P.O. BOX 100 . EDGEWATER. FL 32032
MARCH 3, 1994
6:30 P.M.
Chairman Fong called to order a regular meeting of the Economic Development Board at 6:37
p.m., Thursday, March 3, 1994 in the Conference Room of City Hall.
Members present were Chairman Fong, Mr. Byrd, Mr. Jones, Mr. Porta and Dr. Gebelein. Mr.
Browning and Ms. Rymsza were recorded absent. Also present were GiGi Bennington,
Edgewater Area Council president-elect; Steve Dennis, Chamber of Commerce~xecutive Vice
President; Joe Martin, former Economic Development Board Chairman and Liz McBride,
Secretary .
There being no changes or discrepancies, the minutes of May 6, 1993, August 11, 1993 and
February 3, 1994 were approved by Chairman Fong.
1) Goals and Objectives for 1994 and Beyond
a) Stafrs Comments
Chairman Fong reviewed written comments from Mark P. Karet, Director of Community
Development and George McMahon, City Manager. Chairman Fong said he felt Mr. Karet's
comments seemed supportive overall, but more detail was needed on some goals and objectives.
Chairman Fong said Mr. McMahon's comments were in agreement with the preliminary outline
for development of policies and goals, with the addition of a few recommendations.
Discussion followed on the resources available to tap for information so that presentation to
prospects is more professional and informative. Volusia County Business Development
Corporation (VCBDC) was indicated as being an extremely valuable source of information in
addition to the Board of Realtors.
Mr. Porta felt that it would be easier to find what fits a particular need at the time of inquiry,
then assemble and categorize the information over a period of time.
Continued Business:
Chairman Fong reiterated to the Board the need for subcommittees because this will be an
ongoing project.
b) Presentation to City Council on March 7, 1994
Chairman Fong reviewed the presentation of the Economic Development Vision: 1994 and
Beyond he will discuss at the Council's regular meeting. A sample of the presentation
information was distributed to Board members.
Chairman Fong asked if the Board was in agreement to present Economic Development Vision
to the Council and stated he would like a motion. Dr. Gebelein so moved. Seconded by Mr.
Byrd. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
1) Edgewater Area Council (EAC) - Gigi Bennington
Ms. Bennington, representing the Edgewater Area Council, referenced a previously discussed
"What's Your Beef" workshop and expressed the EAC's interest in working with the Board on
this issue. Ms. Bennington asked the Board what they would want the EAC to do to facilitate
Steve Dennis, Chamber of Commerce, stated that he believes this is a viable program. Mr.
Dennis feels City staff thinks so too because of a seminar Mayor Jack Hayman has organized for
March 9, 1994. At the meeting, City staff will discuss Edgewater's fiscal condition, plans for the
immediate future and various thoughts and ideas about short and long range plans in Edgewater,
and will give businesses an opportunity to speak.
Mr. Dennis said that the Board would probably want to have several meetings with the businesses
in the community, out of City environment, so that they would be more willing to speak up. Mr.
Dennis feels there must be a process established to find bona fide problems that are repairable,
and streamline the developmental process. Once the problems are identified, then they will be
presented to Council.
Chairman Fong said the Board needs to help remove any skepticism businesses may have and
restore faith in the fact that the City does want to hear about genuine problems, and to work
together to solve these problems.
Discussion followed on how this process should be started.
New Business: ~'\:..~\ :)
Chairman Fong saicyhe ;)cess he had envisioned is to find out what the "beeP' is, collect the
information, ~ the information with the Board and other organizations, boil them down
to simple recommendations/solutions and then present them to the Council.
Mr. Jones asked if there are any guidelines on how a person goes into business in the City, what
he needs to do in step-by-step order.
Mr. Dennis answered that the Chamber goes to great lengths to provide information, i.e., how
to get a tax identification number, maps, tax rates, community profiles, etc. Mr. Dennis said
what we are trying to do here, is to identify problems so we can correct them for the future.
After much discussion, Chairman Fong asked how to go about implementing the process.
Chairman Fong asked Mr. Dennis how much the Chamber and the EAC can plan, organize,
promote, and basically facilitate.
Ms. Bennington replied that the Board of Director's of the EAC have determined that this is very
important and are committed to doing it as far as Mr. Dennis will let their resources go.
