Rules and Procedures (.) BOARD OF ADJUS'lMENT Q Rules and Procedures ~ur~J 1. At tl) call of the Chairman, regular meetings will be held at 7 pm on the ~e6Ra Wednesday of each month. The place will be the Mayor's office or such other place as may be publicly announced. The Chairman may also call Special Meetings, recess meetings, reconvene, or adjourn meetings as required by time or circumstance. 2. Two unexcused absences are permitted. By signature below, members agree that the third unexcused absence shall be cmsidered the member's resignation that night, without further action by the City Council. To be excused, members reed only call the Chairman or the City Clerk, prior to the meeting, and notify that he or she will be unable to attend. 3. If Chairman and Vice-chairman are absent, three remaining members may elect a Temporary Chairman to conduct meetings and hearings. At such meetings or hearings, where only 3 menbers are pr'esent, anyone of them may, upon stating his reasons, object to proceeding until 4 or 5 members are present. In that case, the Temporary Chairman may recess the meeting once, for a period no longer than the next regular meeting date, to allow more members to attend. Thereupon the meeting or hearing shall proceed, even though only 3 members are present. 4. Minutes of meetings will be subjedt to approval by the Board at the next available meeting, subject to minutes being typed and ready in time. The Chairman will, with anyassis:hance other members care to give, prepare a memo-report to the City Council immediately following Public Hearings (within a day or two) to summarize the actions, decisions and reasom for doing so, for each case heard. 5. Board members agree that during their terms, theywill avoid public statements or actions during or between hearings, that could compromise the impartial and obje cti ve character of the Board, and prejudice a fair hearing far present and potential cases. Any member of the Board can move for the resignation, or proper removal, of a member engaging in such activity. Three affirmative votes would be reeded to refer the issue to the Council. 6. Witnesses and attorneys will address the Board directly. They will not conduct discussions between themselves and the a udience during the Hearing. Anyone making statements of fact, including the applicant and his attorney, will be required to take an oath as to truthfulness. 7. Order and decorum will be maintained. Loud, disorderly, or disruptive persons may be directed to leave by the Chairman. If they refuse to comply, they will be escorted from the meeting by the proper police official. 8. In carrying out their responsibility to investigate cases that come before the Board, members may, either singly or in groups, visit locations, gather facts, and do any and a 11 things necessary to thoroughly inform themselves of the case facts and background. No decisions will be made or discussed on these occasions. Such discussion and decision shall be made mlyat the Public Hearing and on the record. The City Attorney has confirmed this as a proper procedure for the Board of Adjustments and that it is not in any way a violation of tre "Sunshine Law." 9. All applicants and those speaking pro or Cal, are entitled to a fair, calm and courteous Hearing. Order will be maintained so that the rights of all concerned are protected. Board Memers will be courteous to the audience, applicant and each other, and be tolerant of other points of view. No member's vote shall be questioned by other Board Members. It is suggested, hem ever , that the reasons for a member's decision be given at time of voting, or later in a written memo for the record. i . ~ I . , ' Q () page 2 10. No case'will be scheduled or advertised for Public Hearing until the Chairman has examined the application and related documents for accuracy and completeness and release it to the City Clerk. This is to prevent premature setting of meetings tha t may not be possible or J%'oper under the Ordinan ce . 11. All members are urged to read and study Ordinance 880 and amendments so that each member will be versed in his or her duties and responsibilities, and thus better able to protect the rights of all parties concerned. (The City Attorney is requested to keep the Board members informed of developments in the applicable law and court decisions that affect the Board's responsibilities and procedures.) 12. Due to the unique nature of a Board of Adjustment, rules of procedure are different fran a legislative or administrative group. Boards are non-political, are considered quasi-judicial and function as part-jury, part-judicial, part-investigative. They are responsible for weighing and bilancing the rights of the applicant and the Community, under the Zoning Ordinances. Each Beard member is equally entitled to speak. Each may question witnesses, make statements, vote independently, investigate, arrive at his or her own decision without influence from anyone. The order in which roll call is taken, votes called for, or order of speaking, is entirely irrelevant and of no significance. There is also no need fer "motions, seconds am' calling of questionslt as used by other tyPes of organizations. When all members finish sreaking, the Chairman will state the matter being voted on and the roll call will be taken and vote recorded. "I agree to these rules." CD~ ~;epa--.a/ ~ Owen K. Millard, Chairman Lou1.s Lupinek v f?)JL James Poland ~~ry Neil Astingj a 2J:~ ~~ . r1;~u~ ;2:t~ Jerry Fenski ~: W~B. Gl4~ ~.~ \