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P.O. BOX 100, EDGEWATER, FL 32132
6:30 P.M.
Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:36
p.m., Thursday, September 1, 1994 in the Conference Room of City Hall.
Members present were Chairman Fong, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Kowalewski and Dr. Gebelein. Mr.
Browning, Mr. Jones and Mr. Porta were recorded absent. Also present were Charlene Thomas
of the News Journal and Liz McBride, Recording Secretary.
The minutes of August 11, 1994 regular meeting and August 16, 1994 special meeting were
approved as corrected by Chairman Fong.
1. EDB 1995 Fiscal Budget
Chairman Fong reported that the Council approved $7,000 for Volusia County Business
Development Corporation (VCBDC), $8,000 for the Chamber and $7,000 for the EDB.
2. The Clark Development Group, Inc. Proposal
Chairman Fong suggested reviewing memorandums from the City Manager and Mark P. Karet,
Director of Community Development, before selecting the fifteen (15) to twenty-five (25)
businesses to be interviewed. Chairman Fong said staffs suggestions on the criteria was in line
with what was briefly discussed at a previous meeting. The Board agreed staff presented a good
cross section.
Economu)evelopment Board
Minutes :-'September 1, 1994
Page -2-
After much discussion, the following businesses were selected for consideration for interviewing
during the Clark Proposal Initiative #1:
1. Coronado Paint
2. Cushman
3. Diehard Marine
4. Southern Instruments
5. WACO Manufacturing
6. Boston Whaler
7. Kayat Engineering
8. Publix
9. Winn-Dixie
10. B & L Plumbing
11. Edgewater Machine & Fabricators
12. Tarmac
13. Tropical Blossom Honey Company
14. American Hardware
15. Eckerd's
16. First Union National Bank
17. First Federal Savings & Loan
18. Florida Homes & Land
19. G D McGuinns
20. Dustins
21. Furniture Gallery
22. Auto Zone
23. East Coast Aluminum
24. BAB Bedding Distributors & Mfrs.
25. Halifax Used Cars
The Board chose Walgreen's as first alternate and State Farm Insurance as second alternate.
Chairman Fong informed the Board that he requested the Council to authorize himself or George
McMahon, on behalf of the EDB, to execute an agreement with The Clark Development Group,
Inc. and also for them to review the list of twenty-five (25) companies to be interviewed. The
request is to be placed on the agenda for the Council's regular meeting September 19, 1994.
3. Community Redevelopment
Chairman Fong commented that the Board had previously mentioned a "downtown" area and a
City marina, and presented a report prepared by Kenneth Leventhal & Company titled "Economic
Development Study for the Marine/Riparian Industry". Chairman Fong thought this would be
a worthwhile report to read and examine.
Dr. Gebelein reiterated the question, what do we want to do or enVISIon as the future of
Edgewater, and that the idea of a "downtown" area had been suggested repeatedly without any
definition of the area. Dr. Gebelein also said that he had no feel for what a downtown Edgewater
should be. Chairman Fong stressed that a downtown is whatever we want Edgewater to be, what
kind of City we want to be.
Mr. Kowalewski asked Chairman Fong to define downtown Edgewater. Chairman Fong
responded that downtown is a centralized area, and in some cases will include government
buildings and professional businesses, but it can be whatever we want.
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Econom~evelopment Boar
Minutes - September 1, 1994
Page -3-
Mr. Kowalewski then asked if the EDB is suggesting buying a parcel of land and creating a
downtown as Port Orange did, or dealing with what is here, the area surrounding City Hall which
is not a traditional downtown. Chairman Fong said that EDB is talking and discussing
conceptionally, what type of City do we want to be and do we need to centralize a business area
in the future.
Discussion followed on the downtown concept and its location.
Chairman Fong stated the necessity to start planning for what is needed in the future. Mr.
Kowalewski agreed that the EDB needs to start laying out a plan.
Mr. Kowalewski recommended committing to paper the objectives, goals, work scope and
progress of this issue to help new and returning Board members get up to speed. Chairman Fong
then entertained a motion. Mr. Kowalewski so moved. Seconded by Dr. Gebelein. Motion
CARRIED 4-0. Chairman Fong stated some of the objectives and goals have already been put
forth in the Overall Economic Development Plan (OEDP).
4. FIND Proposed Plans Update
Chairman Fong stated the Mayor had a meeting with Mr. Roach, an attorn~.t~ho represents
FIND, and would have more information after that meeting as to@eath~progress would be -
moving forward. Chairman Fong recalled the City Manager not being optimistic, but said the
Mayor was hopeful. Update information will be provided to Board members when obtained.
A published Maglev article was distributed to the Board by Dr. Gebelein and a letter written by
him to the correspondence editor of Insight regarding Maglev technology. A brief discussion
1. W orkscope for 1995
a. Review 1994
b. Planning for 1995
Chairman Fong said he would like to review what the Board did in 1994 and then plan for 1995.
He asked the Board if they had a chance to think about this item. Dr. Gebelein felt that
discussions items from the next meeting will set the stage for planning 1995.
Dr. Gebelein asked when the Clark Group would be able to begin interviewing businesses.
Chairman Fong answered that possibly around September 26, 1994, assuming the Council
approves the proposal.
Economu)evelopment Board
Minutes - September 1, 1994
Page -4-
Chairman Fong added that in addition to the workscope for next year, there is a second initiative
to the Clark proposal: II A Tourism/Industrial Development Cooperative Opportunity Analysis and
Recommendations Studyll. Chairman Fong said, if the Board agreed, he would contact Dick
Clark to have him forward a proposal for Initiative #2 and their fee.
Chairman Fong entertained a motion to talk to Dick Clark about proposing Initiative #2. Mr.
Kowalewski so moved. Seconded by Mr. Churchill. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Chairman Fong relayed to the EDB that part of the Board's process is to evaluate what had been
done the past year and make improvements. Chairman Fong reviewed the 1994 goals that were
presented to the Council. A brief discussion followed.
Site Inventory - Chairman Fong reported receptive responses from a few real estate
agencies that want to help put together a site inventory for the City of Edgewater. He stated
discussions are beginning to set up guidelines, rules and regulations so the City has a profile on
all commercial property. Chairman Fong said he would report progress.
Dr. Gebelein - Made reference to a VCARD invitation he received and asked what it was
about. Chairman Fong explained, and encouraged Board members to attend.
There being no further business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9.05 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth 1. McBride, Recording Secretary
Economic Development Board
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