06-10-1977 Recessed
Board of Adjustments
June 10, 1977
Chairman Millard called the meeting to order on June 10, 1977.
This is a recessed meeting from June 9, 1977. The meeting was held
in the Mayor's office at 7:00 P.M.
Mr. Millard
Mr. Lupinek
Mr. Fenske
Mr. Poland
Chairman Millard stated that he would like to note that Mr. Cartee
and Mr. Richards are present. Also, a good representation from the
We left this last night that the applicant would submit a plot plan
which they felt they could live with. It should also meet with the
requirements of R-3. After we examine the new plan, if it is agreeable
with the board, we will vote. After the vote the Chairman will write
a letter to the Council briefing them on the hearings that we have already
Mr. Richards was asked to show his plans.
Mr. Richards stated that he has redrawn the plot plan as suggested at
the last meeting. We have eight houses. The first three lots will
be 84 foot frontage and the forth lot will be 50 foot plus, also, the
next two lots which are in the curve of the road will be 50 foot front.
And then 84 foot and probably a 100 foot less than 8400 square foot on
this corner lot. This is due to the curve.
Chairman Millard asked if this lot will be close to 8400 square feet.
He asked how far away from 8400 do they get. Mr. Richards went on to
tell how many square feet each lot has.
Mr. Richards went on to discuss the property that was next to Mr.
Chairman Millard asked Mr. Richards how much space would be between the
existing house of the Wagner's and the proposed house. Mr. Richards
stated that he felt it would be at least 40 feet.
Mr. Lupinek asked about lot 15. Chairman Millard stated that he has
withdrawn that because according to the ordinance he can build.
Chairman Millard stated that he felt that Mr. Richards and Mr. Cartee
should go down and tell us what each one of them is.
Mr. Cartee started with lots 30 and 31 blk E. This is 100 x 100.
Mr. Richards and Mr. Cartee showed the members of the board the new
plot plans that they had drawn up. They also stated that they would
leave these with the board.
Chairman Millard asked anyone if they had wished to look at these plans.
Chairman Millard opened the meeting for discussion.
There was no discussion.
Chairman Millard stated that you have done what was discussed at the
last meeting. And that you make a good effort to come as close to the
area. He feels that the square foot variance with this new plan is
R-3 area. The issue is that the 100 foot depth looks all right, and
there is no way you can add to that. Our job is to make sure that 880
is carried out. He went on to discuss this.
- ,.
Chairman Millard stated that at this point he is ready to vote. He
asked the other members if they were ready to vote. They all stated
that they were ready.
Chairman Millard stated that the variance that we are approving is for
the 100 foot depth where needed. We are granting a square area variance.
Roll call; Mr. Fenske Yes, Mr. Lupinek Yes, Mr. Millard voted yes with
the provisions that we have outlined. Mr. Poland abstained. Application
for variance approved.
Chairman Millard stated that we will write a letter to the council.
He went on to say that he is sure the council will schedule this.
Mr. Kane stated that he felt that this map should go to the council
meeting for them to discuss.
He went on to tell the board that he felt that they had done a good
job and he still felt that Mr. Cartee and Mr. Richards could have
divided their lots to go with the ordinance.
Chairman Millard went on to adjourn the meeting.
'. .
Plan Four is a vast improvement over the first plan. For example,
all the 75-f90t widths and 7500 sq. ft. areas have been eliminated.
To quickly sUIrenaI'ize :-- One lot is laO-feet wide. One is 80-feet wide.
Five are 84-feet wide. Three are 88-f6et wide.
The areas are: -- Five are 8400 square feet. 'I!r se are 8800 square feet.
'One is 10,000 square feet. One is 13,100 3quare feet. One is 8000 sq. ft.
Only seven of the sites needed lOG-foot depth variances. The other
tln'ee lots are pie-shaped, l"avir.g depths reaching 125 to 200 feet, which
is far greater than required in R-3.
Your Board has gh'Bn careful and exacti~ consideration to all the variance
provisions of Ordiance 880, especially keepiq; in mind the spirit
and intent of this Ordiance and applicable law. On Section 904.00
we find positively on the subject of practical difficulty, and tffit
the five criteria of 904.01 are met.
To clarify something tlat may not be clear to some readers of the minutes:
In working towards our final decision, several times votes were begun
on parts of the particular plan before us. As each plan was turned
down, to make way for a revised one from the applicant, we had a fresh
slate and the Board considered the previous votes wiped out. Plan Four
is 'the one upon which we have based our.final--vote-of approval:--
'While your' Board felt it was necessary and proper to insist on the
maximum possible square-foot-area for t~se lots, it also kept in
mind the right of a land owner to reasonable use of his land.
We believe your Board has balanced the rights and desires of both
the applicants and the community, and that the decision::.reached is
a just and fair one.
Ken Millard, Chairman.
Jerry Fenske
Lewis Lupinek
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Plot Plan #4 by Government Builders 1?:I)
Legal ~8criptions \, /" (/l
Minutes of Jlme 8, 9, 10, 1977
TO: City Council
08 10, 1977
FROM f Board of Adjus tmen ta
REf Government Builders, Inc. - Highland Shores case
Applications for variances by Government Builders, Inc. were
considered by your Board on April 13, April 20, May 25, June 8,
June 9 and June 10. There were approximately 12 hours of
iptensive hearings.
Three board merrbers were present and eligible to "vote throughout.
Another member abstained, but contributed his thoughts to the
discuSsions, and was welcomed by the Board.
Input from the ci. tizens of Highland Shores was extensive and quite
helpful on all six hearing dates. The applicants presented their
or.n case, but did utilize an attorney on one night, June 9.
We wish to emphasize that it would be necessary to listen" to nearly
12 hours of tapes and to read a veL'"batim transcript to fully
understand how comprehensive this hearing has been. It is the
longest this board has ever conducted.
For that reason, this letter can only report t he basic facts
and the final conclusions.
The original plot plan called for 11 heme sites... Nine of these
were in one continuous group of lots. Two were On separate sites.
Many of these needed depth variances, some needed ~~dth variances,
sane needed square foot area variances, and a couple needsd yard
The Board refused, for various r~ascns related to each site, to
approve the first, the second and tl:e third plot plans. Finally,
after due discussion and deliberation, the applicant saw fit to
submit plot plan Four. This plan made a good faith effort to
provide the maximum square foot area Possible within the limits
of the land available. It also provided for greater "widths and
remlced the number of home sites in the continuous group from nine
to eif'.ht. And it met all yard set-back requirements.
This final plot plan with accompanying legal descriptions, wae
approved by all three voting members and is attached to this letter.
This plan and ea ch site has been signed by all three members votj.ng
and is hereby made an integral part of the official record of the
hearing. It is 6J:e cifically included as part of the Board' 8 deCision
and the plan's subsequent impler.Jen tatj en by the Building Department.
The vote was 3 to O.
0-/3 - 0') M
9: 3JA. .