March 5, 2002
3:30 P.M.
Chairwoman Jean Haughwout called to order a regular meeting of the Library Board at 3:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, March 5, 2002, in the Edgewater Public Library.
Members present were Chairwoman Jean Haughwout, Marie Goodrich, Linda Ladd, Sue Shaw, Jo
Anne Sikes and Jeanne Foster. Also present were Head Librarian Ruth McCormack; County Library
Advisory Board (CLAB) Representative for District 2 Eva Williams and recording secretary Liz
McBride. Mary Rice was excused.
The minutes for February 5, 2002, were presented to the Board for approval. Ms. McCormack
wanted to correct the last paragraph of page one. She stated, "I believe I said something to the effect
that the book sale was organized and supervised by Mary Rice and Marge Young with a special
thanks to Linda Ladd and Kay Billick who provided the muscle power for the sale. I don't want to
minimize the participation of Mary Rice and Marge Young in any way." The verbatim record is as
stated in the February 5,2002 minutes. Ms. Ladd pointed out that the spelling of Ms. Billick's name
was with an i not an e. Ms. Foster moved to approve the minutes as corrected, second by Ms. Sikes.
Motion CARRIED 6-0.
A. Nomination and Election of Chairman - Ms. Sikes nominated Jean Haughwout for
Chairman, second by Ms. Goodrich. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
B. Nomination and Election of Vice Chairman - Ms. Ladd nominated Mary Rice for Vice
Chairman, second by Ms. Sikes. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
C. Nomination and Election of Corresponding Secretary - Ms. Sikes nominated Marie
Goodrichfor Corresponding Secretary, second by Ms. Ladd. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Head Librarian Ruth McCormack stated, while going through the files she was gratified to see the
many times the Library Board had "stepped up to the plate" on behalf of the Librarian or the Library.
She was pleased to have a group she could rely on.
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March 5, 2002 - Minutes
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Ms. McCormack distributed and went over statistics for February (attached to the original). She
commented that the Inter-Library Loans service was wonderful. She said the service is for anyone
looking for an item that a library within the County system did not have, they could do a search and
get it mailed in for them.
In the computer area, Ms. McCormack said the average usage per month was 1,800. She said the
computers were in use almost all of the time in the adult section, and are booked at hourly intervals.
Ms. McCormack said the Library offers instruction to adults but not to children at this time. She said
they hope to offer PowerPoint to highschool students in the spring. Ms. McCormack continued to
report on the programs being offered. She stated there were 26 community uses of the room they
were currently in, and that it was booked sometimes twice a day. The most popular programs for
the month were "Mold and Mildew" and "Water Wise Use of Your Sprinkler and Rain Gages." Ms.
McCormack reported on the upcoming events.
Concerning the facility, Ms. McCormack reiterated that paint and carpet were items that would be
before County Council in April. The request for 12 units of shelving had been granted, ordered and
would be installed. Since the auditorium floor was not installed correctly, their maintenance man
suggested they submit a budget request to the County for the coming year to have it repaired or
Ms. McCormack said she printed copies of the most recent By-laws. She referred to an item that
mentioned the Board "review budget needs with Librarian for inclusion in annual budget" and felt
that it referred to the City budget which they no longer have. She said the Board may want to review
and revise them. CLAB Representative Eva Williams also agreed that the By-laws should be
reviewed and it should state all monies donated to the Edgewater Library shall go to the Edgewater
Library. It was suggested they might want to look at New Smyrna's recently revised By-laws.
Ms. McCormack said they needed to change the date of the volunteer luncheon because it was set
for the same day as New Smyrna's luncheon. The date was changed from April 16 to April 9, 2002.
Ms. McCormack distributed a brochure that the Friends were currently handing out. She said the
Friends had a very successful membership drive in February, gaining 45 new members. They now
have approximately 230 paid members.
Chairman Haughwout read a resignation letter from Sue Shaw, regretfully accepted it and wished
her well.
Chairman Haughwout mentioned she had a due's request from the Florida Library Association which
the Board decided at the previous meeting not to renew.
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March 5, 2002 - Minutes
Page 3
Chairman Haughwout asked Ms. Sikes if she was doing the program for the luncheon. Although Ms.
Sikes had not previously volunteered, she agreed to find someone. When asked about decorations,
Ms. Ladd said they had mentioned red, white and blue. She displayed an invitation she made and
said the theme was "Volunteers, You Are The Heart of America." Ms. Ladd and Ms. Foster offered
to purchase the decorations. The Board discussed decorations and went over the menu.
None at this time
Ms. Williams reported that Mike Knievel, V olusia County Library Director, and she were in
Tallahassee and met with many Senators and representatives to talk about the budget and the
proposed cuts they were going to make for 2002/2003. She said they were given some assurance that
it probably wouldn't happen. Ms. Williams said she and Mr. Knievel received e-mails from the head
of the Florida Library Association saying that they are going to have the same amount of money as
this year in next year's budget. She felt 2003/2004 was going to be really bad as far as funds. Ms.
Williams said the more they hear from library people the more they pay attention. She felt people
needed library services more now than ever because people are not going away as much. She said
the library budget was the least expensive items in the whole Florida State budget.
Ms. McCormack agreed about the increased need for library services and how the library helps
people file for unemployment by using the computers. She said since September 11 th, the library is
being used more than ever, with spiritual issues and history books topping the list.
Ms. Williams believed books were back in fashion.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to
adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4: 15 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride
Recording Secretary