03-27-1997 ;- , " ,JI (.) <..) . .. Edgewater Police Pension Plan Boa I'd of Trustees P.O. Box 489 Edgewater, Florida 32132 Minutes A meeting of the Board of Tmstees of the City of Edgewater Retirement Board was called to order at 3:03 p.m. on Thursday. March 27. ] 997. in the meeting room of the Edgewater Public Library. Call To Order: Chairman Gary Conroy called the meeting to order. Members present were Glenn Bamhill. Fenll-Ieeb. Gary Conroy. Bret Teitelbaum - absent - and Ruth Garvey. Also present were Jack Ascherl. and Kathy Smith. Recording Secretary. In the audience is Larry Westfalland Sandra Davis. AlHlroval of Minutes: Aller brief discussion. Ferd Heeb made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 27. 11)1)7 meeting as written and Ruth Garvey seconded the motion and it carried 4 - 0 \"ith Bret Teitelbaum being absent. Glen Barnhill Fen! Heeb Gary Conroy Bret Teitelbaum Ruth Garvey yes yes yes absent yes New Business: 4th quarter newsletter: .lack Ascherl went through the Investment Results from Principal fro'm 1992 thm 11)1)6. AscheI'I gave hand outs showing the interest rates during this time. Under the new FPI contracnhere arc quite a number of new investment options available to us. these options arc available to the Funds Selection Service team also. Principal mentioned that they would choose the US Stock Account and then the large company value fund ACCOUNTS: U.S. Stock. Large Company Value fund. Large Company Growth fund and Small Company Value fund. and one trom the AGGRESSIVE ACCOUNTS: Small Company Growth fund. Principal will move 301Yc. of your money into those accounts divided equally between them and they will do this in addition to the realestate account where they intend to put 20% of your money. This will be done over a two year period. Annual Fund Report f.'om Principal: Ascherl said that we received back trom Principal a sample booklet so it can be gone Ihrough hefore it is printed. Fenl Heeh said that he met with Susan Wadsworth. City Clerk who said they are in progress of puting together manuals for each of the members which will include copies of all of those pertinent doculllents that each member should have access to on a constant hasis. including the new FPI plan. Heeh said Ihal Ill; contacted Fred Munos and asked Fred 10 put together a draft of a contract or resolution that this board would use to delegale the authority that he needs 10 continue what the Finance Department is doing for this board. Fred Munos gave a brief description of what the Finance Department's responsibilities arc with the Pension Board. Bret Teitclbaumjoined the meeting at 3:32 p.m. :.. u u ;0 Fcrd I-Icch madc a motion that the Board so authorize him to draft a resolution that will detine what the Fill<\Ilce Department provides for the Board so that any member or new member of the Board will have some comprehension of what is going on. Seconded by Glenn Barnhill Glenn Barnhill yes Ferd Heeh yes Gary Conroy yes Bret Teitelbaum yes Ruth Garvey yes Motion carried 5 - 0 Fred Munos left the meeting at 3:40 p.m. Old Business: Plincipalmailed a check to the Pension Board for Lall)' Westfall's retirement. The check was delivered 10 Larry Westfall by Gary Conroy. Miscellaneous: It was discussed that Gal)' Conroy and Bret Teitelbaum's tour of duty with the Pension Board is up. Gary said that he would advise upper management. Adiournment: . There being no further husiness before the board, Glenn Barnhilmade a motion to adjourn; seconded by Rulh Garvey and it carried 5-0. Glen Barnhill yes Fenl Hech yes Gary Conroy yes Bret Teitelbaum yes Ruth Garvey yes