09-11-2002 I CITY OF EDGEW A TER Planning and Zoning Board Wednesday, September 11, 2002 6:30 p.m. Chairman Vopelak called to order the regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 6:30 p.m., September 11,2002 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive, Edgewater, Florida. ROLL CALL Members present were Chairman Edwin V opelak, Robert Garthwaite, Kristine Pluscec and Donald Masso and Anton Heeb. Russell Mullen and Charlene Zeese were excused. Also present were Chief Planner Darren Lear and Planning Technician Bonnie Wenzel. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Pluscec made a motion to approve the minutes of August 14, 2002 as read, Mr. Masso seconded. MOTION PASSED 5-0. OLD BUSINESS None at this time. NEW BUSINESS 5A. V A-0215, Richard Balmey requesting a variance to the rear yard setback for property located on the southwest corner of 29th Street and Hibiscus Drive, west of the FEe Railroad. Chairman V opelak opened the public hearing and Mr. Lear gave the background of this request. Chairman V opelak asked if the alley behind this parcel would ever be developed. Mr. Lear did not think so. Chairman V opelak asked where the setback was from. Mr. Lear stated the setback was from the property line. Mr. Richard Blarney stated that he would be using the property for personal storage of his recreational vehicles, and that he has already purchased a building. Chairman V opelak asked what the building was constructed of. Mr. Blarney stated it was steel, and he had it upgraded to withstand 125 mile per hour winds. Mr. Heeb stated there were no provisions for parking and landscaping and wanted to know how that would layout. Mr. Lear stated that the applicant had to go through the site plan approval process and those issues would be addressed at that time. Mr. Garthwaite stated that the plan showed a 20-inch Oak tree that would have to be removed. Mr. Blarney stated he was aware of that and was going to leave as many trees on the property as he could. Page 1 of 1 9-11-02 I CITY OF EDGEWATER Planning and Zoning Board Wednesday, September 11, 2002 6:30 p.m. There being no further discussion, Chairman V opelak closed the public hearing. Mr. Masso made a motion to approve the variance request from Section 21-50 Table V-I of the Land Development Code, to allow a rear setback of27-feet in lieu of the required 50-feet with the conditions by Mr. Garthwaite that there be an opaque fence or vegetation according to our Ordinance on the west side to screen the structure from the duplexes behind, as well as the 20- inch Oak tree be replaced with eight (8) 2 'lj -inch trees along the fence. Mrs. Pluscec seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Planning Director' Report Mr. Lear stated that items may be pulled from next years budget, including possible the study for a S.R. 442 corridor. He stated it was possible this could be back in in about six (6) months. He further stated that he is looking into other funding options for this project. Mr. Garthwaite suggested placing a moratorium on development along S.R. 442 until the study can be done. Much discussion ensued regarding the plans for S.R. 442, the Board decided to have Chairman Vopelak draft a letter to Council stating their intentions. Mr. Heeb wanted to have a workshop to write the letter. Mr. Lear informed the Board that due to lack of agenda item there will not be a meeting in October. 2. Chairman's Report None at this time. 3. Agency Member's Report ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Bonnie Wenzel, Board Secretary Page 2 of2 9-11-02