November 26, 1980
Chairman Louise Martin reconvened the Public Hearing from
November 12,to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall.
Also Present:
Mrs. Martin
Mrs. Kane
Mr. Sloan
Mr. Lupinek
Mrs. Walker
Mayor Christy
Attorney Woods
Attorney Wright
Mr. Siciliano
Mr. Opal
Mrs. LaMee
Mr. Castanachi
Mr. Cory
Mrs. Beader
Several unfamiliar
Mrs. Martin explained that we are still hearing the Cameron
matter ,with the Building Department.
Attorney Woods stated that he received a call from Mr. Chester
about 4:30 this afternoon stating that he would not be present.
He stated that he ma$ntains his position that he is asking for
special consideration for. time. This is up to the board. Mr.
Cory is present if you would like to have him speak.
Mrs. Martin asked Mr. Cory if we have any surveys?
Mr. Cory explained that late September he was employed by one
of Mr. Cameron's attorneys to locate the property line south
of Mr. Cameron. He added that it is his understanding that
there are no objections from Mr. Cameron or his attorneys for
him to present the plat that he has prepared to the board.
Attorney Woods stated that this is correct.
Mr. Cory disbursed the plats for the board members to look over.
He explained that he has not made a survey of Mr. Cameron's property
or the adjacent property. He was only asked to find out how the
property sets, so that they could go and find out who to go to in
order to retain the property. The south 118 feet is the question.
If it wa~ measured where the river is now, there would be a very
large parcel of land between the Dinnenhs property and the Cameron
property. If it was measured on the meander line there would still
be a gap between the Cameron property and the Dinnen property. He
went on to explain ~he process for surveying this type of problem
situation. He added that he has suggested that a title search be
made to find out when the deed was prepared on that property and
the property around it, so that they can be compared. It is his
opinion that the land belongs to the State, however a title search
would have to be made to be sure. He answered questions from the
board members. He stated that the cost for a complete survey on
all of this could run from $1500 to $2000.
Mrs. Kane pointed out that in 1953 the side of his house was 10.3 feet
from his property line. She asked the size of the addition.
Mr. Murphy stated that he does not have this information, someone
stole all of the records from him. He does not remember whether
it was nine feet or twelve feet.
Mr. Sloan stated that he believes that Mr. Cameron stated that he
was over his own property line, therefore the addition has to be
over ten feet.
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Mrs. Martin stated that we are concerned about whether he has
encroached. The ownership is not our problem.
Mrs. Kane stated that we now know that he has encroached on
someone's property. We have to decide whether Mr. Murphy's
decision was correct.
Mrs. Martin added that we require a ten foot sideline, this
leaves no sideline at all.
Mr. Sloan stated that we can not make sune of that until we find
out whether tt is feasible for him to purchase the land next to
Attorney Woods stated that this is what the attorney was asking
last time, was more time to go to the State to find out about
Mr. Lupinek stated that at our last meeting M.r. Cameron stated
that he would pay for any survey to find out who owned that
piece of land in question, then the paper said that he would
not pay for the survey. This leaves us not knowing.
Mr. Sloan made a suggestion that Mr. Murphy use his authority
and demand a survey of Mr. Cameron's property with the building
addition on it. There is a question as to whether this is nine
feet of twelve feet. If it is a nine foot addition, then it is
not over the line, and he can come to us for a variance, however
if it is a twelve foot addition, then we can not grant a variance
but only make a decision as to how much time we are going to give
them to purchase land before he should tear the structure down.
Mrs. Kane agreed with Mr. Sloan's suggestion.
Mr. Lupinek stated that he wishes the board members could have
gotten together on this, and gone out and looked this over. We
don't seem to get together.
Mrs. Martin explained that the board has not received any of the
drawings, or paperwork on this particular case.
Mr. Lupinek added that someone is lacking. These properties are
not being posted. The file that was missing, should have been
replaced before this meeting, so that we would have something to
work with.
