10-02-2001 .. (.) () G \1^<>"'l~ c-r,. c.. eN"\... "1...0. ~ LIBRARY BOARD EDGEWATER PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULAR MEETING October 2, 2001 3:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Jean Haughwout called to order a regular meeting of the Library Board at 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 2,2001, in the Edgewater Public Library. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairwoman Jean Haughwout, Marie Goodrich, Mary Rice, Linda Ladd, Jo Anne Sikes and Jeanne Foster. Also present were Librarian Gayle Harmon, Ruth McCormack and recording secretary Liz McBride. Sue Shaw was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes for the regular meeting of March 6, 2001, and a special meeting of April 24,2001, were presented to the Board for approval. Ms. Rice moved to approve the minutes as presented, second by Ms. Ladd. Motion CARRIED 6-0. REPORT OF THE LIBRARIAN: Librarian Gayle Harmon informed the members that Regional Librarian Suzan Howes had a previous meeting and sent her regrets. Ms. Harmon reported big changes in staffing. Melanie West left the library to take a position as head of circulation at Embry Riddle, and Ruth McCormack had been promoted to Assistant Head Librarian. Ms. Harmon told the group she was giving serious consideration to retiring by the end of the year. She said they were in the process of looking for a new Children's Librarian to replace Ms. McCormack. Ms. Harmon said the library had been busy all summer. Numerous inter-library loans had been placed due to the on-line catalog services. Since the last Board meeting, they held 17 computer classes with a total of 538 in attendance. Additional classes were scheduled throughout October which will include basic introduction to computers, Internet and e-mail, and introduction to Word. Ms. Harmon reported on changes in employee benefits. The workday of August 16 was spent cleaning up and special projects. The volunteers recently held a shelf reading party lead by Mr-:-badd \..~~J;. and held a volunteer brunch. Ms. Harmon and staff were participating in a Breast Cancer Awareness R~..~ 1 event sponsored by Lee Jeans by donating five dollars. She said they were concerned because a few people in the library system were undergoing treatments for breast cancer. Ms. Harmon remarked that the next book sale would be October 26 and 27,2001. She said the sale in April was a huge success, with profits of approximately $1,200. A ballet program was being held on Sunday, November 4 at 2:00 p.m. and the Friends held a card party July 14. .. v Q -~=' Library Board Minutes October 2, 2001 Page 2 Ms. McCormack reported on the Summer Library Program. She said they held 25 programs over an eight week period with a total attendance of 1,294 children and parents. There were 54 junior volunteers who committed 595 hours of service to the library. The total days of reading logged by the children were 883 days. Alice put the arts and crafts together which enhanced the programs. It was mentioned that the junior volunteers, overseen by Jeanne Foster, put on a final talent show which was enjoyed by all. COMMUNICA TIONS: Chairwoman Haughwout read two thank you notes, and reported the annual dues for WHCLIST had been paid. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Chairwoman Haughwout asked if there had been any donations to the library resulting from the article in the newsletter (none). Ms. Sikes said the Friends of the Library now have a newsletter. The Chairwoman asked if they should put in an article requesting the donation of books and was told they have more books than they can handle. PRESENT A TION: Christopher Murphy, Weldon Land Development, Inc., informed the Board he was a civil engineer working on the design of a new parking lot. He gave an overview and displayed the preliminary plans. In exchange for the State taking the parking places along SR 442, they (FDOT) purchased the corner parcel to the west and are allowing the City to build a parking lot. In addition to the parking lot design, he will also be working on the configuration of the current library lot. It was his intent to connect the two current lots together, looking at better traffic circulation and the possibility of a book drop. Mr. Murphy said he would like the Board's input on things they might want to see. The Board reviewed the plans and discussed the book drop, handicapped spots, traffic flow and curbing. Mr. Murphy said they would like to begin construction of the new parking lot in early December 2001, and had planned to have the design completed in mid-November. Mr. Murphy left a set of plans with Ms. Harmon for staffto review. She was given two weeks to compile comments. NEW BUSINESS: None at the time. MISCELLANEOUS: Ms. Sikes said Ruth McCormack was to be the guest speaker at the Historical Society on the evening of October 18, 200 I, doing cracker tales. '. (.) u i"" Library Board Minutes October 2, 2001 Page 3 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:24 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Elizabeth J. McBride Recording Secretary A:\.min 1 0020 I.reg