04-09-2002 - Special
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April 9, 2002
12:30 P.M.
Chairwoman Jean Haughwout called to order a special meeting of the Library Board at 12:35 p.m.,
Tuesday, April 9, 2002, in the Edgewater Public Library. The purpose of the meeting was to
recognize the Library volunteers.
Chairwoman Haughwout thanked everyone for coming and praised the volunteers for their work and
that they save the Library hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.
Members present were Chairwoman Jean Haughwout, Marie Goodrich, Linda Ladd, JoAnne Sikes
and Jeanne Foster. Also present were Head Librarian Ruth McCormack; Regional Librarian Suzan
Howes; County Library Advisory Board (CLAB) Representative for District 2 Eva Williams; Reggie
Williams, Volusia County Community Services Director; Mayor Schmidt and recording secretary
Liz McBride. Sue Shaw was excused.
Chairwoman Haughwout asked for a moment of silence for Mary Rice who recently passed away
and had been a Board member for many years and would be dearly missed.
Chairwoman introduced the head table.
Head Librarian Ruth McCormack thanked the volunteers for helping the Library achieve their goals
in regard to recent changes. Ms. McCormack gave reasons why they use volunteers: involved
volunteers become strong library supporters and advocates, they enhance library services, bring their
community connections to the library, free-up staff time and add specialized skills and diversity. She
reported the Volunteers worked a total of 6,054 hours during the past year.
Regional Librarian Suzan Howes echoed Ms. McCormick's comments. She mentioned attending
the Florida Library Association Conference recently where a key-note speaker said beside providing
information and books, they needed to be out in front of the public, be a little political, so the
community knows the Library is there. She felt all of the Volunteers do get the word out and she
wished there was a better word than just "thank you".
Eva Williams, CLAB Representative, said the Volunteers, like the British crown jewels, were all
priceless and totally appreciated. She said the County Library Advisory Board thanks the Volunteers
from the bottom of their hearts for all they do, and to please continue.
Reggie Williams, Volusia County Community Services Director, reiterated what had already been
said and added that the importance of volunteers in the 15 libraries throughout Volusia County is
very critical. He said without volunteers, they could not afford to operate the system. He said the
County Manager and County Council understand the importance of the hours that the volunteers
spend and on behalf of the County Manager and Council, truly thank all and saluted their efforts.
Edgewater Library Board
April 9, 2002 - Minutes
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Edgewater Mayor Don Schmidt commented on the banner which read "V olunteers You are the Heart
of America" and concurred with what everyone had already said, that everyone knows without
volunteers we would be "up the creek". He said with the happenings in the community and the
nation over the past year or two, they have seen how volunteers playa key role in everything from
saving lives to library boards and other things. If we tried to staff the libraries with everyone that
was needed, the Mayor said they would not be able to afford it. The Mayor emphasized the
importance of the roles the Volunteers play.
Chairwoman Haughwout was very appreciative of Liz McBride, Recording Secretary, who attends
all their meetings and "keeps them straight".
Chairwoman Haughwout adjourned the meeting at approximately 12:50 p.m. to partake of the meal.
Ms. Sikes gave the blessing.
For the luncheon program, Ms. Sikes introduced B. J. Morgan, owner ofB J's Flowers & Plants on
S. Ridgewood Avenue in Edgewater, who demonstrated her flower arrangement skills. The theme
and colors of red, white and blue were carried throughout her arrangements. Three of the
arrangements were to be donated to members who were ill and unable to attend the luncheon.
V olunteers were recognized for their individual jobs and asked to stand when their job function was
announced. Linda Ruddy, Library Assistant, read and distributed certificates to the Volunteers for
their service. Ms. Ruddy stated a memorial had been started for Mary Rice and ideas were needed
from the Volunteers of what they wanted to do with the fund.
Ms. Ruddy thanked Ms. Ladd for doing this year's invitations and displayed many previous year's
invitations she composed.
There being no additional business to address, Chairwoman Haughwout thanked all for coming and
adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Elizabeth J. McBride
Recording Secretary