a number of issues that need to be resolved in creating a CRA, one being, to determine the boundaries to create "the big picture". He said he felt the Board is at a point where "we think we know what we are going to do, but we need someone to tell us if it all makes sense". ~ , u Economic Development Board Minutes - October 6, 1994 Page -4- Continued Business: Chairman Fong expressed his desire to set up a formal process in dealing with new prospects. We need to coordinate resources and the people who can help them, he said. Discussion followed on some steps to take to accomplish this. Mr. Porta suggested maybe setting up a form which could be distributed to those who could help with specific sections. Chairman Fong suggested a new business monitoring process by getting monthly occupational license reports. Mr. Jones was disturbed with the cover of the Southern Bell telephone book in that Edgewater is in such small print, yet listed New Smyrna Beach in large print. He said he contacted the phone company a month ago expressing his concern. Mr. Jones thought Chairman Fong should write a letter to Southern Bell stating Edgewater names and addresses should be listed in its own section. Chairman Fong suggested the Mr. Jones draft the letter, he would review it with him, and he would sign it. Mr. Jones agreed to do such. Chairman Fong reviewed items discussed for the Work Scope for 1995 and stated he would like to invite the Chamber and VCBDC members to come and have a joint session with the EDB so the Board CaI(~.l~their activities with those of these organizations. The Board was in favor. NEW BUSINESS: None at this time. CHAIRMAN AND BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Mr. Porta mentioned that Porta Products had a contract on the old Truss Plant off of Park Avenue and had made application for a building permit to renovate the office and enclose one of the buildings. Discussion followed on the planned site usage. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth 1. McBride, Recording Secretary Economic Development Board :eJm c:\edb\minutes\ 1 00694