Mrs. Martin stated that perhaps we can get a sketch of the addition
by our next meeting to see whether we can decide on a variance, or
to give them time to purchase the land.
Mr. Sloan stated that the board does not have a choice on this.
When we get all the information we need, we can either decide on
a variance, or if he has encroached then perhaps our attorney can
give us an idea of a reasonable length of time for negotiating the
Mr. Lupinek stated that our job is more to determine as to whether
our Building Official is correct in asking Mr. Cameron to show that
he is not encroaching on anybody.
Attorney Woods asked Mr. Murphy if he could determine the dimensions
of the addition?
Mr. Murphy stated that he Gould not remember the size, however he
does remember very clearly that it was sixteen feet from the edge
of the new addition to the supposeilly property line. He added that
when a question was brought to his attention that there was something
wrong. He pulled the file and left it out in order to allow the per~
son who was questioning this to see, and within three days the entire
file was missing.
Bd. of Adjustments 11/26/80 -2-
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Mrs. Kane stated that it could not have ever been sixteen feet,
because the original building was only ten feet from the property
1 i ne.
Mr. Lupinek again stated that he would like to see the board
members go out and measure for themselves.
Mr. Murphy stated that it is possible that the tax assessor may
have some information on this addition. He added that he would
be glad to go down with any board member and look at the property.
Tom Wright, Attorney representing the Dinnen's spoke to the board
that it is his opinion that the Dinnen1s do own the property just
south of the Cameron property. He stated that he feels the board
should be firm with their conditionsor they could be up against
several delays which will be a detriment to many parties.
Mrs. Kane again pointed out that no matter how large the addition
is, it does not comply with the setback requirements.
Mrs. Martin stated that she would like tne file to be complete with
all of the information upon which we base our decision upon.
Mrs. Kane asked the attorney if we determine that a variance is the
next step, do we have to wait for a variance request?
Attorney Woods stated that the board can act on the appeal.
Mrs. Kane made a motion that Mr. Murphy exercise his rights and ask
for a survey with the present addition to be presented at our next
meeting. After we review the survey a decision will be made, being
seconded by Mr. Lupinek. Upon roll call vote the motion CARRIED 4-0.
At this time there was discussion among the board members about the
next meeting date being on Christmas Eve and the date needs to be
The next matter of business: Application of Mrs. Arlene Beader,
924 Fernald Street who is requesting a 19 foot front setback
variance and a two foot side setback variance for an already
constructed carport.
Mrs. Kane questioned why this is coming to the board after all
of these years?
Mr. Lupinek asked if there is anyone here opposing it?
A Mr. Grogan spoke to the board opposing this. He asked if this
is allowed what is to keep everyone from putting carports on to
keep motor homes and boats. He added that the notice that was in
the paper was put up on U.S. I, and he does not know who can read
that going 50 miles per hour.
Mr. Lupinek stated that he did not see the posting on the property.
He suggested that this case be dropped until it is properly posted.
Mr. Grogan went on to say that the Building Official should have the
authority to enforce the City's laws. He added that he is sure if
the contractor who put up this carport had come in for a building
permit he would have been refused.
Mr. Lupinek stated that he would like to see it stopped, that people
can build without a building permit. then we get these cases after
the fact.
Mrs. Kane stated that you do not have to get a building permit unless
the construction is over $500.00, however you still have to meet
your setbacks.
Board of Adjustments 11/26/80
Mr. Grogan stated that quite a few signatures are on the paper
he brought in who are complaining.
The board members were shown the paperwork, also Mrs. Beader handed
the members a list of signatures who do not complain.
Mr. Siciliano spoke to the board. He stated that the Ordinance is
very vague as far as carports and setbacks are concerned. He explained
that the Zoning Board is trying to work on this at the present time.
Carports are not mentioned, perhaps this is why you see quite a few
of them.
Mrs. Martin asked if anyone else wants to speak to the board.
Mrs. Beader passed out some pictures for the members to look at.
There was more discussion about the property not being posted.
