12-09-1974 r~ \ w <.> ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS REGULAR MEETING HELD DECE~~BER 9. 1974 The Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustments was called to order by Chairwoman Woodard Monday. December 9. 1974. at 7:30. ROLL CALL Mrs. Woodard Mrs. r~u rphy Mrs. Nichols ~1 r . Fen s k e Mr. Denton Present Present Present Present Excused Mrs. Nichols made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting held November 11.1974. being seconded by Mrs. Murphy. Said motion CARRIED. Mrs. Woodard stated to the board members that this meeting is strictly workshop and discussion. No voting will be done. A public hearing will be held on January 13th. and no decisions are. to be made until this time. Mrs. Woodard read a letter that she wrote to the people petitioning against the duplexes which are going to be build behind Turgot Ave. In her letter she explained that this matter is out of the board's hands and there is nothing that can be done. There was some discussion about this matter. The board members stated that they are sympathetic with the people. Mrs. Woodard read a letter that she wrote to the City Council returning the letter from Mrs. Clifton Baker in regard to parking her husband's semi truck on their residential property. At this time the board discussed in detail the different subjects which will be coming up at the Public Hearing: Mr. James A. Gilligan is requesting a variance on his p~operty on Magnolia Street. (Discussion on Tape 1. Side A. 18 min.) I~r. James A. Porta. representing Mr. Robert O. Bennett is re- questing a variance on Mr. Bennett's lots on Rhode Island so that he can sell the lots so that they can be built on. (Dis- cussion on Tape 1. Side B. 7 min.) Mr. Kenneth M. Dudley is requesting a variance to make improvements and expansion of his Edgewater Chapel on Ridgewood Avenue. (Dis- cussion on Tape 2. Side A. 17 min.) Mr. William Borgerson is requesting a variance t~ build a roof over the existing slab. He started building a ~~~e next to his house and did not get a building permit. The County Building Inspector stopped him until he gets a 'per~t from the City. He also needs a variance to even have the ~r~e built where it is. Mrs. Woodard suggested that all the board members take a look at this before the next meeting. At this time the board discussed the procedures for a public hearing. Mrs. Woodard explained that all of these variances could be brought up at the same public hearing. w u Mrs. Woodard read a note from Mr. Herbert Bau1m aSking what his property is zoned as. Mrs. Woodard stated that this letter is to be turned back to the City Clerk saying that the Board of Adjustments is not an information board. Mrs. Woodard asked the board to come to the pub1ic~hearing with open minds. There was much discussion about the public hearing. Mrs. Nichols made a motion to adjourn this meeting, being seconded by Mr. Fenske. This meeting adjourned at 10:00.