01-03-2006 o -Q CITY OF EDGEWATER EDGEWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 3, 2006 3:30 P.M. MINUTES 1 . CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairwoman Anne McDevitt called the Regular Meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. at the Edgewater Public Library. 2 . ROLL CALL Members present were: Vice Chairwoman Anne McDevitt, Marie Goodrich, Laverna McGinnis, Sandy Sammons, Delores Shaw and Irene Mackie. Chairwoman Jean Haughwout was absent. Also present were Head Librarian Ruth McCormack and Recording Secretary Lisa Bloomer. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of November 1, 2005 Ms. Sammons moved to approve the November 1, 2005 mdnutes, second by Ms. Shaw. The MOTION CARRIED 6-0. 4. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN Ms. McCormack reported that she was at a New Year's Eve party and received a compliment regarding how great the Edgewater Library is. Ms. McCormack made a presentation regarding the Friends of the Library Landscape Project. She informed the Board it is going to be tied in with the recognition of Mary Rice and everything she has done for them with regard to her endowment and her years with the book sale. There will be a concrete table and benches and they will have some kind of recognition plaque in the middle of the table for her. All of the grass will be pulled out and paving stones will be put in there. It will be like a patio adjacent to the entrance. The bike rack is going to be moved elsewhere. The stone that commemorates Mr. and Mrs. Hawk is going to o o be shifted down. The rest of it will be some beautiful paving stones that will match the three different colors on the outside of the building. She passed around the color selection. She believed the tiles were going to be nine inches. It is all intended for outdoor use. Ms. McDevitt asked if they had a date or time. Ms. McCormack stated Mary's nephew wanted to be included in the plans because he intends to help the Friends financially on that and at the moment he has the plans and they have not heard back from him yet. As soon as he gets back to them and they know at what level he would like to assist them then they will move forward. Ms. Sammons asked if they talked about a tree. Ms. McCormack stated there is a tree that will be incorporated either in that or if they move the bicycle rack to the corner grassy area they may put the tree over there. That was a gift to us from another relative of Mary's and they were just waiting to see exactly where they were going to put it and waiting for all the road projects and everything to be completed before they stick the tree in the ground. She feels this project will really improve the exterior of the building. She thinks people will be very pleased with it. Ms. McCormack stated they had a couple separate ideas and they have decided to roll them all into one very visible project. As soon as they hear back from Roger Bittle, they will proceed and they will begin with pulling out what is there and doing whatever they need to do to prepare it for the pavers. Ms. McDevitt asked about the advertising for the contractors for the inside project. Ms. McCormack stated they had a representative of the City that came and checked the structure for her again and he said it is really a very minimal job and it shouldn't require a permit. They just need to pull down one wall and patch up wherever it needs to be done. He has her more optimistic that she can get the County to do it without having to pay somebody to do it. She is working on it. If she can just get them down here and help them understand. Page -2- Library Board January 3, 2006 Q (,) Ms. McCormack further stated it is very simple. It is just drywall over two studs that has to be removed and then of course whatever opening is left in the ceiling has to be taken care of, patching down the wall and then they would probably get the floor re-carpeted but that wouldn't be there responsibility. They would just call someone to come and do that. 5. COMMUNICATION Ms. Goodrich reported that she wrote the letter to the City as she was asked to at the last meeting. Ms. McCormack stated Jack Corder did call her and she explained the whole situation to him and he said that he wanted to think a little bit as to whether they might want to actually close off the end down there. She hasn't spoken to him again since then but it was a good idea to send a copy to the Police Department because they came down immediately and said they would start ticketing people, that it is a ticketable offense because it is posted and they have been doing so. They park in a place where they can see it. She feels it is helping to reduce the people who have probably been using it every day. Ms. Sammons questioned closing off the other entrance. Ms. McCormack stated if they couldn't stop it any other way because the way the street is configured at this point in time, people have to go all the way out on the highway, drive north, turn around and come back to the drug store. That is where they are getting all this traffic. She also commented on people that want to bypass the light at 5:00 so they are taking the shortcut. They will continue to look at this but the letter got immediate attention and it is helping already. Her and Jack talked about temporarily putting a barricade across there and just see what the response would be~ Ms. Sammons stated she would have a real problem with that. She comes in that way and then she parks out that way because she goes out that way. She doesn't like crossing across Indian River because it is very dangerous. She feels it is easier to maneuver your way across and you are out of the traffic pattern. She would have a problem with that. Page -3- Library Board January 3, 2006 o o Ms. McCormack stated they wouldn't do anything right away. They are just as the moment trying to reduce it down and make the public aware that it is dangerous. Staff members, if they see someone, will hail them down and explain to them why it is dangerous. They are usually driving much faster than they would in a parking lot. They think it is a street. Ms. Simmons feels there should be some type of light there. Ms. McCormack stated the City is aware of it and the Police Department is aware of it and are trying to work with them to get it under control. It is posted no cut through and people are getting tickets and hopefully that will help the problem. Ms. McCormack thanked Ms. Goodrich for writing the letter. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Vice Chairwoman McDevitt reported that she has been reappointed to the Board. A. Discussion Regarding Appreciation Luncheon Vice Chairwoman McDevitt was reluctant to continue because of Chairwoman Haughwout usually handling this. The date for the luncheon is set for April 4th at 11:30 a.m. Ms. Goodrich asked if they would have another meeting before that. Recording Secretary Bloomer informed them it would be in March. Vice Chairwoman McDevitt stated they would tie up the loose ends in March. Ms. McCormack stated they normally do the same menu. Vice Chairwoman McDevitt stated if necessary Chairwoman Haughwout could call an extra meeting. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Friends of the Library Landscape Project Ms. McCormack reported on this under her report. Page -4- Library Board January 3, 2006 o (,) Ms. Sammons reported that she would be moving again to Mt. Dora to help her son with his son. The closing is on January 20th. Recording Secretary Bloomer asked Ms. Sammons to submit a resignation letter to her. Vice Chairwoman McDevitt informed Ms. Sammons she would miss her. 8. MISCELLANEOUS Ms. Mackie commented on the new window at the Union Church honoring Dr. Hawks. It is just beautiful. Ms. Sammons stated it was a beautiful service too. Ms. McCormack asked about the entertainment aspect of the luncheon. They do need to move forward. Ms. Mackie confirmed they would be playing at the luncheon on April 4th at 1:00 p.m. Ms. McCormack informed Ms. Mackie they would be needed at 12:30 p.m. Ms. McCormack asked Ms. Mackie who they would send a letter to in the Bed Pan Band. Ms. Mackie informed her Maryann Marciano on Green Street in New Smyrna Beach. Ms. McCormack informed Ms. Mackie she would send Ms. Marciano a letter and invite her to call her so they can make the arrangements. Ms. Shaw asked if there was a theme for the luncheon and if they wanted her to do the tables. Ms. McCormack informed her she would pull the theme off the Internet. Ms. McCormack stated she would do that and then get with Ms. Shaw to work it out. Vice Chairwoman McDevitt informed Ms. Shaw if she needed anything to contact her. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, Vice Chairwoman McDevitt adjourned the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Bloomer Page -5- Library Board January 3, 2006