Mrs. Beader stated that she received the notice of the meeting,
however as far as she knows nothing was posted.
Mr. Opal stated that the sidewalk has been there for a long time,
and the roof was just put up, and if you look, the trees are covering
it. There is no obstruction whatsoever.
Mr. Sloan stated that the contractors are taking advantage of the
people. Something should be done about this.
Mrs. Martin asked the board members if we can make a decision.
Mr. Lupinek stated that if you allow one person to do this, then
you have to allow everyone else. He doesn't know where the line
should be drawn.
Mrs. Beader stated that they were told that they did not need a
building permit unless it was over $500.00. She also stated that
if they could have built it somewhere else they would, but that
is the only place to put it.
Mr. Sloan stated that this board is not created to cause h~rdsh1p~
for anyone, however something should be don~ about the contr~ctors
who are really responsible. He added that he ~tshe~ our attorney
was still here so that we could get something" going on thts.
There was more discussion about the restrictions set on construction,
about the limit over which you have to get a building permit, there
was a question about whether contractors have to post a bond; r"t i'5
agreed that something should be done to prevent the~~ thtngs before
they happen. "
Mr. Sloan made a motion that we contact Attor~ey Wood~ and see tf
there isn1t some way possible that we cari stop contractors from
com i n gin wit h i nth e C i t Y 1 i m its 0 fEd 9 ewa t era n d w 0 r kin 9 kn 0 w t n g
full well that they are go1'ng agai'nst the" setbacks, where they need
a v a ria n c e, be i' n g s e con d e d by M r s ." K a n e .
There was a suggestion from the audience that every contractor be
required to p~t up a bond for at least a six month period"!
There was another suggestion from the audien~e that this should be
prevented before the fact, the only way to do this is ch~nge the
ruling about the building permits. They should be issued for $lOO~
or less even.
There was discussion with Mayor Christy about tilTs. HOe explatned
t hat t his has bee n b r 0 ugh t up a t a Co u n c i 1 by h tm, but tt was put
aside. He feels that something sho~ld be don~ ~bout it becatise
the citizens are the ones who ~uffer.
Upon roll call vote on the motion to tontact the attor~ey, it
Board of Adjustments 11/26/80 -4-
Mr. Sloan made a motion that we bring it to the City Council's
attention that we would like to see the $100.00 limit put back
on any building permits in order to alleviate all the variances
that are being requested after the fact, being seconded by
Mr. Lupinek. Upon roll call vote, the motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mrs. Martin asked for the board's pleasure on the situation at hand.
Mr. Sloan stated that he has not had a chance to look over the
property. He would like to see it before he votes on it.
Mr. Lupinek made a motion that we recess this case until our
next meeting and make sure it is posted correctly, being seconded
by Mrs. Kane. Upon roll call vote the motion CARRIED 4-0.
There was discussion at this time about the next meeting date.
It was agreed among the members to set the meeting for the 18th of
Public Hearing adjourned.
November 26,1980
Mrs. Martin
Mrs. Kane
Mr. Sloan
Mr. Lupi nek
Mrs. Walker
A correction needs to be made in the minutes of the October 22nd
meeting. Mr. Lupinek should be listed as excused and not absent.
There was a discussion about the absences that occur. This needs
to be looked into. We need all of our members present all the time.
Mr. Lupinek stated that around the beginning of the year the board
will be looking for a replacement for him. He feels that the board
members do not get together like they should.
Mr. Lupinek made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction,
being seconded by Mrs. Kane. Upon roll call vote the minutes
The board members looked over the minutes of the November 12th meeting.
Mr. Sloan made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 12th
meeting, being seconded by Mrs. Kane. Upon roll call vote the motion
After further discussion there was a motion made by Mrs. Kane to
change the next meeting date to the 18th of December, being seconded
by Mr. Lupinek. Upon roll call vote the motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Sloan made a motion to adjourn, being seconded by Mr. Lupinek.
Meeting adjourned.
Board of Adjustments 11/26/80