Mr. Dennis stated that organizationally he did not perceive this to be a very difficult thing to
arrange. Mr. Dennis said that what he felt might be difficult to arrange would be: 1) getting the
names of the people to direct mail, 2) what it is we actually want to write to them and 3)
selecting the site and method of presentation.
Chairman Fong stated he would like thc-Board to come up with a mission statement and goals,
forward ~Ms:-BellBingtun and have Mr. Dennis review and come up with an operational/action
plan, and for all to meet and get ready to implement it.
Mr. Dennis suggested having this done by June 1 or June 15, 1994, and that by the EDB's April
7, 1994 meeting, to have ready the occupational licensing list, the facilitators and maybe the
prospective location.
Chairman Fong extended his appreciation to Mr. Dennis and Ms. Bennington for all their help
and effort.
2) Overall Economic Development Plan (OEDP), Volusia County
Joe Martin, former EDB Chairman, referenced the Industrial Development's 1993 Report. Mr.
Martin said the County Council wants updates and requests by April so they can be approved by
Council and then forwarded to the Federal Department of Commerce for approval. Mr. Martin
said that if there are infrastructure projects that the Board wants done and would like to have
matching grants, these projects need to be defined and put in the OEDP. Mr. Martin said the
New Business:
City has been invited to propose a prioritized list of projects, short and long term, and also
indicate if some local funds may be committed as part of the matching portion.
a) Current Projects
Chairman Fong identified PID, Indian River Boulevard S.R. 442 industrial area, Ridgewood U.S.1
commercial corridor and West Park Avenue region which runs east/west and was recently
widened as current proj ects.
b) Infrastructure Projects to be Added
1-) West Park Avenue Corridor
Chairman Fong stated that this area contains a mix of commercial and industrial uses and lacks
a sufficient wastewater collection system and perhaps the Board can obtain some grants or
matching grants to put in the wastewater system.
2-) South V.S.1 - Boston Whaler
Chairman Fong said staff has some concerns about extending wastewater lines out to that area
but this item will be discussed at the March 7, 1994 Council meeting.
c) Presentation to Council for Endorsement on March 7, 1994
Chairman Fong said that along with the Economic Development Vision he will also present these
key strategic locations to Council at Monday's meeting, with staffs help.
3) Explore Costs/Benefits of Tax Increment Districts
a) Region 1 - VS1, North of Park Avenue
Chairman Fong asked how we can spruce up the area and suggested something similar to what
New Smyrna had done on Canal Street.
b) Region 2 - Park Avenue
Chairman Fong commented that if infrastructure was provided and also spruce it up, that this
would be a dynamite area for commercial and industrial uses.
Chairman Fong stated what he visions to do is define the area, prioritize in terms of what needs
to be done, determine the cost and the benefits. Chairman Fong said to look at~ tax increment
district as a financing tool.
New Business:
Mr. Dennis interjected that there are three parts: 1) the plan, 2) the tax increment fund, and 3)
the finding of the necessity. Mr. Dennis cautioned in determining the finding of necessity, not
to draw the district too small because the tax increment funding depends on how rapidly the
property appreciates in value. Mr. Dennis suggested the Board look at New Smyrna's tax
increment district.
Discussion followed on New Smyrna Beach projects.
4) Marketing - Strategic Planning
Chairman Fong indicated this was already discussed.
5) Establish Subcommittees
Chairman Fong referenced EDB short term goals from the presentation to the Council reflecting
areas needing subcommittees, which will accomplish community participation and work capacity.
Chairman Fong suggested forming a subcommittee which would keep track of the accumulated
data, and manage this information, developing a financial resource subcommittee and establishing
a community relations subcommittee. Chairman Fong asked Board members who would be
interested, have time and the dedication to establish these subcommittees. Chairman Fong also
asked the Board to submit their ideas in the form of a memorandum to Board Secretary by or
before the next meeting, April 7, 1994.
1) Sign Ordinance
Chairman Fong reported things are moving along and progress is being made.
2) FIND - PID Appraisal Report
\ Chairman Fong reported sending Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) a copy of the
-f\r/""'/ appraisal of the j>roposea Industrial District (PID), complied two years ago, which might be
r ~ -- helpful to FIND in their negations with Gran Central.
3) Snyder vs. Brevard County
Chairman Fong recounted a recent VCARD seminar and distributed to Board members a
summary of the synopsis of the rezoning case. Discussion followed.
There being no further business to come before the Board a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9: 15 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth 1. McBride, Secretary
Economic Development Board
c: \edb \min utes\3 03 94