Board of Adjustments
May 11, 1977
Chairman Millard called the regular meeting to order on May 11, 1977
at 7:00 P.M. in the Mayor's office.
Attorney Woods was present at this Meeting to answer any questions that
the Board of Adjustments might have.
James Poland
Jerry Fenske
Lewis Lupinek
Ken Mi 11 ard
Marie Nichols
Alice Murphy
Mr. Opal
Mr. Loeffler
Earl White
Judson Woods,
City Attorney
Chairman Millard asked the Attorney if he received a copy of the letter
that he sent. City Attorney Woods stated that he did.
There was some discussion on the Florida Sunshine Law. City Attorney
stated that this board was subject to the Florida Sunshine Law. This
was discussed at length.
There was some discussion on the code of ethics.
There was some discussion on when a variance comes into the office.
Chairman Millard asked the City Attorney if it was possible for us as
a board to investigate the case. You can not make any decisions on
how to vote unless you are at a meeting. They went on to discuss
Chairman Millard stated that in the ordinance it shows that 4 votes for
a motion to be approved. City Attorney stated that it is a 4/5 vote
to be approved. He went on to say that if three members are present
and they all vote a certain way then that is 100%. You always have to
have 5 people present to vote that is the way it reads. Chairman
Millard asked if that could be revised. City Attorney stated that you
would have to hold a Public Hearing to have this changed.
Chairman Millard stated that he felt that a quorum would be the best
way to do it.
City Attorney Woods stated that this is worth checking into.
Mayor Armstrong entered the meeting.
There was some discussion on conflict of interest between a member and
a case. City Attorney Woods read from the commission on ethics. If
you abstain you must file a disclosure form. You can also vote as long
as you file the disclosure form.
There was a lot of discussion on the hardship cases.
Mrs. Nichols asked the City Attorney that with this amendment to the
ordinance on non-conforming-_lots that it takes care of single or two
lots. The area that they have continuous frontage you must consider,
an undivided parcel . And you go back to this thing that you must not
divide to defeat the intent of the ordinance so if you are dividing
do you give variance or do you hold them since they do have the area
to give. City Attorney Woods stated that he thinks the board should
step in when they are trying to circumvent your width requirements,
as in the Highland Shores area. Chairman Millard stated that he would
rather them not duscuss that case.
Chairman Millard stated that he is going to close this meeting if
we get into more of this. This is too close to the case we are supposed
to discuss the next time.
Mrs. Nichols apologized.
Chairman Millard stated that the purpose of this meeting is to orient
Mr. Poland and to learn about what this board can do under law. He
went on to say that he is on the verge of ending this meeting right
Mrs. Nichols stated that she is leaving so you can do what you want.
There was more discussion on hardship cases.
City Attorney Woods discussed parts of Ordinance 880 that concerned
the Board of Adjustments.
There was some discussion on the five criterias that are used when
granting a variance.
There was also some discussion on the non-conforming Ordinance.
There were some questions asked by Mrs. Murphy on non-conforming lots.
These were answered.
Chairman Millard adjourned the meeting.
ClCitp of ~bgtwattr
Volusia County, Florida 32032
Post Office Box 100
Board of Adjustments
Regular Meeting
May 11, 1977
Chairman Millard called the regular meeting of the Board of Adjustments
to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Mayor's office.
Roll Call
L. Lupi nek
J. Fenske
M. Nichols
J. Poland
K. Millard
City Attorney Judson Woods
Mayor Dana T. Armstrong
Frank Opal
Earl White
Mr. White thought this was the way to apply for a variance, he
was informed of the proper procedure.
Attorney Woods answered various quesions from the Board of Adjustment
members relating to power of boards, rights, responsibilities, Sun-
shine Law, Code of Ethics. Chairman Millard ruled that we would
not discuss any specific case and especially not the Highland
Shores case.
Attorney Woods offered to supply the Board of Adjustments with
further case histories from existing law references. There were
some comments from Alice Murphy.
Mrs. Marie Nichols left early.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.