02-05-2002 r.. .. u Q o.~",\,)~ -...;> ~\-'- c:.. CNl...u:... ~ c:.- LIBRARY BOARD EDGEWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULAR MEETING February 5,2002 3:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Jean Haughwout called to order a regular meeting of the Library Board at 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 5, 2002, at the Edgewater Public Library. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairwoman Jean Haughwout, Marie Goodrich, Linda Ladd, Sue Shaw and Jeanne Foster. Also present were Head Librarian Ruth McCormack; Regional Librarian Suzan Howes; and recording secretary Liz McBride. Mary Rice was excused and Jo Anne Sikes was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes for October 2, 2001, were presented to the Board for approval. Ms. Ladd said that in the third paragraph under the Report of the Librarian, she believed the name Mr. Ladd should be Linda Ruddy. Ms. Goodrich moved to approve the minutes as corrected, second by Ms. Foster. Motion CARRIED 5-0. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN: Head Librarian Ruth McCormack distributed statistics for the month of December and felt they were doing pretty well. She said the total items circulated for the year was 157,000 and the average person count was approximately 500 per day. They are staying very busy. Ms. McCormack reported there had been staff changes, and as everyone knew, Gayle (Harmon) had retired. She said they had farmed out particular duties due to being one person short. Ms. McCormack heads the branch and the reference department and Stacy Hutchins is the assistant branch head and the manager of the circulation section. Ann Potter and Linda Ruddy work under Ms. Hutchins. Mary Graves (who was introduced before the start of the meeting) has the children's and young adult's area with Alice Smith continuing to work in that area. Ms. McCormack said they had approval for a 20-hour student position but are currently in a hiring freeze. Ms. McCormack announced that since the last meeting there were six computer classes with 340 in attendance and 31 children's programs with an attendance of 1,143. Current and upcoming events include a historical series by Jo Anne Sikes and a new series sponsored by the Friends called Florida Living. The first of the series was on butterfly gardening with more planned. Ms. McCormack said the Friend's January book sale was successful producing $1,300+. She said they had Linda Ladd and Kay B~llick to thank for providing the "muscle power" with Mary Rice and Marge participating. A membership drive for the Friends would be coming up this month. -. ~- Q u Edgewater Library Board February 5, 2002 - Minutes Page 2 As far as capital improvements, Ms. McCormack said they were on the County Council agenda April 18th for carpet and painting. She said the carpet and paint were not in horrible condition, but after 14 years, it was time for a spruce-up. Ms. McCormack referred to the final parking plans Jack Corder dropped off. She said the bids were out, due back by February 15th and would then go before City Council for approval. She said the new parking lot would be constructed first then alterations to the existing lot would follow. Upon completion, there would be the same number parking spaces as they currently have. A covered walkway, as suggested by the Board, would not be built. The Board discussed the plans, the ingress and egress and a location for staff parking. Regional Librarian Suzan Howes commented that V olusia County Library Director Mike Knievel was currently in Tallahassee. She said she had an annual statistic that Edgewater circulated 13,515 more items in 2001 than in 2000 which was great. COMMUNICA TIONS: Chairman Haughwout read a thank you note from Gayle Harmon concerning her retirement. She also displayed two news paper articles pertaining to Ruth McCormack heading the Library and Mary Rice and Marjorie Young at the Friends book sale. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Discuss Promoting and Encouraging Ways of Donating to the Library - An updated pamphlet created by Ms. Shaw was reviewed. Ms. Shaw explained the changes and other suggestions were made. Ms. Howes said she would take the pamphlet back to the Management Team for review. Ms. Shaw said she would give Ms. Howes the disc for changes. It was questioned whether the form to donate could be put on the Web-site. NEW BUSINESS: A. Advise Members of Term Expiration Dates - Ms. McBride said Mary Rice was the only one with a term ready to expire. Chairman Haughwout read a letter from Ms. Rice indicating she would like to be reappointed. Ms. McBride said there needed to be a motion from the Board to recommend to City Council that Mary Rice be reappointed; Ms. Ladd so moved, second by Ms. Shaw. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Ms. Shaw informed the members she would be resigning from the Board due to a change in her job, making it difficult to attend the meetings. She said she would resign after the April appreciation luncheon. .-. ..' ~ o o ; Edgewater Library Board February 5, 2002 - Minutes Page 3 B. Set Annual Luncheon Date - The Chairman read the menu from the previous year and everyone agreed it should remain the same. The date was set for Tuesday, April 16, 2002, at 12:30 p.m. Food preparations were discussed, figuring on approximately 60 people being invited. The Board was to think about a theme/program/decorations and discuss it at the March meeting. MISCELLANEOUS: Chairman Haughwout said the Florida Library Association dues needed to be paid and the City of Edgewater would no longer be funding Board activities. Also, the White House Councils on Library Information Services dues would be due shortly. The Chairman said no one read the publications and it was discussed if they should be renewed. The Board decided there was no need for renewal. Ms. McBride announced the City of Edgewater would be holding its 2nd annual CleanScene Day on April 6th. She said Councilwoman Lichter wondered if the Library could supply any educational information on the prevention of littering. Ms. McCormack said the County Waste Management Office had a recycling coordinator who may be able to help and would give Ms. McBride her number. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth J. McBride Recording Secretary A:\.min020502.reg